private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities()) { try { User _user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.username == txtusername.Text) && (x.password == txtPassword.Text)); if (null != _user) { if ( > 0) { // log in this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("حاول مرة اخرى"); } } catch { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; this.Close(); } } }
public FamilyPhoneBook(long FamiyID) { using (ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities()) { FamilyPerson currentFamilyPerson = db.FamilyPersons.FirstOrDefault(x => == FamiyID); this.Husbandid = currentFamilyPerson.Husbandid; this.wifeid = currentFamilyPerson.wifeid; this.ChildBelow18 = currentFamilyPerson.childnumunder18; this.ChildNumup18 = currentFamilyPerson.childNumabove18; this.FamilyIncom = currentFamilyPerson.Income; this.street = currentFamilyPerson.street; this.HomeNumber = currentFamilyPerson.HomeNumber; this.Telephone = currentFamilyPerson.Telephone; this.cellnumber = currentFamilyPerson.cellnumber; Person husbbund = db.Persons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IDnum == this.Husbandid); if (null != husbbund) { this.HusbundFullName = husbbund.FirstName + " " + husbbund.FatherName + " " + husbbund.LastName + " #" + husbbund.IDnum; this.FamilyName = husbbund.LastName; } husbbund = db.Persons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IDnum == this.wifeid); if (null != husbbund) { this.WifeFullName = husbbund.FirstName + " " + husbbund.FatherName + " " + husbbund.LastName + " #" + husbbund.IDnum; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FamilyName)) { this.FamilyName = husbbund.LastName; } } } }
public ReportPhoneByFamily() { InitializeComponent(); using (ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities()) { foreach (var item in db.Persons.Take(1000)) { FamilyCollection.Add(item.LastName); } foreach (var item in db.FamilyPersons.Take(1000)) { StreetCollection.Add(item.street); } } textBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; textBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; textBox1.AutoCompleteCustomSource = FamilyCollection; textStreet.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; textStreet.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; textStreet.AutoCompleteCustomSource = StreetCollection; // dtGridFamilyProjectHistory.AutoGenerateColumns = false; // dtGridFamilyProjectHistory.Columns.Add("sum", "مجموع "); }
public FamilyPersonAdd() { InitializeComponent(); ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities(); IQueryable<City> query = db.Cities.Where(x => x.ID != 0); drpCity.DataSource = query; drpCity.DisplayMember = "City1"; drpCity.ValueMember = "ID"; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // validate inputs // add inputs to database // FamilyPerson _family = new FamilyPerson(); ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities(); Person _currentPerson = new Person(); FamilyPerson newFamilyRelation = new FamilyPerson(); newFamilyRelation.Husbandid = txtHusbandid.Text; newFamilyRelation.wifeid = txtwifeid.Text; newFamilyRelation.street = txtStreet.Text; newFamilyRelation.CityID = Convert.ToInt32(drpCity.SelectedValue); newFamilyRelation.HomeNumber = txtHomeNum.Text; newFamilyRelation.POBOX = txtPOBOX.Text; newFamilyRelation.mikod = Convert.ToInt32(txtMikod.Text); newFamilyRelation.Telephone = txtTelephone.Text; newFamilyRelation.cellnumber = txtCell.Text; newFamilyRelation.childnumunder18 = Convert.ToInt32(txtChildesUnder18.Text); newFamilyRelation.childNumabove18 = Convert.ToInt32(txtChiledabove18.Text); newFamilyRelation.workType = txtWork.Text; newFamilyRelation.Income = Convert.ToInt32(txtIncome.Text); if (string.Empty != txtOjra.Text) { newFamilyRelation.Mashkanta_Ojra = Convert.ToInt32(txtOjra.Text); } newFamilyRelation.ownHouse = chkOwnHouse.Checked; db.AddToFamilyPersons(newFamilyRelation); db.SaveChanges(); /*db.SaveChanges();*/ _currentPerson.FamilyID =; _currentPerson.IDnum = txtHusbandid.Text; _currentPerson.FirstName = txtHusFirstname.Text; _currentPerson.FatherName = txtHusFatherName.Text; _currentPerson.LastName = txtHusFamily.Text; db.AddToPersons(_currentPerson); _currentPerson = new Person(); _currentPerson.FamilyID =; _currentPerson.IDnum = txtwifeid.Text; _currentPerson.FirstName = txtWifeFirstname.Text; _currentPerson.FatherName = txtWifeFatherName.Text; _currentPerson.LastName = txtWifeFamily.Text; db.AddToPersons(_currentPerson); db.AddToPersons(_currentPerson); db.SaveChanges(); btnAddFamily.Enabled =false; MessageBox.Show("تم اضافة العائلة بنجاح"); // we should add id number for husband and wife // this.FillGridMySites(this.oMySites.GetDataList(tblMySitesDB.lists.All, tblMySitesDB.Where.None, tblMySitesDB.Order.ByID)); }
private void RenderReport(moslemFamilyProject moslemFamilyProject) { List<PersonsInProjects> allFamiliesinProj=new List<PersonsInProjects>(); ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities(); var query = from p in db.moslemFamilyProjects.Where(x => ( >= dateFrom.Value) && ( <= dateTo.Value)) select p; List<moslemFamilyProject> allprj = query.ToList<moslemFamilyProject>(); foreach (moslemFamilyProject item in allprj) { PersonsInProjects _personinproject = new PersonsInProjects(item.familyID); = Convert.ToDateTime("M/d/yyyy"); _personinproject.Amount = item.amount; _personinproject.Titleamount = "المبلغ"; // _personinproject.ProjectName = comboBox1.Text; allFamiliesinProj.Add(_personinproject); } this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DataSet_PersoninFamily", allFamiliesinProj)); ReportParameter p1 = new ReportParameter("DateFrom", dateFrom.Value.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy")); ReportParameter p2 = new ReportParameter("DateTo", dateTo.Value.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy")); ReportParameter p3 = new ReportParameter("project", comboBox1.Text); reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { p1, p2, p3 }); reportViewer1.Visible = true; this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); }
private void RenderReport(HomeFixesProject homeFixesProject) { List<PersonsInProjects> allFamiliesinProj = new List<PersonsInProjects>(); ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities(); var query = from p in db.HomeFixesProjects.Where(x => ( >= dateFrom.Value) && ( <= dateTo.Value)) select p; List<HomeFixesProject> allprj = query.ToList<HomeFixesProject>(); foreach (HomeFixesProject item in allprj) { PersonsInProjects _personinproject = new PersonsInProjects(item.familyID); = Convert.ToDateTime("M/d/yyyy"); _personinproject.Amount = item.amount ; _personinproject.Titleamount = "مبلغ الترميم"; _personinproject.AdditionalData+= "عدد الغرف :"+ item.RoomNumbers +"\n"; _personinproject.AdditionalData += " احتياجات الترميم :" + item.Tarmimdemands + "\n"; _personinproject.AdditionalData += " تكاليف الترميم :" + item.TarmimTakalef + "\n"; _personinproject.AdditionalData += " ملاحظات :" + item.Note + "\n"; // _personinproject.ProjectName = comboBox1.Text; allFamiliesinProj.Add(_personinproject); } this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DataSet_PersoninFamily", allFamiliesinProj)); ReportParameter p1 = new ReportParameter("DateFrom", dateFrom.Value.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy")); ReportParameter p2 = new ReportParameter("DateTo", dateTo.Value.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy")); ReportParameter p3 = new ReportParameter("project", comboBox1.Text); reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { p1, p2, p3 }); reportViewer1.Visible = true; this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); }
private void RenderReport(SchoolBagsProject schoolBagsProject) { List<PersonsInProjects> allFamiliesinProj = new List<PersonsInProjects>(); ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities(); var query = from p in db.SchoolBagsProjects.Where(x => ( >= dateFrom.Value) && ( <= dateTo.Value)) select p; string MasrofSummary = string.Empty; long? sum = query.Sum(x => x.amount); MasrofSummary = "عدد الحقائب التي وزعت بين هذه التواريخ : " + sum.ToString(); List<SchoolBagsProject> allprj = query.ToList<SchoolBagsProject>(); foreach (SchoolBagsProject item in allprj) { PersonsInProjects _personinproject = new PersonsInProjects(item.familyID); = Convert.ToDateTime("M/d/yyyy"); _personinproject.Amount = item.amount; _personinproject.Titleamount = "عدد الحقائب"; // _personinproject.ProjectName = comboBox1.Text; allFamiliesinProj.Add(_personinproject); } this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DataSet_PersoninFamily", allFamiliesinProj)); ReportParameter p1 = new ReportParameter("DateFrom", dateFrom.Value.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy")); ReportParameter p2 = new ReportParameter("DateTo", dateTo.Value.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy")); ReportParameter p3 = new ReportParameter("project", comboBox1.Text); ReportParameter p4 = new ReportParameter("MasrofSummary", MasrofSummary); reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { p1, p2, p3,p4 }); reportViewer1.Visible = true; this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); }
void txtHusbandid_Leave(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // check if there is id like that at table FamilyPerson //if have a relation in family person then bool isthereahusbandinsystem = false; if (txtHusbandid.Text.Length > 8) { //isthereahusbandinsystem= this.oPerson.ExisPersonByIDnumber(txtid.Text); ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities(); var familyrelation = db.FamilyPersons.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Husbandid == txtHusbandid.Text) || (x.wifeid == txtHusbandid.Text)); if (null!= familyrelation) { isthereahusbandinsystem = true; } else { isthereahusbandinsystem = false; } } if (isthereahusbandinsystem) { // isthereahusbandinsystem MessageBox.Show("تفاصيل الزوج موجودة .لا يمكن اضافة شخص اكثر من مرة"); // clear id txtHusbandid.Text = string.Empty; txtwifeid.Focus(); } }
void txtWifeId_Leave(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // check if there is id like that at table FamilyPerson //if have a relation in family person then bool isthereahusbandinsystem = false; if (txtwifeid.Text.Length > 8) { ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities(); var familyrelation = db.FamilyPersons.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Husbandid == txtwifeid.Text) || (x.wifeid == txtHusbandid.Text)); if (null != familyrelation) { isthereahusbandinsystem = true; } else { isthereahusbandinsystem = false; } } if (isthereahusbandinsystem) { // isthereahusbandinsystem MessageBox.Show(" الزوج موجود وتابع لعاءلة اخرى"); // clear id txtwifeid.Text = string.Empty; txtwifeid.Focus(); } }
private void RenderReport(moslemFamilyProject moslemFamilyProject) { List<FamilyPerson> allFamiliesinProj=new List<FamilyPerson>(); List<Person> allprj=new List<Person>(); ZakahEntities db = new ZakahEntities(); var query = from f in db.FamilyPersons.Where(x => x.street.StartsWith(textStreet.Text)) join p in db.Persons.Where(x => (x.LastName.StartsWith(textBox1.Text))) on equals p.FamilyID select new { f.street, p.FamilyID, p.IDnum, f.Husbandid, f.wifeid, f.cellnumber, f.Telephone, p.LastName, f.HomeNumber }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox1.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(textStreet.Text)) { // search by both; query = from f in db.FamilyPersons join p in db.Persons.Where(x => (x.LastName.StartsWith(textBox1.Text))) on equals p.FamilyID select new { f.street, p.FamilyID, p.IDnum, f.Husbandid, f.wifeid, f.cellnumber, f.Telephone, p.LastName, f.HomeNumber }; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox1.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textStreet.Text)) { // search by both; query = from f in db.FamilyPersons.Where(x => x.street.StartsWith(textStreet.Text)) join p in db.Persons on equals p.FamilyID select new { f.street, p.FamilyID, p.IDnum, f.Husbandid, f.wifeid, f.cellnumber, f.Telephone, p.LastName, f.HomeNumber }; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox1.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textStreet.Text)) { // search by both; query = from f in db.FamilyPersons.Where(x => x.street.StartsWith(textStreet.Text)) join p in db.Persons.Where(x => (x.LastName.StartsWith(textBox1.Text))) on equals p.FamilyID select new { f.street, p.FamilyID, p.IDnum, f.Husbandid, f.wifeid, f.cellnumber, f.Telephone, p.LastName, f.HomeNumber }; ; } var query2 = from a in query group a by a.FamilyID into newfamily select new { PostalCode = newfamily.Key, newfamily = newfamily }; foreach (var item1 in query2) { foreach (var item in item1.newfamily) { FamilyPerson currentFamilyPerson = db.FamilyPersons.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Husbandid == item.IDnum) || (x.wifeid == item.IDnum)); FamilyPhoneBook _familyDetails = new FamilyPhoneBook(; // = Convert.ToDateTime("M/d/yyyy"); // _familyDetails.Amount = item.amount; _familyDetails.Titleamount = "مبلغ الترميم"; //_familyDetails.AdditionalData += "عدد الغرف :" + item.RoomNumbers + "\n"; //_familyDetails.AdditionalData += " احتياجات الترميم :" + item.Tarmimdemands + "\n"; //_familyDetails.AdditionalData += " تكاليف الترميم :" + item.TarmimTakalef + "\n"; //_familyDetails.AdditionalData += " ملاحظات :" + item.Note + "\n"; // _personinproject.ProjectName = comboBox1.Text; allFamiliesinProj.Add(_familyDetails); break; } } this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DataSet_PersoninFamily", allFamiliesinProj)); //ReportParameter p1 = new ReportParameter("DateFrom", dateFrom.Value.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy")); //ReportParameter p2 = new ReportParameter("DateTo", dateTo.Value.ToString("mm/dd/yyyy")); //ReportParameter p3 = new ReportParameter("project", comboBox1.Text); //ReportParameter p4 = new ReportParameter("MasrofSummary", MasrofSummary); //reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { p1, p2, p3, p4 }); reportViewer1.Visible = true; this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); }