Exemple #1
        public void load(string path)
            if (File.Exists(path))
                StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(path);
                CurrentSceneID = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                playerAmount   = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                string name      = "";
                int    lvl       = 0;
                int    xp        = 0;
                string className = "";

                Creature[] players = new Creature[playerAmount];
                for (int i = 0; i < playerAmount; i++)
                    Character player = new Character("null");
                    name      = reader.ReadLine();
                    lvl       = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                    xp        = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                    className = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (className == "Knight")
                        player = new Knight(name);
                    else if (className == "Rogue")
                        player = new Rogue(name);
                    else if (className == "Mage")
                        player = new Mage(name);
                    player.Load(lvl, xp);
                    players[i] = player;
                Console.WriteLine("Save file not found.");
        static void Main(String[] args)
            Monster Doge     = new Monster("Doge", 75, 10, 500);
            Monster Ditto    = new Monster("Ditto", 50, 5, 500);
            Monster AntiDoge = new Monster("Anti Doge", 40, 5, 250);
            Monster NotDitto = new Monster("Not Ditto", 25, 2, 250);
            //Character Me = new Knight("Me");

            string name   = "";
            string choice = "";

            Console.WriteLine("Enter name of party member 1: ");
            name = Console.ReadLine();
            while (choice != "1" && choice != "2" && choice != "3")
                //display menu
                Console.WriteLine("\nChoose a class:");
                Console.WriteLine("1: Knight");
                Console.WriteLine("2: Rogue");
                Console.WriteLine("3: Mage");
                choice = Console.ReadLine();
            Character player;

            if (choice == "1")
                player = new Knight(name);
            else if (choice == "2")
                player = new Rogue(name);
            else if (choice == "3")
                player = new Mage(name);
                player = new Character(name);

            Character sarah = new Rogue("Sarah");
            Character josh  = new Mage("Josh");


            choice = "";
            while (choice != "0")
                //display menu
                Console.WriteLine("\nWhose inventory?");
                Console.WriteLine("0: Exit");
                Console.WriteLine("1: " + player.Name());
                Console.WriteLine("2: " + sarah.Name());
                Console.WriteLine("3: " + josh.Name());
                choice = Console.ReadLine();
                if (choice == "1")
                else if (choice == "2")
                else if (choice == "3")

            Creature[] goodTeam = { Doge, Ditto, player, sarah, josh };
            Creature[] badTeam  = { AntiDoge, NotDitto };
            Creature[] empty    = { };

            //1: gate
            //3: village
            //                                           N, S,  E, W

            Scene courtyard  = new Scene("Courtyard", 1, 3, -1, 2, empty, "The courtyard is wide and open to the sky. There is a small garden nearby. There are exits to the north, south, east, and west");
            Scene castleGate = new Scene("Castle Gate", -1, 0, -1, -1, empty, "There is a massive gate at the entrance to the castle. It appears to be locked. There is an exit to the south.");
            Scene graveyard  = new Scene("Graveyard", -1, -1, 0, -1, badTeam, "The graveyard is pretty spooky. Nontheless, you pay respects. There is an exit to the east");
            Scene village    = new Scene("Village", 0, -1, -1, -1, empty, "The village is a bunch of buildings. The exit is to North");

            Scene[] scenes = { courtyard, castleGate, graveyard, village };
            Map     map    = new Map(0, scenes, goodTeam);

            map.CurrentSceneID = 1;
            map.CurrentSceneID = 2;
            map.CurrentSceneID = 3;
            map.CurrentSceneID = 4;



            //Random random = new Random();


             * Encounter encounter = new Encounter(goodTeam, badTeam);
             * encounter.Print();
             * encounter.Start();

            //if (random.Next(1, 2) == 1)
            //    Ditto.Print();
            //else if (random.Next(1, 2) == 2)
            //    Doge.Print();
            //    Console.WriteLine("no");
            //    Console.ReadKey();



             * //Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
             * //inventory.Menu();
             * string name = "";
             * string choice = "";
             * Console.WriteLine("Enter name of party member 1: ");
             * name = Console.ReadLine();
             * while (choice != "1" && choice != "2" && choice != "3")
             * {
             *  //display menu
             *  Console.WriteLine("\nChoose a class:");
             *  Console.WriteLine("1: Knight");
             *  Console.WriteLine("2: Rogue");
             *  Console.WriteLine("3: Mage");
             *  choice = Console.ReadLine();
             * }
             * Character player;
             * if (choice == "1")
             * {
             *  player = new Knight(name);
             * }
             * else if (choice == "2")
             * {
             *  player = new Rogue(name);
             * }
             * else if (choice == "3")
             * {
             *  player = new Mage(name);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  player = new Character(name);
             * }
             * player.Print();
             * Character sarah = new Rogue("Sarah");
             * Character josh = new Mage("Josh");
             * sarah.Print();
             * josh.Print();
             * choice = "";
             * while (choice != "0")
             * {
             *  //display menu
             *  Console.WriteLine("\nWhose inventory?");
             *  Console.WriteLine("0: Exit");
             *  Console.WriteLine("1: " + player.Name());
             *  Console.WriteLine("2: " + sarah.Name());
             *  Console.WriteLine("3: " + josh.Name());
             *  choice = Console.ReadLine();
             *  if (choice == "1")
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(player.Name());
             *      player.OpenInventory();
             *  }
             *  else if (choice == "2")
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(sarah.Name());
             *      player.OpenInventory();
             *  }
             *  else if (choice == "3")
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(josh.Name());
             *      player.OpenInventory();
             *  }
             * Console.WriteLine(player.GetDamage());
             * Console.ReadKey();
             * return;
             * }
             * player.Experience = 100;
             * player.Experience = player.Experience + 200;
             * player.Experience++;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * player.Experience += 600;
             * int[] testArray = new int[4];
             * testArray[0] = 1;
             * testArray[1] = 3;
             * testArray[2] = 5;
             * testArray[3] = 7;
             * int[] testArray2 = { 2, 4, 6, 8 };
             * string[] stringArray = new string[3];
             * Character[] party = { player, sarah, josh, new Character("Jax") };
             * Console.ReadKey();