//ͳ��һ��ʱ���ڵij����¼ public List<Inventory> CountInventoryByTime(DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate) { string querysql = ""; querysql += " where InventoryType = 'O'"; querysql += " and day >= '" + startdate.ToString("s") + "'"; querysql += " and day <= '" + enddate.ToString("s") + "'"; querysql += " group by ProductSn,CustomerName"; command.CommandText = "select sum(Counts),sum(Boxs),sum(Counts*Price),ProductSn,CustomerName from Inventory" + querysql; SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(command); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); List<Inventory> listInventory = new List<Inventory>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); inventory.Counts = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][0].ToString()); inventory.Boxs = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][1].ToString()); inventory.Price = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i][2]); inventory.ProductSn = dt.Rows[i][3].ToString(); inventory.CustomerName = dt.Rows[i][4].ToString(); listInventory.Add(inventory); } return listInventory; }
//��ѯ���/�����¼ public List<Inventory> SelectInventoryForList(List<Inventory> listInventory) { string querysql = ""; int j = 0; while (j < listInventory.Count) { querysql = querysql + ",'" + listInventory[j].Id + "'"; j++; } querysql = querysql.Substring(1); command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Inventory where Id in (" + querysql + ")"; SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(command); DataTable dt = new DataTable("Inventory"); da.Fill(dt); List<Inventory> listtemp = new List<Inventory>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Inventory temp = new Inventory(); temp.Id = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][0].ToString()); temp.InventoryId = dt.Rows[i][1].ToString(); temp.ProductId = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][2].ToString()); temp.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][3].ToString()); temp.Boxs = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][4].ToString()); temp.Counts = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][5].ToString()); temp.Price = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i][6].ToString()); temp.InventoryType = dt.Rows[i][7].ToString(); temp.Day = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i][8].ToString()); temp.UserId = dt.Rows[i][9].ToString(); temp.ProductSn = dt.Rows[i][10].ToString(); temp.ProductName = dt.Rows[i][11].ToString(); temp.CustomerName = dt.Rows[i][12].ToString(); listtemp.Add(temp); } return listtemp; }
//UpdateStock private void button23_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1.Text = "Stocks"; List<Inventory> listinventory = new List<Inventory>(); int i = 1; while (i < 3) { Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); inventory.InventoryId = "1"; inventory.ProductId = i; inventory.CustomerId = i; inventory.Counts = 1000 * i + i * 100 + i * 10 + i; inventory.Price = i * 0.13 + 200; inventory.InventoryType = "O"; inventory.Day = System.DateTime.Now; listinventory.Add(inventory); i++; } dba.InsertInventory(listinventory); MessageBox.Show(dba.UpdateStock(listinventory)); }
//�������/�����ʱ�䷶Χ����ѯ���/�����¼ public List<Inventory> SelectInventoryByTypeAndTimeToList(string type, DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate) { string querysql = ""; querysql += " where InventoryType = '" + type + "'"; querysql += " and day >= '" + startdate.ToString("s") + "'"; querysql += " and day <= '" + enddate.ToString("s") + "'"; command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Inventory" + querysql; SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(command); DataTable dt = new DataTable("Inventory"); da.Fill(dt); List<Inventory> listInventory = new List<Inventory>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); inventory.Id = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][0].ToString()); inventory.InventoryId = dt.Rows[i][1].ToString(); inventory.ProductId = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][2].ToString()); inventory.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][3].ToString()); inventory.Boxs = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][4].ToString()); inventory.Counts = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[i][5].ToString()); inventory.Price = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i][6]); inventory.InventoryType = dt.Rows[i][7].ToString(); inventory.Day = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i][8].ToString()); inventory.UserId = dt.Rows[i][9].ToString(); inventory.ProductSn = dt.Rows[i][10].ToString(); inventory.ProductName = dt.Rows[i][11].ToString(); inventory.CustomerName = dt.Rows[i][12].ToString(); listInventory.Add(inventory); } return listInventory; }
//SelectInventory private void button18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1.Text = "Inventory"; List<Inventory> listinventory = new List<Inventory>(); int i = 1; while (i < 20) { Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); inventory.Id = i; inventory.InventoryId = "1"; inventory.ProductId = i; inventory.CustomerId = i; inventory.Counts = 1000 * i + i * 100 + i * 10 + i; inventory.Price = i * 0.13 + 200; inventory.InventoryType = "O"; inventory.Day = System.DateTime.Now; //MessageBox.Show(inventory.ToString()); listinventory.Add(inventory); i++; } MessageBox.Show(dba.SelectInventory(listinventory).Rows.Count.ToString()); List<Inventory> temp = new List<Inventory>(); temp = dba.SelectInventoryForList(listinventory); for (int j = 0; j < temp.Count; j++) { MessageBox.Show(temp[j].ToString()); } }