Exemple #1
        public static Return CreateReturn(CodeElement elem, Scope scope, DefType resultType)
            // return      = 'return' [exp] ';';

            var cmd = new Return();

            CodeElement expCode = elem.Codes().FirstOrDefault();

            if (expCode != null)
                cmd.Expression = ExpressionBuilder.CreateExpression(expCode, scope);

                if (resultType == DefType.Bool && !ExpBase.IsBool(cmd.Expression))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be a bool'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));
                if (resultType == DefType.Int && !ExpBase.IsInt(cmd.Expression))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be an integer'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));
                if (resultType == DefType.Float && !ExpBase.IsNumber(cmd.Expression))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be a number'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));
            if (resultType != DefType.Void)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("This function must return a value. {0}", elem.GetLineAndColumn()));

Exemple #2
        public static ValueBase Create(DefType theType, Variables runtime, ExpBase exp)
            ValueBase variable;

            switch (theType)
            case DefType.Int: variable = new ValueTyped <int>()
                    Value = ((ExpTyped <int>)exp).Compute(runtime)
            }; break;

            case DefType.String: variable = new ValueTyped <string>()
                    Value = exp.RunAsString(runtime)
            }; break;

            case DefType.Float: variable = new ValueTyped <float>()
                    Value = exp.RunAsFloat(runtime)
            }; break;

            case DefType.Bool: variable = new ValueTyped <bool>()
                    Value = ((ExpTyped <bool>)exp).Compute(runtime)
            }; break;

            case DefType.Void:
                throw new Exception("Can't create a variable of type void.");

                throw new Exception("Unknown variable type.");

Exemple #3
        public static Assign CreateAssign(CodeElement elem, Scope scope)
            // assign      = identifier '=' exp ';';
            var         cmd    = new Assign();
            CodeElement idElem = elem.Codes(WordIdentifier).First();

            cmd.VariableName = idElem.Value;
            cmd.VariableType = scope.ExistsVariable(cmd.VariableName, idElem);

            CodeElement expCode = elem.Codes().Last();

            cmd.Expression = ExpressionBuilder.CreateExpression(expCode, scope);

            if (cmd.VariableType == DefType.Bool && !ExpBase.IsBool(cmd.Expression))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be a bool'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));
            if (cmd.VariableType == DefType.Int && !ExpBase.IsInt(cmd.Expression))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be an integer'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));
            if (cmd.VariableType == DefType.Float && !ExpBase.IsNumber(cmd.Expression))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be a number'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));

Exemple #4
        public static VariableDef CreateVariableDef(CodeElement elem, Scope scope)
            // variableDef = typeAndId '=' exp ';';
            var def = CreateDeclare(elem.Codes(WordDeclare).First(), true);
            var cmd = new VariableDef()
                Name = def.TheName, VariableType = def.TheType

            if (elem.Codes().Count() == 2)
                CodeElement expCode = elem.Codes().Last();
                cmd.Expression = ExpressionBuilder.CreateExpression(expCode, scope);

                if (cmd.VariableType == DefType.Bool && !ExpBase.IsBool(cmd.Expression))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be a bool'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));
                if (cmd.VariableType == DefType.Int && !ExpBase.IsInt(cmd.Expression))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be an integer'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));
                if (cmd.VariableType == DefType.Float && !ExpBase.IsNumber(cmd.Expression))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression must be a number'. {0}", expCode.GetLineAndColumn()));
            if (scope.ExistsFunction(cmd.Name))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("A Function called '{0}', {1}, is declared", cmd.Name, elem.GetLineAndColumn()));

            scope.Vars.BuildVariable(cmd.VariableType, cmd.Name, elem);
Exemple #5
        public static While CreateWhile(CodeElement elem, Scope scope, DefType resultType)
            // loop        = 'while' '(' exp ')' body;
            ExpBase expbase = ExpressionBuilder.CreateExpression(elem.Codes().First(), scope);
            var     cmd     = new While();

            cmd.Expression = expbase as ExpTyped <bool>;
            if (cmd.Expression == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression type must be a boolean, {0}", elem.GetLineAndColumn()));

            cmd.Body = CreateBody(elem.Codes(WordBody).First(), scope, resultType, out bool ret);
Exemple #6
        private void SetVariable(string name, ExpBase exp, Variables expVariables)
            ValueBase variable;

            if (Vars.TryGetValue(name, out variable))
                variable.SetValue(expVariables, exp);
            else if (_runtimeParent != null)
                _runtimeParent.SetVariable(name, exp, expVariables);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("A variable called '{0}' is not declared", name));
Exemple #7
        public static If CreateIf(CodeElement elem, Scope scope, DefType resultType, out bool alwaysReturnValue)
            // if          = 'if' '(' exp ')' body ['else' body];
            ExpBase expbase = ExpressionBuilder.CreateExpression(elem.Codes().First(), scope);
            var     cmd     = new If();

            cmd.Expression = expbase as ExpTyped <bool>;
            if (cmd.Expression == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The expression type must be a boolean, {0}", elem.GetLineAndColumn()));

            bool trueReturn;

            cmd.TrueStatement = CreateBody(elem.Codes(WordBody).First(), scope, resultType, out trueReturn);
            bool elseReturn;

            cmd.ElseStatement = CreateBody(elem.Codes(WordBody).Last(), scope, resultType, out elseReturn);
            alwaysReturnValue = trueReturn && elseReturn;
Exemple #8
 public override void SetValue(Variables runtime, ExpBase exp)
     if (typeof(TType) == typeof(int))
         (this as ValueTyped <int>).Value = ((ExpTyped <int>)exp).Compute(runtime);
     else if (typeof(TType) == typeof(float))
         (this as ValueTyped <float>).Value = exp.RunAsFloat(runtime);
     else if (typeof(TType) == typeof(string))
         (this as ValueTyped <string>).Value = exp.RunAsString(runtime);
     else if (typeof(TType) == typeof(bool))
         (this as ValueTyped <bool>).Value = ((ExpTyped <bool>)exp).Compute(runtime);
         throw new Exception("Unknown variable type.");
Exemple #9
        public void DeclareVariable(DefType theType, string name, ExpBase exp)
            ValueBase variable = ValueBase.Create(theType, this, exp);

            Vars.Add(name, variable);
Exemple #10
 public void SetVariable(string name, ExpBase exp)
     SetVariable(name, exp, this);
Exemple #11
        //public string Name;

        public abstract void SetValue(Variables runtime, ExpBase exp);