Exemple #1
        protected override unsafe byte[] UncheckedTransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
            if (SymmetricPadding.DepaddingRequired(PaddingMode))
                byte[] rented  = CryptoPool.Rent(inputCount + InputBlockSize);
                int    written = 0;

                fixed(byte *pRented = rented)
                        written = UncheckedTransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer.AsSpan(inputOffset, inputCount), rented);
                        return(rented.AsSpan(0, written).ToArray());
                        CryptoPool.Return(rented, clearSize: written);
                byte[] buffer  = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray <byte>(inputCount);
                int    written = UncheckedTransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer.AsSpan(inputOffset, inputCount), buffer);
                Debug.Assert(written == buffer.Length);
        public override bool TransformOneShot(ReadOnlySpan <byte> input, Span <byte> output, out int bytesWritten)
            int ciphertextLength = SymmetricPadding.GetCiphertextLength(input.Length, PaddingSizeBytes, PaddingMode);

            if (output.Length < ciphertextLength)
                bytesWritten = 0;

            // Copy the input to the output, and apply padding if required. This will not throw since the
            // output length has already been checked, and PadBlock will not copy from input to output
            // until it has checked that it will be able to apply padding correctly.
            int padWritten = SymmetricPadding.PadBlock(input, output, PaddingSizeBytes, PaddingMode);

            // Do an in-place encrypt. All of our implementations support this, either natively
            // or making a temporary buffer themselves if in-place is not supported by the native
            // implementation.
            Span <byte> paddedOutput = output.Slice(0, padWritten);

            bytesWritten = BasicSymmetricCipher.TransformFinal(paddedOutput, paddedOutput);

            // After padding, we should have an even number of blocks, and the same applies
            // to the transform.
            Debug.Assert(padWritten == bytesWritten);
        public override unsafe bool TransformOneShot(ReadOnlySpan <byte> input, Span <byte> output, out int bytesWritten)
            if (input.Length % PaddingSizeBytes != 0)
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_PartialBlock);

            // If there is no padding that needs to be removed, and the output buffer is large enough to hold
            // the resulting plaintext, we can decrypt directly in to the output buffer.
            // We do not do this for modes that require padding removal.
            // This is not done for padded ciphertexts because we don't know if the padding is valid
            // until it's been decrypted. We don't want to decrypt in to a user-supplied buffer and then throw
            // a padding exception after we've already filled the user buffer with plaintext. We should only
            // release the plaintext to the caller once we know the padding is valid.
            if (!SymmetricPadding.DepaddingRequired(PaddingMode))
                if (output.Length >= input.Length)
                    bytesWritten = BasicSymmetricCipher.TransformFinal(input, output);

                // If no padding is going to be removed, we know the buffer is too small and we can bail out.
                bytesWritten = 0;

            byte[]      rentedBuffer    = CryptoPool.Rent(input.Length);
            Span <byte> buffer          = rentedBuffer.AsSpan(0, input.Length);
            Span <byte> decryptedBuffer = default;

            fixed(byte *pBuffer = buffer)
                    int transformWritten = BasicSymmetricCipher.TransformFinal(input, buffer);
                    decryptedBuffer = buffer.Slice(0, transformWritten);

                    // validates padding
                    int unpaddedLength = SymmetricPadding.GetPaddingLength(decryptedBuffer, PaddingMode, InputBlockSize);

                    if (unpaddedLength > output.Length)
                        bytesWritten = 0;

                    decryptedBuffer.Slice(0, unpaddedLength).CopyTo(output);
                    bytesWritten = unpaddedLength;
                    CryptoPool.Return(rentedBuffer, clearSize: 0); // ZeroMemory clears the part of the buffer that was written to.
Exemple #4
        protected override byte[] UncheckedTransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
            int ciphertextLength = SymmetricPadding.GetCiphertextLength(inputCount, PaddingSizeBytes, PaddingMode);

            byte[] buffer  = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray <byte>(ciphertextLength);
            int    written = UncheckedTransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer.AsSpan(inputOffset, inputCount), buffer);

            Debug.Assert(written == buffer.Length);
Exemple #5
        protected override int UncheckedTransformFinalBlock(ReadOnlySpan <byte> inputBuffer, Span <byte> outputBuffer)
            // The only caller of this method is the array-allocating overload, outputBuffer is
            // always new memory, not a user-provided buffer.

            int padWritten       = SymmetricPadding.PadBlock(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, PaddingSizeBytes, PaddingMode);
            int transformWritten = BasicSymmetricCipher.TransformFinal(outputBuffer.Slice(0, padWritten), outputBuffer);

            // After padding, we should have an even number of blocks, and the same applies
            // to the transform.
            Debug.Assert(padWritten == transformWritten);

Exemple #6
        protected override int UncheckedTransformBlock(ReadOnlySpan <byte> inputBuffer, Span <byte> outputBuffer)
            // If we're decrypting, it's possible to be called with the last blocks of the data, and then
            // have TransformFinalBlock called with an empty array. Since we don't know if this is the case,
            // we won't decrypt the last block of the input until either TransformBlock or
            // TransformFinalBlock is next called.
            // We don't need to do this for PaddingMode.None because there is no padding to strip, and
            // we also don't do this for PaddingMode.Zeros since there is no way for us to tell if the
            // zeros at the end of a block are part of the plaintext or the padding.
            int decryptedBytes = 0;

            if (SymmetricPadding.DepaddingRequired(PaddingMode))
                // If we have data saved from a previous call, decrypt that into the output first
                if (_heldoverCipher != null)
                    int depadDecryptLength = BasicSymmetricCipher.Transform(_heldoverCipher, outputBuffer);
                    outputBuffer    = outputBuffer.Slice(depadDecryptLength);
                    decryptedBytes += depadDecryptLength;
                    _heldoverCipher = new byte[InputBlockSize];

                // Postpone the last block to the next round.
                Debug.Assert(inputBuffer.Length >= _heldoverCipher.Length, "inputBuffer.Length >= _heldoverCipher.Length");
                inputBuffer.Slice(inputBuffer.Length - _heldoverCipher.Length).CopyTo(_heldoverCipher);
                inputBuffer = inputBuffer.Slice(0, inputBuffer.Length - _heldoverCipher.Length);
                Debug.Assert(inputBuffer.Length % InputBlockSize == 0, "Did not remove whole blocks for depadding");

            if (inputBuffer.Length > 0)
                decryptedBytes += BasicSymmetricCipher.Transform(inputBuffer, outputBuffer);

Exemple #7
        protected override unsafe int UncheckedTransformFinalBlock(ReadOnlySpan <byte> inputBuffer, Span <byte> outputBuffer)
            // We can't complete decryption on a partial block
            if (inputBuffer.Length % PaddingSizeBytes != 0)
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_PartialBlock);

            // If we have postponed cipher bits from the prior round, copy that into the decryption buffer followed by the input data.
            // Otherwise the decryption buffer is just the input data.

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> inputCiphertext;
            Span <byte>         ciphertext;

            byte[]? rentedCiphertext = null;
            int rentedCiphertextSize = 0;

                if (_heldoverCipher == null)
                    rentedCiphertextSize = inputBuffer.Length;
                    rentedCiphertext     = CryptoPool.Rent(inputBuffer.Length);
                    ciphertext           = rentedCiphertext.AsSpan(0, inputBuffer.Length);
                    inputCiphertext      = inputBuffer;
                    rentedCiphertextSize = _heldoverCipher.Length + inputBuffer.Length;
                    rentedCiphertext     = CryptoPool.Rent(rentedCiphertextSize);
                    ciphertext           = rentedCiphertext.AsSpan(0, rentedCiphertextSize);

                    // Decrypt in-place
                    inputCiphertext = ciphertext;

                int unpaddedLength = 0;

                fixed(byte *pCiphertext = ciphertext)
                    // Decrypt the data, then strip the padding to get the final decrypted data. Note that even if the cipherText length is 0, we must
                    // invoke TransformFinal() so that the cipher object knows to reset for the next cipher operation.
                    int         decryptWritten = BasicSymmetricCipher.TransformFinal(inputCiphertext, ciphertext);
                    Span <byte> decryptedBytes = ciphertext.Slice(0, decryptWritten);

                    if (decryptedBytes.Length > 0)
                        unpaddedLength = SymmetricPadding.GetPaddingLength(decryptedBytes, PaddingMode, InputBlockSize);
                        decryptedBytes.Slice(0, unpaddedLength).CopyTo(outputBuffer);

                if (rentedCiphertext != null)
                    CryptoPool.Return(rentedCiphertext, clearSize: rentedCiphertextSize);
Exemple #8
        public static unsafe bool OneShotDecrypt(
            ILiteSymmetricCipher cipher,
            PaddingMode paddingMode,
            ReadOnlySpan <byte> input,
            Span <byte> output,
            out int bytesWritten)
            if (input.Length % cipher.PaddingSizeInBytes != 0)
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_PartialBlock);

            // If there is no padding that needs to be removed, and the output buffer is large enough to hold
            // the resulting plaintext, we can decrypt directly in to the output buffer.
            // We do not do this for modes that require padding removal.
            // This is not done for padded ciphertexts because we don't know if the padding is valid
            // until it's been decrypted. We don't want to decrypt in to a user-supplied buffer and then throw
            // a padding exception after we've already filled the user buffer with plaintext. We should only
            // release the plaintext to the caller once we know the padding is valid.
            if (!SymmetricPadding.DepaddingRequired(paddingMode))
                if (output.Length >= input.Length)
                    bytesWritten = cipher.TransformFinal(input, output);

                // If no padding is going to be removed, we know the buffer is too small and we can bail out.
                bytesWritten = 0;

            byte[]      rentedBuffer    = CryptoPool.Rent(input.Length);
            Span <byte> buffer          = rentedBuffer.AsSpan(0, input.Length);
            Span <byte> decryptedBuffer = default;

            fixed(byte *pBuffer = buffer)
                    int transformWritten = cipher.TransformFinal(input, buffer);
                    decryptedBuffer = buffer.Slice(0, transformWritten);

                    // This intentionally passes in BlockSizeInBytes instead of PaddingSizeInBytes. This is so that
                    // "extra padded" CFB data can still be decrypted. The .NET Framework always padded CFB8 to the
                    // block size, not the feedback size. We want the one-shot to be able to continue to decrypt
                    // those ciphertexts, so for CFB8 we are more lenient on the number of allowed padding bytes.
                    int unpaddedLength = SymmetricPadding.GetPaddingLength(decryptedBuffer, paddingMode, cipher.BlockSizeInBytes); // validates padding

                    if (unpaddedLength > output.Length)
                        bytesWritten = 0;

                    decryptedBuffer.Slice(0, unpaddedLength).CopyTo(output);
                    bytesWritten = unpaddedLength;
                    CryptoPool.Return(rentedBuffer, clearSize: 0); // ZeroMemory clears the part of the buffer that was written to.