public DocumentImage(DocumentDeserializationContext context, PropertyDictionary framedObjectDictionary)
            int imageLinkIndex = framedObjectDictionary.IntegerFor("imageLinkIndex").Value;

            if (!context.ImageLinksByKey.ContainsKey(imageLinkIndex))
                throw new DocumentReadingException(string.Format(
                    "The image link index \"{0}\" was not found in the image link manager dictionary.",

            _imageLink = context.ImageLinksByKey[imageLinkIndex];
        public string ResolveFormat(string path, PropertyDictionary properties)
            string extension = Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower();

            if (extension == ".png")
                return path;

            if (extension == ".jpg")
                return path;

            if (extension == ".dot")
                string newFilePath = _temporaryFileManager.CreateAnonymousFilePath(".ps");

                string arguments = string.Format("\"{0}\" -Tps2 \"-o{1}\"",
                    path, newFilePath);

                RunUtility(_dotCommand, arguments);

                return newFilePath;

            if (extension == ".ps")
                string newFilePath = _temporaryFileManager.CreateAnonymousFilePath(".pdf");

                string arguments = string.Format(
                    "-dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dUseCropBox " +
                    "-sOutputFile=\"{1}\" \"{0}\"",
                    path, newFilePath);

                RunUtility(_ghostscriptCommand, arguments);

                return newFilePath;

            if (extension == ".pdf" || extension == ".ai")
                string newFilePath = _temporaryFileManager.CreateAnonymousFilePath(".png");

                int resolution = properties.IntegerFor("resolution", 72);

                string arguments = string.Format(
                    "-dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sDEVICE=png16m -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE " +
                    "-dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dUseCropBox -r{2} " +
                    "-sOutputFile=\"{1}\" \"{0}\"",
                    path, newFilePath, resolution);

                RunUtility(_ghostscriptCommand, arguments);

                return newFilePath;

            if (extension == ".tex")
                string newFilePath = _temporaryFileManager.CreateAnonymousFilePath(".pdf", ".log", ".aux");

                string arguments = string.Format("-output-directory=\"{0}\" -job-name=\"{1}\" \"{2}\"",
                    Path.GetDirectoryName(newFilePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newFilePath), path);

                RunUtility(_texCommand, arguments);

                return newFilePath;

            return null;
        public static Color ToColor(PropertyDictionary dictionary)
            if (!dictionary.HasIntegerFor("red", "green", "blue"))
                throw new PropertyListException("A color property dictionary is missing one or " +
                    "both of the required fields (red, green or blue).");

            return Color.FromArgb(
                (byte)dictionary.IntegerFor("alpha", 255),
        public static Size ToSize(PropertyDictionary dictionary)
            if (!dictionary.HasIntegerFor("width", "height"))
                throw new PropertyListException("A size property dictionary is missing one or " +
                    "both of the required fields (width or height).");

            return new Size(
        public static Rectangle ToRectangle(PropertyDictionary dictionary)
            if (!dictionary.HasIntegerFor("x", "y", "width", "height"))
                throw new PropertyListException("A rectangle property dictionary is missing some or " +
                    "all of the required fields (x, y, width or height).");

            return new Rectangle(
        public static Point ToPoint(PropertyDictionary dictionary)
            if (!dictionary.HasIntegerFor("x", "y"))
                throw new PropertyListException("A point property dictionary is missing one or " +
                    "both of the required fields (x or y).");

            return new Point(