Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //TODO Be sure to follow BEST PRACTICES when creating classes and interfaces

            //Create 2 Interfaces called IVehicle & ICompany

            //Create 3 classes called Car , Truck , & SUV

            //In your IVehicle

            /* Create 4 members that Car, Truck, & SUV all have in common.
             * Example: All vehicles have a number of wheels... for now..

            //In ICompany

            /*Create 2 members that are specific to each every company
             * regardless of vehicle type.
             * Example: public string Logo { get; set; }

            //In each of your car, truck, and suv classes

            /*Create 2 members that are specific to each class
             * Example: truck has a bed size while car has a trunk while suv has a cargo hold size
             * Then, Set each class to inherit from both IVehicle and ICompany and implement their members.

            //Now, create objects of your 3 classes and give their members values;
            //Creatively display and organize their values

            var corvette = new Car()
                CarProperty     = "fastback",
                EngineCylinders = 8,
                Headquarters    = "Detroit, MI",
                Logo            = "Corvette Logo.jpg",
                NumSeats        = 2,
                NumWheels       = 4,
                TrunkSize       = 36,
                Year            = 2018
            var f150 = new Truck()
                BedSize         = 144,
                EngineCylinders = 8,
                Headquarters    = "Dearborn, MI",
                Logo            = "Ford-Tough Logo.png",
                NumSeats        = 2,
                NumWheels       = 4,
                TruckProperty   = "1/2-Ton",
                Year            = 2015
            var acadia = new Suv()
                CargoSize       = 50,
                EngineCylinders = 6,
                Headquarters    = "Detroit, MI",
                Logo            = "GMC Logo.jpg",
                NumSeats        = 8,
                NumWheels       = 4,
                SuvProperty     = "All-seat video",
                Year            = 2020

            Console.WriteLine(corvette.MakeDescription() + "--------------");
            Console.WriteLine(f150.MakeDescription() + "--------------");
            Console.WriteLine(acadia.MakeDescription() + "--------------");