private static void block_border(List<Point> selected_points ,Boundary bondry)
     for (int i = 0; i < selected_points.Count; i++)
         int Xtmp = selected_points[i].X - bondry.MIN_X;  // get the crossponding point in segment image
         int Ytmp = selected_points[i].Y - bondry.MIN_Y;
         selected_image[Ytmp, Xtmp].block = true;   
        public void update(MouseEventArgs e)
            var g = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics();

            if (clr > W8interval * 2)
                if (ImageMatrix != null)
                    var mouseNode = Helper.Flatten(e.X, e.Y, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix));

                    if (curr_source != -1 && Prev_mouse_pos != mouseNode)
                        Prev_mouse_pos = mouseNode;
                        if (Helper.IN_Boundary(mouseNode, SB, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix)))
                            int Segment_mouse = Helper.crosspond(mouseNode, SB,
                                                                 ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix), ImageOperations.GetWidth(Square_segment));
                            List <Point> segmentpath = new List <Point>();
                            segmentpath = ShortestPath_Operations.Backtracking(parent_list, Segment_mouse, ImageOperations.GetWidth(Square_segment));
                            List <Point> Curpath = Helper.crosspond(segmentpath, SB);
                            curr_path = Curpath.ToArray();

                            if (ismousedown && AutoAnchor_WORK)
                                double freq = (double)frequancy / 1000;
                                Autoancor.Update(Curpath, freq);
                                List <Point> cooledpath = Autoancor.anchor_path();
                                if (cooledpath.Count > 0)
                                    Point anchor = cooledpath[cooledpath.Count - 1];
                                    curr_source = Helper.Flatten(anchor.X, anchor.Y, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix));
                                    //curr_path = cooledpath.ToArray();
                                    Helper.AppendToList <Point>(Mainselction, cooledpath);

                                    SB = new Boundary();
                                    SB = ShortestPath_Operations.Square_Boundary(curr_source,
                                                                                 ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix) - 1, ImageOperations.GetHeight(ImageMatrix) - 1);
                                    //make a square segment
                                    Square_segment = Helper.COPY_Segment(ImageMatrix, SB);
                                    // currsrc in segment
                                    int newsrc = Helper.crosspond(curr_source, SB, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix), ImageOperations.GetWidth(Square_segment));
                                    parent_list = ShortestPath_Operations.Dijkstra(newsrc, Square_segment);
                            curr_path = null;

                        #region bounse

                        // if (ismousedown && AutoAnchor_WORK)
                        //  {

                         * //if (curr_path.Length >= frequancy)
                         * if (Helper.Distance(curr_source, mouseNode, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix)) >= frequancy)
                         * {
                         *  Helper.AppendToList<Point>(Mainselction, curr_path);
                         *  AnchorPts.Add(e.Location);
                         *  curr_source = mouseNode;
                         *  parent_list = ShortestPath_Operations.Dijkstra(Graph, curr_source);
                         * }

                clr = 0.0f;

            if (clr > W8interval)

            clr += .019f;
        public void update(MouseEventArgs e)
            var g = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics();
            if (clr > W8interval * 2)
                if (ImageMatrix != null)
                    var mouseNode = Helper.Flatten(e.X, e.Y, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix));

                    if (curr_source != -1 && Prev_mouse_pos != mouseNode)
                        Prev_mouse_pos = mouseNode;
                        if (Helper.IN_Boundary(mouseNode, SB, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix)))
                            int Segment_mouse = Helper.crosspond(mouseNode, SB,
                                ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix), ImageOperations.GetWidth(Square_segment));
                            List<Point> segmentpath = new List<Point>();
                            segmentpath = ShortestPath_Operations.Backtracking(parent_list, Segment_mouse, ImageOperations.GetWidth(Square_segment));
                            List<Point> Curpath = Helper.crosspond(segmentpath, SB);
                            curr_path = Curpath.ToArray();
                            if (AutoAnchor_WORK)
                                double freq = (double)frequancy / 1000;
                                Autoancor.Update(Curpath, freq);
                                List<Point> cooledpath = Autoancor.anchor_path();
                                if (cooledpath.Count > 0)
                                    Point anchor = cooledpath[cooledpath.Count - 1];
                                    curr_source = Helper.Flatten(anchor.X, anchor.Y, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix));
                                    //curr_path = cooledpath.ToArray();
                                    Helper.AppendToList<Point>(Mainselction, cooledpath);
                                    SB = new Boundary();
                                    SB = ShortestPath_Operations.Square_Boundary(curr_source,
                                        ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix) - 1, ImageOperations.GetHeight(ImageMatrix) - 1);
                                    //make a square segment
                                    Square_segment = Helper.COPY_Segment(ImageMatrix, SB);
                                    // currsrc in segment
                                    int newsrc = Helper.crosspond(curr_source, SB, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix), ImageOperations.GetWidth(Square_segment));
                                    parent_list = ShortestPath_Operations.Dijkstra(newsrc, Square_segment);
                            curr_path = ShortestPath_Operations.GenerateShortestPath(curr_source, mouseNode, ImageMatrix).ToArray();
                clr = 0.0f;
            if (clr > W8interval)
            clr += .019f;
 private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (pictureBox1.Image != null)
         var clicked_node = Helper.Flatten(e.X, e.Y, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix));
         if (curr_source != clicked_node)
             if (curr_source == -1) // in the first click save frist clicked anchor
                 main_source = clicked_node;
                 Helper.AppendToList<Point>(Mainselction, curr_path);
             curr_source = clicked_node;
             SB = new Boundary();
             SB = ShortestPath_Operations.Square_Boundary(curr_source,
                 ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix) - 1, ImageOperations.GetHeight(ImageMatrix) - 1);
             //make a square segment
             Square_segment = Helper.COPY_Segment(ImageMatrix, SB);
             // currsrc in segment
             int newsrc = Helper.crosspond(curr_source, SB, ImageOperations.GetWidth(ImageMatrix), ImageOperations.GetWidth(Square_segment));
             parent_list = ShortestPath_Operations.Dijkstra(newsrc, Square_segment);
 // return bondry limit of dikstra
 public static Boundary Square_Boundary(int Src, int Width, int Height)
     Vector2D Src2d = Helper.Unflatten(Src, Width + 1); //src node  x y
     Boundary bondry = new Boundary();
     int max_dist = 200;
     if (Src2d.X > max_dist)
         bondry.MIN_X = (int)Src2d.X - max_dist;
         bondry.MIN_X = 0;
     if (Width - Src2d.X > max_dist)
         bondry.MAX_X = (int)Src2d.X + max_dist;
         bondry.MAX_X = Width;
     if (Src2d.Y > max_dist)
         bondry.MIN_Y = (int)Src2d.Y - max_dist;
         bondry.MIN_Y = 0;
     if (Height - Src2d.Y > max_dist)
         bondry.MAX_Y = (int)Src2d.Y + max_dist;
         bondry.MAX_Y = Height;
     return bondry;
Exemple #6
        //take point in a 2d plane and retrun the crossponding in(the small segment) boundry plane

        public static Point crosspond(Point P, Boundary bondry)
            P.X = P.X + bondry.MIN_X;
            P.Y = P.Y + bondry.MIN_Y;