public static List<ReplyEntity> GetCustomerReplys(string guid, int pageSize, int pageIndex, ref int totalCount, ref int pageCount) { List<ReplyEntity> list = new List<ReplyEntity>(); DataSet ds = CustomDAL.BaseProvider.GetCustomerReplys(guid, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalCount, ref pageCount); DataTable replys = ds.Tables["Replys"]; DataTable attachments = ds.Tables["Attachments"]; foreach (DataRow dr in replys.Rows) { ReplyEntity model = new ReplyEntity(); model.FillData(dr); model.CreateUser = OrganizationBusiness.GetUserByUserID(model.CreateUserID, model.AgentID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FromReplyID)) { model.FromReplyUser = OrganizationBusiness.GetUserByUserID(model.FromReplyUserID, model.FromReplyAgentID); } if (attachments.Rows.Count > 0) { model.Attachments=new List<Attachment>(); foreach (DataRow dr2 in attachments.Select(" Guid='" + model.ReplyID + "'")) { Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.FillData(dr2); model.Attachments.Add(attachment); } } list.Add(model); } return list; }
public static List<ReplyEntity> GetReplys(string guid, string stageID, int pageSize, int pageIndex, ref int totalCount, ref int pageCount) { List<ReplyEntity> list = new List<ReplyEntity>(); string whereSql = " Status<>9 and GUID='" + guid + "' "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stageID)) { whereSql += " and StageID='" + stageID + "' "; } DataTable dt = CommonBusiness.GetPagerData("OrderReply", "*", whereSql, "AutoID", "CreateTime desc ", pageSize, pageIndex, out totalCount, out pageCount, false); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ReplyEntity model = new ReplyEntity(); model.FillData(dr); model.CreateUser = OrganizationBusiness.GetUserByUserID(model.CreateUserID, model.AgentID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FromReplyID)) { model.FromReplyUser = OrganizationBusiness.GetUserByUserID(model.FromReplyUserID, model.FromReplyAgentID); } list.Add(model); } return list; }