protected async void btnPayInsta_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            long   TotalAmountWithoutTransCost = Convert.ToInt64(lblTotalLeftAmt.Text);
            double TotalAmountWithTransCost1   = (TotalAmountWithoutTransCost + 1.18 * 0);
            double TotalAmountWithTransCost2   = (TotalAmountWithTransCost1 / (1 - 1.18 * 1.9 / 100));

            TotalAmountWithTransCost2 = Math.Round(TotalAmountWithTransCost2, 2);
            Instamojo.NET.Instamojo im = new Instamojo.NET.Instamojo("74daa5061b049d6cdc8540a79cfd7a1a", "a1ff98eeb01b5358e479494464b62849");
            PaymentRequest          pr = new PaymentRequest();

            pr.allow_repeated_payments = false;
            pr.amount       = TotalAmountWithTransCost2.ToString();
            pr.buyer_name   = lblStudentName.Text;
          = "*****@*****.**";
          = lblMobileNo.Text;
            pr.send_email   = true;
            pr.send_sms     = true;
            pr.redirect_url = "";
            pr.webhook      = "";
            pr.purpose      = "Online Fee Payment";
            PaymentRequest npr = await im.CreatePaymentRequest(pr);

            String PaymentURL       = npr.longurl;
            String PaymentRequestId =;

        protected async void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.QueryString["payment_id"].Count() == 0)
                throw (new Exception("404 Page Not Found"));
                Instamojo.NET.Instamojo im      = new Instamojo.NET.Instamojo("74daa5061b049d6cdc8540a79cfd7a1a", "a1ff98eeb01b5358e479494464b62849");
                string         paymentId        = Request.QueryString["payment_id"];
                string         paymentRequestId = Request.QueryString["payment_request_id"];
                PaymentRequest npr = await im.GetPaymentRequest(paymentRequestId);

                StudentCL getStudent = userBLL.getStudentByMobileNo(Convert.ToInt64(, npr.buyer_name);
                Collection <PaymentDetailCL> getFeeCollection         = paymentBLL.getPaymentFeeCollection(;
                Collection <LeftFeesCL>      leftFeeDetailbyStudentId = paymentBLL.getLeftFeeCollection(;
                Collection <LeftFeesCL>      leftDuesByStudentId      = paymentBLL.getLeftFeeDueCollection(;
                long   TotalAmountWithoutTransCost = (leftFeeDetailbyStudentId.Sum(x => x.totalFee) + leftDuesByStudentId.Sum(x => x.totalFee));
                double TotalAmountWithTransCost1   = (TotalAmountWithoutTransCost + 1.18 * 0);
                double TotalAmountWithTransCost2   = (TotalAmountWithTransCost1 / (1 - 1.18 * 1.9 / 100));
                TotalAmountWithTransCost2 = Math.Round(TotalAmountWithTransCost2, 2);
                if (npr.status == "Completed" && npr.amount == TotalAmountWithTransCost2.ToString())
                    if (getFeeCollection.FirstOrDefault().isPaid == false)
                        int FeeMonthCount = userBLL.deleteLeftFeePayment(getFeeCollection);
                        lblTransactionStatus.Text = "Thankyou for your Transaction. Your Transaction has been successful.Reference Id :" + paymentId;
                        lblTransactionStatus.Text = "You have already paid for this Month Fees & Dues. Your Transaction Reference Id is " + paymentId;
                    lblTransactionStatus.Text = "Sorry for the inconvenience but the Transaction had failed due to some technical error. Please retry logging in.";