Exemple #1
        async Task proccPendingComms()
            var pending = await API.api.MessagingProcessor.GetPendingDirectAsync(PaginationParameters.Empty);

            foreach (var thread in pending.Value.Inbox.Threads)
                string q = "\"";
                await API.api.MessagingProcessor.ApproveDirectPendingRequestAsync(thread.ThreadId);

                await APIFunctions.sendDMID(thread.ThreadId, $"AutoAccept: Automatically accepted pending request. Reply with {q}help{q} for help.");

                Logging.log("AutoAccepted thread " + thread.ThreadId);
Exemple #2
        async Task proccFollowRequests()
            var currentFollowsers = await API.api.UserProcessor.GetCurrentUserFollowersAsync(PaginationParameters.Empty);

            foreach (var follower in currentFollowsers.Value)
                var friendshipStatus = await API.api.UserProcessor.GetFriendshipStatusAsync(follower.Pk);

                if (!friendshipStatus.Value.Following && !friendshipStatus.Value.OutgoingRequest)
                    var followUser = await API.api.UserProcessor.FollowUserAsync(follower.Pk);

                    string q = "\"";
                    await APIFunctions.sendDM(follower.UserName, $"AutoFollow: Automatically followed back. Reply with {q}help{q} for help.");

                    Logging.log("AutoFollowed back " + follower.UserName);
Exemple #3
 public async Task doCommand(InstaDirectInboxThread thread)
     if (thread.Items.Last().UserId == API.api.GetCurrentUserAsync().Result.Value.Pk)
     if (thread.Items.Last().ItemType != InstaDirectThreadItemType.Text)
     if (thread.IsGroup)
         Logging.log(thread.Title + ": " + thread.Items.Last().Text);
         await APIFunctions.sendDMID(thread.ThreadId, CommandProcess.Proccess(thread.Items.Last(), thread));
         Logging.log(thread.Users.FirstOrDefault().UserName + ": " + thread.Items.Last().Text);
         await APIFunctions.sendDM(thread.Users.FirstOrDefault().UserName, CommandProcess.Proccess(thread.Items.Last(), thread));
Exemple #4
        public static string Proccess(InstaDirectInboxItem item, InstaDirectInboxThread thread)
            string cmd = item.Text.ToLower();
            string q   = "\"";

            if (cmd == "ping")
                var now      = DateTime.Now;
                var timetook = now.Subtract(item.TimeStamp);
                return($"Command sent at {item.TimeStamp.TimeOfDay} and recieved at {now.TimeOfDay.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss")}" + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"API Latency: {(int)timetook.TotalMilliseconds}ms" + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"TTP including latency: {(int)timetook.TotalMilliseconds * 2}ms");
            if (cmd == "like")
                var posts = API.api.UserProcessor.GetUserMediaByIdAsync(item.UserId, PaginationParameters.Empty).Result.Value;
                if (posts.FirstOrDefault() == null)
                    return("You dont have any posts or you have not accepted the follow request.");
                var like = API.api.MediaProcessor.LikeMediaAsync(posts.FirstOrDefault().Pk);
                return("NGL thats pretty desperate if your getting a bot to like your posts");
            if (cmd == "stats")
                var uptime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(Constants.started);
                return($"Uptime: {uptime.Hours}h {uptime.Minutes}m {uptime.Seconds}s" + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"Total requests served: {Constants.reqCount}");
            if (cmd.StartsWith("whois"))
                var parts = cmd.Split(' ');

                if (parts.Length == 1)
                    return($"Please provide a user parameter. E.g. {q}whois ktechsys{q}");

                var profile = API.api.UserProcessor.GetUserInfoByUsernameAsync(parts[1]);

                if (profile.Result.Value == null)
                    return("User does not exist.");

                var nl = Environment.NewLine;

                var data = profile.Result.Value;
                var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(data);

                var requester = API.api.UserProcessor.GetUserInfoByIdAsync(item.UserId).Result.Value.Username;
                APIFunctions.sendDM(profile.Result.Value.Username, $"A whois lookup was requested on your account by user {requester}");

                var ID = Pastebin(json, Constants.devkey).Split(new[] { ".com/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];

                var link = $"https://pastebin.com/raw/{ID}";

                API.api.MessagingProcessor.SendDirectLinkAsync("Click the link below to view results", link, thread.ThreadId);

                return("Please be aware they have been informed of the lookup");
            if (cmd == "source")
                API.api.MessagingProcessor.SendDirectLinkAsync("Click the link below to go to github", "https://github.com/NateKomodo/InstagramBot", thread.ThreadId);
            if (cmd == "help")
                return("Komosys help: " + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"{q}ping{q} - gets message response times" + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"{q}like{q} - likes your most recent post" + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"{q}stats{q} - gets stats about current bot session" + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"{q}whois <name>{q} - performs instagram lookup on a person" + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"{q}source{q} - sends link to source code" + Environment.NewLine
                       + $"{q}help{q} - displays this" + Environment.NewLine
                       + "NOTE: Due to API response times, commands may take up to 5s to process");
            return($"Unknown command, type {q}help{q} for help");