public static string getRelatedInsta(string searchtag)
        List <string> list         = new List <string>();
        List <string> listz        = new List <string>();
        var           clientId     = "769313f94a484b869c8e3ec8f0f44936";
        var           clientSecret = "9054ca26824d4a0cab5e09964434279d";
        var           redirectUri  = "http://*****:*****@SG/default.aspx";
        var           config       = new InstaSharp.InstagramConfig("",
                                                                    "", clientId,
                                                                    clientSecret, redirectUri);
        var tags   = new InstaSharp.Endpoints.Tags.Unauthenticated(config);
        var result = tags.Recent(RemoveSpecialCharacters(searchtag.Replace(" ", String.Empty)));
        int i      = 0;

        foreach (var gg in result.Data)
            if (i == 4)

            list.Add(gg.Images.StandardResolution.Url + "~" + gg.Link.ToString());
        return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(list)); //+ "\\" + new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(listz);
 public SubscriptionController(ISubscriptionRepository subscriptions, ILogger log, InstagramConfig config)
     _log = log;
     _config = config;
     _subscriptionEndpoint = new Subscription(_config);
     _subscriptions = subscriptions;
 public RecentMediaController(ILogger log, InstagramConfig config, ISubscriptionRepository subscriptions)
     _geoEndpoint = new Geographies(config);
     _tagEndpoint = new Tags(config);
     _config = config;
     _log = log;
     _subscriptions = subscriptions;
        public InstagramAPIManager()
            config = new InstaSharp.InstagramConfig(apiUri, oAuthUri, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri);

            List<Auth.Scope> scopes = new List<Auth.Scope>();

            authInfo = GetInstagramAuth(oAuthUri, clientId, redirectUri, config, login, password);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get authentication link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">Instagram configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="scopes">The scopes.</param>
        /// <param name="responseType">Type of the response.</param>
        /// <returns>The authentication url</returns>
        public static string AuthLink(InstagramConfig config, List <Scope> scopes, ResponseType responseType = ResponseType.Token)
            var scopesForUri = BuildScopeForUri(scopes);

            return(BuildAuthUri(config.OAuthUri.TrimEnd('/') + "/authorize",
Exemple #6
        public static void Initialize()
            // Create the container as usual.
            var container = new Container();

            //setup logger
            container.RegisterSingle<ILogger>(() =>
                new LoggerConfiguration()
            //instagram config for InstaSharp
            container.RegisterSingle<InstagramConfig>(() =>
                var clientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["clientId"];
                var clientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["clientSecret"];
                var callbackUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["callbackUri"];
                var redirectUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redirectUri"];

                var icfg = new InstagramConfig(clientId, clientSecret);
                icfg.CallbackUri = callbackUri;
                icfg.RedirectUri = redirectUri;
                return icfg;

            // Azure storage account
            container.RegisterSingle(() =>
                var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];
                return CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);

            // Azure table client
            container.RegisterSingle(() => container.GetInstance<CloudStorageAccount>().CreateCloudTableClient());

            //register our tablesets, in this case we only have one
            container.RegisterWebApiRequest<ITableSet<RealtimeSubscription>>(() =>
                new TableSet<RealtimeSubscription>(container.GetInstance<CloudTableClient>())

            //register repositories
            container.Register<ISubscriptionRepository, SubscriptionRepository>(Lifestyle.Singleton);

            // This is an extension method from the integration package.


            GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver =
                new SimpleInjectorWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
Exemple #7
        public static void Initialize(HttpConfiguration config)
            var clientId = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_InstagramId"];
            var clientSecret = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Instagram"];
            var webHookHost = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBSITE_HOSTNAME") ?? "localhost";

            // Note: you can use the 'id' field of the callbackURI to manage multiple subscriptions with each their callback.
            var callbackUri = string.Format("https://{0}/api/webhooks/incoming/instagram", webHookHost);
            _config = new InstagramConfig(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri: null, callbackUri: callbackUri);

            _tokens = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, OAuthResponse>();
        public static InstagramConfig GetConfig(Uri requestUri)
            var url = requestUri.Scheme + System.Uri.SchemeDelimiter + requestUri.Host +
                (requestUri.IsDefaultPort ? "" : ":" + requestUri.Port);

            var config = new InstagramConfig(

            return config;
Exemple #9
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     var clientId     = "769313f94a484b869c8e3ec8f0f44936";
     var clientSecret = "9054ca26824d4a0cab5e09964434279d";
     var redirectUri  = "http://*****:*****@SG/default.aspx";
     var config       = new InstaSharp.InstagramConfig("",
                                                       "", clientId,
                                                       clientSecret, redirectUri);
     var tags = new InstaSharp.Endpoints.Media.Unauthenticated(config);
     //  tags.Uri = "";
     var result = tags.Search(1.2777459830532, 103.8471120197759);
     //foreach (var gg in result.Data)
     //    string thumbnail = gg.Images.Thumbnail.Url;
Exemple #10
        public void InstaSharpGetTest()
            UserInfo info = new UserInfo
                Id = 1952620338,
                Username = "******"

            OAuthResponse response = new OAuthResponse
                AccessToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessToken"],
                User = info

            InstagramConfig config = new InstagramConfig(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientId"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientSecret"]);

            Users users = new Users(config, response);

            UsersResponse userResponse = users.Search("yoventura", 1).Result;

            int userId = userResponse.Data[0].Id;

            MediasResponse medias = users.Recent(userId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Int64.MaxValue.ToString(), Int64.MinValue.ToString(), int.MaxValue, null, null).Result;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Get authentication link.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="config">Instagram configuration.</param>
 /// <param name="scopes">The scopes.</param>
 /// <param name="responseType">Type of the response.</param>
 /// <returns>The authentication url</returns>
 public static string AuthLink(InstagramConfig config, List<Scope> scopes, ResponseType responseType = ResponseType.Token)
     var scopesForUri = BuildScopeForUri(scopes);
     return BuildAuthUri(config.OAuthUri.TrimEnd('/') + "/authorize",
        public async Task ReadMedia(InstaConfig configData, int keywordIndex)
            var clientId =;
            var clientSecret = configData.secret;

            InstagramConfig config = new InstagramConfig(clientId, clientSecret);

            OAuthResponse oauthResponse = new OAuthResponse();

            oauthResponse.Access_Token = configData.token;
            oauthResponse.User = new User() { FullName = "Dave Brown", Username = "******" };

            var tagEndpoint = new InstaSharp.Endpoints.Tags(config, oauthResponse);
                List<String> keywords = new List<string>() { "photoshoot", "fashion", "model", "modeling", "modelling", "models" };

                string currentKeyword = keywords[keywordIndex];

                SendToLoggerAndConsole("The keyword we're going to work through: " + currentKeyword + " For token: " + configData.token.ToString());
                MediasResponse recentMedia;
                    recentMedia = await tagEndpoint.Recent(currentKeyword);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SendToLoggerAndConsole("There was a problem getting recent media.");
                    log.Error("Here's the exception", ex);
                    SendToLoggerAndConsole("Bailing out of this key: " + configData.token.ToString());

                var likesEndpoint = new InstaSharp.Endpoints.Likes(config, oauthResponse);
                var commentsEndpoint = new InstaSharp.Endpoints.Comments(config, oauthResponse);

                SendToLoggerAndConsole("We have " + recentMedia.Data.Count.ToString() + " images to work through");
                SendToLoggerAndConsole("Here's the amount of likes we have remaining: " + recentMedia.RateLimitRemaining.ToString() + " For token: " + configData.token.ToString());
                bool rateLimitExceeded = recentMedia.RateLimitRemaining < 4971;
                int badResponseCount = 1;
                foreach (var image in recentMedia.Data)
                    if (!image.UserHasLiked.Value)
                        if (!rateLimitExceeded)
                            SendToLoggerAndConsole("About to start liking now picture id: " + image.Id);

                                var likeResponse = await likesEndpoint.Post(image.Id);
                                rateLimitExceeded = likeResponse.RateLimitRemaining < 4971;
                                SendToLoggerAndConsole("Like response: " + likeResponse.Meta.Code.ToString() + " For token: " + configData.token.ToString());
                                SendToLoggerAndConsole("You have : " + likeResponse.RateLimitRemaining.ToString() + " remaining on token: " + configData.token.ToString());
                                SendToLoggerAndConsole("You are working on keyword: " + currentKeyword);
                                SendToLoggerAndConsole("Currently on Index: " + configData.index.ToString());
                                if (likeResponse.Meta.Code != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                                    SendToLoggerAndConsole("Because the like response was: " + likeResponse.Meta.Code.ToString() + " For token: " + configData.token.ToString());
                                    SendToLoggerAndConsole("We're going to wait: " + (30 * badResponseCount).ToString() + " minutes before we like another shot");
                                    await Task.Delay(new TimeSpan(0, 30 * badResponseCount, 0)).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
                                    badResponseCount = 1;
                                    SendToLoggerAndConsole("Just liked " + image.Id + " For token: " + configData.token.ToString());
                                    await Task.Delay(new TimeSpan(0, 0, new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(200, 300))).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

 public Auth(InstagramConfig config)
     _config = config;
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OAuth"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="config">The configuration.</param>
 public OAuth(InstagramConfig config)
     this.config = config;
Exemple #15
 public Media(InstagramConfig config, OAuthResponse oAuthResponse)
     this.config = config;
     this.oAuthResponse = oAuthResponse;
        private static AuthInfo GetInstagramAuth(string oAuthUri, string clientId, string redirectUri,
            InstagramConfig config, string login, string password)
            List<Auth.Scope> scopes = new List<Auth.Scope>();

            var link = InstaSharp.Auth.AuthLink(oAuthUri, clientId, redirectUri, scopes);

            // User name in the specified node
            CookieAwareWebClient client = new CookieAwareWebClient();
            // We went to the login page
            var result = client.DownloadData(link);
            var html = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(result);

            // Take the token
            string csr = "";
            string pattern = @"csrfmiddlewaretoken""\svalue=""(.+)""";
            var r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern);
            var m = r.Match(html);
            csr = m.Groups[1].Value;

            // Login
            string loginLink = string.Format(
                "{0}%26redirect_uri%3Dhttp%3A//", clientId);

            NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection();
            parameters.Add("csrfmiddlewaretoken", csr);
            parameters.Add("username", login);
            parameters.Add("password", password);

            // You need to add the secret cookies received pre-login

            // Looking for something headers
            string agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)";
            client.Headers["Referer"] = loginLink;
            client.Headers["Host"] = "";
            client.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            client.Headers["User-Agent"] = agent;
            client.Headers["Accept-Language"] = "pl-PL";
            client.Headers["Accept"] = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";
            client.Headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache";

            // request
            var result2 = client.UploadValues(loginLink, "POST", parameters);

            // Fasting data received code
            // New link is not on the api, and on instagram
            string newPostLink = string.Format(
                "{0}&redirect_uri=", clientId);

            HttpWebRequest request =
            request.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
            request.CookieContainer = client.CookieContainer;
            request.Referer = newPostLink;
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            request.UserAgent = agent;

            string postData = string.Format("csrfmiddlewaretoken={0}&allow=Authorize", csr);
            request.ContentLength = postData.Length;

            ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
            byte[] loginDataBytes = encoding.GetBytes(postData);
            request.ContentLength = loginDataBytes.Length;
            Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream();
            stream.Write(loginDataBytes, 0, loginDataBytes.Length);

            // send the request
            var response = request.GetResponse();
            string location = response.Headers["Location"];

            // Now take out the code and get the authentication
            pattern = @"\?code=(.+)";
            r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern);
            m = r.Match(location);
            string code = m.Groups[1].Value;

            // Finally, we get an authentication token
            var auth = new InstaSharp.Auth(config); //.OAuth(InstaSharpConfig.config);

            // now we have to call back to instagram and include the code they gave us
            // along with our client secret
            var oauthResponse = auth.RequestToken(code);

            return oauthResponse;
 public static InstagramConfig GetConfig()
     var cfg = new InstagramConfig(ApiUrl, OauthUrl, ClientId, ClientSecret, RedirectUrl);
     return cfg;
Exemple #18
 public UpdateController(InstagramConfig config, ILogger log)
     _config = config;
     _log = log;
     _notificationContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<NotifyHub>();
Exemple #19
 private bool ApiAuth()
     ApiConfig = new InstagramConfig(ClientId, ClientKey);
     return ApiConfig != null;
Exemple #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OAuth"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="config">The configuration.</param>
 public OAuth(InstagramConfig config)
     this.config = config;
Exemple #21
 public OAuth(InstagramConfig config)
     _config = config;
 public InstagramOAuth(InstagramConfig config)
     : base(config)
     this.config = config;