public JsonResult StartJob(string filename)//or maybe you've already uploaded and have a fileId instead
            var jobState = new ResumableJobState
                CurrentIteration = 0,
                InputFile = filename,
                OutputFile = filename + "_output.csv"

            var job = new LongRunningJob
                State = "Running",
                ResumableJobState = jobState

            var result = _context.SaveChanges();
            if (result == 0) throw new Exception("Error saving to database");


            return Json(job);
            public void StartOrResume(LongRunningJob job)
                Task.Run(() =>
                    using (var inputFile = System.IO.File.OpenRead(_filePath + job.ResumableJobState.InputFile))
                    using (var outputFile = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(_filePath + job.ResumableJobState.OutputFile))
                        inputFile.Position = job.ResumableJobState.CurrentIteration;
                        for (int i = (int)inputFile.Position; i < inputFile.Length; i++)//casting long to int, what could possibly go wrong?

                            if (job.State == "Input Required" && job.ResumableJobState.RequiredInputType != null)
                            {//We needed input and received it
                                //You might want to do a on the various inputs, and branch into different functions

                                if (job.ResumableJobState.RequiredInputType.InputName == "6*7")
                                    if (job.ResumableJobState.RequiredInputType.IntValue.Value == 42)
                                        break;//Pass Go, collect 42 dollars;
                            outputFile.WriteByte((byte)inputFile.ReadByte());//Don't try this at home!

                            job.ResumableJobState.CurrentIteration = i;//or row, or line, or however you delimit processing
                            job.ResumableJobState.InputFileBufferReadPosition = inputFile.Position;//or something

                            if (i % 7 == 0)
                                job.ResumableJobState.RequiredInputType = _context.RequiredInputTypes.First(t => t.InputName == "Row 7 Input");
                            if (i % 42 == 0)
                                job.ResumableJobState.RequiredInputType = _context.RequiredInputTypes.First(t => t.InputName == "6*7");

                            if (job.ResumableJobState.RequiredInputType != null)
                                job.State = "Input Required";
                            if (job.State != "Running")
                        job.State = "Completed";