Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Event enabled if client connect to server via TCP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public static void ServerConnected(object sender, EventArgs e)
            client.TCPSendMessageToServer("ConnectionSucessful", NetworkUtil.GetMachineName());

            window.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() =>
                // request all the registered patient, exp from scheduler
                client.TCPSendMessageToServer("requestInitialPatient", "");

                // Injection Syncing...
                // clear all previous injection
                // request all the injection
                client.TCPSendMessageToServer("requestInitialInjection", "");
                if (progressingDialog.IsVisible)
                    await window.HideMetroDialogAsync(progressingDialog);
                if (simultaneousErrorDialog.IsVisible)
                    await window.HideMetroDialogAsync(simultaneousErrorDialog);
                if (twoChoiceDialog.IsVisible)
                    await window.HideMetroDialogAsync(twoChoiceDialog);
                await window.ShowMessageAsync("Connection to server succesful", "Server Name: " + client.servername + "\nServer IP:" + client.serverip);
Exemple #2
        private static async void StartServer(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties().GetActiveUdpListeners().Any(p => p.Port == 15000))
                if (!simultaneousErrorDialog.IsVisible)
                    await window.ShowMetroDialogAsync(simultaneousErrorDialog);
                simultaneousErrorDialog.MessageText.Content = "Error when starting server- UDP port already occupied. Check whether there is another instance running";
                Console.Out.WriteLine("[NetworkManager] error when starting server- UDP port already occupied. Check whether there is another instance running");

            server = new Server();

            connected    = true;
            clientNumber = 0;
            clientCount  = 0;

            //client view object for displaying in the network page
            ClientViewObject.Add(clientNumber, NetworkUtil.GetMachineName(), NetworkUtil.GetLocalIPAddress());

            //TODO: add -= when server shut down?
            server.MessageReceivedFromClientEvent += MessageReceivedFromClient;
            server.ClientConnectedEvent           += ClientConnected;
            server.ClientDisconnectedEvent        += ClientDisconnected;

            //load all patient in registered patient after starting server, the client will load the patient via requesting

            //load all the injection after starting server, the client will load the injection via contacting with server

            if (twoChoiceDialog.IsVisible)
                await window.HideMetroDialogAsync(twoChoiceDialog);
            await window.ShowMessageAsync("No server found. \nStarted as server instead!", "Server Name: " + NetworkUtil.GetMachineName() + "\nServer IP:" + NetworkUtil.GetLocalIPAddress());
Exemple #3
 private void UDPMessageReceived(object sender, UDPNetworking.MessageRecievedEventArgs e)
     if (e.message == "connectionrequest")
         uDPNetworking.UDPSend(e.ipAddress, 14999, "connectionaccepted" + "_" + NetworkUtil.GetMachineName());