Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to skip over a template header
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OriginalReader">Tokens to parse</param>
        /// <param name="Fragment">Fragment containing these tokens</param>
        bool ReadTypedefHeader(TokenReader OriginalReader, SourceFragment Fragment)
            TokenReader Reader = new TokenReader(OriginalReader);

            // Check for the typedef keyword
            Token PreviousToken = Reader.Current;

            if (Reader.Current.Text != "typedef" || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Scan to the next semicolon
            while (Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines) && Reader.Current.Text != ";" && Reader.Current.Text != "{")
                PreviousToken = Reader.Current;

            // Ignore 'typedef struct' and 'typedef union' declarations.
            if (Reader.Current.Text == "{")

            // Try to add a symbol for the previous token. If it already exists, replace it.
            if (PreviousToken.Type == TokenType.Identifier && Rules.AllowSymbol(PreviousToken.Text))
                AddSymbol(PreviousToken.Text, SymbolType.Typedef, null, Fragment, OriginalReader.TokenLocation);

            // Move the original reader past the declaration
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse declarations from the reader
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="File">The file containing the declarations</param>
        /// <param name="MarkupIdx">The markup to parse declarations from</param>
        /// <param name="Scope">The scope depth; the number of unmatched opening brace tokens</param>
        void ParseDeclarations(SourceFile File, SourceFragment Fragment, PreprocessorMarkup Markup, ref int Scope)
            TokenReader Reader = new TokenReader(File.Text, Markup.Location, Markup.EndLocation);

            if (Reader.MoveNext())
                for (;;)
                    if (Scope > 0 || (!ReadEnumClassHeader(Reader, Fragment) && !ReadClassOrStructHeader(Reader, Fragment) && !ReadTypedefHeader(Reader, Fragment) && !ReadTemplateClassOrStructHeader(Reader, Fragment) && !SkipTemplateHeader(Reader)))
                        // Update the scope depth
                        if (Reader.Current.Text == "{")
                        else if (Reader.Current.Text == "}" && --Scope < 0)
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Unbalanced '}}' while parsing '{0}'", File.Location));

                        // Move to the next token
                        if (!Reader.MoveNext())
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an output file which represents the same includes as the inpu tfile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputFile">The input file that this output file corresponds to</param>
        /// <param name="Includes">The active set of includes parsed for this file</param>
        /// <param name="Log">Writer for log messages</param>
        public static OutputFile CreatePassthroughOutputFile(SourceFile InputFile, List <OutputFileInclude> Includes, LineBasedTextWriter Log)
            // Write the state
            InputFile.LogVerbose("InputFile={0}", InputFile.Location.FullName);

            // Reduce the list of includes to those that are required.
            HashSet <SourceFragment> Dependencies = new HashSet <SourceFragment>();

            for (int FragmentIdx = InputFile.Fragments.Length - 1, IncludeIdx = Includes.Count - 1; FragmentIdx >= 0; FragmentIdx--)
                // Update the dependency lists for this fragment
                SourceFragment InputFragment = InputFile.Fragments[FragmentIdx];
                if (InputFragment.Dependencies != null)

                // Scan backwards through the list of includes, expanding each include to those which are required
                int MarkupMin = (FragmentIdx == 0)? -1 : InputFragment.MarkupMin;
                for (; IncludeIdx >= 0 && Includes[IncludeIdx].MarkupIdx >= MarkupMin; IncludeIdx--)
                    OutputFileInclude Include = Includes[IncludeIdx];

            // Create the optimized file
            return(new OutputFile(InputFile, Includes, new HashSet <SourceFragment>(), new List <Symbol>()));
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Name">Symbol name</param>
 /// <param name="Type">Type of the symbol</param>
 /// <param name="ForwardDeclaration">Text for a forward declaration of this symbol</param>
 /// <param name="Fragment">File that this symbol is defined in</param>
 /// <param name="Location">Location within the file that this symbol is declared</param>
 public Symbol(string Name, SymbolType Type, string ForwardDeclaration, SourceFragment Fragment, TextLocation Location)
     this.Name = Name;
     this.Type = Type;
     this.ForwardDeclaration = ForwardDeclaration;
     this.Fragment           = Fragment;
     this.Location           = Location;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to read a class or struct header
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Reader">Tokens to parse</param>
        /// <param name="Fragment">Fragment containing these tokens</param>
        bool ReadClassOrStructHeader(TokenReader OriginalReader, SourceFragment Fragment)
            TokenReader Reader = new TokenReader(OriginalReader);

            // Make sure it's the right type
            SymbolType Type;

            if (Reader.Current.Text == "class")
                Type = SymbolType.Class;
            else if (Reader.Current.Text == "struct")
                Type = SymbolType.Struct;

            // Move to the name
            string ClassOrStructKeyword = Reader.Current.Text;

            if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Skip over an optional DLL export declaration
            if (Reader.Current.Type == TokenType.Identifier && Reader.Current.Text.EndsWith("_API") && !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Read the class name
            string Name = Reader.Current.Text;

            if (Reader.Current.Type != TokenType.Identifier || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
            if (Reader.Current.Text != ":" && Reader.Current.Text != "{")

            // Create the symbol
            if (Rules.AllowSymbol(Name))
                string ForwardDeclaration = String.Format("{0} {1};", ClassOrStructKeyword, Name);
                AddSymbol(Name, Type, ForwardDeclaration, Fragment, OriginalReader.TokenLocation);

            // Move the original reader past the declaration
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse an "enum class" declaration, and add a symbol for it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Reader">Tokens to be parsed. On success, this is assigned to a new </param>
        /// <param name="Fragment">Fragment containing these tokens</param>
        bool ReadEnumClassHeader(TokenReader OriginalReader, SourceFragment Fragment)
            TokenReader Reader = new TokenReader(OriginalReader);

            // Read the 'enum class' tokens
            if (Reader.Current.Text != "enum" || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
            if (Reader.Current.Text != "class" || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Read the name, make sure we haven't read a definition for it already, and check it's an enum declaration
            string Name = Reader.Current.Text;

            if (Reader.Current.Type != TokenType.Identifier || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
            if (Reader.Current.Text != ";" && Reader.Current.Text != ":" && Reader.Current.Text != "{")

            // Build the forward declaration for it
            StringBuilder ForwardDeclaration = new StringBuilder();

            ForwardDeclaration.AppendFormat("enum class {0}", Name);
            while (Reader.Current.Text != ";" && Reader.Current.Text != "{")
                // Append the next token
                if (Reader.Current.HasLeadingSpace)
                    ForwardDeclaration.Append(" ");

                // Try to move to the next token
                if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Create a symbol for it if it's an actual definition rather than a forward declaration
            if (Reader.Current.Text == "{" && Rules.AllowSymbol(Name))
                AddSymbol(Name, SymbolType.Enumeration, ForwardDeclaration.ToString(), Fragment, OriginalReader.TokenLocation);

            // Update the original reader to be the new location
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether a symbol reference should be ignored, because it's to an item defined above in the same file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Symbol">The referenced symbol</param>
 /// <param name="Fragment">The current fragment being parsed</param>
 /// <param name="Location">Position within the current fragment</param>
 /// <returns>True if the symbol should be ignored</returns>
 static bool IgnoreSymbol(Symbol Symbol, SourceFragment Fragment, TextLocation Location)
     if (Symbol.Fragment.File == Fragment.File && Location > Symbol.Location)
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the list of known dependencies to include dependencies of our already known dependencies
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the dependencies were updated, false if a dependency was encountered which is not available to this fragment</returns>
        void UpdateDependencies(LineBasedTextWriter Log)
            // Update the task to account for any new dependencies that may have been found. Loop back through all the fragments so we include
            // dependencies we find along the way.
            for (int FragmentIdx = Worker.FragmentCount - 1; FragmentIdx > 0; FragmentIdx--)
                SourceFragment Fragment = Fragments[FragmentIdx];
                if (Worker.KnownDependencies.Contains(FragmentIdx) && Fragment.Dependencies != null)
                    // Include the dependencies of this fragment in our dependencies list
                    List <SourceFragment> MissingDependencies = new List <SourceFragment>();
                    foreach (SourceFragment Dependency in Fragment.Dependencies)
                        int DependencyIdx = Array.IndexOf(Fragments, Dependency);
                        if (DependencyIdx == -1 || DependencyIdx > FragmentIdx)

                    // If any were missing (because they were calculated by a different derivation), provide a useful diagnostic. Otherwise re-queue the worker
                    // to find the next dependency.
                    if (MissingDependencies.Count > 0 && MissingDependencies.Any(x => !WarnedMissingDependencies.Contains(x)))
                        StringBuilder Message = new StringBuilder();
                        Log.WriteLine("warning: could not find dependencies of '{0}':", Fragment.Location.FullName);
                        foreach (SourceFragment MissingDependency in MissingDependencies)
                            Log.WriteLine("    {0}", MissingDependency.Location);
                        Log.WriteLine("In fragments for '{0}':", LastFragment.Location);
                        for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Worker.RemainingFragmentCount; Idx++)
                            Log.WriteLine("    {0,3}: {1}", Idx, Fragments[Idx].Location.FullName);
                        for (int Idx = Worker.RemainingFragmentCount; Idx < Fragments.Length; Idx++)
                            Log.WriteLine("    {0,3}: ({1})", Idx, Fragments[Idx].Location.FullName);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a symbol to the lookup. If the symbol already exists and is marked as a different type, mark it as ambiguous.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">The symbol name</param>
        /// <param name="Type">Type of the symbol</param>
        /// <param name="ForwardDeclaration">Code used to declare a forward declaration</param>
        /// <param name="Fragment">The current fragment</param>
        /// <param name="Location">Location within the file that this symbol is declared</param>
        Symbol AddSymbol(string Name, SymbolType Type, string ForwardDeclaration, SourceFragment Fragment, TextLocation Location)
            // Try to find an existing symbol which matches
            foreach (Symbol ExistingSymbol in Lookup.WithKey(Name))
                if (ExistingSymbol.Type == Type && ExistingSymbol.Fragment == Fragment)

            // Otherwise create a new one
            Symbol NewSymbol = new Symbol(Name, Type, ForwardDeclaration, Fragment, Location);

            Lookup.Add(Name, NewSymbol);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a known dependency to the given task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Worker">The task to add the dependency to</param>
        /// <param name="Fragments">The array of fragments</param>
        /// <param name="FragmentIdx">Index of the dependency</param>
        static void AddDependency(SequenceWorker Worker, SourceFragment[] Fragments, int FragmentIdx)
            // Add the dependency

            // Check for any macro definitions that the given fragment depends on
            SourceFragment Fragment = Fragments[FragmentIdx];

            foreach (Symbol ReferencedSymbol in Fragment.ReferencedSymbols.Keys)
                if (ReferencedSymbol.Type == SymbolType.Macro)
                    int ReferencedFragmentIdx = Array.IndexOf(Fragments, ReferencedSymbol.Fragment);
                    if (ReferencedFragmentIdx != -1 && ReferencedFragmentIdx < FragmentIdx)

            // Force dependencies onto pinned fragments. This can make a difference when templated functions are implemented in pinned headers
            // but declared in another (eg. LegacyText.h). The file will compile fine without the implementations being present, expecting them to be linked
            // into another object file, but fail when they are included due to being pinned later because MSVC only parses the token stream then.
            for (int MarkupIdx = Fragment.MarkupMin; MarkupIdx < Fragment.MarkupMax; MarkupIdx++)
                PreprocessorMarkup Markup = Fragment.File.Markup[MarkupIdx];
                if (Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Include && Markup.IncludedFile != null && (Markup.IncludedFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Pinned) != 0 && Markup.IncludedFile.Counterpart == null)
                    foreach (SourceFragment PinnedFragment in Markup.IncludedFile.Fragments)
                        int PinnedFragmentIdx = Array.IndexOf(Fragments, PinnedFragment);
                        if (PinnedFragmentIdx != -1 && PinnedFragmentIdx < FragmentIdx)
                            AddDependency(Worker, Fragments, PinnedFragmentIdx);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all the imported symbols from the given fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Fragment">Fragment to find symbols for</param>
        /// <returns>Array of unique symbols for this fragment, which are not already forward-declared</returns>
        public Dictionary <Symbol, SymbolReferenceType> FindReferences(SourceFragment Fragment)
            Dictionary <Symbol, SymbolReferenceType> References = new Dictionary <Symbol, SymbolReferenceType>();

            TextBuffer Text = Fragment.File.Text;

            if (Text != null && Fragment.MarkupMax > Fragment.MarkupMin)
                TokenReader Reader = new TokenReader(Fragment.File.Text, Fragment.MinLocation, Fragment.MaxLocation);
                for (bool bMoveNext = Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines); bMoveNext;)
                    // Read the current token, and immediately move to the next so that we can lookahead if we need to
                    Token Token = Reader.Current;
                    bMoveNext = Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines);

                    // Check if the previous token is a symbol
                    if (Token.Type == TokenType.Identifier)
                        if (Token.Text == "class" || Token.Text == "struct")
                            // Skip over "class", "struct" and "enum class" declarations and forward declarations. They're not actually referencing another symbol.
                            if (bMoveNext && Reader.Current.Type == TokenType.Identifier && Reader.Current.Text.EndsWith("_API"))
                                bMoveNext = Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines);
                            if (bMoveNext && Reader.Current.Type == TokenType.Identifier)
                                bMoveNext = Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines);
                        else if (IsSmartPointerClass(Token.Text) && bMoveNext && Reader.Current.Text == "<")
                            // Smart pointer types which do not require complete declarations
                            bMoveNext = Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines);
                            if (bMoveNext && Reader.Current.Type == TokenType.Identifier)
                                foreach (Symbol MatchingSymbol in Lookup.WithKey(Reader.Current.Text))
                                    if ((MatchingSymbol.Type == SymbolType.Class || MatchingSymbol.Type == SymbolType.Struct) && !References.ContainsKey(MatchingSymbol) && !IgnoreSymbol(MatchingSymbol, Fragment, Reader.TokenLocation))
                                        References[MatchingSymbol] = SymbolReferenceType.Opaque;
                                bMoveNext = Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines);
                            // Otherwise check what type of symbol it is (if any), and whether it's referenced in an opaque way (though a pointer/reference or so on).
                            foreach (Symbol MatchingSymbol in Lookup.WithKey(Token.Text))
                                if (IgnoreSymbol(MatchingSymbol, Fragment, Reader.TokenLocation))
                                else if (MatchingSymbol.Type == SymbolType.Macro)
                                    // Add the symbol if it doesn't already exist
                                    if (!References.ContainsKey(MatchingSymbol))
                                        References.Add(MatchingSymbol, SymbolReferenceType.RequiresDefinition);
                                else if (MatchingSymbol.Type == SymbolType.Enumeration)
                                    // Check whether we're using the type in an opaque way, or we actually require the definition
                                    if (!bMoveNext || Reader.Current.Text == "::")
                                        References[MatchingSymbol] = SymbolReferenceType.RequiresDefinition;
                                    else if (!References.ContainsKey(MatchingSymbol))
                                        References[MatchingSymbol] = SymbolReferenceType.Opaque;
                                else if (MatchingSymbol.Type == SymbolType.Class || MatchingSymbol.Type == SymbolType.Struct)
                                    // Check whether we're declaring a pointer to this type, and just need a forward declaration
                                    if (!bMoveNext || (Reader.Current.Text != "*" && Reader.Current.Text != "&"))
                                        References[MatchingSymbol] = SymbolReferenceType.RequiresDefinition;
                                    else if (!References.ContainsKey(MatchingSymbol))
                                        References[MatchingSymbol] = SymbolReferenceType.Opaque;
                                else if (MatchingSymbol.Type == SymbolType.TemplateClass || MatchingSymbol.Type == SymbolType.TemplateStruct)
                                    // Check whether we're declaring a pointer to this type, and just need a forward declaration
                                    TokenReader Lookahead          = new TokenReader(Reader);
                                    bool        bLookaheadMoveNext = bMoveNext;
                                    if (!bMoveNext || !SkipTemplateArguments(Lookahead, ref bLookaheadMoveNext) || (Lookahead.Current.Text != "*" && Lookahead.Current.Text != "&"))
                                        References[MatchingSymbol] = SymbolReferenceType.RequiresDefinition;
                                    else if (!References.ContainsKey(MatchingSymbol))
                                        References[MatchingSymbol] = SymbolReferenceType.Opaque;

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an optimized output file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputFile">The input file that this output file corresponds to</param>
        /// <param name="HeaderFile">The corresponding header file</param>
        /// <param name="PreviousFiles">List of files parsed before this one</param>
        /// <param name="Includes">The active set of includes parsed for this file</param>
        /// <param name="InputFileStack">The active include stack</param>
        /// <param name="FwdSymbolToHeader"></param>
        /// <param name="bMakeStandalone">Whether to make this output file standalone</param>
        /// <param name="Log">Writer for log messages</param>
        public static OutputFile CreateOptimizedOutputFile(SourceFile InputFile, OutputFile HeaderFile, List <OutputFile> PreviousFiles, List <OutputFileInclude> Includes, List <SourceFile> InputFileStack, Dictionary <Symbol, OutputFile> FwdSymbolToHeader, bool bMakeStandalone, LineBasedTextWriter Log)
            Debug.Assert(HeaderFile == null || (InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.TranslationUnit) != 0);

            // Write the state
            InputFile.LogVerbose("InputFile={0}", InputFile.Location.FullName);
            InputFile.LogVerbose("InputFile.Flags={0}", InputFile.Flags.ToString());
            if (HeaderFile != null)
                InputFile.LogVerbose("HeaderFile={0}", HeaderFile.InputFile.Location.FullName);
                InputFile.LogVerbose("HeaderFile.Flags={0}", HeaderFile.InputFile.Flags.ToString());
            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < InputFileStack.Count; Idx++)
                InputFile.LogVerbose("InputFileStack[{0}]={1}", Idx, InputFileStack[Idx].Location.FullName);
            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < PreviousFiles.Count; Idx++)
                InputFile.LogVerbose("PreviousFiles[{0}]={1}", Idx, PreviousFiles[Idx].InputFile.Location.FullName);
            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Includes.Count; Idx++)
            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Includes.Count; Idx++)
                OutputFileInclude Include = Includes[Idx];
                InputFile.LogVerbose("Includes[{0}]={1}", Idx, Includes[Idx].TargetFile.InputFile.Location.FullName);
                foreach (SourceFragment Fragment in Include.FinalFiles.SelectMany(x => x.IncludedFragments))
                    InputFile.LogVerbose("Includes[{0}].FinalFiles.IncludedFragments={1}", Idx, Fragment);

            // Traverse through all the included headers, figuring out the first unique include for each file and fragment
            HashSet <OutputFile>     VisitedFiles     = new HashSet <OutputFile>();
            HashSet <SourceFragment> VisitedFragments = new HashSet <SourceFragment>();

            // Go through the standalone headers first
            OutputFile MonolithicHeader = null;

            if (HeaderFile == null && (InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Standalone) != 0 && (InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.External) == 0 && (InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Aggregate) == 0)
                // Insert a dummy include to receive all the inserted headers
                OutputFileInclude ImplicitInclude = new OutputFileInclude(-1, null);
                ImplicitInclude.ExpandedReferences = new List <OutputFileReference>();
                Includes.Insert(0, ImplicitInclude);

                // Determine which monolithic header to use
                IEnumerable <OutputFile> PotentialMonolithicHeaders = PreviousFiles.Union(Includes.Select(x => x.TargetFile).Where(x => x != null).SelectMany(x => x.IncludedFiles));
                if (InputFile.Module != null && InputFile.Module.PublicDependencyModules.Union(InputFile.Module.PrivateDependencyModules).Any(x => x.Name == "Core"))
                    MonolithicHeader = PotentialMonolithicHeaders.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.IsCoreMinimal) != 0);
                    MonolithicHeader = PotentialMonolithicHeaders.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.IsCoreTypes) != 0);

                // Update the dependencies to treat all the contents of a monolithic header as pinned
                if (MonolithicHeader != null)
                    SourceFragment[] UniqueFragments = MonolithicHeader.IncludedFragments.Except(VisitedFragments).ToArray();
                    ImplicitInclude.ExpandedReferences.Add(new OutputFileReference(MonolithicHeader, UniqueFragments));

                // Insert all the forward declaration headers, but only treat them as supplying the forward declarations themselves. They may happen to include
                // some utility classes (eg. TSharedPtr), and we don't want to include an unrelated header to satisfy that dependency.
                foreach (OutputFile FwdHeader in FwdSymbolToHeader.Values)
                    FindExpandedReferences(FwdHeader, ImplicitInclude.ExpandedReferences, VisitedFiles, VisitedFragments, true);

                // Add all the other files
                if (bMakeStandalone)
                    foreach (OutputFile PreviousFile in PreviousFiles)
                        if ((InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Standalone) != 0 && (PreviousFile.InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Inline) == 0 && (PreviousFile.InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Pinned) == 0 && VisitedFiles.Add(PreviousFile))
                            SourceFragment[] UniqueFragments = PreviousFile.IncludedFragments.Except(VisitedFragments).ToArray();
                            ImplicitInclude.ExpandedReferences.Add(new OutputFileReference(PreviousFile, UniqueFragments));

            // Figure out a list of files which are uniquely reachable through each include. Force an include of the matching header as the first thing.
            OutputFileReference ForcedHeaderFileReference = null;

            foreach (OutputFileInclude Include in Includes)
                if (Include.ExpandedReferences == null)
                    Include.ExpandedReferences = new List <OutputFileReference>();
                    if (Include == Includes[0] && HeaderFile != null)
                        ForcedHeaderFileReference = new OutputFileReference(HeaderFile, HeaderFile.IncludedFragments);
                    FindExpandedReferences(Include.TargetFile, Include.ExpandedReferences, VisitedFiles, VisitedFragments, true);

            // Find all the symbols which are referenced by this file
            HashSet <SourceFragment> FragmentsWithReferencedSymbols = new HashSet <SourceFragment>();

            foreach (SourceFragment Fragment in InputFile.Fragments)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Symbol, SymbolReferenceType> ReferencedSymbol in Fragment.ReferencedSymbols)
                    if (ReferencedSymbol.Value == SymbolReferenceType.RequiresDefinition)

            // Aggregate headers are designed to explicitly include headers from the current module. Expand out a list of them, so they can be included when encountered.
            HashSet <OutputFile> ExplicitIncludes = new HashSet <OutputFile>();

            if ((InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Aggregate) != 0)
                foreach (OutputFileInclude Include in Includes)
                    ExplicitIncludes.UnionWith(Include.ExpandedReferences.Where(x => x.File.InputFile.Location.IsUnderDirectory(InputFile.Location.Directory)).Select(x => x.File));
                foreach (OutputFileInclude Include in Includes)

            // Create the list of remaining dependencies for this file, and add any forward declarations
            HashSet <SourceFragment> Dependencies        = new HashSet <SourceFragment>();
            List <Symbol>            ForwardDeclarations = new List <Symbol>();

            AddForwardDeclarations(InputFile, ForwardDeclarations, Dependencies, FwdSymbolToHeader);

            // Reduce the list of includes to those that are required.
            for (int FragmentIdx = InputFile.Fragments.Length - 1, IncludeIdx = Includes.Count - 1; FragmentIdx >= 0; FragmentIdx--)
                // Update the dependency lists for this fragment
                SourceFragment InputFragment = InputFile.Fragments[FragmentIdx];
                if (InputFragment.Dependencies != null)

                // Scan backwards through the list of includes, expanding each include to those which are required
                int MarkupMin = (FragmentIdx == 0)? -1 : InputFragment.MarkupMin;
                for (; IncludeIdx >= 0 && Includes[IncludeIdx].MarkupIdx >= MarkupMin; IncludeIdx--)
                    OutputFileInclude Include = Includes[IncludeIdx];

                    // Always include the same header for aggregates
                    if ((InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Aggregate) != 0)
                        Include.FinalFiles.Insert(0, Include.TargetFile);

                    // Include any indirectly included files
                    for (int Idx = Include.ExpandedReferences.Count - 1; Idx >= 0; Idx--)
                        // Make sure we haven't already added it above
                        OutputFileReference Reference = Include.ExpandedReferences[Idx];
                        if (!Include.FinalFiles.Contains(Reference.File))
                            if (Dependencies.Any(x => Reference.UniqueFragments.Contains(x)) ||
                                (Reference.File.InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Pinned) != 0 ||
                                Reference == ForcedHeaderFileReference ||
                                Reference.File == MonolithicHeader ||
                                ExplicitIncludes.Contains(Reference.File) ||
                                ((InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Aggregate) != 0 && Reference.File == Include.TargetFile) ||                                 // Always include the original header for aggregates. They are written explicitly to include certain files.
                                Reference.UniqueFragments.Any(x => FragmentsWithReferencedSymbols.Contains(x)))
                                Include.FinalFiles.Insert(0, Reference.File);

            // Remove any includes that are already included by the matching header
            if (HeaderFile != null)
                HashSet <OutputFile> HeaderIncludedFiles = new HashSet <OutputFile>(HeaderFile.Includes.SelectMany(x => x.FinalFiles));
                foreach (OutputFileInclude Include in Includes)
                    Include.FinalFiles.RemoveAll(x => HeaderIncludedFiles.Contains(x));

            // Check that all the dependencies have been satisfied
            if (Dependencies.Count > 0)
                // Find those which are completely invalid
                List <SourceFragment> InvalidDependencies = Dependencies.Where(x => !InputFileStack.Contains(x.File)).ToList();
                if (InvalidDependencies.Count > 0)
                    Log.WriteLine("warning: {0} does not include {1}{2}; may have missing dependencies.", InputFile, String.Join(", ", InvalidDependencies.Select(x => x.Location.FullName).Take(3)), (InvalidDependencies.Count > 3)? String.Format(" and {0} others", InvalidDependencies.Count - 3) : "");

                // Otherwise warn about those which were not pinned
                foreach (SourceFile DependencyFile in Dependencies.Select(x => x.File))
                    Log.WriteLine("warning: {0} is included by {1} ({2}), but depends on it and should be marked as pinned.", InputFile, DependencyFile, String.Join(" -> ", InputFileStack.SkipWhile(x => x != DependencyFile).Select(x => x.Location.GetFileName())));

                // Mark it as non-standalone and pinned
                InputFile.Flags = (InputFile.Flags | SourceFileFlags.Pinned) & ~SourceFileFlags.Standalone;

            // Do one more forward pass through all the headers, and remove anything that's included more than once. That can happen if we have a referenced symbol as well as
            // an explicit include, for example.
            HashSet <OutputFile> FinalIncludes = new HashSet <OutputFile>();

            foreach (OutputFileInclude Include in Includes)
                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Include.FinalFiles.Count; Idx++)
                    if (!FinalIncludes.Add(Include.FinalFiles[Idx]))

            // Create the optimized file
            OutputFile OptimizedFile = new OutputFile(InputFile, Includes, Dependencies, ForwardDeclarations);

            // Write the verbose log
            foreach (OutputFile IncludedFile in OptimizedFile.IncludedFiles)
                InputFile.LogVerbose("Output: {0}", IncludedFile.InputFile.Location.FullName);

            // Return the optimized file
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Find or create an output file for a corresponding input file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputFile">The input file</param>
        /// <param name="IncludeStack">The current include stack</param>
        /// <param name="OutputFiles">List of output files</param>
        /// <param name="OutputFileLookup">Mapping from source file to output file</param>
        /// <returns>The new or existing output file</returns>
        static OutputFile FindOrCreateOutputFile(List <SourceFile> InputFileStack, Dictionary <SourceFile, SourceFile> CppFileToHeaderFile, HashList <OutputFile> PreviousFiles, Dictionary <SourceFile, OutputFile> OutputFileLookup, Dictionary <Symbol, OutputFile> FwdSymbolToHeader, bool bMakeStandalone, bool bUseOriginalIncludes, LineBasedTextWriter Log)
            // Get the file at the top of the stack
            SourceFile InputFile = InputFileStack[InputFileStack.Count - 1];

            // Try to find an existing file
            OutputFile OutputFile;

            if (OutputFileLookup.TryGetValue(InputFile, out OutputFile))
                if (OutputFile == null)
                    throw new Exception("Circular include dependencies are not allowed.");
                foreach (OutputFile IncludedFile in OutputFile.OriginalIncludedFiles.Where(x => !PreviousFiles.Contains(x)))
                // Add a placeholder entry in the output file lookup, so we can detect circular include dependencies
                OutputFileLookup[InputFile] = null;

                // Duplicate the list of previously included files, so we can construct the
                List <OutputFile> PreviousFilesCopy = new List <OutputFile>(PreviousFiles);

                // Build a list of includes for this file. First include is a placeholder for any missing includes that need to be inserted.
                List <OutputFileInclude> Includes = new List <OutputFileInclude>();
                if ((InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.External) == 0)
                    for (int MarkupIdx = 0; MarkupIdx < InputFile.Markup.Length; MarkupIdx++)
                        PreprocessorMarkup Markup = InputFile.Markup[MarkupIdx];
                        if (Markup.IsActive && Markup.IncludedFile != null && (Markup.IncludedFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Inline) == 0 && Markup.IncludedFile.Counterpart == null)
                            OutputFile IncludeFile = FindOrCreateOutputFile(InputFileStack, CppFileToHeaderFile, PreviousFiles, OutputFileLookup, FwdSymbolToHeader, bMakeStandalone, bUseOriginalIncludes, Log);
                            InputFileStack.RemoveAt(InputFileStack.Count - 1);
                            Includes.Add(new OutputFileInclude(MarkupIdx, IncludeFile));

                // Find the matching header file
                OutputFile HeaderFile = null;
                if ((InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.TranslationUnit) != 0)
                    SourceFile CandidateHeaderFile;
                    if (CppFileToHeaderFile.TryGetValue(InputFile, out CandidateHeaderFile) && (CandidateHeaderFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Standalone) != 0)
                        OutputFileLookup.TryGetValue(CandidateHeaderFile, out HeaderFile);

                // Create the output file.
                if ((InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Output) != 0 && !bUseOriginalIncludes)
                    OutputFile = CreateOptimizedOutputFile(InputFile, HeaderFile, PreviousFilesCopy, Includes, InputFileStack, FwdSymbolToHeader, bMakeStandalone, Log);
                    OutputFile = CreatePassthroughOutputFile(InputFile, Includes, Log);

                // Replace the null entry in the output file lookup that we added earlier
                OutputFileLookup[InputFile] = OutputFile;

                // Add this file to the list of included files

                // If the output file dependends on something on the stack, make sure it's marked as pinned
                if ((InputFile.Flags & SourceFileFlags.Pinned) == 0)
                    SourceFragment Dependency = OutputFile.Dependencies.FirstOrDefault(x => InputFileStack.Contains(x.File) && x.File != InputFile);
                    if (Dependency != null)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("'{0}' is not marked as pinned, but depends on '{1}' which includes it", InputFile.Location.GetFileName(), Dependency.UniqueName));
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Wait for this worker to complete
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Writer">Writer for log output</param>
        /// <returns>Return code from the thread</returns>
        public SequenceProbeResult Join(LineBasedTextWriter Writer)
            // Finish the task instance
            BufferedTextWriter BufferedWriter = new BufferedTextWriter();
            int ExitCode = ActiveInstance.Join(BufferedWriter);

            ActiveInstance = null;

            // Read the new state
            FileReference  OutputFile = new FileReference(TaskStateFile.FullName + ".out");
            SequenceWorker NewWorker  = SequenceWorker.Deserialize(OutputFile.FullName);


            // Make sure the exit code reflects the failure state. XGE can sometimes fail transferring back.
            if (ExitCode == 0 && !NewWorker.bResult)
                ExitCode = -1;

            // If it's a hard failure, print the compile log to the regular log
            if (ExitCode == -1)
                Writer.WriteLine("Failed to compile {0}, exit code {1}:", UniqueName, ExitCode);
                foreach (string Line in NewWorker.CompileLog)
                    Writer.WriteLine("    > {0}", Line.Replace("error:", "err:"));

            // Annotate the log data if this is from a failed attempt. It still may be useful for debugging purposes.
            if (ExitCode != 0)
                NewWorker.SummaryLog.Insert(0, String.Format("ExitCode={0}", ExitCode));
                NewWorker.SummaryLog = NewWorker.SummaryLog.Select(x => "FAIL > " + x).ToList();

                NewWorker.CompileLog.Insert(0, String.Format("ExitCode={0}", ExitCode));
                NewWorker.CompileLog = NewWorker.CompileLog.Select(x => "FAIL > " + x).ToList();

            // Append the log data back to the local output
            File.AppendAllLines(SummaryLogFile.FullName, NewWorker.SummaryLog);

            File.AppendAllLines(CompileLogFile.FullName, NewWorker.CompileLog);

            // If we failed, return the
            if (ExitCode != 0)
                if (ExitCode == -1)
                    Writer.WriteLine("Warning: Failed to compile {0}, exit code {1}. Aborting.", UniqueName, ExitCode);
                    Writer.WriteLine("Warning: Failed to compile {0}; exit code {1}. Will retry.", UniqueName, ExitCode);

            // Update the task
            Worker = NewWorker;

            // Check if this is just an incremental update
            if (Type == SequenceProbeType.Verify)
                // Save the task

                // Return that we're done
            else if (Type == SequenceProbeType.Optimize)
                if (Worker.RemainingFragmentCount > 0)
                    // Get the top-most fragment - the one we've just established is a dependency for this leaf node - and add it to the list of known dependencies
                    SourceFragment NextFragment = Fragments[Worker.RemainingFragmentCount - 1];
                    AddDependency(Worker, Fragments, Worker.RemainingFragmentCount - 1);
                    Worker.SummaryLog.Add(String.Format("         [Added {0}: {1}]", Worker.RemainingFragmentCount - 1, Fragments[Worker.RemainingFragmentCount - 1].Location));

                    // Save the task

                    // Otherwise, return that we've just updated
                    // Save the task

                    // Return that we're done
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Type">The type of probe to create</param>
        /// <param name="Node">The node to optimize</param>
        /// <param name="IntermediateDir">Directory for intermediate files</param>
        /// <param name="UniqueName">Unique name prefix for all temporary files</param>
        public SequenceProbe(SequenceProbeType Type, SourceFragment[] Fragments, Tuple <int, SourceFile>[] IncludeHistory, CompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, DirectoryReference IntermediateDir, IEnumerable <DirectoryReference> ExtraSystemIncludePaths, string UniqueName)
            this.Type            = Type;
            this.IntermediateDir = IntermediateDir;
            this.Fragments       = Fragments;
            this.LastFragment    = Fragments[Fragments.Length - 1];
            this.UniqueName      = UniqueName;
            this.TaskStateFile   = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDir, UniqueName + ((Type == SequenceProbeType.Verify)? ".verify.state" : ".state"));
            this.SummaryLogFile  = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDir, UniqueName + ".summary.txt");
            this.CompileLogFile  = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDir, UniqueName + ".compile.txt");

            // Get the file to use for trying to compile different permutations
            FileReference PermutationFile = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDir, UniqueName + ".permutation");

            // Create the response file
            FileReference      ResponseFile             = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDir, UniqueName + ".response");
            CompileEnvironment WorkerCompileEnvironment = new CompileEnvironment(CompileEnvironment);

            if (WorkerCompileEnvironment.CompilerType == CompilerType.Clang)
                WorkerCompileEnvironment.Options.Add(new CompileOption("-o", FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDir, UniqueName + ".o").FullName.Replace('\\', '/')));
                WorkerCompileEnvironment.Options.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == "/Z7" || x.Name == "/Zi" || x.Name == "/ZI");
                WorkerCompileEnvironment.Options.Add(new CompileOption("/Fo", FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDir, UniqueName + ".obj").FullName));
                WorkerCompileEnvironment.Options.Add(new CompileOption("/WX", null));
            WorkerCompileEnvironment.WriteResponseFile(ResponseFile, PermutationFile);
            string ResponseFileDigest = Utility.ComputeDigest(ResponseFile);

            // Keep track of the include stack, so we can format the flat fragment list with context
            int IncludeHistoryIdx          = 0;
            List <SourceFile> IncludeStack = new List <SourceFile>();

            // Create the script for the probe
            List <Tuple <int, string> > Lines = new List <Tuple <int, string> >();

            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Fragments.Length; Idx++)
                SourceFragment Fragment = Fragments[Idx];

                // Figure out which tag it's bound to
                int Tag = (Fragment.File.Counterpart == null)? Idx : -1;

                // Update the stack for new includes
                while (IncludeHistoryIdx < IncludeHistory.Length && IncludeHistory[IncludeHistoryIdx].Item1 == Idx)
                    if (IncludeHistory[IncludeHistoryIdx].Item2 == null)
                        SourceFile IncludeFile = IncludeStack[IncludeStack.Count - 1];
                        IncludeStack.RemoveAt(IncludeStack.Count - 1);
                        Lines.Add(new Tuple <int, string>(Tag, String.Format("{0}// END INCLUDE {1}", new string(' ', IncludeStack.Count * 4), IncludeFile.Location.FullName)));
                    else if (IncludeHistoryIdx + 1 < IncludeHistory.Length && IncludeHistory[IncludeHistoryIdx + 1].Item2 == null)
                        IncludeHistoryIdx += 2;
                        SourceFile IncludeFile = IncludeHistory[IncludeHistoryIdx].Item2;
                        Lines.Add(new Tuple <int, string>(Tag, String.Format("{0}// INCLUDE {1}", new string(' ', IncludeStack.Count * 4), IncludeFile.Location.FullName)));

                // Get the indent at this point
                string Indent = new string(' ', (IncludeStack.Count - 0) * 4);

                // Write out the forward declarations for every symbol referenced in this fragment. We don't want false dependencies caused by forward declarations in other fragments
                // if the heuristic for detecting when to use them doesn't work.
                if ((Fragment.File.Flags & SourceFileFlags.TranslationUnit) == 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Symbol, SymbolReferenceType> ReferencedSymbol in Fragment.ReferencedSymbols)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReferencedSymbol.Key.ForwardDeclaration))
                            Lines.Add(Tuple.Create(Tag, Indent + ReferencedSymbol.Key.ForwardDeclaration));

                // Some Clang/GCC system header wrappers require including as system includes in order to make the #include_next directive work
                DirectoryReference BaseSystemIncludePath = ExtraSystemIncludePaths.FirstOrDefault(x => Fragment.Location.IsUnderDirectory(x));
                if (BaseSystemIncludePath != null)
                    Lines.Add(Tuple.Create(Tag, String.Format("{0}#include <{1}>", Indent, Fragment.Location.MakeRelativeTo(BaseSystemIncludePath))));
                    Lines.Add(Tuple.Create(Tag, String.Format("{0}#include \"{1}\"", Indent, Fragment.Location.FullName)));

            // Create the new task
            string[] FragmentFileNames = Fragments.Select(Fragment => Fragment.Location.FullName).ToArray();
            string[] FragmentDigests   = Fragments.Select(Fragment => Fragment.Digest ?? "").ToArray();
            Worker = new SequenceWorker(PermutationFile.FullName, ResponseFile.FullName, ResponseFileDigest, FragmentFileNames, FragmentDigests, Lines.ToArray(), CompileEnvironment.Compiler.FullName);
            AddDependency(Worker, Fragments, Fragments.Length - 1);

            // Log the referenced symbols
            if (LastFragment.ReferencedSymbols.Count > 0)
                List <string> ReferenceLog = new List <string>();
                ReferenceLog.Add(String.Format("Referenced symbols for {0}:", LastFragment.Location));
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Symbol, SymbolReferenceType> Pair in LastFragment.ReferencedSymbols.OrderBy(x => x.Key.Type).ThenBy(x => x.Key.Name))
                    Symbol ReferencedSymbol = Pair.Key;
                    ReferenceLog.Add(String.Format("    {0}: {1} ({2}; {3})", ReferencedSymbol.Type.ToString(), ReferencedSymbol.Name, Pair.Value.ToString(), ReferencedSymbol.Fragment.Location));
                Worker.SummaryLog.InsertRange(0, ReferenceLog);

            // Check to see if an existing version of the task exists which we can continue
            if (Type == SequenceProbeType.Optimize && TaskStateFile.Exists())
                // Try to read the old task
                SequenceWorker OldWorker;
                    OldWorker = SequenceWorker.Deserialize(TaskStateFile.FullName);
                catch (Exception)
                    OldWorker = null;

                // If it succeeded, compare it to the new task
                if (OldWorker != null)
                    SequenceWorker NewWorker = Worker;

                    // Create a list of fragments which can be ignored, because they're already determined to be not part of the result for the old task
                    HashSet <string> IgnoreFragments = new HashSet <string>();
                    for (int Idx = 0; Idx < OldWorker.FragmentCount; Idx++)
                        if (!OldWorker.KnownDependencies.Contains(Idx) && Idx >= OldWorker.RemainingFragmentCount)
                    IgnoreFragments.ExceptWith(NewWorker.KnownDependencies.Select(x => NewWorker.FragmentFileNames[x]));

                    // Compute digests for the old and new tasks
                    string OldDigest = CreateDigest(OldWorker, IgnoreFragments);
                    string NewDigest = CreateDigest(NewWorker, IgnoreFragments);
                    if (OldDigest == NewDigest)
                        // Build a map of fragment file names to their new index
                        Dictionary <string, int> FragmentFileNameToNewIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                        for (int Idx = 0; Idx < FragmentFileNames.Length; Idx++)
                            string FragmentFileName = FragmentFileNames[Idx];
                            FragmentFileNameToNewIndex[FragmentFileName] = Idx;

                        // Add known dependencies to the new worker
                        foreach (int OldKnownDependency in OldWorker.KnownDependencies)
                            string OldFragmentFileName = OldWorker.FragmentFileNames[OldKnownDependency];
                            int    NewKnownDependency  = FragmentFileNameToNewIndex[OldFragmentFileName];

                        // Update the remaining count. All these fragments must match, because they're not part of the ignore list.
                        NewWorker.RemainingFragmentCount = OldWorker.RemainingFragmentCount;

            // If this is a cpp file, make sure we have a dependency on the header file with the same name. It may specify linkage for the functions we declare.
            FileReference MainFileLocation = Fragments[Fragments.Length - 1].File.Location;

            if (MainFileLocation.HasExtension(".cpp"))
                string HeaderFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(MainFileLocation.GetFileName(), ".h");
                for (int FragmentIdx = 0; FragmentIdx < Fragments.Length; FragmentIdx++)
                    if (String.Compare(Fragments[FragmentIdx].File.Location.GetFileName(), HeaderFileName, true) == 0)
                        AddDependency(Worker, Fragments, FragmentIdx);

            // Update the finished fragment if we're done, otherwise clear out all the intermediate files
            if (Worker.RemainingFragmentCount == 0)

Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Read all the exported symbol definitions from a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="File">The file to parse</param>
        /// <param name="MarkupIdx">The current index into the markup array of this file</param>
        /// <param name="Scope">The scoping depth, ie. number of unmatched '{' tokens encountered in source code</param>
        void ReadExportedSymbols(SourceFile File, ref int MarkupIdx, ref int Scope)
            // Ignore files which only have a header guard; there are no fragments that we can link to
            if (File.BodyMinIdx == File.BodyMaxIdx)

            // Read markup from the file
            for (; MarkupIdx < File.Markup.Length; MarkupIdx++)
                PreprocessorMarkup Markup = File.Markup[MarkupIdx];
                if (Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Define)
                    // If the macro is not already defined, add it
                    if (Markup.Tokens[0].Text != "LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE")
                        SourceFragment Fragment = FindFragment(File, MarkupIdx);
                        AddSymbol(Markup.Tokens[0].Text, SymbolType.Macro, null, Fragment, Markup.Location);
                else if (Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.If && Markup.Tokens.Count == 2 && Markup.Tokens[0].Text == "!" && Markup.Tokens[1].Text == "CPP")
                    // Completely ignore these blocks; they sometimes differ in class/struct usage, and exist solely for noexport types to be parsed by UHT
                    int Depth = 1;
                    while (Depth > 0)
                        Markup = File.Markup[++MarkupIdx];
                        if (Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.If || Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Ifdef || Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Ifndef)
                        else if (Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Endif)
                else if (Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.If || Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Ifdef || Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Ifndef)
                    // Loop through all the branches of this conditional block, saving the resulting scope of each derivation
                    List <int> NewScopes = new List <int>();
                    while (Markup.Type != PreprocessorMarkupType.Endif)
                        // Skip over the conditional directive

                        // Read any exported symbols from this conditional block
                        int NewScope = Scope;
                        ReadExportedSymbols(File, ref MarkupIdx, ref NewScope);

                        // Get the new preprocessor markup
                        Markup = File.Markup[MarkupIdx];

                    // Make sure they were all consistent
                    if (NewScopes.Any(x => x != NewScopes[0]))
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Unbalanced scope depth between conditional block derivations while parsing {0}", File.Location));

                    // Update the scope
                    Scope = NewScopes[0];
                else if (Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Else || Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Elif || Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Endif)
                    // We've reached the end of this block; return success
                else if (Markup.Type == PreprocessorMarkupType.Text)
                    // Read the declarations in this block
                    SourceFragment Fragment = FindFragment(File, MarkupIdx);
                    ParseDeclarations(File, Fragment, File.Markup[MarkupIdx], ref Scope);
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to read a template class or struct header
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Reader">Tokens to parse</param>
        /// <param name="Fragment">Fragment containing these tokens</param>
        bool ReadTemplateClassOrStructHeader(TokenReader OriginalReader, SourceFragment Fragment)
            TokenReader Reader = new TokenReader(OriginalReader);

            // Check for the template keyword
            if (Reader.Current.Text != "template")

            // Create a buffer to store the template prefix
            List <Token> Tokens = new List <Token>();


            // Check for the opening argument list
            if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines) || Reader.Current.Text != "<")

            // Read the argument list, keeping track of any symbols referenced along the way
            while (Tokens[Tokens.Count - 1].Text != ">")
                if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Get the symbol type
            SymbolType Type;

            if (Reader.Current.Text == "class")
                Type = SymbolType.TemplateClass;
            else if (Reader.Current.Text == "struct")
                Type = SymbolType.TemplateStruct;

            // Add the class or struct keyword

            // Move to the name
            if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Skip over an optional DLL export declaration
            if (Reader.Current.Type == TokenType.Identifier && Reader.Current.Text.EndsWith("_API") && !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Read the class name and check it's followed by a class body or inheritance list
            string Name = Reader.Current.Text;

            if (Reader.Current.Type != TokenType.Identifier || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
            if (Reader.Current.Text != ":" && Reader.Current.Text != "{")

            // Create the symbol.
            if (Rules.AllowSymbol(Name))
                // Only allow forward declarations of templates with class and typename arguments and no defaults (ie. no enums or class names which may have to be forward-declared separately).
                string ForwardDeclaration = null;
                if (!Tokens.Any(x => x.Text == "="))
                    ForwardDeclaration = String.Format("{0} {1};", Token.Format(Tokens), Name);
                    for (int Idx = 2; Idx < Tokens.Count - 2; Idx += 3)
                        if (Tokens[Idx].Text != "class" && Tokens[Idx].Text != "typename")
                            ForwardDeclaration = null;
                AddSymbol(Name, Type, ForwardDeclaration, Fragment, OriginalReader.TokenLocation);

            // Move the original reader past the declaration
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse an "enum class" declaration, and add a symbol for it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Reader">Tokens to be parsed. On success, this is assigned to a new </param>
        /// <param name="Fragment">Fragment containing these tokens</param>
        bool ReadEnumClassHeader(TokenReader OriginalReader, SourceFragment Fragment)
            TokenReader Reader = new TokenReader(OriginalReader);

            // Read the UENUM prefix if present. We don't want to forward-declare types that need to be parsed by UHT, because it needs the definition.
            bool bIsUENUM = false;

            if (Reader.Current.Text == "UENUM")
                if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines) || Reader.Current.Text != "(")
                while (Reader.Current.Text != ")")
                    if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
                if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
                bIsUENUM = true;

            // Read the 'enum class' tokens
            if (Reader.Current.Text != "enum" || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
            if (Reader.Current.Text != "class" || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))

            // Read the name, make sure we haven't read a definition for it already, and check it's an enum declaration
            string Name = Reader.Current.Text;

            if (Reader.Current.Type != TokenType.Identifier || !Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
            if (Reader.Current.Text != ";" && Reader.Current.Text != ":" && Reader.Current.Text != "{")

            // Build the forward declaration for it. Don't forward-declare UENUM types because UHT needs to parse their definition first.
            string ForwardDeclaration = null;

            if (!bIsUENUM)
                StringBuilder ForwardDeclarationBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                ForwardDeclarationBuilder.AppendFormat("enum class {0}", Name);
                while (Reader.Current.Text != ";" && Reader.Current.Text != "{")
                    // Append the next token
                    if (Reader.Current.HasLeadingSpace)
                        ForwardDeclarationBuilder.Append(" ");

                    // Try to move to the next token
                    if (!Reader.MoveNext(TokenReaderContext.IgnoreNewlines))
                ForwardDeclaration = ForwardDeclarationBuilder.ToString();

            // Create a symbol for it if it's an actual definition rather than a forward declaration
            if (Reader.Current.Text == "{" && Rules.AllowSymbol(Name))
                AddSymbol(Name, SymbolType.Enumeration, ForwardDeclaration, Fragment, OriginalReader.TokenLocation);

            // Update the original reader to be the new location