public void InitImageList(List <ExperimentConfigUIElement> images)
            // setup table layout
            float rowHeight   = images[0].UIIcon.height / 3;
            float columnWidth = images[0].UIIcon.width / 3;
            float curY        = 22.0f; // offset for text labels

            for (int index = 0; index < images.Count; index += 2)
                var r1 = new Rect(15f, curY, rowHeight, columnWidth);
                var r2 = new Rect(r1.xMax + 35f, curY, rowHeight, columnWidth);

                curY += r1.height + 22f;

            if (_cachedDrawEntries.NullOrEmpty())
                for (int i = 0; i < images.Count; ++i)
                    ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry newEntry = new ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry(images[i].PartialDefName, images[i].UIText, images[i].UIIcon);
        // Draw our list to the UI
        // mostly just ripped from original source code, jsut changed in a few areas for my needs
        private void DrawListWorker(Rect refRect, string listTitle, bool hasImage)
            Rect titleRect = new Rect(refRect);

            titleRect.x = refRect.xMin + 50f;
            titleRect.y = refRect.yMin;
            Widgets.Label(titleRect, listTitle);

            Rect rect1 = new Rect(refRect);

            rect1.width *= 0.5f;
            rect1.y     += 25f;
            Rect rect2 = new Rect(refRect);

            rect2.x     = rect1.xMax;
            rect2.width = refRect.xMax - rect2.x;
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
            Rect viewRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, rect1.width - 16f, _listHeight);

            Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect1, ref _scrollPosition, viewRect, true);
            float curY = 0.0f;

            _mousedOverEntry = (ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry)null;

            if (hasImage)
                for (int i = 0; i < _cachedDrawEntries.Count; ++i)
                    Action <ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry> mouseClickEvent = MouseClickCallBackEvent;
                    Action <ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry> mouseOverEvent  = MouseOverCallBackEvent;
                    curY += _cachedDrawEntries[i].DrawImage(testRectList[i].x, testRectList[i].y, false, viewRect.width - 8f, _cachedDrawEntries[i].EntryImage, mouseClickEvent, mouseOverEvent, _scrollPosition, rect1);
                for (int i = 0; i < _cachedDrawEntries.Count; ++i)
                    Action <ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry> mouseClickEvent = MouseClickCallBackEvent;
                    Action <ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry> mouseOverEvent  = MouseOverCallBackEvent;

                    curY += _cachedDrawEntries[i].Draw(8f, curY, viewRect.width - 8f,
                                                       false, mouseClickEvent, mouseOverEvent, _scrollPosition, rect1);

            _listHeight = curY;
            // Rect rect3 = rect2.ContractedBy(10f);
            ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry loreEntry = _selectedEntry ?? _mousedOverEntry ?? _cachedDrawEntries.FirstOrDefault <ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry>();

            if (loreEntry != null)
                // draws text on the right side
                //Widgets.Label(rect3.AtZero(), loreEntry.EntryBasicDesc);
 private void SelectEntry(ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry entry, bool playSound = true)
     _selectedEntry = entry;
     if (!playSound)
 public void DrawTextListWithAttachedThing(Rect inRect, List <Tuple <string, Thing> > thingList, string listTitle)
     if (_cachedDrawEntries.NullOrEmpty())
         foreach (var str in thingList)
             string label = str.Item1;
             ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry newEntry = new ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry(label, str.Item2);
     DrawListWorker(inRect, listTitle, false);
 public void DrawTextList(Rect inRect, List <string> thingList, string listTitle)
     if (_cachedDrawEntries.NullOrEmpty())
         foreach (string str in thingList)
             string label = str;
             string desc  = "";
             ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry newEntry = new ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry(label, desc);
     DrawListWorker(inRect, listTitle, false);
 private void MouseOverCallBackEvent(ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry r)
     _mousedOverEntry = r;
 // Mouse events
 private void MouseClickCallBackEvent(ImmersiveResearchDrawEntry r)
     SelectEntry(r, true);