Exemple #1
        public YDataFloat GetFloatData()
            if (_floatData == null)
                lock (_floatDataLock)
                    if (_floatData == null)
                        var floatArray = new float[Width, Height];
                        int height     = Height;

                            //for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                            Parallel.For(0, height, (y) =>
                                fixed(byte *pData = Data)
                                    fixed(float *pFloat = floatArray)
                                        int *pDataInt = (int *)pData;

                                        int ySrcOffset = (y * Stride) / sizeof(int);
                                        int xMax       = Width / 2;

                                        int yDstOffset = y;

                                        int x = 0;
                                        while (x < xMax)
                                            int color1, color2, color3, color4;

                                            int color = pDataInt[ySrcOffset++];
                                            color1    = (color & 0xFF);
                                            color2    = (color >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                            color3    = (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
                                            color4    = (color >> 24) & 0xFF;

                                            pFloat[yDstOffset] = color1;
                                            yDstOffset        += height;
                                            pFloat[yDstOffset] = color2;
                                            yDstOffset        += height;
                                            pFloat[yDstOffset] = color3;
                                            yDstOffset        += height;
                                            pFloat[yDstOffset] = color4;
                                            yDstOffset        += height;

                                            x += 2;

                        _floatData = new YDataFloat(floatArray, byte.MaxValue);
Exemple #2
        // -------------- Frame difference, for logo detection --------------

        public static void CalculateLogoDifference(YDataFloat edgeMapAvg, YDataFloat logoDetectionFrame, float detectionFrameAverage, float detectionFrameMaximum, out float difference)
            int width  = edgeMapAvg.Width;
            int height = edgeMapAvg.Height;

            var detectionFrameMaximumOffset = (detectionFrameMaximum - detectionFrameAverage);

            // Calculate absolute difference between values and apply power of important pixels from logoDetectionFrame
            var total = 0.0f;

                fixed(float *pEdgeMapAvg = edgeMapAvg.Data, pLogoDetectionFrame = logoDetectionFrame.Data)
                    int size = width * height;

                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        var detectionFrameOffset = Math.Abs(pLogoDetectionFrame[i] - detectionFrameAverage);
                        var edgeMapOffset        = Math.Abs(pEdgeMapAvg[i] - detectionFrameAverage);
                        if (edgeMapOffset < detectionFrameOffset)
                            var power = detectionFrameOffset / detectionFrameMaximumOffset;
                            total += power * (detectionFrameOffset - edgeMapOffset) * 255.0f / detectionFrameMaximumOffset;

            total     /= (float)(width * height);
            difference = total;
Exemple #3
        public static YDataFloat GenerateEdgeDetectedImage(YDataFloat imageData)
            var width  = imageData.Width;
            var height = imageData.Height;

            var edgeData = new float[width, height];

            Parallel.For(0, height, (y) =>
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    if ((y < height - 1) && (x < width - 1))
                        edgeData[x, y]  = imageData.Data[x + 1, y] + imageData.Data[x, y + 1] - imageData.Data[x, y] - imageData.Data[x, y];
                        edgeData[x, y] /= 2.0f;
                        edgeData[x, y] += (imageData.MaximumValue / 2.0f);
                        if (edgeData[x, y] < 0.0f)
                            edgeData[x, y] = 0.0f;
                        if (edgeData[x, y] > imageData.MaximumValue)
                            edgeData[x, y] = imageData.MaximumValue;
                        edgeData[x, y] = 127.5f; // byte.MaxValue / 2.0f;

            return(new YDataFloat(edgeData, imageData.MaximumValue));
Exemple #4
        // -------------- Edge detection --------------

        //"02.6656726 - Edge Detect CPU Single Threaded
        //"01.1025473 - Edge Detect CPU Parallel
        //"02.1731188 - Edge Detect Accel Multicore
        //"00.7777913 - Edge Detect Accel DX9

        public static YDataFloat GenerateEdgeDetectedImageSingleThreaded(YDataFloat imageData)
            var width  = imageData.Width;
            var height = imageData.Height;

            var edgeData = new float[width, height];

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    if ((y < height - 1) && (x < width - 1))
                        edgeData[x, y]  = imageData.Data[x + 1, y] + imageData.Data[x, y + 1] - imageData.Data[x, y] - imageData.Data[x, y];
                        edgeData[x, y] /= 2.0f;
                        edgeData[x, y] += (imageData.MaximumValue / 2.0f);
                        if (edgeData[x, y] < 0.0f)
                            edgeData[x, y] = 0.0f;
                        if (edgeData[x, y] > imageData.MaximumValue)
                            edgeData[x, y] = imageData.MaximumValue;
                        edgeData[x, y] = 0.0f;

            return(new YDataFloat(edgeData, imageData.MaximumValue));
Exemple #5
        public static void CalculateStandardDeviationCPU(YDataFloat imageData, float average, out float stdDev)
            int width  = imageData.Width;
            int height = imageData.Height;

            // Calculate standard deviation
            stdDev = 0.0f;

            float[] totalSlices = new float[height];
            Parallel.For(0, height, (y) =>
                    fixed(float *pFloat = imageData.Data)
                        int ySrcOffset = y;

                        float total = 0.0f;
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            var value   = pFloat[ySrcOffset];
                            ySrcOffset += height;

                            value  = (value - average) * (value - average);
                            total += value;
                        totalSlices[y] = total;

            stdDev  = totalSlices.AsParallel().Sum();
            stdDev /= (float)(width * height);
            stdDev  = (float)Math.Sqrt(stdDev);
Exemple #6
        public static void CalculateAverageAndMaximumCPU(YDataFloat imageData, out float average, out float maximum)
            int width  = imageData.Width;
            int height = imageData.Height;

            // Calculate average and maximum
            average = 0.0f;
            maximum = 0.0f;

            var averageSlices = new float[height];
            var maximumSlices = new float[height];

            Parallel.For(0, height, (y) =>
                float avg = 0.0f;
                float max = 0.0f;
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    var value = imageData.Data[x, y];
                    avg      += value;
                    if (max < value)
                        max = value;
                averageSlices[y] = avg;
                maximumSlices[y] = max;

            average  = averageSlices.AsParallel().Sum();
            average /= (float)(width * height);

            maximum = maximumSlices.AsParallel().Max();
Exemple #7
        public static YDataFloat NewData(int width, int height, float maximumValue, float defaultValue)
            var result = new YDataFloat(new float[width, height], maximumValue);

                fixed(float *pData = result.Data)
                    int dataLength = result.Width * result.Height;

                    for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++)
                        pData[i] = defaultValue;

Exemple #8
        // -------------- Advance sliding window of averages --------------

        public static void AdvanceEdgeDetectionAverage(ref YDataFloat edgeMapAverage, YDataFloat edgeDataNew, YDataFloat edgeDataOld, int edgeMapAverageCount)
            var   width  = edgeMapAverage.Width;
            var   height = edgeMapAverage.Height;
            float edgeMapAverageCountFloat = edgeMapAverageCount;

                fixed(float *pAverage = edgeMapAverage.Data, pNew = edgeDataNew.Data, pOld = edgeDataOld.Data)
                    int size = width * height;

                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        pAverage[i] += (pNew[i] - pOld[i]) / edgeMapAverageCountFloat;
Exemple #9
        public static YDataFloat GenerateLogoDifferenceMap(YDataFloat edgeMapAvg, YDataFloat logoDetectionFrame, float detectionFrameAverage, float detectionFrameMaximum)
            int width   = edgeMapAvg.Width;
            int height  = edgeMapAvg.Height;
            var maximum = edgeMapAvg.MaximumValue;

            var detectionFrameMaximumOffset = (detectionFrameMaximum - detectionFrameAverage);

            // Calculate absolute difference between values and apply power of important pixels from logoDetectionFrame
            var outputArray = new float[width, height];

            Array.Clear(outputArray, 0, outputArray.Length);

                fixed(float *pEdgeMapAvg  = edgeMapAvg.Data,
                      pLogoDetectionFrame = logoDetectionFrame.Data,
                      pOutput             = outputArray)
                    int size = width * height;

                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        var detectionFrameOffset = Math.Abs(pLogoDetectionFrame[i] - detectionFrameAverage);
                        var edgeMapOffset        = Math.Abs(pEdgeMapAvg[i] - detectionFrameAverage);
                        if (edgeMapOffset < detectionFrameOffset)
                            var power = detectionFrameOffset / detectionFrameMaximumOffset;
                            pOutput[i] = power * (detectionFrameOffset - edgeMapOffset) * 255.0f / detectionFrameMaximumOffset;
                            pOutput[i] = 0.0f;

                        //pOutput[i] = byte.MaxValue * power;

            return(new YDataFloat(outputArray, maximum));
Exemple #10
        public static void AdvanceEdgeDetectionAverageAccel(AcceleratorTarget acceleratorTarget, ref YDataFloat edgeMapAverage, YDataFloat edgeDataNew, YDataFloat edgeDataOld, int edgeMapAverageCount)
            var target = GetAcceleratorTarget(acceleratorTarget);

            var   width  = edgeMapAverage.Width;
            var   height = edgeMapAverage.Height;
            float edgeMapAverageCountFloat = edgeMapAverageCount;

            var fpAverage = new FloatParallelArray(edgeMapAverage.Data);
            var fpNew     = new FloatParallelArray(edgeDataNew.Data);
            var fpOld     = new FloatParallelArray(edgeDataOld.Data);

            var fpAdjust = ParallelArrays.Subtract(fpNew, fpOld);

            fpAdjust = ParallelArrays.Divide(fpAdjust, edgeMapAverageCountFloat);

            var fpOutput = ParallelArrays.Subtract(fpAverage, fpAdjust);

            var output = target.ToArray2D(fpOutput);

            edgeMapAverage = new YDataFloat(output, edgeMapAverage.MaximumValue);
Exemple #11
        public static YDataFloat GenerateEdgeDetectedImageAccel(AcceleratorTarget acceleratorTarget, YDataFloat imageData)
            var target = GetAcceleratorTarget(acceleratorTarget);

            var width  = imageData.Width;
            var height = imageData.Height;

            var fpInput = new FloatParallelArray(imageData.Data);

            var fpInputX = ParallelArrays.Shift(fpInput, new int[] { 1, 0 });
            var fpInputY = ParallelArrays.Shift(fpInput, new int[] { 0, 1 });

            var fpDX     = ParallelArrays.Subtract(fpInputX, fpInput);
            var fpDY     = ParallelArrays.Subtract(fpInputY, fpInput);
            var fpTotals = ParallelArrays.Add(fpDX, fpDY);

            var fpOutput = ParallelArrays.Divide(fpTotals, 2.0f);

            fpOutput = ParallelArrays.Add(fpOutput, imageData.MaximumValue / 2.0f);
            fpOutput = ParallelArrays.Max(fpOutput, 0.0f);
            fpOutput = ParallelArrays.Min(fpOutput, imageData.MaximumValue);

            var output = target.ToArray2D(fpOutput);

            return(new YDataFloat(output, imageData.MaximumValue));