public async Task<ValidationResult> Execute(MediaInfo mediaInfo, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return new ValidationResult("サイズの指定が不正です。"); } var mediaContent = await _mediaRepository.Get(mediaInfo); if (mediaContent == null) { return new ValidationResult("指定されたメディアが見つかりませんでした。"); } var data = await mediaContent.GetContentAsync(); var imageInfo = new MagickImageInfo(data); if (imageInfo.Width < (x + width) || imageInfo.Height < (y + height)) { return new ValidationResult("指定されたサイズは画像のサイズを超えています。"); } // リサイズするよ! using (var image = new MagickImage(data)) { image.Crop(new MagickGeometry(x, y, width, height)); image.Page = new MagickGeometry(0, 0, width, height); // そして更新 await _mediaRepository.Update(mediaInfo, image.ToByteArray()); } return ValidationResult.Success; }
public string Execute(FileItem item, string infile, string dest, ValuePairEnumerator configData) { var conf = new CropTransformViewModel(configData); using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(infile)) { if (conf.FromLiveView && ServiceProvider.DeviceManager.SelectedCameraDevice != null) { var prop = ServiceProvider.DeviceManager.SelectedCameraDevice.LoadProperties(); conf.Left = (int) (image.Width*prop.LiveviewSettings.HorizontalMin/100); conf.Width = (image.Width* (prop.LiveviewSettings.HorizontalMax - prop.LiveviewSettings.HorizontalMin)/100); conf.Top = (image.Height*prop.LiveviewSettings.VerticalMin/100); conf.Height = (image.Height*(prop.LiveviewSettings.VerticalMax - prop.LiveviewSettings.VerticalMin)/ 100); } if (conf.CropMargins) { conf.Left = image.Width * conf.WidthProcent / 100; conf.Width = image.Width - (conf.Left*2); conf.Top = image.Height * conf.HeightProcent / 100; conf.Height = image.Height - (conf.Top*2); } MagickGeometry geometry = new MagickGeometry(); geometry.Width = conf.Width; geometry.Height = conf.Height; geometry.X = conf.Left; geometry.Y = conf.Top; image.Crop(geometry); image.Format = MagickFormat.Jpeg; image.Write(dest); } return dest; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the path to the sketch image just created /// <param name="mask">Mask image of the button</param> /// <param name="texture">Texture image of the item</param> /// <param name="nameSketch">Name of the image to create</param> public static string CreateSketchesPath(string mask, string texture, string nameSketch) { MagickImage Mask = new MagickImage(mask); MagickImage Texture = new MagickImage(texture); Texture.Crop(Mask.Width, Mask.Height); Texture.Composite(Mask, CompositeOperator.CopyAlpha); Mask.Composite(Texture, CompositeOperator.Multiply); MagickImage sketch = Mask; try { // sketch.Write(Helpers.ResourcesHelper.SketchesPath() + nameSketch); string p = Helpers.ResourcesHelper.SketchesPath() + nameSketch; System.IO.Stream s = new System.IO.FileStream(p, System.IO.FileMode.Create); sketch.Write(s); s.Close(); } catch (MagickException ex) { string s= ex.Message; } catch { } sketch.Dispose(); sketch = null; string path = Helpers.ResourcesHelper.SketchesPath() + nameSketch; return path; }
public static void crop(string image_path, string output_path, Tuple<int, int> from, Tuple<int, int> to) { using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(image_path)) { image.Crop(new MagickGeometry(from.Item1, from.Item2, to.Item1 - from.Item1, to.Item2 - from.Item2)); image.Write(output_path); } }
public double Compare(MagickImage leftImage, MagickImage rightImage, out MagickImage diffImage) { // See: // [1] // [2] // resize image to the same size - ImageMagick requires both images to be of the same size rightImage.Crop(leftImage.BaseWidth, leftImage.BaseHeight); // apply the mask to the screenshot rightImage.Composite(leftImage, CompositeOperator.DstIn); // compare masked screenshot against reference image diffImage = new MagickImage(); return rightImage.Compare(leftImage, ErrorMetric.Absolute, diffImage); }
public string Execute(FileItem item, string infile, string dest, ValuePairEnumerator configData) { var conf = new PixelBinningViewModel(configData); dest = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(dest), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dest) + ".jpg"); using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(infile)) { int newx = image.Width/(conf.SelectedMode + 2); int newy = image.Height / (conf.SelectedMode + 2); int cropx = newx * (conf.SelectedMode + 2); int cropy = newy * (conf.SelectedMode + 2); if (cropx != image.Width || cropy != image.Height) image.Crop(cropx, cropy, Gravity.Center); image.FilterType = FilterType.Box; image.Resize(newx,newy); image.Format = MagickFormat.Jpeg; image.Write(dest); } return dest; }
public void CopyFile(string filename, string destFile) { using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(filename)) { double zw = (double)Width / image.Width; double zh = (double)Height /image.Height; double za = FillImage ? ((zw <= zh) ? zw : zh) : ((zw >= zh) ? zw : zh); if (FillImage) { double aspect = (double) VideoType.Width/VideoType.Height; double pAspect = (double) image.Width/image.Height; if (aspect > pAspect) image.Crop(image.Width, (int) (image.Width/aspect), Gravity.Center); else image.Crop((int) (image.Height/aspect), image.Height, Gravity.Center); } MagickGeometry geometry = new MagickGeometry(VideoType.Width, VideoType.Height) { IgnoreAspectRatio = false, FillArea = false }; image.FilterType = FilterType.Point; image.Resize(geometry); image.Quality = 80; image.Format = MagickFormat.Jpeg; image.Write(destFile); } }
private void ExecuteCrop(XmlElement element, MagickImage image) { Hashtable arguments = new Hashtable(); foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in element.Attributes) { if (attribute.Name == "geometry") arguments["geometry"] = Variables.GetValue<MagickGeometry>(attribute); else if (attribute.Name == "gravity") arguments["gravity"] = Variables.GetValue<Gravity>(attribute); else if (attribute.Name == "height") arguments["height"] = Variables.GetValue<Int32>(attribute); else if (attribute.Name == "width") arguments["width"] = Variables.GetValue<Int32>(attribute); else if (attribute.Name == "x") arguments["x"] = Variables.GetValue<Int32>(attribute); else if (attribute.Name == "y") arguments["y"] = Variables.GetValue<Int32>(attribute); } if (OnlyContains(arguments, "geometry")) image.Crop((MagickGeometry)arguments["geometry"]); else if (OnlyContains(arguments, "width", "height")) image.Crop((Int32)arguments["width"], (Int32)arguments["height"]); else if (OnlyContains(arguments, "width", "height", "gravity")) image.Crop((Int32)arguments["width"], (Int32)arguments["height"], (Gravity)arguments["gravity"]); else if (OnlyContains(arguments, "x", "y", "width", "height")) image.Crop((Int32)arguments["x"], (Int32)arguments["y"], (Int32)arguments["width"], (Int32)arguments["height"]); else throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument combination for 'crop', allowed combinations are: [geometry] [width, height] [width, height, gravity] [x, y, width, height]"); }
public static List<PartOfImage> PartOfImage(string ImgUrl, string onlyFileName, int pxFormat) { List<PartOfImage> ImgsInfo = new List<Api._QPR.PartOfImage>(); //resize with pixformat MagickImage img = new MagickImage(ImgUrl); int _w = img.Width; int _h = img.Height; int partWComp = (_w / UserProperty.ComputerNumber); int partHComp = (_h / UserProperty.ComputerNumber); int PartWPixFormat = (partWComp / pxFormat); int PartHPixFormat = (partHComp / pxFormat); int newPartWcomp = PartWPixFormat * pxFormat; int newPartHcomp = PartHPixFormat * pxFormat; int newW = newPartWcomp * UserProperty.ComputerNumber; int newH = newPartHcomp * UserProperty.ComputerNumber; String newGeomStr = newW.ToString() + "x" + newH.ToString(); MagickGeometry intermediate_geo = new MagickGeometry(newGeomStr); img.Crop(intermediate_geo); string partImgFolder = Path.Combine(UserProperty.ResourcePhotos_Path, "ImagePart"); if (!Directory.Exists(partImgFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(partImgFolder); } if (_w >= _h) { int cont = 0; do { Rectangle recti = new Rectangle(cont * (newW / UserProperty.ComputerNumber), 0, (newW / UserProperty.ComputerNumber), newH); MagickGeometry intermediate_geo1 = new MagickGeometry(recti); MagickImage newPartImg = img.Clone(); newPartImg.Crop(intermediate_geo1); string file = Path.Combine(partImgFolder, "output_" + cont + ImageProperty.JPG); newPartImg.Write(file); ImgsInfo.Add(new Api._QPR.PartOfImage(file, recti)); cont++; } while (cont < UserProperty.ComputerNumber); } else { int cont = 0; do { Rectangle recti = new Rectangle(0, cont * (newH / UserProperty.ComputerNumber), newW, (newH / UserProperty.ComputerNumber)); MagickGeometry intermediate_geo1 = new MagickGeometry(recti); MagickImage newPartImg = img.Clone(); newPartImg.Crop(intermediate_geo1); string file = Path.Combine(partImgFolder, onlyFileName + "_" + cont + ImageProperty.JPG); newPartImg.Write(file); ImgsInfo.Add(new Api._QPR.PartOfImage(file, recti)); cont++; } while (cont < UserProperty.ComputerNumber); } return ImgsInfo; //img.Write(UserProperty.ResourcePhotos_Path + "\\" + imgNamei + "1" + ImageProperty.JPG); ////////////////////////////////////////// }
public static void ApplyPreviewImageMagick(string source, string destination, double maxWidth = 0d, double maxHeight = 0d) { using (var image = new MagickImage(source)) { if (maxWidth > 0d || maxHeight > 0d) { var k = Math.Max(maxHeight / image.Height, maxWidth / image.Width); image.Interpolate = PixelInterpolateMethod.Bicubic; image.FilterType = FilterType.Lanczos; image.Sharpen(); image.Resize((int)(k * image.Width), (int)(k * image.Height)); image.Crop(CommonAcConsts.PreviewWidth, CommonAcConsts.PreviewHeight, Gravity.Center); } image.Quality = 95; image.Density = new MagickGeometry(96, 96); if (File.Exists(destination)) { try { File.Delete(destination); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Thread.Sleep(200); File.Delete(destination); } } image.Write(destination); } }
public void Test_CannyEdge_HoughLine() { using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(Files.ConnectedComponentsPNG)) { image.Threshold(new Percentage(50)); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Black, image, 150, 365); image.Negate(); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.White, image, 150, 365); image.CannyEdge(); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Black, image, 150, 365); image.Crop(260, 180, 215, 200); image.Settings.FillColor = MagickColors.Red; image.Settings.StrokeColor = MagickColors.Red; image.HoughLine(); ColorAssert.AreEqual(MagickColors.Red, image, 105, 25); } }
protected MagickImage takeSnapshot(IWebElement webElement, int offset) { try { Screenshot image = ((ITakesScreenshot)pageManager.driver).GetScreenshot(); MagickImage MImage = new MagickImage(image.AsByteArray); Point coords = (webElement as ILocatable).LocationOnScreenOnceScrolledIntoView; // MagickGeometry n = new MagickGeometry(webElement.Location.X - offset, webElement.Location.Y - offset, webElement.Size.Width + 2 * offset, webElement.Size.Height + 2 * offset); MagickGeometry n = new MagickGeometry(coords.X - offset, coords.Y - offset, webElement.Size.Width + 2 * offset, webElement.Size.Height + 2 * offset); MImage.Crop(n); return MImage; } catch { Console.Out.WriteLine("Ошибка при снятии скриншота"); return null; } }