public AverageImageObjectBase Clone()
            AverageImageObjectBase cBmp = new AverageImageObjectBase();

            if (BMP != null)
                cBmp.BMP = (Bitmap)(BMP.Clone());
            cBmp.ID            = ID;
            cBmp.centerX       = centerX;
            cBmp.centerY       = centerY;
            cBmp.level         = level;
            cBmp.window        = window;
            cBmp.nobmp         = nobmp;
            cBmp.minValue      = minValue;
            cBmp.LUT           = LUT;
            cBmp.converse      = converse;
            cBmp.colorModeName = colorModeName;
            cBmp.ROIPoints     = ROIPoints;
            cBmp.pixelSize     = pixelSize;
            if (imageData != null)
                cBmp.imageData = (ushort[, ])imageData.Clone();
        private void RefreshROI(ref AverageImageObjectBase cImage, Color fillCL)
            if (cImage == null || cImage.ROIPoints == null || cImage.ROIPoints.Count <= 0)
            int[]         pt   = LunImage.FindMaxAndMin(cImage.imageData);
            int           minV = pt[1];
            List <PointF> temp = GetROIPoint(cImage);

            Bitmap   bm    = (Bitmap)(cImage.BMP.Clone());
            Graphics g     = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
            Brush    brush = new SolidBrush(fillCL);//Color.Red);

            g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g.FillPolygon(brush, temp.ToArray(), System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode.Alternate);

            Bitmap btpb = (Bitmap)(cImage.BMP);
            int    H    = cImage.ImageData.GetLength(0);
            int    W    = cImage.ImageData.GetLength(1);

            System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = bm.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height),
                                                                    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bm.PixelFormat);
            System.IntPtr bmDataScan = bmpData.Scan0;
            int           bmStride   = bmpData.Stride;
            int           Offset     = bmStride - bm.Width * 3;

                    int   clR   = fillCL.R;
                    int   clG   = fillCL.G;
                    int   clB   = fillCL.B;
                    byte *bmPtr = (byte *)(void *)bmDataScan;
                    for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < W; x++)
                            if (!(bmPtr[0] == clB && bmPtr[1] == clG && bmPtr[2] == clR))
                                cImage.imageData[y, x] = (ushort)minV;
                            bmPtr += 3;

            cImage.BMP = TypeConvert.SliceImageToBitmap24(cImage.imageData, cImage.LUT, cImage.minValue);
 public int CompareTo(object obj)
     if (obj is AverageImageObjectBase)
         AverageImageObjectBase other = (AverageImageObjectBase)obj;
         throw new ArgumentException("object is not a ImageObjectBase");
        public static List <PointF> GetROIPoint(AverageImageObjectBase cImage)
            List <PointF> temp = new List <PointF>();

            for (int i = 0; i < cImage.ROIPoints.Count; i++)
                float x = (float)mmToPixel(cImage.ROIPoints[i].X, 1.0 / (double)cImage.pixelSize);
                float y = (float)mmToPixel(cImage.ROIPoints[i].Y, 1.0 / (double)cImage.pixelSize);
                temp.Add(new PointF(x, y));
        private void ComputeDefaultROIPoints()
            AverageImageObjectBase cbTemp = Clone();

            ushort[,] imagedataTemp = cbTemp.imageData;
            int[] rdata    = LunImage.FindMaxAndMin(imagedataTemp);
            int   maxValue = rdata[0];
            int   minValue = rdata[1];
            int   lenValue = maxValue - minValue + 1;

            int[] histogramData = new int[lenValue];
            foreach (int da in cbTemp.ImageData)
                histogramData[da - minValue]++;

            double sum            = 0;
            double csum           = 0.0;
            int    n              = 0;
            int    thresholdValue = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < lenValue; k++)
                sum += (double)k * (double)histogramData[k];    /* x*f(x) 质量矩*/
                n   += histogramData[k];                        /*  f(x)    质量    */

            if (n <= 0)
                // if n has no value, there is problems...
            // do the otsu global thresholding method
            double fmax = -1.0;
            int    n1 = 0;
            int    n2 = 0;
            double m1, m2 = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < lenValue; k++)
                n1 += histogramData[k];
                if (n1 <= 0)
                n2 = n - n1;
                if (n2 == 0)
                csum += (double)k * histogramData[k];
                m1    = csum / n1;
                m2    = (sum - csum) / n2;
                double sb = (double)n1 * (double)n2 * (m1 - m2) * (m1 - m2);
                /* bbg: note: can be optimized. */
                if (sb > fmax)
                    fmax           = sb;
                    thresholdValue = k;
            for (int i = 0; i < imagedataTemp.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < imagedataTemp.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (imagedataTemp[i, j] < thresholdValue)
                        imagedataTemp[i, j] = 0;
                        imagedataTemp[i, j] = (ushort)thresholdValue;
            cbTemp.level     = thresholdValue / 2;
            cbTemp.window    = thresholdValue / 5;
            cbTemp.ImageData = imagedataTemp;

            float           x1 = 0;
            float           y1 = 0;
            float           x2 = BMP.Width - 1;
            float           y2 = BMP.Height - 1;
            BoundaryTracker bt = new BoundaryTracker();

            bt.GetSerializedBoundary(cbTemp.BMP, LUT[0], new Rectangle((int)x1, (int)y1, (int)(x2 - x1 + 1), (int)(y2 - y1 + 1)), false);
            List <PointF> temp = new List <PointF>();

            if (bt.MaxPointIdx != -1)
                PointF[] tmp = bt.CL[bt.MaxPointIdx];
                if (tmp.Length > 3)
                    for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
                temp.Add(new PointF(0, 0));
                temp.Add(new PointF(0, cbTemp.BMP.Height - 1));
                temp.Add(new PointF(cbTemp.BMP.Width - 1, cbTemp.BMP.Height - 1));
                temp.Add(new PointF(cbTemp.BMP.Width - 1, 0));
            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++)
                float x = ((float)temp[i].X * (float)pixelSize);
                float y = ((float)temp[i].Y * (float)pixelSize);
                temp[i] = (new PointF(x, y));
            ROIPoints = temp;
            //ImageObjectBase tempcb = cb.Clone();
            //RefreshROI(ref tempcb, Color.Red);
            //cb.showROI = true;
            //cb.BMP = tempcb.BMP;
            //loadImagebyJacbi(pictureBox1, cb.BMP, 1);