Exemple #1
        // Se puede jugar con las resoluciones de imagen para ver cual da mejores resultados?
        public static Image Convert2ASCII(Image BW_Image, List <WeightedChar> characters, out List <List <string> > ResultText)
             * ALGORITHM:
             *  1- Get target Image size (w=Width,h=Height)
             *  2- Create Result Image with white background and size W = w*character_image_width
             *                                                        H = h*character_image_height
             *  3- Create empty string to hold the text
             *  4- for (int j=0;j=target_Image_Height;j++) --> ALL ROWS
             *       5- Create row text string
             *       for (int i=0;i=target_Image_Width;i++) --> ALL COLUMNS
             *          6- Get target pixel weight
             *          7- Get closest weight from character list
             *          8- Paste character image in position w = i*character_image_width
             *                                               h = j*character_image_height
             *            ¡¡ Be careful with coordinate system when placing Images !!
             *          9- Add (string)character to row text string
             *       10- Add row text string to text holding string
             *  11 - return resulting Image & Text
            Image    ResultImage = new Bitmap(BW_Image.Width * characters[0].CharacterImage.Width, BW_Image.Height * characters[0].CharacterImage.Height);
            Graphics drawing     = Graphics.FromImage(ResultImage);

            ResultText = new List <List <string> > {
            Bitmap BlackAndWhite = (Bitmap)BW_Image;

            for (int j = 0; j < BW_Image.Height; j++) // ROW
                List <string> RowText = new List <string> {
                for (int i = 0; i < BW_Image.Width; i++) // COLUMN
                    Color  pixel       = BlackAndWhite.GetPixel(i, j);
                    double targetvalue = (pixel.R
                                          + pixel.G
                                          + pixel.B) / 3;

                    WeightedChar closestchar = characters.Where(t => Math.Abs(t.Weight - targetvalue) == characters.Min(e => Math.Abs(e.Weight - targetvalue))).FirstOrDefault();
                    drawing.DrawImage(closestchar.CharacterImage, i * closestchar.CharacterImage.Width, j * closestchar.CharacterImage.Height);
Exemple #2
         * The methods contained in this class are executed at the inizialization
         * of the program, as the results from their calculations are needed for
         * the image conversion and are not user-dependent, thus not depending from
         * the actions taken by the user.
         * It essentially does, foreach ASCII character between 32-126, the following:
         *  - Calculate its weight, defined as: number of black pixels / number of pixels in character image
         *      Note: To understand the process in depth, please read the code and comments below.
         *  - Generate a square shaped image of the character, with the character in question located in the
         *    center of the image. The character is drawn in black on top of a white background.
         *  - Associate the character in question (char type) to its image and weight.
         * All this character information (character, weight and image) is stored in a custom class (WeightedChar)
         * which can hold the 3 properties.
         * All the classes resulting from the calculations are stored in a List so we can access the results.

        public static List <WeightedChar> GenerateFontWeights() // Collect chars, their Images and weights in a list of WeightedChar
            List <WeightedChar> WeightedChars = new List <WeightedChar>();

            SizeF commonsize = GetGeneralSize();        // Get standard size (nxn square), which will be common to all CharImages

            for (int i = 32; i <= 126; i++)             // Iterate through Chars
                var  forweighting = new WeightedChar(); // New object to hold Image, Weight and Char of new character
                char c            = Convert.ToChar(i);
                if (!char.IsControl(c))
                    forweighting.Weight         = GetWeight(c, commonsize);                                                           // Get character weight
                    forweighting.Character      = c.ToString();                                                                       // Get character representation (the actual char)
                    forweighting.CharacterImage = (Bitmap)HelperMethods.DrawText(c.ToString(), Color.Black, Color.White, commonsize); // Get character Image

            WeightedChars = LinearMap(WeightedChars); // Linearly map character weights to be in the range 0-255 -> mapping linearly from: MinCalcWeight - MaxCalcWeight to 0-255;
                                                      // This is done to be able to directly map pixels to characters