Exemple #1
        public void GetPictures()
            string query            = Text;
            int    startPosition    = 0;
            int    resultsRequested = 0;

            Ilan.Google.API.ImageSearch.SafeSearchFiltering safeSearch = Ilan.Google.API.ImageSearch.SafeSearchFiltering.Moderate;

            query = Regex.Replace(Text, @"\s{1,}", "+");
            //safeSearch =
            //    (Ilan.Google.API.ImageSearch.SafeSearchFiltering)
            //    Enum.Parse(typeof(Ilan.Google.API.ImageSearch.SafeSearchFiltering), "Moderate");

            Ilan.Google.API.ImageSearch.SearchResponse response = Ilan.Google.API.ImageSearch.SearchService.SearchImages(query, 0, 3, false, safeSearch);
            if (response.Results.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No results available");

            // Note: This is not a good implementation - it generates a lot of threads and with a large number
            // of requested results will be a problem. Using a pool (s.a. the ThreadPool) would be easier,
            // But then I need to add some waiting mechanism, and I'm too lazy.
            // After all, it's just a sample application so show how to work with the API.

            for (int i = 0; i < response.Results.Length; i++)
                int        index = i;
                Image      img   = getImage(response.Results[index].ThumbnailUrl);
                PictureBox pic   = new PictureBox();
                pic.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
                pic.Size        = imageSize;
                pic.Location    =
                    new Point(imageSize.Width * (index % 4),
                              (index / 4) * imageSize.Height + startHeight);
                pic.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
                pic.Image    = img;
                pic.Tag = response.Results[index];
                //pic.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(pic_DoubleClick);
                // Adjust for scrolled location

                 * if (AutoScrollPosition.Y != 0)
                 * {
                 *  pic.Location =
                 *      new Point(pic.Location.X,
                 *                pic.Location.Y + AutoScrollPosition.Y);
                 * }
                 * Controls.Add(pic);
                bitmap = new Bitmap(img);
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    MessageBox.Show(
            //        string.Format("An exception occurred while running the query: {0}{1}{2}",
            //                      ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace), "Query Aborted!",
            //        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
		/// <summary>
		/// Runs the given query against Google Image Search and returns a SearchResponse object with details
		/// for each returned image.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="query">The query to be sent.</param>
		/// <param name="startPosition">The index of the first item to be retrieved (must be positive).</param>
		/// <param name="resultsRequested">The number of results to be retrieved (must be between 1 and (MAX_RESULTS - startPosition)</param>
		/// <param name="filterSimilarResults">Set to 'true' if you want Google to automatically omit similar entries. Set to 'false' if you want to retrieve every matching image.</param>
		/// <param name="safeSearch">Indicates what level of SafeSearch to use.</param>
		/// <returns>A SearchResponse object with details for each returned image.</returns>
		public static SearchResponse SearchImages(string query, int startPosition, int resultsRequested, bool filterSimilarResults, SafeSearchFiltering safeSearch)
			// Check preconditions
			if (resultsRequested < 1)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resultsRequested", "Value must be positive");
			else if (startPosition < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startPosition", "Value must be positive");
			else if (resultsRequested + startPosition > MAX_RESULTS)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resultsRequested", "Sorry, Google does not serve more than 1000 results for any query");
			string safeSearchStr = safeSearch.ToString().ToLower();
			SearchResponse response = new SearchResponse();
			ArrayList results = new ArrayList();
			// Since Google returns 20 results at a time, we have to run the query over and over again (each
			// time with a different starting position) until we get the requested number of results.
			for (int i = 0; i < resultsRequested; i+=RESULTS_PER_QUERY)
				string requestUri = string.Format("http://images.google.com/images?q={0}&start={1}&filter={2}&safe={3}",
					query, (startPosition+i).ToString(), (filterSimilarResults)?1.ToString():0.ToString(), safeSearchStr );

				HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUri);
				string resultPage = string.Empty;
				using (HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
					using (Stream responseStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
						using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
							resultPage = reader.ReadToEnd();

				// Here's the parsing of the images' details. If the html format changes, that's most probably where we will have to update the code
				// There are two types of regions in the HTML we have to parse in order to gather all the information
				// about the images:
				// 1. The image's url, thumbnail url and thumbnail width&height will be extracted
				// by the imagesRegex and imagesMatches objects.
				// 2. The image's width&height&size will be extracted by the dataRegex and dataMatches objects.
				Regex imagesRegex = new Regex(@"(\x3Ca\s+href=/imgres\x3Fimgurl=)(?<imgurl>http[^&>]*)([>&]{1})([^>]*)(>{1})(<img\ssrc\x3D)(""{0,1})(?<images>/images[^""\s>]*)([\s])+(width=)(?<width>[0-9,]*)\s+(height=)(?<height>[0-9,]*)");
                Regex dataRegex = new Regex(@"([^>]*)(>)\s{0,1}(<br>){0,1}\s{0,1}(?<width>[0-9,]*)\s+x\s+(?<height>[0-9,]*)\s+pixels\s+-\s+(?<size>[0-9,]*)(k)");
				MatchCollection imagesMatches = imagesRegex.Matches(resultPage);
				MatchCollection dataMatches = dataRegex.Matches(resultPage);

				if ((imagesMatches == null) || 
					(imagesMatches.Count == 0) ||
					(dataMatches == null) ||
					(dataMatches.Count == 0))
					Trace.WriteLine("Parsing of query " + query + " failed - collections count mismatch");

				// The two MatchCollections should include an entry for each returned image. Therefore,
				// if they don't have the same number of items, then the parsing has failed and we
				// stop the query (this is just a provision, in reality using these expressions
				// for many thousands of queries it never broke here :-)
				if (imagesMatches.Count != dataMatches.Count)
					throw new Exception("Parsing of the response failed for url: " + requestUri);

				// Build a SearchResult object for each image
				for (int j = 0; j < imagesMatches.Count && (i+j) < resultsRequested ; j++)
					Match imageMatch = imagesMatches[j];
					Match dataMatch = dataMatches[j];
					SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
					result.ImageUrl = imageMatch.Groups["imgurl"].Value;
					result.ThumbnailUrl = imageMatch.Groups["images"].Value;
					result.ThumbnailWidth = int.Parse(imageMatch.Groups["width"].Value);
					result.ThumbnailHeight = int.Parse(imageMatch.Groups["height"].Value);
					result.ImageWidth = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["width"].Value);
					result.ImageHeight = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["height"].Value);
					// Since the value in the HTML is in kb, this is only an approximation to the number of bytes
					result.ImageSize = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["size"].Value) * 1000;

				// Extract the total number of results available and make sure we didn't reach the end of the results
				Regex totalResultsRegex = new Regex(@"(?<lastResult>[0-9,]*)(\s*</b>\s*)(of)(\s)+(about){0,1}(\s*<b>\s*)(?<totalResultsAvailable>[0-9,]*)");
				Match totalResultsMatch = totalResultsRegex.Match(resultPage);
				string totalResultsRaw = totalResultsMatch.Groups["totalResultsAvailable"].Value;
				response.TotalResultsAvailable = int.Parse(totalResultsRaw.Replace("\"", "").Replace(",", ""));
				int lastResult = int.Parse(totalResultsMatch.Groups["lastResult"].Value.Replace("\"", "").Replace(",", ""));
				if (lastResult >= response.TotalResultsAvailable)

			response.Results = (SearchResult[]) results.ToArray(typeof(SearchResult));

			return response;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the given query against Google Image Search and returns a SearchResponse object with details
        /// for each returned image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query to be sent.</param>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The index of the first item to be retrieved (must be positive).</param>
        /// <param name="resultsRequested">The number of results to be retrieved (must be between 1 and (MAX_RESULTS - startPosition)</param>
        /// <param name="filterSimilarResults">Set to 'true' if you want Google to automatically omit similar entries. Set to 'false' if you want to retrieve every matching image.</param>
        /// <param name="safeSearch">Indicates what level of SafeSearch to use.</param>
        /// <returns>A SearchResponse object with details for each returned image.</returns>
        public static SearchResponse SearchImages(string query, int startPosition, int resultsRequested, bool filterSimilarResults, SafeSearchFiltering safeSearch)
            // Check preconditions
            if (resultsRequested < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resultsRequested", "Value must be positive");
            else if (startPosition < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startPosition", "Value must be positive");
            else if (resultsRequested + startPosition > MAX_RESULTS)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resultsRequested", "Sorry, Google does not serve more than 1000 results for any query");

            string         safeSearchStr = safeSearch.ToString().ToLower();
            SearchResponse response      = new SearchResponse();
            ArrayList      results       = new ArrayList();

            // Since Google returns 20 results at a time, we have to run the query over and over again (each
            // time with a different starting position) until we get the requested number of results.
            // Note: During changes to the Google Image search from around January 2007 they
            // stopped returned a fixed number of 20 images for each query. Instead, they try to return
            // the amount of images that would fit the browser window. It seems that the "&ndsp" parameter
            // indicates the number of images per query, so I'm using it manually.
            // This whole mechanism doesn't seem to work very accurately - in some cases I receive more images
            // when my browser window is smaller rather than larger. Also, they seem to not always retrieve the
            // requested number of results (usually I get 21 results when querying programmatically).
            // I'm leaving the flag on anyway, in case they decide to start respecting it correctly...
            for (int i = 0; i < resultsRequested; i += RESULTS_PER_QUERY)
                string requestUri = string.Format("http://images.google.com/images?q={0}&ndsp={1}&start={2}&filter={3}&safe={4}",
                                                  query, RESULTS_PER_QUERY.ToString(), (startPosition + i).ToString(), (filterSimilarResults) ? "1" : "0", safeSearchStr);

                HttpWebRequest request    = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUri);
                string         resultPage = string.Empty;
                using (HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                    using (Stream responseStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
                            resultPage = reader.ReadToEnd();

                // Here's the parsing of the images' details. If the html format changes, that's most probably where we will have to update the code
                // There are two types of regions in the HTML we have to parse in order to gather all the information
                // about the images:
                // 1. The image's url, thumbnail url and thumbnail width&height will be extracted
                // by the imagesRegex and imagesMatches objects.
                // 2. The image's width&height&size will be extracted by the dataRegex and dataMatches objects.
                Regex           imagesRegex   = new Regex(imagesRegexStr);
                Regex           dataRegex     = new Regex(dataRegexStr);
                MatchCollection imagesMatches = imagesRegex.Matches(resultPage);
                MatchCollection dataMatches   = dataRegex.Matches(resultPage);

                if ((imagesMatches == null) ||
                    (imagesMatches.Count == 0) ||
                    (dataMatches == null) ||
                    (dataMatches.Count == 0))
                    Trace.WriteLine("Parsing of query " + query + " failed - collections count mismatch");

                // The two MatchCollections should include an entry for each returned image. Therefore,
                // if they don't have the same number of items, then the parsing has failed and we
                // stop the query (this is just a provision, in reality using these expressions
                // for many thousands of queries it never broke here :-)
                if (imagesMatches.Count != dataMatches.Count)
                    throw new Exception("Parsing of the response failed for url: " + requestUri);

                // Build a SearchResult object for each image
                for (int j = 0; j < imagesMatches.Count && (i + j) < resultsRequested; j++)
                    Match        imageMatch = imagesMatches[j];
                    Match        dataMatch  = dataMatches[j];
                    SearchResult result     = new SearchResult();

                    result.ImageUrl        = imageMatch.Groups["imgurl"].Value;
                    result.ThumbnailCode   = imageMatch.Groups["code"].Value;
                    result.ThumbnailWidth  = int.Parse(imageMatch.Groups["width"].Value);
                    result.ThumbnailHeight = int.Parse(imageMatch.Groups["height"].Value);
                    result.ImageWidth      = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["width"].Value);
                    result.ImageHeight     = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["height"].Value);
                    // Since the value in the HTML is in kb, this is only an approximation to the number of bytes
                    result.ImageSize = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["size"].Value) * 1000;

                // Extract the total number of results available and make sure we didn't reach the end of the results
                Regex  totalResultsRegex = new Regex(totalResultsRegexStr);
                Match  totalResultsMatch = totalResultsRegex.Match(resultPage);
                string totalResultsRaw   = totalResultsMatch.Groups["totalResultsAvailable"].Value;
                response.TotalResultsAvailable = int.Parse(totalResultsRaw.Replace("\"", "").Replace(",", ""));
                int lastResult = int.Parse(totalResultsMatch.Groups["lastResult"].Value.Replace("\"", "").Replace(",", ""));
                if (lastResult >= response.TotalResultsAvailable)

            response.Results = (SearchResult[])results.ToArray(typeof(SearchResult));

Exemple #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Runs the given query against Google Image Search and returns a SearchResponse object with details
		/// for each returned image.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="query">The query to be sent.</param>
		/// <param name="startPosition">The index of the first item to be retrieved (must be positive).</param>
		/// <param name="resultsRequested">The number of results to be retrieved (must be between 1 and (MAX_RESULTS - startPosition)</param>
		/// <param name="filterSimilarResults">Set to 'true' if you want Google to automatically omit similar entries. Set to 'false' if you want to retrieve every matching image.</param>
		/// <param name="safeSearch">Indicates what level of SafeSearch to use.</param>
		/// <returns>A SearchResponse object with details for each returned image.</returns>
		public static SearchResponse SearchImages(string query, int startPosition, int resultsRequested, bool filterSimilarResults, SafeSearchFiltering safeSearch)
			// Check preconditions
			if (resultsRequested < 1)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resultsRequested", "Value must be positive");
			else if (startPosition < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startPosition", "Value must be positive");
			else if (resultsRequested + startPosition > MAX_RESULTS)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resultsRequested", "Sorry, Google does not serve more than 1000 results for any query");
			string safeSearchStr = safeSearch.ToString().ToLower();
			SearchResponse response = new SearchResponse();
			ArrayList results = new ArrayList();
			// Since Google returns 20 results at a time, we have to run the query over and over again (each
			// time with a different starting position) until we get the requested number of results.
			for (int i = 0; i < resultsRequested; i+=RESULTS_PER_QUERY)
				string requestUri = string.Format("http://images.google.com/images?q={0}&start={1}&filter={2}&safe={3}",
					query, (startPosition+i).ToString(), (filterSimilarResults)?1.ToString():0.ToString(), safeSearchStr );

				HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUri);
				string resultPage = string.Empty;
				using (HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
					using (Stream responseStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
						using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
							resultPage = reader.ReadToEnd();

				// Here's the parsing of the images' details. If the html format changes, that's most probably where we will have to update the code
				// There are two types of regions in the HTML we have to parse in order to gather all the information
				// about the images:
				// 1. The image's url, thumbnail url and thumbnail width&height will be extracted
				// by the imagesRegex and imagesMatches objects.
				// 2. The image's width&height&size will be extracted by the dataRegex and dataMatches objects.
				//Regex imagesRegex = new Regex(@"(\x3Ca\s+href=/imgres\x3Fimgurl=)(?<imgurl>http[^&>]*)([>&]{1})([^>]*)(>{1})(<img\ssrc\x3D)(""{0,1})(?<images>/images[^""\s>]*)([\s])+(width=)(?<width>[0-9,]*)\s+(height=)(?<height>[0-9,]*)");
                //Regex dataRegex = new Regex(@"([^>]*)(>)\s{0,1}(<br>){0,1}\s{0,1}(?<width>[0-9,]*)\s+x\s+(?<height>[0-9,]*)\s+pixels\s+-\s+(?<size>[0-9,]*)(k)");
                Regex imagesRegex = new Regex(imagesRegexStr);
                Regex dataRegex = new Regex(dataRegexStr);
				MatchCollection imagesMatches = imagesRegex.Matches(resultPage);
				MatchCollection dataMatches = dataRegex.Matches(resultPage);

				if ((imagesMatches == null) || 
					(imagesMatches.Count == 0) ||
					(dataMatches == null) ||
					(dataMatches.Count == 0))
					Trace.WriteLine("Parsing of query " + query + " failed - collections count mismatch");

				// The two MatchCollections should include an entry for each returned image. Therefore,
				// if they don't have the same number of items, then the parsing has failed and we
				// stop the query (this is just a provision, in reality using these expressions
				// for many thousands of queries it never broke here :-)
				if (imagesMatches.Count != dataMatches.Count)
					throw new Exception("Parsing of the response failed for url: " + requestUri);

				// Build a SearchResult object for each image
				for (int j = 0; j < imagesMatches.Count && (i+j) < resultsRequested ; j++)
					Match imageMatch = imagesMatches[j];
					Match dataMatch = dataMatches[j];
					SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
					result.ImageUrl = imageMatch.Groups["imgurl"].Value;
					result.ThumbnailUrl = imageMatch.Groups["images"].Value;
					result.ThumbnailWidth = int.Parse(imageMatch.Groups["width"].Value);
					result.ThumbnailHeight = int.Parse(imageMatch.Groups["height"].Value);
					result.ImageWidth = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["width"].Value);
					result.ImageHeight = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["height"].Value);
					// Since the value in the HTML is in kb, this is only an approximation to the number of bytes
					result.ImageSize = int.Parse(dataMatch.Groups["size"].Value) * 1000;

				// Extract the total number of results available and make sure we didn't reach the end of the results
				//Regex totalResultsRegex = new Regex(@"(?<lastResult>[0-9,]*)(\s*</b>\s*)(of)(\s)+(about){0,1}(\s*<b>\s*)(?<totalResultsAvailable>[0-9,]*)");
                Regex totalResultsRegex = new Regex(totalResultsRegexStr);
				Match totalResultsMatch = totalResultsRegex.Match(resultPage);
				string totalResultsRaw = totalResultsMatch.Groups["totalResultsAvailable"].Value;
				response.TotalResultsAvailable = int.Parse(totalResultsRaw.Replace("\"", "").Replace(",", ""));
				int lastResult = int.Parse(totalResultsMatch.Groups["lastResult"].Value.Replace("\"", "").Replace(",", ""));
				if (lastResult >= response.TotalResultsAvailable)

			response.Results = (SearchResult[]) results.ToArray(typeof(SearchResult));

			return response;