public SpriteFrame ReadFrame(int Index)
            BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(m_ChunkData));

            Reader.BaseStream.Seek(m_FrameOffsets[Index], SeekOrigin.Begin);

            SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

            Frame.FrameIndex       = (uint)Index;
            Frame.Width            = Reader.ReadUInt16();
            Frame.Height           = Reader.ReadUInt16();
            Frame.Flag             = Reader.ReadUInt32();
            Frame.PaletteID        = Reader.ReadUInt16();
            Frame.TransparentPixel = m_PMap.GetColorAtIndex(Reader.ReadUInt16());
            Frame.YLocation        = Reader.ReadUInt16();
            Frame.XLocation        = Reader.ReadUInt16();

            if (Frame.Flag == 0x07)
                Frame.Init(true, true);
                if ((SPR2Flags)Frame.Flag == SPR2Flags.HasZBufferChannel)
                    Frame.Init(false, true);
                    Frame.Init(false, false);

            DecompressFrame2(ref Frame, ref Reader);
            Frame.BitmapData.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.

            if (Frame.HasZBuffer)
                Frame.ZBuffer.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.

            //Store the frame to avoid having to decompress in the future.

        private SpriteFrame ReadFrame(int Index)
            MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream(m_ChunkData);
            BinaryReader Reader    = new BinaryReader(MemStream);

            Reader.BaseStream.Position = m_OffsetTable[Index];

            SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

            if (!m_IsBigEndian)
                Reader.ReadBytes(4); //Reserved.

                Frame.Height    = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.Width     = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.PaletteID = (ushort)m_PaletteID;
                Reader.ReadBytes(4); //Reserved.

                Frame.Height    = Endian.SwapUInt16(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                Frame.Width     = Endian.SwapUInt16(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                Frame.PaletteID = (ushort)m_PaletteID;

            Frame.Init(true, false); //SPR#s don't have alpha channels, but alpha is used to plot transparent pixels.

            DecompressFrame2(ref Frame, ref Reader);
            Frame.BitmapData.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.

            //Store the frame to avoid having to decompress in the future.

        public SPRParser(IffChunk Chunk, List <PaletteMap> PaletteMaps) : base(Chunk)
            MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream(Chunk.Data);
            BinaryReader Reader    = new BinaryReader(MemStream);

            //The two first bytes aren't used by the version...
            ushort FirstBytes = Reader.ReadUInt16();

            if (FirstBytes == 0)
                m_IsBigEndian = true;
                m_Version     = (uint)Endian.SwapUInt16(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                m_Version = (uint)FirstBytes;

            //In version 1001, all frames are decompressed from the beginning, and there's no point in storing
            //the compressed data AS WELL as the decompressed frames...!
            if (m_Version != 1001)
                m_ChunkData = Chunk.Data;

            if (m_IsBigEndian)
                if (m_Version != 1001)
                    m_FrameCount = Endian.SwapUInt32(Reader.ReadUInt32());
                    m_PaletteID  = Endian.SwapUInt32(Reader.ReadUInt32());

                    for (uint i = 0; i < m_FrameCount; i++)

                    //Find and set the correct palettemap...
                    if (PaletteMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1)
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps[0];
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID)
                                                                              return(false); });
                    m_FrameCount = Endian.SwapUInt32(Reader.ReadUInt32());
                    m_PaletteID  = Endian.SwapUInt32(Reader.ReadUInt32());

                    //Find and set the correct palettemap...
                    if (PaletteMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1)
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps[0];
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID)
                                                                              return(false); });
                if (m_Version != 1001)
                    m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    m_PaletteID  = Reader.ReadUInt32();

                    for (uint i = 0; i < m_FrameCount; i++)

                    //Find and set the correct palettemap...
                    if (PaletteMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1)
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps[0];
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID)
                                                                              return(false); });
                    m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    m_PaletteID  = Reader.ReadUInt32();

                    //Find and set the correct palettemap...
                    if (PaletteMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1)
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps[0];
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID)
                                                                              return(false); });

            if (m_Version == 1001)
                //Framecount may be set to -1 and should be ignored...
                while (true)
                    SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

                    Frame.Version = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    Frame.Size    = Reader.ReadUInt32();

                    Reader.ReadBytes(4); //Reserved.

                    Frame.Height = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.Width  = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.Init(true, false); //SPR#s don't have alpha channels, but alpha is used to plot transparent pixels.

                    DecompressFrame2(ref Frame, ref Reader);
                    Frame.BitmapData.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.


                    if ((Reader.BaseStream.Position == Reader.BaseStream.Length) ||
                        (Reader.BaseStream.Position - Reader.BaseStream.Length < 14))

        private SpriteFrame ReadFrame(int Index)
            MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream(m_ChunkData);
            BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(MemStream);

            Reader.BaseStream.Position = m_OffsetTable[Index];

            SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

            if (!m_IsBigEndian)
                Reader.ReadBytes(4); //Reserved.

                Frame.Height = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.Width = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.PaletteID = (ushort)m_PaletteID;
                Reader.ReadBytes(4); //Reserved.

                Frame.Height = Endian.SwapUInt16(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                Frame.Width = Endian.SwapUInt16(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                Frame.PaletteID = (ushort)m_PaletteID;

            Frame.Init(true); //SPR#s don't have alpha channels, but alpha is used to plot transparent pixels.

            DecompressFrame2(ref Frame, ref Reader);
            Frame.BitmapData.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.

            //Store the frame to avoid having to decompress in the future.

            return Frame;
        public SPRParser(IffChunk Chunk, List<PaletteMap> PaletteMaps)
            : base(Chunk)
            MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream(Chunk.Data);
            BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(MemStream);

            //The two first bytes aren't used by the version...
            ushort FirstBytes = Reader.ReadUInt16();

            if (FirstBytes == 0)
                m_IsBigEndian = true;
                m_Version = (uint)Endian.SwapUInt16(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                m_Version = (uint)FirstBytes;

            //In version 1001, all frames are decompressed from the beginning, and there's no point in storing
            //the compressed data AS WELL as the decompressed frames...!
            if (m_Version != 1001)
                m_ChunkData = Chunk.Data;

            if (m_IsBigEndian)
                if (m_Version != 1001)
                    m_FrameCount = Endian.SwapUInt32(Reader.ReadUInt32());
                    m_PaletteID = Endian.SwapUInt32(Reader.ReadUInt32());

                    for (uint i = 0; i < m_FrameCount; i++)

                    //Find and set the correct palettemap...
                    if (PaletteMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1) { m_PMap = PaletteMaps[0]; }
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID) { return true; } return false; });
                    m_FrameCount = Endian.SwapUInt32(Reader.ReadUInt32());
                    m_PaletteID = Endian.SwapUInt32(Reader.ReadUInt32());

                    //Find and set the correct palettemap...
                    if (PaletteMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1) { m_PMap = PaletteMaps[0]; }
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID) { return true; } return false; });
                if (m_Version != 1001)
                    m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    m_PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt32();

                    for (uint i = 0; i < m_FrameCount; i++)

                    //Find and set the correct palettemap...
                    if (PaletteMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1) { m_PMap = PaletteMaps[0]; }
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID) { return true; } return false; });
                    m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    m_PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt32();

                    //Find and set the correct palettemap...
                    if (PaletteMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1) { m_PMap = PaletteMaps[0]; }
                        m_PMap = PaletteMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID) { return true; } return false; });

            if (m_Version == 1001)
                //Framecount may be set to -1 and should be ignored...
                    SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

                    Frame.Version = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    Frame.Size = Reader.ReadUInt32();

                    Reader.ReadBytes(4); //Reserved.

                    Frame.Height = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.Width = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.Init(true); //SPR#s don't have alpha channels, but alpha is used to plot transparent pixels.

                    DecompressFrame2(ref Frame, ref Reader);
                    Frame.BitmapData.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.


                    if ((Reader.BaseStream.Position == Reader.BaseStream.Length) ||
                        (Reader.BaseStream.Position - Reader.BaseStream.Length < 14))

        public SpriteParser(byte[] ChunkData, List <PaletteMap> PMaps, int ChunkID)
            m_ChunkID = ChunkID;

            MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream(ChunkData);
            BinaryReader Reader    = new BinaryReader(MemStream);

            Reader.BaseStream.Position = INDEX_SPRID;
            m_ID = Reader.ReadByte();

            Reader.BaseStream.Position = INDEX_SPRVERSION;
            m_Version = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (m_Version != 1000 && m_Version != 1001)
                throw new Exception("Version was: " + m_Version);

            m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (m_Version == 1000)
                m_PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            bool PaletteFound = false;

            foreach (PaletteMap Map in PMaps)
                if (Map.ID == m_PaletteID)
                    m_PMap       = Map;
                    PaletteFound = true;

            //This is guesswork, but when the PaletteID is 1, it seems to typically indicate
            //that there's only one palette to choose from...
            if (m_PaletteID == 1)
                m_PMap       = PMaps[0];
                PaletteFound = true;

            if (!PaletteFound)
                throw new Exception("No palette found!");

            for (int i = 0; i < m_FrameCount; i++)
                SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

                Reader.BaseStream.Position = INDEX_SPROFFSETTABLE + 4 * i;
                Reader.BaseStream.Position = Reader.ReadUInt32() + INDEX_SPRVERSION;

                Frame.Width  = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.Height = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.Flag   = Reader.ReadUInt16();

                //Zero value skipped.
                Reader.BaseStream.Position += 2;

                Frame.PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.PalMap    = PMaps[0];

                foreach (PaletteMap PMap in PMaps)
                    if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID)
                        Frame.PalMap = PMap;

                Frame.TransparentPixel = m_PMap.GetColorAtIndex(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                Frame.XLocation        = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.YLocation        = Reader.ReadUInt16();

                EncryptedRowHeader RowHeader = new EncryptedRowHeader();
                int RowID = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < Frame.Height; j++)
                    long InitPos = Reader.BaseStream.Position;

                    RowHeader = GetDecryptedValues(Reader.ReadUInt16());

                    if (RowHeader.Code == 0)
                        //byte[] RowSegmentData = Reader.ReadBytes(RowHeader.Count - 2);
                        ReadRowSegment(Reader, RowID, ref Frame);
                        Reader.BaseStream.Position = InitPos + RowHeader.Count;
                    else if (RowHeader.Code == 4)
                        RowID += RowHeader.Count;
                    else if (RowHeader.Code == 5)


        public SPR2Parser(IffChunk Chunk, List<PaletteMap> PMaps)
            : base(Chunk)
            m_Name = Name;

            int[] offsets;
            MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream(Chunk.Data);
            BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(MemStream);

            m_Version = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            //In version 1001, all frames are decompressed from the beginning, and there's no point in storing
            //the compressed data AS WELL as the decompressed frames...!
            if (m_Version == 1000)
                m_ChunkData = Chunk.Data;

            if (m_Version == 1001)
                m_PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                m_PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (PMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1) { m_PMap = PMaps[0]; }
                m_PMap = PMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID) { return true; } return false; });

            //Some SPR2s blatantly specify the wrong ID because there's only one palettemap...
            if (m_PMap == null)
                m_PMap = PMaps[0];

            offsets = new int[m_FrameCount];

            if (m_Version == 1000)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_FrameCount; i++)
                    offsets[i] = Reader.ReadInt32();

            if (m_Version == 1001)
                for (int l = 0; l < m_FrameCount; l++)
                    SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

                    Frame.Version = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    Frame.Size = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    Frame.Width = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.Height = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.Flag = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    Frame.PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.TransparentPixel = m_PMap.GetColorAtIndex(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                    Frame.YLocation = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.XLocation = Reader.ReadUInt16();

                    if ((SPR2Flags)Frame.Flag == SPR2Flags.HasAlphaChannel)
                        Frame.Init(true, true);
                        if ((SPR2Flags)Frame.Flag == SPR2Flags.HasZBufferChannel)
                            Frame.Init(false, true);
                            Frame.Init(false, false);

                    DecompressFrame2(ref Frame, ref Reader);
                    Frame.BitmapData.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.

                    if (Frame.HasZBuffer)
                        Frame.ZBuffer.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.


        public SpriteFrame ReadFrame(int Index)
            BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(m_ChunkData));
            Reader.BaseStream.Seek(m_FrameOffsets[Index], SeekOrigin.Begin);

            SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

            Frame.FrameIndex = (uint)Index;
            Frame.Width = Reader.ReadUInt16();
            Frame.Height = Reader.ReadUInt16();
            Frame.Flag = Reader.ReadUInt32();
            Frame.PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt16();
            Frame.TransparentPixel = m_PMap.GetColorAtIndex(Reader.ReadUInt16());
            Frame.YLocation = Reader.ReadUInt16();
            Frame.XLocation = Reader.ReadUInt16();

            if (Frame.Flag == 0x07)
                Frame.Init(true, true);
                if ((SPR2Flags)Frame.Flag == SPR2Flags.HasZBufferChannel)
                    Frame.Init(false, true);
                    Frame.Init(false, false);

            DecompressFrame2(ref Frame, ref Reader);
            Frame.BitmapData.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.

            if (Frame.HasZBuffer)
                Frame.ZBuffer.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.


            //Store the frame to avoid having to decompress in the future.

            return Frame;
        public SPR2Parser(IffChunk Chunk, List <PaletteMap> PMaps) : base(Chunk)
            m_Name = Name;

            int[]        offsets;
            MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream(Chunk.Data);
            BinaryReader Reader    = new BinaryReader(MemStream);

            m_Version = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            //In version 1001, all frames are decompressed from the beginning, and there's no point in storing
            //the compressed data AS WELL as the decompressed frames...!
            if (m_Version == 1000)
                m_ChunkData = Chunk.Data;

            if (m_Version == 1001)
                m_PaletteID  = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                m_PaletteID  = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (PMaps.Count == 1 && m_PaletteID == 1)
                m_PMap = PMaps[0];
                m_PMap = PMaps.Find(delegate(PaletteMap PMap) { if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID)
                                                                return(false); });

            //Some SPR2s blatantly specify the wrong ID because there's only one palettemap...
            if (m_PMap == null)
                m_PMap = PMaps[0];

            offsets = new int[m_FrameCount];

            if (m_Version == 1000)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_FrameCount; i++)
                    offsets[i] = Reader.ReadInt32();

            if (m_Version == 1001)
                for (int l = 0; l < m_FrameCount; l++)
                    SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

                    Frame.Version          = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    Frame.Size             = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    Frame.Width            = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.Height           = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.Flag             = Reader.ReadUInt32();
                    Frame.PaletteID        = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.TransparentPixel = m_PMap.GetColorAtIndex(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                    Frame.YLocation        = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                    Frame.XLocation        = Reader.ReadUInt16();

                    if ((SPR2Flags)Frame.Flag == SPR2Flags.HasAlphaChannel)
                        Frame.Init(true, true);
                        if ((SPR2Flags)Frame.Flag == SPR2Flags.HasZBufferChannel)
                            Frame.Init(false, true);
                            Frame.Init(false, false);

                    DecompressFrame2(ref Frame, ref Reader);
                    Frame.BitmapData.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.

                    if (Frame.HasZBuffer)
                        Frame.ZBuffer.Unlock(true); //The bitmapdata is locked when the frame is created.

        public SpriteParser(byte[] ChunkData, List<PaletteMap> PMaps, int ChunkID)
            m_ChunkID = ChunkID;

            MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream(ChunkData);
            BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(MemStream);

            Reader.BaseStream.Position = INDEX_SPRID;
            m_ID = Reader.ReadByte();

            Reader.BaseStream.Position = INDEX_SPRVERSION;
            m_Version = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (m_Version != 1000 && m_Version != 1001)
                throw new Exception("Version was: " + m_Version);

            m_FrameCount = Reader.ReadUInt32();
            if (m_Version == 1000)
                m_PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt32();

            bool PaletteFound = false;

            foreach (PaletteMap Map in PMaps)
                if (Map.ID == m_PaletteID)
                    m_PMap = Map;
                    PaletteFound = true;

            //This is guesswork, but when the PaletteID is 1, it seems to typically indicate
            //that there's only one palette to choose from...
            if (m_PaletteID == 1)
                m_PMap = PMaps[0];
                PaletteFound = true;

            if (!PaletteFound)
                throw new Exception("No palette found!");

            for (int i = 0; i < m_FrameCount; i++)
                SpriteFrame Frame = new SpriteFrame();

                Reader.BaseStream.Position = INDEX_SPROFFSETTABLE + 4 * i;
                Reader.BaseStream.Position = Reader.ReadUInt32() + INDEX_SPRVERSION;

                Frame.Width = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.Height = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.Flag = Reader.ReadUInt16();

                //Zero value skipped.
                Reader.BaseStream.Position += 2;

                Frame.PaletteID = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.PalMap = PMaps[0];

                foreach (PaletteMap PMap in PMaps)
                    if (PMap.ID == m_PaletteID)
                        Frame.PalMap = PMap;

                Frame.TransparentPixel = m_PMap.GetColorAtIndex(Reader.ReadUInt16());
                Frame.XLocation = Reader.ReadUInt16();
                Frame.YLocation = Reader.ReadUInt16();

                EncryptedRowHeader RowHeader = new EncryptedRowHeader();
                int RowID = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < Frame.Height; j++)
                    long InitPos = Reader.BaseStream.Position;

                    RowHeader = GetDecryptedValues(Reader.ReadUInt16());

                    if (RowHeader.Code == 0)
                        //byte[] RowSegmentData = Reader.ReadBytes(RowHeader.Count - 2);
                        ReadRowSegment(Reader, RowID, ref Frame);
                        Reader.BaseStream.Position = InitPos + RowHeader.Count;
                    else if (RowHeader.Code == 4)
                        RowID += RowHeader.Count;
                    else if (RowHeader.Code == 5)

