Refresh() public méthode

Re-create the view, using any SortDescriptions, GroupDescriptions and/or filter.
Call Refresh if the EntityQueryPagedCollectionView was created with deferred loading.
public Refresh ( ) : void
Résultat void
    private void InitializePagedView() {

      // Let's look at all customers. The query can be of any complexity, but must be an EntityQuery<T>.  
      // If the query contains an OrderBy, that sort order will always be primary and any sort columns
      // selected by the user in the grid will be added as "ThenBy" clauses when sorting the results.

      // Don't execute the query (unless you do want the view to work with CacheOnly paging queries).  
      // The EntityQueryPagedCollectionView (PCV) will execute paged queries, first DataSourceOnly to load
      // the page, and then using the QueryStrategy in effect for the query or EM.

      // We haven't logged in with this EntityManager, so the PCV will do an implicit login with null
      // credentials before executing the query.  If you require real login credentials, then you should
      // be sure to login the EM first.

      // We're deferring the load here to add a SortDescription (instead of an OrderBy on the query).
      // Once the SortDescription is set we can load the view.

      var query = _entityManager.Customers;

      View = new EntityQueryPagedCollectionView(
               query,                  // Source of data
               PageSize,               // Page size
               PageSize,               // Load size - no lookahead caching here 
               true,                   // Whether to defer the load
               false);                 // Whether to add primary key to sort columns

      // Listen for errors now - we can catch connection/login errors when refresh occurs.
      View.PageLoadError += pcv_PageLoadError;

      // Set a sort column here - user choices in grid will override.
      View.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("CompanyName", ListSortDirection.Ascending));

      // Listen for a few events.
      View.PageChanging += PageChanging;
      View.CurrentChanged += CurrentItemChanged;
    private void LoadView() {
      // Create and start loading the PCV.

      // Neither EQPCV nor PCV will work with anonymous types.
      if (AnonymousFns.IsAnonymousType(Query.ElementType)) {
        throw new NotSupportedException("Anonymous types are not currently supported.  To work around this limitation, you can instead project into a custom type.");

      if (IsEntityQuery) {
        EntityManager.GetEntityGroup(Query.ElementType).EntityChanged += ObjectDataSource_EntityChanged;

      IsLoadingData = true;
      HasChanges = false;

      // Convert from our "descriptors" to the "descriptions" known by a PCV.
      var sortFields = new SortDescriptionCollection();
      SortDescriptors.ForEach(s => sortFields.Add(s.ToSortDescription()));
      var groupFields = new ObservableCollection<GroupDescription>();
      GroupDescriptors.ForEach(g => groupFields.Add(g.ToGroupDescription()));

      // We'll use an EQPCV or PCV depending on a few factors: 1) an EntityQuery (so we can issue skip/take, 2) paging
      bool useEqpcv = Query is EntityQuery && PageSize > 0;

      if (useEqpcv) {
        EntityQueryPagedCollectionView pcv = null;
        var query = Query as EntityQuery;
        var filter = GetQueryFilter();
        if (sortFields.Count > 0 || groupFields.Count > 0) {
          pcv = new EntityQueryPagedCollectionView(query, PageSize, LoadSize, sortFields, groupFields, filter);
        } else {
          pcv = new EntityQueryPagedCollectionView(query, PageSize, LoadSize, true, true);
        Data = pcv;
        DataView = pcv;

      } else {
        // Use the standard PagedCollectionView (when paging isn't wanted or not an EntityQuery)
        IEntityQuery query = Query;
        if (Query is EntityQuery) {
          query = GetFilteredQuery();
        EntityManager.ExecuteQueryAsync(query, args => {
          PagedCollectionView pcv = new PagedCollectionView(args.Results);
          sortFields.ForEach(d => pcv.SortDescriptions.Add(d));
          groupFields.ForEach(d => pcv.GroupDescriptions.Add(d));
          pcv.PageSize = PageSize;
          Data = pcv;
          DataView = pcv;