/// <summary> /// Deletes the ID3 tag of the specified tag family type from the MP3 data. /// </summary> /// <param name="family">The ID3 tag family type.</param> public void DeleteTag(Id3TagFamily family) { EnsureWritePermissions(Mp3Messages.NoWritePermissions_CannotDeleteTag); Id3Handler foundHandler = ExistingHandlers.FirstOrDefault(handler => handler.Family == family); if (foundHandler != null) { foundHandler.DeleteTag(Stream); InvalidateExistingHandlers(); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the ID3 tag of the specified version from the MP3 data. /// </summary> /// <param name="version">The tag version</param> public void DeleteTag(Id3Version version) { EnsureWritePermissions(Mp3Messages.NoWritePermissions_CannotDeleteTag); Id3Handler handler = ExistingHandlers.FirstOrDefault(h => h.Version == version); if (handler != null) { handler.DeleteTag(Stream); InvalidateExistingHandlers(); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the ID3 tag of the specified tag family type from the MP3 data. /// </summary> /// <param name="family">The ID3 tag family type.</param> public void DeleteTag(Id3TagFamily family) { EnsureWritePermissions(Id3Messages.NoWritePermissions_CannotDeleteTag); IEnumerable <RegisteredId3Handler> registeredHandlers = ExistingHandlers.GetHandlers(family); RegisteredId3Handler registeredHandler = registeredHandlers.FirstOrDefault(); if (registeredHandler != null) { Id3Handler handler = registeredHandler.Handler; handler.DeleteTag(_stream); InvalidateExistingHandlers(); } }
public bool WriteTag(Id3Tag tag, WriteConflictAction conflictAction = WriteConflictAction.NoAction) { EnsureWritePermissions(Id3Messages.NoWritePermissions_CannotWriteTag); if (tag == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("tag"); } //The tag should specify major version number if (tag.MajorVersion == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(Id3Messages.MajorTagVersionMissing, "tag"); } //Get any existing handlers from the same family as the tag IEnumerable <RegisteredId3Handler> familyHandlers = ExistingHandlers.GetHandlers(tag.Family); //If a tag already exists from the same family, but is a different version than the passed tag, //delete it if conflictAction is Replace. RegisteredId3Handler familyHandler = familyHandlers.FirstOrDefault(); if (familyHandler != null) { Id3Handler handler = familyHandler.Handler; if (handler.MajorVersion != tag.MajorVersion || handler.MinorVersion != tag.MinorVersion) { if (conflictAction == WriteConflictAction.NoAction) { return(false); } if (conflictAction == WriteConflictAction.Replace) { Id3Handler handlerCopy = handler; handlerCopy.DeleteTag(_stream); } } } //Write the tag to the file. The handler will know how to overwrite itself. RegisteredId3Handler registeredHandler = RegisteredHandlers.GetHandler(tag.MajorVersion, tag.MinorVersion); bool writeSuccessful = registeredHandler.Handler.WriteTag(_stream, tag); if (writeSuccessful) { InvalidateExistingHandlers(); } return(writeSuccessful); }
public bool WriteTag(Id3Tag tag, WriteConflictAction conflictAction = WriteConflictAction.NoAction) { if (tag == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tag)); } EnsureWritePermissions(Mp3Messages.NoWritePermissions_CannotWriteTag); //If a tag already exists from the same family, but is a different version than the passed tag, //delete it if conflictAction is Replace. Id3Handler familyHandler = ExistingHandlers.FirstOrDefault(handler => handler.Family == tag.Family); if (familyHandler != null) { Id3Handler handler = familyHandler; if (handler.Version != tag.Version) { if (conflictAction == WriteConflictAction.NoAction) { return(false); } if (conflictAction == WriteConflictAction.Replace) { Id3Handler handlerCopy = handler; //TODO: Why did we need a copy of the handler? handlerCopy.DeleteTag(Stream); } } } //Write the tag to the file. The handler will know how to overwrite itself. Id3Handler writeHandler = Id3Handler.GetHandler(tag.Version); bool writeSuccessful = writeHandler.WriteTag(Stream, tag); if (writeSuccessful) { InvalidateExistingHandlers(); } return(writeSuccessful); }