Exemple #1
        internal AcceptorI(Instance instance, string adapterName, string host, int port)
            _instance    = instance;
            _adapterName = adapterName;
            _logger      = instance.communicator().getLogger();
            _backlog     = instance.communicator().getProperties().getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.Backlog", 511);

            // .NET requires that a certificate be supplied.
            X509Certificate2Collection certs = instance.certs();

            if (certs.Count == 0)
                Ice.SecurityException ex = new Ice.SecurityException();
                ex.reason = "IceSSL: certificate required for server endpoint";
                throw ex;

                int protocol = instance.protocolSupport();
                _addr = (IPEndPoint)IceInternal.Network.getAddressForServer(host, port, protocol, instance.preferIPv6());
                _fd   = IceInternal.Network.createServerSocket(false, _addr.AddressFamily, protocol);
                IceInternal.Network.setBlock(_fd, false);
                IceInternal.Network.setTcpBufSize(_fd, _instance.communicator().getProperties(), _logger);
                if (IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.platform_ != IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows)
                    // Enable SO_REUSEADDR on Unix platforms to allow
                    // re-using the socket even if it's in the TIME_WAIT
                    // state. On Windows, this doesn't appear to be
                    // necessary and enabling SO_REUSEADDR would actually
                    // not be a good thing since it allows a second
                    // process to bind to an address even it's already
                    // bound by another process.
                    // TODO: using SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on Windows would
                    // probably be better but it's only supported by recent
                    // Windows versions (XP SP2, Windows Server 2003).
                    IceInternal.Network.setReuseAddress(_fd, true);
                if (_instance.networkTraceLevel() >= 2)
                    string s = "attempting to bind to ssl socket " + IceInternal.Network.addrToString(_addr);
                    _logger.trace(_instance.networkTraceCategory(), s);
                _addr = IceInternal.Network.doBind(_fd, _addr);
            catch (System.Exception)
                _fd = null;
Exemple #2
        internal AcceptorI(Instance instance, string adapterName, string host, int port)
            _instance = instance;
            _adapterName = adapterName;
            _logger = instance.communicator().getLogger();
            _backlog = instance.communicator().getProperties().getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.Backlog", 511);

            // .NET requires that a certificate be supplied.
            X509Certificate2Collection certs = instance.certs();
            if(certs.Count == 0)
                Ice.SecurityException ex = new Ice.SecurityException();
                ex.reason = "IceSSL: certificate required for server endpoint";
                throw ex;

                _addr = IceInternal.Network.getAddressForServer(host, port, _instance.protocolSupport());
                _fd = IceInternal.Network.createSocket(false, _addr.AddressFamily);
                IceInternal.Network.setBlock(_fd, false);
                IceInternal.Network.setTcpBufSize(_fd, _instance.communicator().getProperties(), _logger);
                if(IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.platform_ != IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows)
                    // Enable SO_REUSEADDR on Unix platforms to allow
                    // re-using the socket even if it's in the TIME_WAIT
                    // state. On Windows, this doesn't appear to be
                    // necessary and enabling SO_REUSEADDR would actually
                    // not be a good thing since it allows a second
                    // process to bind to an address even it's already
                    // bound by another process.
                    // TODO: using SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on Windows would
                    // probably be better but it's only supported by recent
                    // Windows versions (XP SP2, Windows Server 2003).
                    IceInternal.Network.setReuseAddress(_fd, true);
                if(_instance.networkTraceLevel() >= 2)
                    string s = "attempting to bind to ssl socket " + IceInternal.Network.addrToString(_addr);
                    _logger.trace(_instance.networkTraceCategory(), s);
                _addr = IceInternal.Network.doBind(_fd, _addr);
                _fd = null;
Exemple #3
        // Only for use by ConnectorI, AcceptorI.
        internal TransceiverI(Instance instance, Socket fd, string host, bool connected,
                              bool incoming, string adapterName, IPEndPoint addr, IceInternal.NetworkProxy proxy)
            _instance    = instance;
            _fd          = fd;
            _host        = host;
            _incoming    = incoming;
            _adapterName = adapterName;
            _addr        = addr;
            _proxy       = proxy;
            _stream      = null;
            _logger      = instance.communicator().getLogger();
            _stats       = instance.communicator().getStats();
            _desc        = connected ? IceInternal.Network.fdToString(_fd, _proxy, _addr) : "<not connected>";
            _state       = connected ? StateNeedAuthenticate : StateNeedConnect;

            _maxSendPacketSize = IceInternal.Network.getSendBufferSize(fd);
            if (_maxSendPacketSize < 512)
                _maxSendPacketSize = 0;

            _maxReceivePacketSize = IceInternal.Network.getRecvBufferSize(fd);
            if (_maxReceivePacketSize < 512)
                _maxReceivePacketSize = 0;

            if (_adapterName != null)
                // Determine whether a certificate is required from the peer.
                _verifyPeer =
                    _instance.communicator().getProperties().getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("IceSSL.VerifyPeer", 2);
                _verifyPeer = 0;
Exemple #4
        // Only for use by EndpointI.
        internal ConnectorI(Instance instance, string host, IPEndPoint addr, int timeout, string connectionId)
            _instance = instance;
            _host = host;
            _logger = instance.communicator().getLogger();
            _addr = addr;
            _timeout = timeout;
            _connectionId = connectionId;

            _hashCode = _addr.GetHashCode();
            _hashCode = 5 * _hashCode + _timeout;
            _hashCode = 5 * _hashCode + _connectionId.GetHashCode();
Exemple #5
        // Only for use by ConnectorI, AcceptorI.
        internal TransceiverI(Instance instance, Socket fd, IPEndPoint addr, string host, bool connected,
                              string adapterName)
            _instance = instance;
            _fd = fd;
            _addr = addr;
            _host = host;
            _adapterName = adapterName;
            _stream = null;
            _logger = instance.communicator().getLogger();
            _stats = instance.communicator().getStats();
            _desc = connected ? IceInternal.Network.fdToString(_fd) : "<not connected>";
            _state = connected ? StateNeedAuthenticate : StateNeedConnect;

            _maxSendPacketSize = IceInternal.Network.getSendBufferSize(fd);
            if(_maxSendPacketSize < 512)
                _maxSendPacketSize = 0;

            _maxReceivePacketSize = IceInternal.Network.getRecvBufferSize(fd);
            if(_maxReceivePacketSize < 512)
                _maxReceivePacketSize = 0;

            if(_adapterName != null)
                // Determine whether a certificate is required from the peer.
                _verifyPeer =
                    _instance.communicator().getProperties().getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("IceSSL.VerifyPeer", 2);
                _verifyPeer = 0;
Exemple #6
        // Only for use by EndpointI.
        internal ConnectorI(Instance instance, string host, EndPoint addr, int timeout, string connectionId)
            _instance = instance;
            _host = host;
            _logger = instance.communicator().getLogger();
            _addr = (IPEndPoint)addr;
            _timeout = timeout;
            _connectionId = connectionId;

            _hashCode = 5381;
            IceInternal.HashUtil.hashAdd(ref _hashCode, _addr);
            IceInternal.HashUtil.hashAdd(ref _hashCode, _timeout);
            IceInternal.HashUtil.hashAdd(ref _hashCode, _connectionId);
Exemple #7
        // Only for use by EndpointI.
        internal ConnectorI(Instance instance, string host, EndPoint addr, IceInternal.NetworkProxy proxy, int timeout,
                            string conId)
            _instance     = instance;
            _host         = host;
            _logger       = instance.communicator().getLogger();
            _addr         = (IPEndPoint)addr;
            _proxy        = proxy;
            _timeout      = timeout;
            _connectionId = conId;

            _hashCode = 5381;
            IceInternal.HashUtil.hashAdd(ref _hashCode, _addr);
            IceInternal.HashUtil.hashAdd(ref _hashCode, _timeout);
            IceInternal.HashUtil.hashAdd(ref _hashCode, _connectionId);
Exemple #8
        // Only for use by ConnectorI, AcceptorI.
        internal TransceiverI(Instance instance, IceInternal.Transceiver del, string hostOrAdapterName, bool incoming)
            _instance = instance;
            _delegate = del;
            _incoming = incoming;
            if (_incoming)
                _adapterName = hostOrAdapterName;
                _host = hostOrAdapterName;

            _sslStream = null;

            _verifyPeer = _instance.communicator().GetPropertyAsInt("IceSSL.VerifyPeer") ?? 2;