Exemple #1
        internal TcpAcceptor(TcpEndpointI endpoint, ProtocolInstance instance, string host, int port)
            _endpoint = endpoint;
            _instance = instance;
            _backlog  = instance.properties().getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.Backlog", 511);

                int protocol = _instance.protocolSupport();
                _addr = (IPEndPoint)Network.getAddressForServer(host, port, protocol, _instance.preferIPv6());
                _fd   = Network.createServerSocket(false, _addr.AddressFamily, protocol);
                Network.setBlock(_fd, false);
#  if !COMPACT
                Network.setTcpBufSize(_fd, _instance);
#  endif
                if (AssemblyUtil.platform_ != AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows)
Exemple #2
        internal TcpAcceptor(TcpEndpointI endpoint, ProtocolInstance instance, string host, int port)
            _endpoint = endpoint;
            _instance = instance;
            _backlog  = instance.properties().getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.Backlog", 511);

                int protocol = _instance.protocolSupport();
                _addr = (IPEndPoint)Network.getAddressForServer(host, port, protocol, _instance.preferIPv6());
                _fd   = Network.createServerSocket(false, _addr.AddressFamily, protocol);
                Network.setBlock(_fd, false);
                Network.setTcpBufSize(_fd, _instance);
            catch (Exception)
                _fd = null;
Exemple #3
        // Only for use by UdpEndpoint.
        internal UdpTransceiver(UdpEndpointI endpoint, ProtocolInstance instance, string host, int port,
                                string mcastInterface, bool connect)
            _endpoint       = endpoint;
            _instance       = instance;
            _state          = connect ? StateNeedConnect : StateNotConnected;
            _mcastInterface = mcastInterface;
            _incoming       = true;
            _port           = port;

                _addr = Network.getAddressForServer(host, port, instance.protocolSupport(), instance.preferIPv6());

                _readEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                _readEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = _addr;
                _readEventArgs.Completed     += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(ioCompleted);

                _writeEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                _writeEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = _addr;
                _writeEventArgs.Completed     += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(ioCompleted);

                _fd = Network.createServerSocket(true, _addr.AddressFamily, instance.protocolSupport());
                setBufSize(-1, -1);
                Network.setBlock(_fd, false);
            catch (Ice.LocalException)
                if (_readEventArgs != null)
                if (_writeEventArgs != null)
                _fd = null;
Exemple #4
        internal TcpAcceptor(TcpEndpointI endpoint, ProtocolInstance instance, string host, int port)
            _endpoint = endpoint;
            _instance = instance;
            _backlog  = instance.properties().getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.Backlog", 511);

                int protocol = _instance.protocolSupport();
                _addr = (IPEndPoint)Network.getAddressForServer(host, port, protocol, _instance.preferIPv6());
                _fd   = Network.createServerSocket(false, _addr.AddressFamily, protocol);
                Network.setBlock(_fd, false);
                Network.setTcpBufSize(_fd, _instance);
                if (AssemblyUtil.platform_ != AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows)
                    // Enable SO_REUSEADDR on Unix platforms to allow re-using the
                    // socket even if it's in the TIME_WAIT state. On Windows,
                    // this doesn't appear to be necessary and enabling
                    // SO_REUSEADDR would actually not be a good thing since it
                    // allows a second process to bind to an address even it's
                    // already bound by another process.
                    // TODO: using SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on Windows would probably
                    // be better but it's only supported by recent Windows
                    // versions (XP SP2, Windows Server 2003).
                    Network.setReuseAddress(_fd, true);
            catch (System.Exception)
                _fd = null;
Exemple #5
        // Only for use by UdpEndpoint.
        internal UdpTransceiver(Instance instance, string host, int port, string mcastInterface, bool connect)
            _traceLevels = instance.traceLevels();
            _logger      = instance.initializationData().logger;
            _stats       = instance.initializationData().stats;
            _state       = connect ? StateNeedConnect : StateNotConnected;
            _incoming    = true;

                _addr = Network.getAddressForServer(host, port, instance.protocolSupport(), instance.preferIPv6());

                _readEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                _readEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = _addr;
                _readEventArgs.Completed     += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(ioCompleted);

                _writeEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                _writeEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = _addr;
                _writeEventArgs.Completed     += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(ioCompleted);

                _fd = Network.createServerSocket(true, _addr.AddressFamily, instance.protocolSupport());
                Network.setBlock(_fd, false);
                if (_traceLevels.network >= 2)
                    string s = "attempting to bind to udp socket " + Network.addrToString(_addr);
                    _logger.trace(_traceLevels.networkCat, s);

                if (Network.isMulticast((IPEndPoint)_addr))
                    Network.setReuseAddress(_fd, true);
                    _mcastAddr = (IPEndPoint)_addr;
                    if (AssemblyUtil.platform_ == AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows)
                        // Windows does not allow binding to the mcast address itself
                        // so we bind to INADDR_ANY ( instead. As a result,
                        // bi-directional connection won't work because the source
                        // address won't the multicast address and the client will
                        // therefore reject the datagram.
                        if (_addr.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                            _addr = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
                            _addr = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, port);
                    _addr = Network.doBind(_fd, _addr);
                    if (port == 0)
                        _mcastAddr.Port = ((IPEndPoint)_addr).Port;
                    Network.setMcastGroup(_fd, _mcastAddr.Address, mcastInterface);
                    if (AssemblyUtil.platform_ != AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows)
                        // Enable SO_REUSEADDR on Unix platforms to allow
                        // re-using the socket even if it's in the TIME_WAIT
                        // state. On Windows, this doesn't appear to be
                        // necessary and enabling SO_REUSEADDR would actually
                        // not be a good thing since it allows a second
                        // process to bind to an address even it's already
                        // bound by another process.
                        // TODO: using SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on Windows would
                        // probably be better but it's only supported by recent
                        // Windows versions (XP SP2, Windows Server 2003).
                        Network.setReuseAddress(_fd, true);
                    _addr = Network.doBind(_fd, _addr);
                if (_traceLevels.network >= 1)
                    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("starting to receive udp packets\n");
                    List <string> interfaces = Network.getHostsForEndpointExpand(
                        Network.endpointAddressToString(_addr), instance.protocolSupport(), true);
                    if (interfaces.Count != 0)
                        s.Append("\nlocal interfaces: ");
                        s.Append(String.Join(", ", interfaces.ToArray()));
                    _logger.trace(_traceLevels.networkCat, s.ToString());
            catch (Ice.LocalException)
                _fd = null;