Exemple #1
 public Request(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Reference @ref)
     _locatorInfo = locatorInfo;
     _ref         = @ref;
     _sent        = false;
     _response    = false;
Exemple #2
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))

            LocatorInfo rhs = obj as LocatorInfo;

            return(rhs == null ? false : _locator.Equals(rhs._locator));
Exemple #3
 exception(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Ice.Exception exc)
         locatorInfo.getEndpointsException(_ref, exc); // This throws.
     catch (Ice.LocalException ex)
         if (_callback != null)
Exemple #4
 exception(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Ice.Exception exc)
         locatorInfo.getEndpointsException(_ref, exc); // This throws.
     catch(Ice.LocalException ex)
         if(_callback != null)
Exemple #5
            response(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Ice.ObjectPrx proxy)
                EndpointI[] endpoints = null;
                if (proxy != null)
                    Reference r = ((Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)proxy).iceReference();
                    if (_ref.isWellKnown() && !Protocol.isSupported(_ref.getEncoding(), r.getEncoding()))
                        // If a well-known proxy and the returned
                        // proxy encoding isn't supported, we're done:
                        // there's no compatible endpoint we can use.
                    else if (!r.isIndirect())
                        endpoints = r.getEndpoints();
                    else if (_ref.isWellKnown() && !r.isWellKnown())
                        // We're resolving the endpoints of a well-known object and the proxy returned
                        // by the locator is an indirect proxy. We now need to resolve the endpoints
                        // of this indirect proxy.
                        if (_ref.getInstance().traceLevels().location >= 1)
                            locatorInfo.trace("retrieved adapter for well-known object from locator, " +
                                              "adding to locator cache", _ref, r);
                        locatorInfo.getEndpoints(r, _ref, _ttl, _callback);

                if (_ref.getInstance().traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    locatorInfo.getEndpointsTrace(_ref, endpoints, false);
                if (_callback != null)
                    _callback.setEndpoints(endpoints == null ? new EndpointI[0] : endpoints, false);
Exemple #6
        // Returns locator info for a given locator. Automatically creates
        // the locator info if it doesn't exist yet.
        public LocatorInfo get(Ice.LocatorPrx loc)
            if (loc == null)

            // The locator can't be located.
            Ice.LocatorPrx locator = Ice.LocatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(loc.ice_locator(null));

            // TODO: reap unused locator info objects?

            lock (this)
                LocatorInfo info = null;
                if (!_table.TryGetValue(locator, out info))
                    // Rely on locator identity for the adapter table. We want to
                    // have only one table per locator (not one per locator
                    // proxy).
                    LocatorTable table = null;
                    LocatorKey   key   = new LocatorKey(locator);
                    if (!_locatorTables.TryGetValue(key, out table))
                        table = new LocatorTable();
                        _locatorTables[key] = table;

                    info            = new LocatorInfo(locator, table, _background);
                    _table[locator] = info;

Exemple #7
        // Returns locator info for a given locator. Automatically creates
        // the locator info if it doesn't exist yet.
        public LocatorInfo get(ILocatorPrx loc)
            if (loc == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(loc));

            // The locator can't be located.
            ILocatorPrx locator = loc.Clone(clearLocator: true);

            // TODO: reap unused locator info objects?
            lock (this)
                LocatorInfo info;
                if (!_table.TryGetValue(locator, out info))
                    // Rely on locator identity for the adapter table. We want to
                    // have only one table per locator (not one per locator
                    // proxy).
                    LocatorTable?table = null;
                    LocatorKey   key   = new LocatorKey(locator);
                    if (!_locatorTables.TryGetValue(key, out table))
                        table = new LocatorTable();
                        _locatorTables[key] = table;

                    info            = new LocatorInfo(locator, table, _background);
                    _table[locator] = info;

Exemple #8
            response(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Ice.ObjectPrx proxy)
                EndpointI[] endpoints = null;
                if(proxy != null)
                    Reference r = ((Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)proxy).reference__();
                    if(_ref.isWellKnown() && !Protocol.isSupported(_ref.getEncoding(), r.getEncoding()))
                        // If a well-known proxy and the returned
                        // proxy encoding isn't supported, we're done:
                        // there's no compatible endpoint we can use.
                    else if(!r.isIndirect())
                        endpoints = r.getEndpoints();
                    else if(_ref.isWellKnown() && !r.isWellKnown())
                        // We're resolving the endpoints of a well-known object and the proxy returned
                        // by the locator is an indirect proxy. We now need to resolve the endpoints 
                        // of this indirect proxy.
                        locatorInfo.getEndpoints(r, _ref, _ttl, _callback);

                if(_ref.getInstance().traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    locatorInfo.getEndpointsTrace(_ref, endpoints, false);
                if(_callback != null)
                    _callback.setEndpoints(endpoints == null ? new EndpointI[0] : endpoints, false);
Exemple #9
 public ObjectRequest(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Reference reference) : base(locatorInfo, reference)
Exemple #10
 public ObjectRequest(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Reference @ref) : base(locatorInfo, @ref)
Exemple #11
 public AdapterRequest(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Reference @ref) : base(locatorInfo, @ref)
Exemple #12
        public int checkRetryAfterException(Ice.LocalException ex, Reference @ref, bool sleep, ref int cnt)
            TraceLevels traceLevels = instance_.traceLevels();

            Ice.Logger logger = instance_.initializationData().logger;

            // We don't retry batch requests because the exception might have caused
            // the all the requests batched with the connection to be aborted and we
            // want the application to be notified.
            if (@ref.getMode() == Reference.Mode.ModeBatchOneway || @ref.getMode() == Reference.Mode.ModeBatchDatagram)
                throw ex;

            Ice.ObjectNotExistException one = ex as Ice.ObjectNotExistException;
            if (one != null)
                if (@ref.getRouterInfo() != null && one.operation.Equals("ice_add_proxy"))
                    // If we have a router, an ObjectNotExistException with an
                    // operation name "ice_add_proxy" indicates to the client
                    // that the router isn't aware of the proxy (for example,
                    // because it was evicted by the router). In this case, we
                    // must *always* retry, so that the missing proxy is added
                    // to the router.


                    if (traceLevels.retry >= 1)
                        string s = "retrying operation call to add proxy to router\n" + ex;
                        logger.trace(traceLevels.retryCat, s);
                    return(0); // We must always retry, so we don't look at the retry count.
                else if (@ref.isIndirect())
                    // We retry ObjectNotExistException if the reference is
                    // indirect.

                    if (@ref.isWellKnown())
                        LocatorInfo li = @ref.getLocatorInfo();
                        if (li != null)
                    // For all other cases, we don't retry ObjectNotExistException.
                    throw ex;
            else if (ex is Ice.RequestFailedException)
                throw ex;

            // There is no point in retrying an operation that resulted in a
            // MarshalException. This must have been raised locally (because if
            // it happened in a server it would result in an UnknownLocalException
            // instead), which means there was a problem in this process that will
            // not change if we try again.
            // The most likely cause for a MarshalException is exceeding the
            // maximum message size, which is represented by the subclass
            // MemoryLimitException. For example, a client can attempt to send a
            // message that exceeds the maximum memory size, or accumulate enough
            // batch requests without flushing that the maximum size is reached.
            // This latter case is especially problematic, because if we were to
            // retry a batch request after a MarshalException, we would in fact
            // silently discard the accumulated requests and allow new batch
            // requests to accumulate. If the subsequent batched requests do not
            // exceed the maximum message size, it appears to the client that all
            // of the batched requests were accepted, when in reality only the
            // last few are actually sent.
            if (ex is Ice.MarshalException)
                throw ex;

            Debug.Assert(cnt > 0);

            int interval;

            if (cnt == (_retryIntervals.Length + 1) && ex is Ice.CloseConnectionException)
                // A close connection exception is always retried at least once, even if the retry
                // limit is reached.
                interval = 0;
            else if (cnt > _retryIntervals.Length)
                if (traceLevels.retry >= 1)
                    string s = "cannot retry operation call because retry limit has been exceeded\n" + ex;
                    logger.trace(traceLevels.retryCat, s);
                throw ex;
                interval = _retryIntervals[cnt - 1];

            if (traceLevels.retry >= 1)
                string s = "retrying operation call";
                if (interval > 0)
                    s += " in " + interval + "ms";
                s += " because of exception\n" + ex;
                logger.trace(traceLevels.retryCat, s);

            if (sleep && interval > 0)
                // Sleep before retrying.
Exemple #13
 public AdapterRequest(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Reference reference) : base(locatorInfo, reference)
Exemple #14
        private void updateLocatorRegistry(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, ObjectPrx proxy)
            if(_id.Length == 0 || locatorInfo == null)
                return; // Nothing to update.

            // Call on the locator registry outside the synchronization to
            // blocking other threads that need to lock this OA.
            LocatorRegistryPrx locatorRegistry = locatorInfo.getLocatorRegistry();
            if(locatorRegistry == null)

                if(_replicaGroupId.Length == 0)
                    locatorRegistry.setAdapterDirectProxy(_id, proxy);
                    locatorRegistry.setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(_id, _replicaGroupId, proxy);
                if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    s.Append("couldn't update object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry:\n");
                    s.Append("the object adapter is not known to the locator registry");
                    instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());

                NotRegisteredException ex1 = new NotRegisteredException();
                ex1.kindOfObject = "object adapter";
                ex1.id = _id;
                throw ex1;
                if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    s.Append("couldn't update object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry:\n");
                    s.Append("the replica group `" + _replicaGroupId + "' is not known to the locator registry");
                    instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());

                NotRegisteredException ex1 = new NotRegisteredException();
                ex1.kindOfObject = "replica group";
                ex1.id = _replicaGroupId;
                throw ex1;
                if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    s.Append("couldn't update object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry:\n");
                    s.Append("the object adapter endpoints are already set");
                    instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());

                ObjectAdapterIdInUseException ex1 = new ObjectAdapterIdInUseException();
                ex1.id = _id;
                // Expected if collocated call and OA is deactivated, ignore.
                // Ignore
            catch(LocalException e)
                if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    s.Append("couldn't update object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry:\n");
                    instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());
                throw; // TODO: Shall we raise a special exception instead of a non obvious local exception?

            if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                s.Append("updated object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry\n");
                s.Append("endpoints = ");
                if(proxy != null)
                    Ice.Endpoint[] endpoints = proxy.ice_getEndpoints();
                    for(int i = 0; i < endpoints.Length; i++)
                        if(i + 1 < endpoints.Length)
                instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());
Exemple #15
        public void destroy()
            // Deactivate and wait for completion.

                // Only a single thread is allowed to destroy the object
                // adapter. Other threads wait for the destruction to be
                // completed.
                while(state_ == StateDestroying)
                if(state_ == StateDestroyed)
                state_ = StateDestroying;

            // Now it's also time to clean up our servants and servant
            // locators.

            // Destroy the thread pool.
            if(_threadPool != null)

            if(_objectAdapterFactory != null)

                // We're done, now we can throw away all incoming connection
                // factories.

                // Remove object references (some of them cyclic).
                instance_ = null;
                _threadPool = null;
                _routerEndpoints = null;
                _routerInfo = null;
                _publishedEndpoints = null;
                _locatorInfo = null;
                _reference = null;
                _objectAdapterFactory = null;

                state_ = StateDestroyed;
Exemple #16
        // Returns locator info for a given locator. Automatically creates
        // the locator info if it doesn't exist yet.
        public LocatorInfo get(Ice.LocatorPrx loc)
            if(loc == null)
                return null;
            // The locator can't be located.
            Ice.LocatorPrx locator = Ice.LocatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(loc.ice_locator(null));

            // TODO: reap unused locator info objects?
                LocatorInfo info = null;
                if(!_table.TryGetValue(locator, out info))
                    // Rely on locator identity for the adapter table. We want to
                    // have only one table per locator (not one per locator
                    // proxy).
                    LocatorTable table = null;
                    LocatorKey key = new LocatorKey(locator);
                    if(!_locatorTables.TryGetValue(key, out table))
                        table = new LocatorTable();
                        _locatorTables[key] = table;
                    info = new LocatorInfo(locator, table, _background);
                    _table[locator] = info;
                return info;
Exemple #17
        public void setLocator(LocatorPrx locator)

                _locatorInfo = instance_.locatorManager().get(locator);
Exemple #18
        private int _timeout; // Only used if _overrideTimeout == true

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public RoutableReference(Instance instance,
                                 Ice.Communicator communicator,
                                 Ice.Identity identity,
                                 string facet,
                                 Reference.Mode mode,
                                 bool secure,
                                 EndpointI[] endpoints,
                                 string adapterId,
                                 LocatorInfo locatorInfo,
                                 RouterInfo routerInfo,
                                 bool collocationOptimized,
                                 bool cacheConnection,
                                 bool preferSecure,
                                 Ice.EndpointSelectionType endpointSelection,
                                 int locatorCacheTimeout)
            : base(instance, communicator, identity, facet, mode, secure)
            _endpoints = endpoints;
            _adapterId = adapterId;
            _locatorInfo = locatorInfo;
            _routerInfo = routerInfo;
            _collocationOptimized = collocationOptimized;
            _cacheConnection = cacheConnection;
            _preferSecure = preferSecure;
            _endpointSelection = endpointSelection;
            _locatorCacheTimeout = locatorCacheTimeout;
            _overrideTimeout = false;
            _timeout = -1;

            if(_endpoints == null)
                _endpoints = _emptyEndpoints;

            if(_adapterId == null)
                _adapterId = "";

            Debug.Assert(_adapterId.Length == 0 || _endpoints.Length == 0);
Exemple #19
            public void response(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Ice.ObjectPrx proxy)
                EndpointI[] endpoints = null;
                if(proxy != null)
                    Reference r = ((Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)proxy).reference__();
                        endpoints = r.getEndpoints();
                    else if(_ref.isWellKnown() && !r.isWellKnown())
                        // We're resolving the endpoints of a well-known object and the proxy returned
                        // by the locator is an indirect proxy. We now need to resolve the endpoints
                        // of this indirect proxy.
                        locatorInfo.getEndpoints(r, _ref, _ttl, _callback);

                if(_ref.getInstance().traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    locatorInfo.getEndpointsTrace(_ref, endpoints, false);
                if(_callback != null)
                    _callback.setEndpoints(endpoints == null ? new EndpointI[0] : endpoints, false);
Exemple #20
        // Returns locator info for a given locator. Automatically creates
        // the locator info if it doesn't exist yet.
        public LocatorInfo get(Ice.LocatorPrx loc)
            if(loc == null)
                return null;

            // The locator can't be located.
            Ice.LocatorPrx locator = Ice.LocatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(loc.ice_locator(null));

            // TODO: reap unused locator info objects?

                LocatorInfo info = (LocatorInfo)_table[locator];
                if(info == null)
                    // Rely on locator identity for the adapter table. We want to
                    // have only one table per locator (not one per locator
                    // proxy).
                    LocatorTable table = (LocatorTable)_locatorTables[locator.ice_getIdentity()];
                    if(table == null)
                        table = new LocatorTable();
                        _locatorTables[locator.ice_getIdentity()] = table;

                    info = new LocatorInfo(locator, table, _background);
                    _table[locator] = info;

                return info;
Exemple #21
 public ObjectRequest(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Reference @ref) : base(locatorInfo, @ref)
Exemple #22
 public Request(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Reference @ref)
     _locatorInfo = locatorInfo;
     _ref = @ref; 
     _sent = false; 
     _response = false;
Exemple #23
        private Reference create(Ice.Identity ident,
                                 string facet,
                                 Reference.Mode mode,
                                 bool secure,
                                 Ice.ProtocolVersion protocol,
                                 Ice.EncodingVersion encoding,
                                 EndpointI[] endpoints,
                                 string adapterId,
                                 string propertyPrefix)
            DefaultsAndOverrides defaultsAndOverrides = instance_.defaultsAndOverrides();

            // Default local proxy options.
            LocatorInfo locatorInfo = null;

            if (_defaultLocator != null)
                if (!((Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)_defaultLocator).reference__().getEncoding().Equals(encoding))
                    locatorInfo = instance_.locatorManager().get(
                    locatorInfo = instance_.locatorManager().get(_defaultLocator);
            RouterInfo routerInfo      = instance_.routerManager().get(_defaultRouter);
            bool       collocOptimized = defaultsAndOverrides.defaultCollocationOptimization;
            bool       cacheConnection = true;
            bool       preferSecure    = defaultsAndOverrides.defaultPreferSecure;

            Ice.EndpointSelectionType endpointSelection = defaultsAndOverrides.defaultEndpointSelection;
            int locatorCacheTimeout             = defaultsAndOverrides.defaultLocatorCacheTimeout;
            int invocationTimeout               = defaultsAndOverrides.defaultInvocationTimeout;
            Dictionary <string, string> context = null;

            // Override the defaults with the proxy properties if a property prefix is defined.
            if (propertyPrefix != null && propertyPrefix.Length > 0)
                Ice.Properties properties = instance_.initializationData().properties;

                // Warn about unknown properties.
                if (properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.UnknownProperties", 1) > 0)

                string property;

                property = propertyPrefix + ".Locator";
                Ice.LocatorPrx locator = Ice.LocatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(_communicator.propertyToProxy(property));
                if (locator != null)
                    if (!((Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)locator).reference__().getEncoding().Equals(encoding))
                        locatorInfo = instance_.locatorManager().get(
                        locatorInfo = instance_.locatorManager().get(locator);

                property = propertyPrefix + ".Router";
                Ice.RouterPrx router = Ice.RouterPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(_communicator.propertyToProxy(property));
                if (router != null)
                    if (propertyPrefix.EndsWith(".Router", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        string s = "`" + property + "=" + properties.getProperty(property) +
                                   "': cannot set a router on a router; setting ignored";
                        routerInfo = instance_.routerManager().get(router);

                property        = propertyPrefix + ".CollocationOptimized";
                collocOptimized = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(property, collocOptimized ? 1 : 0) > 0;

                property        = propertyPrefix + ".ConnectionCached";
                cacheConnection = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(property, cacheConnection ? 1 : 0) > 0;

                property     = propertyPrefix + ".PreferSecure";
                preferSecure = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(property, preferSecure ? 1 : 0) > 0;

                property = propertyPrefix + ".EndpointSelection";
                if (properties.getProperty(property).Length > 0)
                    string type = properties.getProperty(property);
                    if (type.Equals("Random"))
                        endpointSelection = Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random;
                    else if (type.Equals("Ordered"))
                        endpointSelection = Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered;
                        throw new Ice.EndpointSelectionTypeParseException("illegal value `" + type +
                                                                          "'; expected `Random' or `Ordered'");

                property = propertyPrefix + ".LocatorCacheTimeout";
                string val = properties.getProperty(property);
                if (val.Length > 0)
                    locatorCacheTimeout = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(property, locatorCacheTimeout);
                    if (locatorCacheTimeout < -1)
                        locatorCacheTimeout = -1;

                        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for ");
                        msg.Append(" `");
                        msg.Append("': defaulting to -1");

                property = propertyPrefix + ".InvocationTimeout";
                val      = properties.getProperty(property);
                if (val.Length > 0)
                    invocationTimeout = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(property, invocationTimeout);
                    if (invocationTimeout < 1 && invocationTimeout != -1)
                        invocationTimeout = -1;

                        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for ");
                        msg.Append(" `");
                        msg.Append("': defaulting to -1");

                property = propertyPrefix + ".Context.";
                Dictionary <string, string> contexts = properties.getPropertiesForPrefix(property);
                if (contexts.Count != 0)
                    context = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> e in contexts)
                        context.Add(e.Key.Substring(property.Length), e.Value);

            // Create new reference
            return(new RoutableReference(instance_,
Exemple #24
        private void updateLocatorRegistry(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, ObjectPrx proxy, bool registerProcess)
            if(!registerProcess && _id.Length == 0)
                return; // Nothing to update.

            // Call on the locator registry outside the synchronization to 
            // blocking other threads that need to lock this OA.
            LocatorRegistryPrx locatorRegistry = locatorInfo != null ? locatorInfo.getLocatorRegistry() : null;
            string serverId = "";
                Debug.Assert(instance_ != null);
                serverId = instance_.initializationData().properties.getProperty("Ice.ServerId");

                if(locatorRegistry == null)
                        "object adapter `" + getName() + "' cannot register the process without a locator registry");
                else if(serverId.Length == 0)
                        "object adapter `" + getName() + 
                        "' cannot register the process without a value for Ice.ServerId");

            if(locatorRegistry == null)

            if(_id.Length > 0)
                    if(_replicaGroupId.Length == 0)
                        locatorRegistry.setAdapterDirectProxy(_id, proxy);
                        locatorRegistry.setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(_id, _replicaGroupId, proxy);
                    if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                        System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        s.Append("couldn't update object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry:\n");
                        s.Append("the object adapter is not known to the locator registry");
                        instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());

                    NotRegisteredException ex1 = new NotRegisteredException();
                    ex1.kindOfObject = "object adapter";
                    ex1.id = _id;
                    throw ex1;
                    if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                        System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        s.Append("couldn't update object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry:\n");
                        s.Append("the replica group `" + _replicaGroupId + "' is not known to the locator registry");
                        instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());
                    NotRegisteredException ex1 = new NotRegisteredException();
                    ex1.kindOfObject = "replica group";
                    ex1.id = _replicaGroupId;
                    throw ex1;
                    if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                        System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        s.Append("couldn't update object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry:\n");
                        s.Append("the object adapter endpoints are already set");
                        instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());

                    ObjectAdapterIdInUseException ex1 = new ObjectAdapterIdInUseException();
                    ex1.id = _id;
                catch(LocalException e)
                    if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                        System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        s.Append("couldn't update object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry:\n");
                        instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());
                    throw; // TODO: Shall we raise a special exception instead of a non obvious local exception?

                if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    s.Append("updated object adapter `" + _id + "' endpoints with the locator registry\n");
                    s.Append("endpoints = ");
                    if(proxy != null)
                        Ice.Endpoint[] endpoints = proxy.ice_getEndpoints();
                        for(int i = 0; i < endpoints.Length; i++)
                            if(i + 1 < endpoints.Length)
                    instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());
            if(registerProcess && serverId.Length > 0)
                    if(_processId == null)
                        Process servant = new ProcessI(_communicator);
                        _processId = addWithUUID(servant).ice_getIdentity();

                    if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                        System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        s.Append("couldn't register server `" + serverId + "' with the locator registry:\n");
                        s.Append("the server is not known to the locator registry");
                        instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());

                    NotRegisteredException ex1 = new NotRegisteredException();
                    ex1.id = serverId;
                    ex1.kindOfObject = "server";
                    throw ex1;
                catch(LocalException ex)
                    if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                        System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        s.Append("couldn't register server `" + serverId + "' with the locator registry:\n" + ex);
                        instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());
                    throw; // TODO: Shall we raise a special exception instead of a non obvious local exception?
                if(instance_.traceLevels().location >= 1)
                    System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    s.Append("registered server `" + serverId + "' with the locator registry");
                    instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(instance_.traceLevels().locationCat, s.ToString());
Exemple #25
 public AdapterRequest(LocatorInfo locatorInfo, Reference @ref) : base(locatorInfo, @ref)
Exemple #26
        public int checkRetryAfterException(Ice.LocalException ex, Reference @ref, ref int cnt)
            TraceLevels traceLevels = _instance.traceLevels();

            Ice.Logger logger = _instance.initializationData().logger;

            if (@ref.getMode() == Reference.Mode.ModeBatchOneway || @ref.getMode() == Reference.Mode.ModeBatchDatagram)
                Debug.Assert(false); // batch no longer implemented anyway
                throw ex;

            Ice.ObjectNotExistException one = ex as Ice.ObjectNotExistException;
            if (one != null)
                if (@ref.getRouterInfo() != null && one.operation.Equals("ice_add_proxy"))
                    // If we have a router, an ObjectNotExistException with an
                    // operation name "ice_add_proxy" indicates to the client
                    // that the router isn't aware of the proxy (for example,
                    // because it was evicted by the router). In this case, we
                    // must *always* retry, so that the missing proxy is added
                    // to the router.


                    if (traceLevels.retry >= 1)
                        string s = "retrying operation call to add proxy to router\n" + ex;
                        logger.trace(traceLevels.retryCat, s);
                    return(0); // We must always retry, so we don't look at the retry count.
                else if (@ref.isIndirect())
                    // We retry ObjectNotExistException if the reference is
                    // indirect.

                    if (@ref.isWellKnown())
                        LocatorInfo li = @ref.getLocatorInfo();
                        if (li != null)
                    // For all other cases, we don't retry ObjectNotExistException.
                    throw ex;
            else if (ex is Ice.RequestFailedException)
                throw ex;

            // There is no point in retrying an operation that resulted in a
            // MarshalException. This must have been raised locally (because if
            // it happened in a server it would result in an UnknownLocalException
            // instead), which means there was a problem in this process that will
            // not change if we try again.
            if (ex is Ice.MarshalException)
                throw ex;

            // Don't retry if the communicator is destroyed, object adapter is deactivated,
            // or connection is manually closed.
            if (ex is Ice.CommunicatorDestroyedException ||
                ex is Ice.ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException ||
                ex is Ice.ConnectionManuallyClosedException)
                throw ex;

            // Don't retry invocation timeouts.
            if (ex is Ice.InvocationTimeoutException || ex is Ice.InvocationCanceledException)
                throw ex;

            Debug.Assert(cnt > 0);

            int interval;

            if (cnt == (_retryIntervals.Length + 1) && ex is Ice.CloseConnectionException)
                // A close connection exception is always retried at least once, even if the retry
                // limit is reached.
                interval = 0;
            else if (cnt > _retryIntervals.Length)
                if (traceLevels.retry >= 1)
                    string s = "cannot retry operation call because retry limit has been exceeded\n" + ex;
                    logger.trace(traceLevels.retryCat, s);
                throw ex;
                interval = _retryIntervals[cnt - 1];

            if (traceLevels.retry >= 1)
                string s = "retrying operation call";
                if (interval > 0)
                    s += " in " + interval + "ms";
                s += " because of exception\n" + ex;
                logger.trace(traceLevels.retryCat, s);
