public Server(Ice.Communicator iceCommunicator, string clientEndpoint, Murmur.ServerPrx proxy, string name) { Users.CollectionChanged += OnUsersCollectionChanged; ServerProxy = proxy; Name = name; try { var servant = new ServerCallback(this); var adapter = iceCommunicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("", clientEndpoint); var servantProxy = adapter.addWithUUID(servant); ServerCallbackProxy = Murmur.ServerCallbackPrxHelper.checkedCast(servantProxy); adapter.activate(); // TODO: Allow user to provide Ice secret var context = new Dictionary<string, string>(); context["secret"] = ""; ServerProxy.ice_getConnection().setAdapter(adapter); ServerProxy.addCallback(ServerCallbackProxy, context); ServerProxy.begin_getUsers().whenCompleted( users => { CompleteGetUsers(users); }, e => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Could not get user dictionary for {0}: {1}", Name, e.ToString()); } ); } catch (Ice.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error talking to {0}: {1}", Name, e.ToString()); } }
// DirectoryI constructor. parent == null indicates root directory. public DirectoryI(string name, DirectoryI parent) { _name = name; _parent = parent; _id = new Identity(); _destroyed = false; _contents = new Dictionary<string, NodeI>(); if(parent == null) { = "RootDir"; } else { = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } }
public void Join(string name, string topic, RoomVersion roomVersion) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Client_Join_Cannot_be_empty_or_null, "name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic)) throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Client_Join_Cannot_be_empty_or_null, "topic"); if (this._lobby == null) throw new ApplicationException("Lobby is null"); ObjectAdapter adapter = this.Communicator.createObjectAdapter(string.Empty); this._jobQueue = new JobQueue(); Listener listener = new ListenerI(this._outputTxtBx, this._jobQueue); ObjectPrx listenerPrx = adapter.addWithUUID(listener); this._jobQueue.Start(); adapter.activate(); this._lobby.ice_getConnection().setAdapter(adapter); this._roomAccess = this._lobby.Join(name, topic, listenerPrx.ice_getIdentity()); this._context = new Dictionary<string, string> { { SESSIONCTXPROP.value, topic }, {AUTHORCTXPROP.value, name} }; }
public RoomI(string topic) { this.Topic = topic; this.ListenerPrxs = new Dictionary<string, ListenerPrx>(); }
private void CompleteGetUsers(Dictionary<int, Murmur.User> users) { if (!App.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { App.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)(() => CompleteGetUsers(users))); return; } foreach (var user in users) { CheckedAddUser(user.Value); } }
private Dictionary<Identity, ObjectPrx> getPeerProxies(HostAndPort peerHostAndPort, List<Identity> proxyIdentities) { Dictionary<Identity, ObjectPrx> proxyMap = new Dictionary<Identity, ObjectPrx>(); if ((proxyIdentities != null) && (proxyIdentities.Count > 0)) { foreach (Identity identity in proxyIdentities) { if (identity != null) { ObjectPrx proxy = getPeerProxy(peerHostAndPort, identity); if (proxy != null) { proxyMap.Add(identity, proxy); } else { log(" Ignoring null proxy returned for identity [" + Util.identityToString(identity) + "]"); } } else { log("ignoring null identity"); } } } return proxyMap; }
private int readInstance(int index, ReadValueCallback cb) { Debug.Assert(index > 0); if(index > 1) { if(cb != null) { addPatchEntry(index, cb); } return index; } push(SliceType.ValueSlice); // // Get the instance ID before we start reading slices. If some // slices are skipped, the indirect instance table are still read and // might read other instances. // index = ++_valueIdIndex; // // Read the first slice header. // startSlice(); string mostDerivedId = _current.typeId; Ice.Object v = null; while(true) { bool updateCache = false; if(_current.compactId >= 0) { updateCache = true; // // Translate a compact (numeric) type ID into a class. // if(_compactIdCache == null) { _compactIdCache = new Dictionary<int, Type>(); // Lazy initialization. } else { // // Check the cache to see if we've already translated the compact type ID into a class. // Type cls = null; _compactIdCache.TryGetValue(_current.compactId, out cls); if(cls != null) { try { Debug.Assert(!cls.IsAbstract && !cls.IsInterface); v = (Ice.Object)IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.createInstance(cls); updateCache = false; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new NoValueFactoryException("no value factory", "compact ID " + _current.compactId, ex); } } } // // If we haven't already cached a class for the compact ID, then try to translate the // compact ID into a type ID. // if(v == null) { _current.typeId = ""; if(_compactIdResolver != null) { try { _current.typeId = _compactIdResolver(_current.compactId); } catch(Ice.LocalException) { throw; } catch(System.Exception ex) { throw new Ice.MarshalException("exception in CompactIdResolver for ID " + _current.compactId, ex); } } if(_current.typeId.Length == 0) { _current.typeId = _stream.instance().resolveCompactId(_current.compactId); } } } if(v == null && _current.typeId.Length > 0) { v = newInstance(_current.typeId); } if(v != null) { if(updateCache) { Debug.Assert(_current.compactId >= 0); _compactIdCache.Add(_current.compactId, v.GetType()); } // // We have an instance, get out of this loop. // break; } // // If slicing is disabled, stop unmarshaling. // if(!_sliceValues) { throw new NoValueFactoryException("no value factory found and slicing is disabled", _current.typeId); } // // Slice off what we don't understand. // skipSlice(); // // If this is the last slice, keep the instance as an opaque // UnknownSlicedValue object. // if((_current.sliceFlags & Protocol.FLAG_IS_LAST_SLICE) != 0) { // // Provide a factory with an opportunity to supply the instance. // We pass the "::Ice::Object" ID to indicate that this is the // last chance to preserve the instance. // v = newInstance(Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_staticId()); if(v == null) { v = new Ice.UnknownSlicedValue(mostDerivedId); } break; } startSlice(); // Read next Slice header for next iteration. } // // Unmarshal the instance. // unmarshal(index, v); if(_current == null && _patchMap != null && _patchMap.Count > 0) { // // If any entries remain in the patch map, the sender has sent an index for an instance, but failed // to supply the instance. // throw new Ice.MarshalException("index for class received, but no instance"); } if(cb != null) { cb(v); } return index; }
protected Type resolveClass(string typeId) { Type cls = null; if(_typeIdCache == null) { _typeIdCache = new Dictionary<string, Type>(); // Lazy initialization. } else { _typeIdCache.TryGetValue(typeId, out cls); } if(cls == typeof(EncapsDecoder)) // Marker for non-existent class. { cls = null; } else if(cls == null) { try { if(_classResolver != null) { cls = _classResolver(typeId); _typeIdCache.Add(typeId, cls != null ? cls : typeof(EncapsDecoder)); } } catch(Exception ex) { throw new NoValueFactoryException("no value factory", typeId, ex); } } return cls; }
protected string readTypeId(bool isIndex) { if(_typeIdMap == null) { _typeIdMap = new Dictionary<int, string>(); } if(isIndex) { int index = _stream.readSize(); string typeId; if(!_typeIdMap.TryGetValue(index, out typeId)) { throw new Ice.UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException(); } return typeId; } else { string typeId = _stream.readString(); _typeIdMap.Add(++_typeIdIndex, typeId); return typeId; } }
protected void addPatchEntry(int index, ReadValueCallback cb) { Debug.Assert(index > 0); // // Check if we already unmarshaled the instance. If that's the case, // just call the callback and we're done. // Ice.Object obj; if(_unmarshaledMap.TryGetValue(index, out obj)) { cb(obj); return; } if(_patchMap == null) { _patchMap = new Dictionary<int, LinkedList<ReadValueCallback>>(); } // // Add patch entry if the instance isn't unmarshaled yet, // the callback will be called when the instance is // unmarshaled. // LinkedList<ReadValueCallback> l; if(!_patchMap.TryGetValue(index, out l)) { // // We have no outstanding instances to be patched for this // index, so make a new entry in the patch map. // l = new LinkedList<ReadValueCallback>(); _patchMap.Add(index, l); } // // Append a patch entry for this instance. // l.AddLast(cb); }
internal EncapsDecoder(InputStream stream, Encaps encaps, bool sliceValues, ValueFactoryManager f, ClassResolver cr) { _stream = stream; _encaps = encaps; _sliceValues = sliceValues; _valueFactoryManager = f; _classResolver = cr; _typeIdIndex = 0; _unmarshaledMap = new Dictionary<int, Ice.Object>(); }
public RoomV2I(string topic) { this._topic = topic; this._listenerPrxs = new Dictionary<string, ListenerPrx>(); }
private RoomFactory() { this._rooms = new Dictionary<string, RoomPrx>(); }