public static TimerModel Create() { TimerModel timerModel = new TimerModel(); using (var ctx = new Entities()) { Timer timer = new Timer(); ctx.Timers.AddObject(timer); ctx.SaveChanges(); timerModel.Id = ctx.Timers.OrderByDescending(tmr => tmr.TimerID).First().TimerID; } return timerModel; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TimerModel"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="timer">The timer.</param> public TimerModel(Timer timer) { Id = timer.TimerID; StartTime = timer.StartTime; EndTime = timer.EndTime; CheckpointRuntimes = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, int>>(); CheckpointRuntimes.Add(CurrentCheckpointId, new Dictionary<int, int>()); if (StartTime != null && EndTime == null) IsStarted = true; if (timer.RaceID.HasValue) { RaceID = timer.RaceID.Value; using (var context = new Entities()) { foreach (var checkpoint in CheckpointModel.GetCheckpoints(timer.RaceID.Value)) { var runtimes = context.Runtimes.Where(runt => runt.CheckpointID == checkpoint.Id && !runt.IsDeleted).Select(runt => new RuntimeModel() { Id = runt.RuntimeID, CheckPointId = runt.CheckpointID, Runtime = runt.Runtime1, IsMerged = runt.IsMerged }).OrderBy(runt => runt.Runtime).ToList(); foreach (var runtime in runtimes) { if (!CheckpointRuntimes.ContainsKey(checkpoint.Id)) { CheckpointRuntimes.Add(checkpoint.Id, new Dictionary<int, int>()); CheckpointRuntimes[checkpoint.Id].Add(runtime.Id, runtime.Runtime); } else CheckpointRuntimes[checkpoint.Id].Add(runtime.Id, runtime.Runtime); } } } } }
public void A_DateTime_Value_In_Db_Should_Equal_The_Actual_DateTime_Value() { ITimeU.Models.Timer t = null; Entities context = null; Given("we have a timer database entry with a start time", () => { t = new ITimeU.Models.Timer(); t.StartTime = new DateTime(2010, 8, 5, 23, 45, 40, 799); }); When("we save the timer to the database", () => { context = new Entities(); context.Timers.AddObject(t); context.SaveChanges(); }); Then("the start time should be the same in the timer and in the database", () => { var tDb = context.Timers.Single(tmr => tmr.TimerID == t.TimerID); tDb.StartTime.ShouldBe(t.StartTime); }); }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Timers EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToTimers(Timer timer) { base.AddObject("Timers", timer); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Timer object. /// </summary> /// <param name="timerID">Initial value of the TimerID property.</param> /// <param name="isDeleted">Initial value of the IsDeleted property.</param> public static Timer CreateTimer(global::System.Int32 timerID, global::System.Boolean isDeleted) { Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.TimerID = timerID; timer.IsDeleted = isDeleted; return timer; }
private static ITimeU.Models.Timer createTimer(int timerId, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) { ITimeU.Models.Timer timer = new ITimeU.Models.Timer(); timer.TimerID = timerId; timer.StartTime = startTime; timer.EndTime = endTime; return timer; }
public void Setting_A_Timers_Start_Time_Should_Be_Rounded_Also_When_Saving_To_Db() { ITimeU.Models.Timer t = null; Given("we have a timer database entry with a start time set to 42.972 seconds", () => { t = new ITimeU.Models.Timer(); t.StartTime = new DateTime(2010, 8, 5, 23, 45, 42, 972); }); When("we save the timer entry to database and retrieve it back", () => { var context = new Entities(); context.Timers.AddObject(t); context.SaveChanges(); }); Then("the time should be rounded to 43 seconds and 0 milliseconds", () => { TimerModel timerDb = TimerModel.GetTimerById(t.TimerID); timerDb.StartTime.Value.Second.ShouldBe(43); timerDb.StartTime.Value.Millisecond.ShouldBe(0); }); }
public void Setting_A_Timers_Start_Time_Should_Be_Rounded() { ITimeU.Models.Timer t = null; TimerModel timerDb = null; Given("we have a timer database entry with a start time set to 42.972 seconds", () => { t = new ITimeU.Models.Timer(); t.StartTime = new DateTime(2010, 8, 5, 23, 45, 42, 972); }); When("we create a timer model based on the timer entry", () => { timerDb = new TimerModel(t); }); Then("the time should be rounded to 43 seconds and 0 milliseconds", () => { timerDb.StartTime.Value.Second.ShouldBe(43); timerDb.StartTime.Value.Millisecond.ShouldBe(0); }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the db entity. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int CreateDbEntity() { var context = new Entities(); Timer timer = new Timer(); context.Timers.AddObject(timer); context.SaveChanges(); dbEntryCreated = true; return timer.TimerID; }