Inheritance: ICacheKey
        public static IDataReader AddToCache(ISqlQuery query, IDataReader data)
            ICacheKey key = new CacheKey(query);

             CachedDataReader cached = new CachedDataReader(data);

             int newSize = cached.Size() + key.Query.Length;
             ICacheItem item;
             if (newSize < CacheObjectSizeLimit)
                 while (CacheSize + newSize > CacheSizeLimit && QueryOrder.Count > 0)
                     ICacheKey oldestKey = QueryOrder.Peek();
                     if (!RemoveFromCache(oldestKey))
                 if (QueryOrder.Count == 0 && CacheSize != 0)
                     CacheSize = 0;
                     // this should be logged but thrwing an error seems too much... test the hellout of this?
                 // It is possible that we failed to remove it from the cache, so just bail out
                 // if still won't fit
                 if (CacheSize + newSize <= CacheSizeLimit)

                     item = new CacheItem(cached, newSize);

                     if (QueryResultCache.TryAdd(key, item))

             // whether or not we end up caching the datareader, we must return the in-memory copy because you can't go back
             // after reading a datareader. We only try to cache when buffering is enabled, so nothing's really lost.
             return cached;
 public static bool TryGetCachedData(ISqlQuery query, out IDataReader data)
     var key = new CacheKey(query);
      ICacheItem cached;
      if (QueryResultCache.TryGetValue(key, out cached)) {
          if (cached.Expired)
              data = null;
              return false;
              CachedDataReader reader = ((CacheItem)cached).Data;
              data = new CachedDataReaderView(reader);
              return true;
      } else {
          return false;
 public static bool RemoveFromCache(ISqlQuery query)
     ICacheKey key = new CacheKey(query);
     return RemoveFromCache(key);