public byte[,] Close()
            Console.WriteLine("[Morphology]      Initiating Closing...");
            // Dilation without a mask
            MorphologicalFilter f1 = new Dilation(this.Kernel, 1);
            var image = f1.Morph(this.Input, MorphologicalFilter.UseMask.No);

            // Erosion with a mask
            MorphologicalFilter f2 = new Erosion(this.Kernel, 1);

            image = f2.Morph(image, this._e);

Exemple #2
        public byte[,] Open(float grayScaleMaximum = 255)
            if (grayScaleMaximum <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(grayScaleMaximum));
            Console.WriteLine("[Morphology]      Initiating Opening...");

            // Erosion without a mask
            MorphologicalFilter f1 = new Erosion(this.Kernel, 1);
            var image = f1.Morph(this.Input, MorphologicalFilter.UseMask.No);

            // Dilation with a mask
            MorphologicalFilter f2 = new Dilation(this.Kernel, 1);

            image = f2.Morph(image, this._e);
