Exemple #1
        public TypeDefinition Import(TypeDefinition type, Collection <TypeDefinition> col, bool internalize)
            _logger.Verbose("- Importing " + type);

            TypeDefinition nt = _repackContext.TargetAssemblyMainModule.GetType(type.FullName);
            bool           justCreatedType = false;

            if (nt == null)
                nt = CreateType(type, col, internalize, null);
                justCreatedType = true;
            else if (DuplicateTypeAllowed(type))
                _logger.Info("Merging " + type);
            else if (!type.IsPublic || internalize)
                // rename the type previously imported.
                // renaming the new one before import made Cecil throw an exception.
                string other = "<" + Guid.NewGuid() + ">" + nt.Name;
                _logger.Info("Renaming " + nt.FullName + " into " + other);
                nt.Name         = other;
                nt              = CreateType(type, col, internalize, null);
                justCreatedType = true;
            else if (_options.UnionMerge)
                _logger.Info("Merging " + type);
                _logger.Error("Duplicate type " + type);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "Duplicate type " + type + " from " + type.Scope + ", was also present in " +
                          MappingHandler.GetScopeFullName(_repackContext.MappingHandler.GetOrigTypeScope <IMetadataScope>(nt)));
            _repackContext.MappingHandler.StoreRemappedType(type, nt);

            // nested types first (are never internalized)
            foreach (TypeDefinition nested in type.NestedTypes)
                Import(nested, nt.NestedTypes, false);
            foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields)
                CloneTo(field, nt);

            // methods before fields / events
            foreach (MethodDefinition meth in type.Methods)
                CloneTo(meth, nt, justCreatedType);

            foreach (EventDefinition evt in type.Events)
                CloneTo(evt, nt, nt.Events);
            foreach (PropertyDefinition prop in type.Properties)
                CloneTo(prop, nt, nt.Properties);