Exemple #1
        private void RecalcHeight()
            _z = _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(-(_clipmap.Position.X.Integer * 2 - 1), -(_clipmap.Position.Y.Integer * 2 - 1));
            var zx  = _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(-(_clipmap.Position.X.Integer * 2 + 1), -(_clipmap.Position.Y.Integer * 2 - 1));
            var zy  = _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(-(_clipmap.Position.X.Integer * 2 - 1), -(_clipmap.Position.Y.Integer * 2 + 1));
            var zxy = _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(-(_clipmap.Position.X.Integer * 2 + 1), -(_clipmap.Position.Y.Integer * 2 + 1));

            var v1 = Lerp(_z, zx, _clipmap.Position.X.Fraction);
            var v2 = Lerp(zy, zxy, _clipmap.Position.X.Fraction);

            _z = Lerp(v1, v2, _clipmap.Position.Y.Fraction);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the height value at the given physical pixel xp/yp
        /// The pixel coordinates must be within range [0.._d]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xp">physical x position</param>
        /// <param name="yp">physical y position</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private float GeneratePixelAt2(int xp, int yp)
            var d2 = _d / 2;
            var x  = Position.X.Integer;
            var y  = Position.Y.Integer;
            var cx = (x * 2 + xp) & ~_n;
            var cy = (y * 2 + yp) & ~_n;
            var xr = xp - cx - d2;
            var yr = yp - cy - d2;
            var xw = xr << _level;
            var yw = yr << _level;

            //Debug.Assert((((xw + _scaleInt) / _scaleInt + d2) & _n) == (xp + 1) % _d);
            //Debug.Assert((((yw + _scaleInt) / _scaleInt + d2) & _n) == (yp + 1) % _d);

            const float quantizeSteps = 512.0f;

            var coarsePixel = 0.0f;

            // any of these values actually must be cached in the parent layer
            // as the current later lies within it.
            // the outermost layer will not need to generate the coarse information at all
            // the maximum visible layer(s) should update in the interior region
            // as this data needs to be re(used) anyway.

            var l2 = _level + 1;

            if (_parent != null)
                switch ((xr & 1) | ((yr & 1) << 1))
                case 3:     // odd odd (plain parent pixel)
                    var px1 = (((xw + _scaleInt) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    var py1 = (((yw + _scaleInt) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    coarsePixel = _parent._cache[py1, px1];

                    //coarsePixel = _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(xw + ScaleInt, yw + ScaleInt);

                case 2:     // even/odd
                    var px0 = (((xw) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    var py1 = (((yw + _scaleInt) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    var px2 = (((xw + _scaleInt * 2) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    coarsePixel = (_parent._cache[py1, px2] + _parent._cache[py1, px0]) * 0.5f;

                    //coarsePixel = (_clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(xw + scaleInt2, yw + ScaleInt) + _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(xw, yw + ScaleInt)) * 0.5f;

                case 1:     // odd/even
                    var px1 = (((xw + _scaleInt) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    var py0 = (((yw) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    var py2 = (((yw + _scaleInt * 2) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    coarsePixel = (_parent._cache[py2, px1] + _parent._cache[py0, px1]) * 0.5f;

                    //coarsePixel = (_clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(xw + ScaleInt, yw + scaleInt2) + _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(xw + ScaleInt, yw)) * 0.5f;

                case 0:     // even/even
                    var px0 = (((xw) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    var px2 = (((xw + _scaleInt * 2) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    var py0 = (((yw) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    var py2 = (((yw + _scaleInt * 2) >> l2) + d2) & _n;
                    coarsePixel = (_parent._cache[py0, px2] + _parent._cache[py2, px0]) * 0.5f;

                    //coarsePixel = (_clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(xw + scaleInt2, yw) + _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(xw, yw + scaleInt2)) * 0.5f;

            var finePixel = _clipmap.GeneratePixelAt(xw, yw);

            _cache[yp, xp] = finePixel;

            //var finePixel = coarsePixel;
            var zfzd = ((float)Math.Floor(coarsePixel * quantizeSteps) + finePixel) / quantizeSteps;
