Exemple #1
        public void test_parseLjava_lang_StringLjava_text_ParsePosition()
            // Test for method java.lang.Number
            // java.text.ChoiceFormat.parse(java.lang.String,
            // java.text.ParsePosition)
            ChoiceFormat format = new ChoiceFormat("1#one|2#two|3#three");

            assertEquals("Case insensitive", 0, (int)format
                         .Parse("One", new ParsePosition(0)));

            ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
            //Number result = f1.Parse("Greater than two", pos);
            double result = f1.Parse("Greater than two", pos);

            //assertTrue("Not a Double1", result is Double); // In .NET, double is a value type
            assertTrue("Wrong value ~>2", result == ChoiceFormat
            assertEquals("Wrong position ~16", 16, pos.Index);
            pos = new ParsePosition(0);
            assertTrue("Incorrect result", double.IsNaN(f1.Parse("12one", pos)));
            assertEquals("Wrong position ~0", 0, pos.Index);
            pos    = new ParsePosition(2);
            result = f1.Parse("12one and two", pos);
            //assertTrue("Not a Double2", result is Double); // In .NET, double is a value type
            assertEquals("Ignored parse position", 1.0D, result, 0.0D);
            assertEquals("Wrong position ~5", 5, pos.Index);
Exemple #2
 public void test_nextDoubleDZ()
     // Test for method double java.text.ChoiceFormat.nextDouble(double,
     // boolean)
     assertTrue("Not greater 0", ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(0, true) > 0);
     assertTrue("Not less 0", ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(0, false) < 0);
Exemple #3
        public void test_toPattern()
            // Regression for HARMONY-59
            ChoiceFormat cf = new ChoiceFormat("");

            assertEquals("", "", cf.ToPattern());

            cf = new ChoiceFormat("-1#NEGATIVE_ONE|0#ZERO|1#ONE|1<GREATER_THAN_ONE");
            assertEquals("", "-1.0#NEGATIVE_ONE|0.0#ZERO|1.0#ONE|1.0<GREATER_THAN_ONE",

            MessageFormat mf   = new MessageFormat("CHOICE {1,choice}");
            String        ptrn = mf.ToPattern();

            assertEquals("Unused message format returning incorrect pattern", "CHOICE {1,choice,}", ptrn

            String pattern = f1.ToPattern();

                "Wrong pattern: " + pattern,
                .Equals("0.0#Less than one|1.0#one|1.0<Between one and two|2.0<Greater than two"));

            cf = new ChoiceFormat(
                "-1#is negative| 0#is zero or fraction | 1#is one |1.0<is 1+|2#is two |2<is more than 2.");
            String str = "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.lang.share.MyResources2";

            ptrn = cf.ToPattern();
            assertEquals("Return value should be empty string for invalid pattern",
                         0, ptrn.Length);
Exemple #4
 public void test_nextDoubleD()
     // Test for method double java.text.ChoiceFormat.nextDouble(double)
     assertTrue("Not greater 5", ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(5) > 5);
     assertTrue("Not greater 0", ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(0) > 0);
     assertTrue("Not greater -5", ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(-5) > -5);
     assertTrue("Not NaN", double.IsNaN(ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(double.NaN)));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new instance of <see cref="ChoiceFormat"/> with the same ranges and
        /// strings as this <see cref="ChoiceFormat"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A shallow copy of this <see cref="ChoiceFormat"/>.</returns>
        public override object Clone()
            ChoiceFormat clone = (ChoiceFormat)base.MemberwiseClone();

            clone.choiceLimits  = (double[])choiceLimits.Clone();
            clone.choiceFormats = (string[])choiceFormats.Clone();
Exemple #6
        public void test_hashCode()
            // Test for method int java.text.ChoiceFormat.hashCode()
            ChoiceFormat f2 = new ChoiceFormat(
                "0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");

            assertTrue("Different hash", f1.GetHashCode() == f2.GetHashCode());
Exemple #7
 public void test_previousDoubleD()
     // Test for method double java.text.ChoiceFormat.previousDouble(double)
     assertTrue("Not less 5", ChoiceFormat.PreviousDouble(5) < 5);
     assertTrue("Not less 0", ChoiceFormat.PreviousDouble(0) < 0);
     assertTrue("Not less -5", ChoiceFormat.PreviousDouble(-5) < -5);
     assertTrue("Not NaN", double.IsNaN(ChoiceFormat
Exemple #8
        public void test_clone()
            // Test for method java.lang.Object java.text.ChoiceFormat.clone()
            ChoiceFormat f = (ChoiceFormat)f1.Clone();

            assertTrue("Not equal", f.Equals(f1));
            f.SetChoices(new double[] { 0, 1, 2 }, new String[] { "0", "1", "2" });
            assertTrue("Equal", !f.Equals(f1));
Exemple #9
        public void test_formatL()
            ChoiceFormat fmt = new ChoiceFormat(

            assertEquals("", "NEGATIVE_ONE", fmt.Format(long.MinValue));
            assertEquals("", "NEGATIVE_ONE", fmt.Format(-1));
            assertEquals("", "ZERO", fmt.Format(0));
            assertEquals("", "ONE", fmt.Format(1));
            assertEquals("", "GREATER_THAN_ONE", fmt.Format(long.MaxValue));
Exemple #10
        public void test_setChoices_D_Ljava_lang_String()
            // Test for method void java.text.ChoiceFormat.setChoices(double [],
            // java.lang.String [])
            ChoiceFormat f = (ChoiceFormat)f1.Clone();

            double[] l  = new double[] { 0, 1 };
            String[] fs = new String[] { "0", "1" };
            f.SetChoices(l, fs);
            assertTrue("Limits copied", f.GetLimits() == l);
            assertTrue("Formats copied", f.GetFormats() == fs);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares the specified object with this <see cref="ChoiceFormat"/>. The object
        /// must be an instance of <see cref="ChoiceFormat"/> and have the same limits and
        /// formats to be equal to this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the specified object is equal to this instance;
        /// <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="GetHashCode()"/>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (this == obj)
            if (!(obj is ChoiceFormat))
            ChoiceFormat choice = (ChoiceFormat)obj;

            return(choiceLimits.SequenceEqual(choice.choiceLimits) &&
Exemple #12
        public void test_Constructor_D_Ljava_lang_String()
            // Test for method java.text.ChoiceFormat(double [], java.lang.String
            // [])
            String formattedString;

            double[]     appleLimits  = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            String[]     appleFormats = { "Tiny Apple", "Small Apple", "Medium Apple",
                                          "Large Apple",    "Huge Apple" };
            ChoiceFormat cf = new ChoiceFormat(appleLimits, appleFormats);

            formattedString = cf.Format(double.NegativeInfinity);
            assertTrue("a) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Tiny Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(0.5d);
            assertTrue("b) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Tiny Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(1d);
            assertTrue("c) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Tiny Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(1.5d);
            assertTrue("d) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Tiny Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(2d);
            assertTrue("e) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Small Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(2.5d);
            assertTrue("f) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Small Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(3d);
            assertTrue("g) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Medium Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(4d);
            assertTrue("h) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Large Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(5d);
            assertTrue("i) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Huge Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(5.5d);
            assertTrue("j) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Huge Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(6.0d);
            assertTrue("k) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Huge Apple"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(double.PositiveInfinity);
            assertTrue("l) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Huge Apple"));
Exemple #13
        public void test_formatD()
            ChoiceFormat fmt = new ChoiceFormat(

            assertEquals("", "NEGATIVE_ONE", fmt.Format(double.NegativeInfinity));
            assertEquals("", "NEGATIVE_ONE", fmt.Format(-999999999D));
            assertEquals("", "NEGATIVE_ONE", fmt.Format(-1.1));
            assertEquals("", "NEGATIVE_ONE", fmt.Format(-1.0));
            assertEquals("", "NEGATIVE_ONE", fmt.Format(-0.9));
            assertEquals("", "ZERO", fmt.Format(0.0));
            assertEquals("", "ZERO", fmt.Format(0.9));
            assertEquals("", "ONE", fmt.Format(1.0));
            assertEquals("", "GREATER_THAN_ONE", fmt.Format(1.1));
            assertEquals("", "GREATER_THAN_ONE", fmt.Format(999999999D));
            assertEquals("", "GREATER_THAN_ONE", fmt.Format(double.PositiveInfinity));
Exemple #14
        public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_String()
            // Test for method java.text.ChoiceFormat(java.lang.String)
            String       formattedString;
            String       patternString = "-2#Inverted Orange| 0#No Orange| 0<Almost No Orange| 1#Normal Orange| 2#Expensive Orange";
            ChoiceFormat cf            = new ChoiceFormat(patternString);

            formattedString = cf.Format(double.NegativeInfinity);
            assertTrue("a) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Inverted Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(-3);
            assertTrue("b) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Inverted Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(-2);
            assertTrue("c) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Inverted Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(-1);
            assertTrue("d) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Inverted Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(-0);
            assertTrue("e) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("No Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(0);
            assertTrue("f) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("No Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(0.1);
            assertTrue("g) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Almost No Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(1);
            assertTrue("h) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Normal Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(1.5);
            assertTrue("i) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Normal Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(2);
            assertTrue("j) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Expensive Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(3);
            assertTrue("k) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Expensive Orange"));
            formattedString = cf.Format(double.PositiveInfinity);
            assertTrue("l) Incorrect format returned: " + formattedString,
                       formattedString.Equals("Expensive Orange"));
Exemple #15
        public void test_equalsLjava_lang_Object()
            // Test for method boolean
            // java.text.ChoiceFormat.equals(java.lang.Object)

            String patternString = "-2#Inverted Orange| 0#No Orange| 0<Almost No Orange| 1#Normal Orange| 2#Expensive Orange";

            double[] appleLimits  = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            String[] appleFormats = { "Tiny Apple",  "Small Apple", "Medium Apple",
                                      "Large Apple", "Huge Apple" };
            double[] orangeLimits  = { -2, 0, ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(0), 1, 2 };
            String[] orangeFormats = { "Inverted Orange",  "No Orange",
                                       "Almost No Orange", "Normal Orange", "Expensive Orange" };

            ChoiceFormat appleChoiceFormat = new ChoiceFormat(appleLimits,
            ChoiceFormat orangeChoiceFormat = new ChoiceFormat(orangeLimits,
            ChoiceFormat orangeChoiceFormat2 = new ChoiceFormat(patternString);
            ChoiceFormat hybridChoiceFormat  = new ChoiceFormat(appleLimits,

            assertTrue("Apples should not equal oranges", !appleChoiceFormat
            assertTrue("Different limit list--should not appear as equal",
            assertTrue("Different format list--should not appear as equal",
            assertTrue("Should be equal--identical format", appleChoiceFormat
            assertTrue("Should be equals--same limits, same formats",

            ChoiceFormat f2 = new ChoiceFormat(
                "0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");

            assertTrue("Not equal", f1.Equals(f2));
Exemple #16
        public void test_applyPatternLjava_lang_String()
            // Test for method void
            // java.text.ChoiceFormat.applyPattern(java.lang.String)
            ChoiceFormat f = (ChoiceFormat)f1.Clone();

            assertTrue("Incorrect limits", Array.Equals(f.GetLimits(),
                                                        new double[] { 0, 1 }));
            assertTrue("Incorrect formats", Array.Equals(f.GetFormats(),
                                                         new string[] { "0", "1" }));

            //Regression for Harmony 540
            double[] choiceLimits  = { -1, 0, 1, ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(1) };
            String[] choiceFormats = { "is negative", "is zero or fraction",
                                       "is one",      "is more than 1" };

            f = new ChoiceFormat("");
            f.ApplyPattern("-1#is negative|0#is zero or fraction|1#is one|1<is more than 1");
            assertTrue("Incorrect limits", Array.Equals(f.GetLimits(),
            assertTrue("Incorrect formats", Array.Equals(f.GetFormats(),

            f = new ChoiceFormat("");
                f.ApplyPattern("-1#is negative|0#is zero or fraction|-1#is one|1<is more than 1");
                fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                // Expected

            f = new ChoiceFormat("");
                f.ApplyPattern("-1is negative|0#is zero or fraction|1#is one|1<is more than 1");
                fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                // Expected

            f = new ChoiceFormat("");
            f.ApplyPattern("-1<is negative|0#is zero or fraction|1#is one|1<is more than 1");
            choiceLimits[0] = ChoiceFormat.NextDouble(-1);
            assertTrue("Incorrect limits", Array.Equals(f.GetLimits(),
            assertTrue("Incorrect formats", Array.Equals(f.GetFormats(),

            f = new ChoiceFormat("");
            f.ApplyPattern("-1#is negative|0#is zero or fraction|1#is one|1<is more than 1");
            String str = "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.text.ChoiceFormat";

            String ptrn = f.ToPattern();

            assertEquals("Return value should be empty string for invalid pattern",
                         0, ptrn.Length);
Exemple #17
 public ChoiceFormatTest()
     f1 = new ChoiceFormat(limits, formats);