static IReturnType Parse(IProjectContent pc, IEnumerator <string> tokenizer)
            string typeName = tokenizer.Current;

            if (typeName == null)
                throw new ReflectionTypeNameSyntaxError("Unexpected end of type name");
            int typeParameterCount;

            typeName = ReflectionClass.SplitTypeParameterCountFromReflectionName(typeName, out typeParameterCount);
            IReturnType rt = new GetClassReturnType(pc, typeName, typeParameterCount);

            if (tokenizer.Current == "[")
                // this is a constructed type
                List <IReturnType> typeArguments = new List <IReturnType>();
                    if (tokenizer.Current != "[")
                        throw new ReflectionTypeNameSyntaxError("Expected '['");
                    typeArguments.Add(Parse(pc, tokenizer));
                    if (tokenizer.Current != "]")
                        throw new ReflectionTypeNameSyntaxError("Expected ']' after generic argument");
                } while (tokenizer.Current == ",");
                if (tokenizer.Current != "]")
                    throw new ReflectionTypeNameSyntaxError("Expected ']' after generic argument list");

                rt = new ConstructedReturnType(rt, typeArguments);
            while (tokenizer.Current == ",")
                string token = tokenizer.Current;
                if (token != null && token != "," && token != "[" && token != "]")
        public ReflectionMethod(MethodBase methodBase, ReflectionClass declaringType)
            : base(declaringType, methodBase is ConstructorInfo ? "#ctor" : methodBase.Name)
            if (methodBase is MethodInfo)
                MethodInfo m = ((MethodInfo)methodBase);
                this.ReturnType = ReflectionReturnType.Create(this, m.ReturnType, attributeProvider: m.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes);
            else if (methodBase is ConstructorInfo)
                this.ReturnType = DeclaringType.DefaultReturnType;

            foreach (ParameterInfo paramInfo in methodBase.GetParameters())
                this.Parameters.Add(new ReflectionParameter(paramInfo, this));

            if (methodBase.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                foreach (Type g in methodBase.GetGenericArguments())
                    this.TypeParameters.Add(new DefaultTypeParameter(this, g));
                int i = 0;
                foreach (Type g in methodBase.GetGenericArguments())
                    ReflectionClass.AddConstraintsFromType(this.TypeParameters[i++], g);

            ModifierEnum modifiers = ModifierEnum.None;

            if (methodBase.IsStatic)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Static;
            if (methodBase.IsPrivate)               // I assume that private is used most and public last (at least should be)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Private;
            else if (methodBase.IsFamily || methodBase.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Protected;
            else if (methodBase.IsPublic)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Public;
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Internal;

            if (methodBase.IsFinal)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Sealed;
            else if (methodBase.IsAbstract)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Abstract;
            else if (methodBase.IsVirtual)
                if ((methodBase.Attributes & MethodAttributes.NewSlot) != 0)
                    modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Virtual;
                    modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Override;

            this.Modifiers = modifiers;

            ReflectionClass.AddAttributes(declaringType.ProjectContent, this.Attributes, CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(methodBase));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a IReturnType from the reflection type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pc">The project content used as context.</param>
 /// <param name="member">The member used as context (e.g. as GenericReturnType)</param>
 /// <param name="type">The reflection return type that should be converted</param>
 /// <param name="createLazyReturnType">Set this parameter to false to create a direct return type
 /// (without GetClassReturnType indirection) where possible</param>
 /// <param name="forceGenericType">Set this parameter to false to allow unbound generic types</param>
 /// <returns>The IReturnType</returns>
 public static IReturnType Create(IProjectContent pc, IEntity member, Type type, bool createLazyReturnType, bool forceGenericType)
     if (type.IsByRef)
         // TODO: Use ByRefRefReturnType
         return(Create(pc, member, type.GetElementType(), createLazyReturnType));
     else if (type.IsPointer)
         return(new PointerReturnType(Create(pc, member, type.GetElementType(), createLazyReturnType)));
     else if (type.IsArray)
         return(new ArrayReturnType(pc, Create(pc, member, type.GetElementType(), createLazyReturnType), type.GetArrayRank()));
     else if (type.IsGenericType && (forceGenericType || !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition))
         Type[]             args = type.GetGenericArguments();
         List <IReturnType> para = new List <IReturnType>(args.Length);
         for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i)
             para.Add(Create(pc, member, args[i], createLazyReturnType));
         return(new ConstructedReturnType(Create(pc, member, type.GetGenericTypeDefinition(), createLazyReturnType, false), para));
     else if (type.IsGenericParameter)
         IClass c = (member is IClass) ? (IClass)member : (member is IMember) ? ((IMember)member).DeclaringType : null;
         if (c != null && type.GenericParameterPosition < c.TypeParameters.Count)
             if (c.TypeParameters[type.GenericParameterPosition].Name == type.Name)
                 return(new GenericReturnType(c.TypeParameters[type.GenericParameterPosition]));
         if (type.DeclaringMethod != null)
             IMethod method = member as IMethod;
             if (method != null)
                 if (type.GenericParameterPosition < method.TypeParameters.Count)
                     return(new GenericReturnType(method.TypeParameters[type.GenericParameterPosition]));
                 return(new GenericReturnType(new DefaultTypeParameter(method, type)));
         return(new GenericReturnType(new DefaultTypeParameter(c, type)));
         string name = type.FullName;
         if (name == null)
             throw new ApplicationException("type.FullName returned null. Type: " + type.ToString());
         int typeParameterCount;
         name = ReflectionClass.ConvertReflectionNameToFullName(name, out typeParameterCount);
         if (!createLazyReturnType)
             IClass c = pc.GetClass(name, typeParameterCount);
             if (c != null)
             // example where name is not found: pointers like System.Char*
             // or when the class is in a assembly that is not referenced
         return(new GetClassReturnType(pc, name, typeParameterCount));
Exemple #4
        public ReflectionMethod(MethodBase methodBase, ReflectionClass declaringType)
            : base(declaringType, methodBase is ConstructorInfo ? "#ctor" : methodBase.Name)
            if (methodBase is MethodInfo)
                this.ReturnType = ReflectionReturnType.Create(this, ((MethodInfo)methodBase).ReturnType, false);
            else if (methodBase is ConstructorInfo)
                this.ReturnType = DeclaringType.DefaultReturnType;

            foreach (ParameterInfo paramInfo in methodBase.GetParameters())
                this.Parameters.Add(new ReflectionParameter(paramInfo, this));

            if (methodBase.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                foreach (Type g in methodBase.GetGenericArguments())
                    this.TypeParameters.Add(new DefaultTypeParameter(this, g));
                int i = 0;
                foreach (Type g in methodBase.GetGenericArguments())
                    declaringType.AddConstraintsFromType(this.TypeParameters[i++], g);

            if (methodBase.IsStatic)
                foreach (CustomAttributeData data in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(methodBase))
                    string attributeName = data.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName;
                    if (attributeName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute" ||
                        attributeName == "Boo.Lang.ExtensionAttribute")
                        this.IsExtensionMethod = true;
            ModifierEnum modifiers = ModifierEnum.None;

            if (methodBase.IsStatic)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Static;
            if (methodBase.IsPrivate)               // I assume that private is used most and public last (at least should be)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Private;
            else if (methodBase.IsFamily || methodBase.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Protected;
            else if (methodBase.IsPublic)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Public;
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Internal;

            if (methodBase.IsVirtual)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Virtual;
            if (methodBase.IsAbstract)
                modifiers |= ModifierEnum.Abstract;
            this.Modifiers = modifiers;