Exemple #1
		public Report (CompilerContext context, ReportPrinter printer)
			if (context == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("settings");
			if (printer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("printer");

			this.settings = context.Settings;
			this.printer = printer;
Exemple #2
		public Evaluator (CompilerContext ctx)
			this.ctx = ctx;

			module = new ModuleContainer (ctx);
			module.Evaluator = this;

			source_file = new CompilationSourceFile (module, null);
			module.AddTypeContainer (source_file);

			startup_files = ctx.SourceFiles.Count;

			// FIXME: Importer needs this assembly for internalsvisibleto
			module.SetDeclaringAssembly (new AssemblyDefinitionDynamic (module, "evaluator"));
			importer = new ReflectionImporter (module, ctx.BuiltinTypes);

			InteractiveBaseClass = typeof (InteractiveBase);
			fields = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<FieldSpec, FieldInfo>> ();
Exemple #3
public CSharpParser (SeekableStreamReader reader, CompilationSourceFile file, Report report, ParserSession session)
	this.file = file;
	current_container = current_namespace = file;
	this.module = file.Module;
	this.compiler = file.Compiler;
	this.settings = compiler.Settings;
	this.report = report;
	lang_version = settings.Version;
	yacc_verbose_flag = settings.VerboseParserFlag;
	doc_support = settings.DocumentationFile != null;
	lexer = new Tokenizer (reader, file, session, report);
	oob_stack = new Stack<object> ();
	lbag = session.LocationsBag;
	use_global_stacks = session.UseJayGlobalArrays;
	parameters_bucket = session.ParametersStack;
Exemple #4
		public FlowAnalysisContext (CompilerContext ctx, ParametersBlock parametersBlock, int definiteAssignmentLength)
			this.ctx = ctx;
			this.ParametersBlock = parametersBlock;

			DefiniteAssignment = definiteAssignmentLength == 0 ?
				DefiniteAssignmentBitSet.Empty :
				new DefiniteAssignmentBitSet (definiteAssignmentLength);
Exemple #5
		public void FeatureIsNotAvailable (CompilerContext compiler, Location loc, string feature)
			string version;
			switch (compiler.Settings.Version) {
			case LanguageVersion.ISO_1:
				version = "1.0";
			case LanguageVersion.ISO_2:
				version = "2.0";
			case LanguageVersion.V_3:
				version = "3.0";
			case LanguageVersion.V_4:
				version = "4.0";
			case LanguageVersion.V_5:
				version = "5.0";
			case LanguageVersion.V_6:
				version = "6.0";
				throw new InternalErrorException ("Invalid feature version", compiler.Settings.Version);

			Error (1644, loc,
				"Feature `{0}' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# {1} language specification",
				      feature, version);
Exemple #6
		public void WarningEnable (Location location, int code, CompilerContext context)
			if (!context.Report.CheckWarningCode (code, location))

			if (context.Settings.IsWarningDisabledGlobally (code))
				context.Report.Warning (1635, 1, location, "Cannot restore warning `CS{0:0000}' because it was disabled globally", code);

			regions.Add (new Enable (location.Row, code));
Exemple #7
		public Driver (CompilerContext ctx)
			this.ctx = ctx;
Exemple #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses a file snippet; guessing what the code snippet represents (whole file, type members, block, type reference, expression).
		/// </summary>
		public AstNode ParseSnippet (string code)
			// TODO: add support for parsing a part of a file
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		public DocumentationReference ParseDocumentationReference(string cref)
			// see ICSharpCode.NRefactory.MonoCSharp.DocumentationBuilder.HandleXrefCommon
			if (cref == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cref");
			// Additional symbols for < and > are allowed for easier XML typing
			cref = cref.Replace('{', '<').Replace('}', '>');
			lock (parseLock) {
				errorReportPrinter = new ErrorReportPrinter("");
				var ctx = new CompilerContext(compilerSettings.ToMono(), errorReportPrinter);
				ctx.Settings.TabSize = 1;
				var reader = new SeekableStreamReader(new StringTextSource(cref));
				var file = new SourceFile("", "", 0);
				Location.Initialize(new List<SourceFile>(new [] { file }));
				var module = new ModuleContainer(ctx);
				module.DocumentationBuilder = new DocumentationBuilder(module);
				var source_file = new CompilationSourceFile(module);
				var report = new Report(ctx, errorReportPrinter);
				var session = new ParserSession();
				session.LocationsBag = new LocationsBag();
				var parser = new ICSharpCode.NRefactory.MonoCSharp.CSharpParser(reader, source_file, report, session);
				parser.Lexer.Line += initialLocation.Line - 1;
				parser.Lexer.Column += initialLocation.Column - 1;
				parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.DocumentationXref;
				parser.Lexer.parsing_generic_declaration_doc = true;
				if (report.Errors > 0) {
//					Report.Warning (1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'",
//					                mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref);
				var conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor(false, session.LocationsBag);
				var docRef = conversionVisitor.ConvertXmlDoc(module.DocumentationBuilder);
				return docRef;
Exemple #9
		SyntaxTree Parse(ITextSource program, string fileName, int initialLine, int initialColumn)
			lock (parseLock) {
				errorReportPrinter = new ErrorReportPrinter("");
				var ctx = new CompilerContext(compilerSettings.ToMono(), errorReportPrinter);
				ctx.Settings.TabSize = 1;
				var reader = new SeekableStreamReader(program);
				var file = new SourceFile(fileName, fileName, 0);
				Location.Initialize(new List<SourceFile>(new [] { file }));
				var module = new ModuleContainer(ctx);
				var session = new ParserSession();
				session.LocationsBag = new LocationsBag();
				var report = new Report(ctx, errorReportPrinter);
				var parser = Driver.Parse(reader, file, module, session, report, initialLine - 1, initialColumn - 1);
				var top = new CompilerCompilationUnit {
					ModuleCompiled = module,
					LocationsBag = session.LocationsBag,
					SpecialsBag = parser.Lexer.sbag,
					Conditionals = parser.Lexer.SourceFile.Conditionals
				var unit = Parse(top, fileName);
				return unit;
Exemple #10
		public void CheckArrayAsAttribute (CompilerContext ctx)
			foreach (Argument arg in args) {
				// Type is undefined (was error 246)
				if (arg.Type == null)

				if (arg.Type.IsArray)
					ctx.Report.Warning (3016, 1, arg.Expr.Location, "Arrays as attribute arguments are not CLS-compliant");
Exemple #11
 public Driver(CompilerContext ctx)
     this.ctx = ctx;
Exemple #12
 public AssemblyBuilderMonoSpecific(AssemblyBuilder ab, CompilerContext ctx)
     : base(ctx)
     this.builder = ab;
Exemple #13
		public ModuleContainer (CompilerContext context)
			: base (null, MemberName.Null, null, 0)
			this.context = context;

			caching_flags &= ~(Flags.Obsolete_Undetected | Flags.Excluded_Undetected);

			containers = new List<TypeContainer> ();
			anonymous_types = new Dictionary<int, List<AnonymousTypeClass>> ();
			global_ns = new GlobalRootNamespace ();
			alias_ns = new Dictionary<string, RootNamespace> ();
			array_types = new Dictionary<ArrayContainer.TypeRankPair, ArrayContainer> ();
			pointer_types = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, PointerContainer> ();
			reference_types = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, ReferenceContainer> ();
			attrs_cache = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, MethodSpec> ();
			awaiters = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, AwaiterDefinition> ();
Exemple #14
		// Use this method when you merge compiler generated parameters with user parameters
		public static ParametersCompiled MergeGenerated (CompilerContext ctx, ParametersCompiled userParams, bool checkConflicts, Parameter[] compilerParams, TypeSpec[] compilerTypes)
			Parameter[] all_params = new Parameter [userParams.Count + compilerParams.Length];
			userParams.FixedParameters.CopyTo(all_params, 0);

			TypeSpec [] all_types;
			if (userParams.types != null) {
				all_types = new TypeSpec [all_params.Length];
				userParams.Types.CopyTo (all_types, 0);
			} else {
				all_types = null;

			int last_filled = userParams.Count;
			int index = 0;
			foreach (Parameter p in compilerParams) {
				for (int i = 0; i < last_filled; ++i) {
					while (p.Name == all_params [i].Name) {
						if (checkConflicts && i < userParams.Count) {
							ctx.Report.Error (316, userParams[i].Location,
								"The parameter name `{0}' conflicts with a compiler generated name", p.Name);
						p.Name = '_' + p.Name;
				all_params [last_filled] = p;
				if (all_types != null)
					all_types [last_filled] = compilerTypes [index++];
			ParametersCompiled parameters = new ParametersCompiled (all_params, all_types);
			parameters.has_params = userParams.has_params;
			return parameters;
Exemple #15
		public static ParametersCompiled MergeGenerated (CompilerContext ctx, ParametersCompiled userParams, bool checkConflicts, Parameter compilerParams, TypeSpec compilerTypes)
			return MergeGenerated (ctx, userParams, checkConflicts,
				new Parameter [] { compilerParams },
				new TypeSpec [] { compilerTypes });