public static void Run(DecompilerContext context, ILBlock method)
			if (!context.Settings.YieldReturn)
				return; // abort if enumerator decompilation is disabled
			var yrd = new YieldReturnDecompiler();
			yrd.context = context;
			if (!yrd.MatchEnumeratorCreationPattern(method))
			yrd.enumeratorType = yrd.enumeratorCtor.DeclaringType;
			#if DEBUG
			if (Debugger.IsAttached) {
			} else {
				try {
				} catch (SymbolicAnalysisFailedException) {
				#if DEBUG
			method.EntryGoto = null;
			// Repeat the inlining/copy propagation optimization because the conversion of field access
			// to local variables can open up additional inlining possibilities.
			ILInlining inlining = new ILInlining(method);
		public bool InlineAllVariables()
			bool modified = false;
			ILInlining i = new ILInlining(method);
			foreach (ILBlock block in method.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILBlock>())
				modified |= i.InlineAllInBlock(block);
			return modified;
Exemple #3
		bool SimplifyLiftedOperators(List<ILNode> body, ILExpression expr, int pos)
			if (!new PatternMatcher(typeSystem).SimplifyLiftedOperators(expr)) return false;

			var inlining = new ILInlining(method);
			while (--pos >= 0 && inlining.InlineIfPossible(body, ref pos)) ;

			return true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles both object and collection initializers.
		/// </summary>
		bool TransformObjectInitializers(List<ILNode> body, ILExpression expr, int pos)
			if (!context.Settings.ObjectOrCollectionInitializers)
				return false;
			Debug.Assert(body[pos] == expr); // should be called for top-level expressions only
			ILVariable v;
			ILExpression newObjExpr;
			MethodReference ctor;
			List<ILExpression> ctorArgs;
			// v = newObj(ctor, ctorArgs)
			if (!(expr.Match(ILCode.Stloc, out v, out newObjExpr) && newObjExpr.Match(ILCode.Newobj, out ctor, out ctorArgs)))
				return false;
			int originalPos = pos;

			// don't use object initializer syntax for closures
			if (Ast.Transforms.DelegateConstruction.IsPotentialClosure(context, ctor.DeclaringType.ResolveWithinSameModule()))
				return false;
			ILExpression initializer = ParseObjectInitializer(body, ref pos, v, newObjExpr, IsCollectionType(ctor.DeclaringType));
			if (initializer.Arguments.Count == 1) // only newobj argument, no initializer elements
				return false;
			int totalElementCount = pos - originalPos - 1; // totalElementCount: includes elements from nested collections
			Debug.Assert(totalElementCount >= initializer.Arguments.Count - 1);
			// Verify that we can inline 'v' into the next instruction:
			if (pos >= body.Count)
				return false; // reached end of block, but there should be another instruction which consumes the initialized object
			ILInlining inlining = new ILInlining(method);
			// one ldloc for each initializer argument, and another ldloc for the use of the initialized object
			if (inlining.numLdloc.GetOrDefault(v) != totalElementCount + 1)
				return false;
			if (!(inlining.numStloc.GetOrDefault(v) == 1 && inlining.numLdloca.GetOrDefault(v) == 0))
				return false;
			ILExpression nextExpr = body[pos] as ILExpression;
			if (!inlining.CanInlineInto(nextExpr, v, initializer))
				return false;
			expr.Arguments[0] = initializer;
			// remove all the instructions that were pulled into the initializer
			body.RemoveRange(originalPos + 1, pos - originalPos - 1);
			// now that we know that it's an object initializer, change all the first arguments to 'InitializedObject'
			inlining = new ILInlining(method);
			inlining.InlineIfPossible(body, ref originalPos);
			return true;
		bool MatchFixedInitializer(List<ILNode> body, int i, out ILVariable pinnedVar, out ILExpression initValue, out int nextPos)
			if (body[i].Match(ILCode.Stloc, out pinnedVar, out initValue) && pinnedVar.IsPinned && !IsNullOrZero(initValue)) {
				initValue = (ILExpression)body[i];
				nextPos = i + 1;
				HandleStringFixing(pinnedVar, body, ref nextPos, ref initValue);
				return true;
			ILCondition ifStmt = body[i] as ILCondition;
			ILExpression arrayLoadingExpr;
			if (ifStmt != null && MatchFixedArrayInitializerCondition(ifStmt.Condition, out arrayLoadingExpr)) {
				ILVariable arrayVariable = (ILVariable)arrayLoadingExpr.Operand;
				ILExpression trueValue;
				if (ifStmt.TrueBlock != null && ifStmt.TrueBlock.Body.Count == 1
				    && ifStmt.TrueBlock.Body[0].Match(ILCode.Stloc, out pinnedVar, out trueValue)
				    && pinnedVar.IsPinned && IsNullOrZero(trueValue))
					if (ifStmt.FalseBlock != null && ifStmt.FalseBlock.Body.Count == 1 && ifStmt.FalseBlock.Body[0] is ILFixedStatement) {
						ILFixedStatement fixedStmt = (ILFixedStatement)ifStmt.FalseBlock.Body[0];
						ILVariable stlocVar;
						ILExpression falseValue;
						if (fixedStmt.Initializers.Count == 1 && fixedStmt.BodyBlock.Body.Count == 0
						    && fixedStmt.Initializers[0].Match(ILCode.Stloc, out stlocVar, out falseValue) && stlocVar == pinnedVar)
							ILVariable loadedVariable;
							if (falseValue.Code == ILCode.Ldelema
							    && falseValue.Arguments[0].Match(ILCode.Ldloc, out loadedVariable) && loadedVariable == arrayVariable
							    && IsNullOrZero(falseValue.Arguments[1]))
								// OK, we detected the pattern for fixing an array.
								// Now check whether the loading expression was a store ot a temp. var
								// that can be eliminated.
								if (arrayLoadingExpr.Code == ILCode.Stloc) {
									ILInlining inlining = new ILInlining(method);
									if (inlining.numLdloc.GetOrDefault(arrayVariable) == 2 &&
									    inlining.numStloc.GetOrDefault(arrayVariable) == 1 && inlining.numLdloca.GetOrDefault(arrayVariable) == 0)
										arrayLoadingExpr = arrayLoadingExpr.Arguments[0];
								initValue = new ILExpression(ILCode.Stloc, pinnedVar, arrayLoadingExpr);
								nextPos = i + 1;
								return true;
			initValue = null;
			nextPos = -1;
			return false;
		bool MakeAssignmentExpression(List<ILNode> body, ILExpression expr, int pos)
			// exprVar = ...
			// stloc(v, exprVar)
			// ->
			// exprVar = stloc(v, ...))
			ILVariable exprVar;
			ILExpression initializer;
			if (!(expr.Match(ILCode.Stloc, out exprVar, out initializer) && exprVar.IsGenerated))
				return false;
			ILExpression nextExpr = body.ElementAtOrDefault(pos + 1) as ILExpression;
			ILVariable v;
			ILExpression stLocArg;
			if (nextExpr.Match(ILCode.Stloc, out v, out stLocArg) && stLocArg.MatchLdloc(exprVar)) {
				ILExpression store2 = body.ElementAtOrDefault(pos + 2) as ILExpression;
				if (StoreCanBeConvertedToAssignment(store2, exprVar)) {
					// expr_44 = ...
					// stloc(v1, expr_44)
					// anystore(v2, expr_44)
					// ->
					// stloc(v1, anystore(v2, ...))
					ILInlining inlining = new ILInlining(method);
					if (inlining.numLdloc.GetOrDefault(exprVar) == 2 && inlining.numStloc.GetOrDefault(exprVar) == 1) {
						body.RemoveAt(pos + 2); // remove store2
						body.RemoveAt(pos); // remove expr = ...
						nextExpr.Arguments[0] = store2;
						store2.Arguments[store2.Arguments.Count - 1] = initializer;
						inlining.InlineIfPossible(body, ref pos);
						return true;
				body.RemoveAt(pos + 1); // remove stloc
				nextExpr.Arguments[0] = initializer;
				((ILExpression)body[pos]).Arguments[0] = nextExpr;
				return true;
			} else if ((nextExpr.Code == ILCode.Stsfld || nextExpr.Code == ILCode.CallSetter || nextExpr.Code == ILCode.CallvirtSetter) && nextExpr.Arguments.Count == 1) {
				// exprVar = ...
				// stsfld(fld, exprVar)
				// ->
				// exprVar = stsfld(fld, ...))
				if (nextExpr.Arguments[0].MatchLdloc(exprVar)) {
					body.RemoveAt(pos + 1); // remove stsfld
					nextExpr.Arguments[0] = initializer;
					((ILExpression)body[pos]).Arguments[0] = nextExpr;
					return true;
			return false;
		void CachedDelegateInitializationWithLocal(ILBlock block, ref int i)
			// if (logicnot(ldloc(v))) {
			//     stloc(v, newobj(Action::.ctor, ldloc(displayClass), ldftn(method)))
			// } else {
			// }
			// ...(..., ldloc(v), ...)
			ILCondition c = block.Body[i] as ILCondition;
			if (c == null || c.Condition == null && c.TrueBlock == null || c.FalseBlock == null)
			if (!(c.TrueBlock.Body.Count == 1 && c.FalseBlock.Body.Count == 0))
			if (!c.Condition.Match(ILCode.LogicNot))
			ILExpression condition = c.Condition.Arguments.Single() as ILExpression;
			if (condition == null || condition.Code != ILCode.Ldloc)
			ILVariable v = (ILVariable)condition.Operand;
			ILExpression stloc = c.TrueBlock.Body[0] as ILExpression;
			if (!(stloc != null && stloc.Code == ILCode.Stloc && (ILVariable)stloc.Operand == v))
			ILExpression newObj = stloc.Arguments[0];
			if (!(newObj.Code == ILCode.Newobj && newObj.Arguments.Count == 2))
			if (newObj.Arguments[0].Code != ILCode.Ldloc)
			if (newObj.Arguments[1].Code != ILCode.Ldftn)
			MethodDef anonymousMethod = ((IMethod)newObj.Arguments[1].Operand).ResolveMethodWithinSameModule(); // method is defined in current assembly
			if (!Ast.Transforms.DelegateConstruction.IsAnonymousMethod(context, anonymousMethod))
			ILNode followingNode = block.Body.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 1);
			if (followingNode != null && followingNode.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILExpression>().Count(
				e => e.Code == ILCode.Ldloc && (ILVariable)e.Operand == v) == 1)
				ILInlining inlining = new ILInlining(method);
				if (!(inlining.numLdloc.GetOrDefault(v) == 2 && inlining.numStloc.GetOrDefault(v) == 2 && inlining.numLdloca.GetOrDefault(v) == 0))
				// Find the store instruction that initializes the local to null:
				foreach (ILBlock storeBlock in method.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILBlock>()) {
					for (int j = 0; j < storeBlock.Body.Count; j++) {
						ILVariable storedVar;
						ILExpression storedExpr;
						if (storeBlock.Body[j].Match(ILCode.Stloc, out storedVar, out storedExpr) && storedVar == v && storedExpr.Match(ILCode.Ldnull)) {
							// Remove the instruction
							if (storeBlock == block && j < i)
				block.Body[i] = stloc; // remove the 'if (v==null)'
				inlining = new ILInlining(method);
				inlining.InlineIfPossible(block.Body, ref i);
		void CachedDelegateInitializationWithField(ILBlock block, ref int i)
			// if (logicnot(ldsfld(field))) {
			//     stsfld(field, newobj(Action::.ctor, ldnull(), ldftn(method)))
			// } else {
			// }
			// ...(..., ldsfld(field), ...)
			ILCondition c = block.Body[i] as ILCondition;
			if (c == null || c.Condition == null && c.TrueBlock == null || c.FalseBlock == null)
			if (!(c.TrueBlock.Body.Count == 1 && c.FalseBlock.Body.Count == 0))
			if (!c.Condition.Match(ILCode.LogicNot))
			ILExpression condition = c.Condition.Arguments.Single() as ILExpression;
			if (condition == null || condition.Code != ILCode.Ldsfld)
			FieldDef field = ((IField)condition.Operand).ResolveFieldWithinSameModule(); // field is defined in current assembly
			if (field == null || !field.IsCompilerGeneratedOrIsInCompilerGeneratedClass())
			ILExpression stsfld = c.TrueBlock.Body[0] as ILExpression;
			if (!(stsfld != null && stsfld.Code == ILCode.Stsfld && ((IField)stsfld.Operand).ResolveFieldWithinSameModule() == field))
			ILExpression newObj = stsfld.Arguments[0];
			if (!(newObj.Code == ILCode.Newobj && newObj.Arguments.Count == 2))
			if (newObj.Arguments[0].Code != ILCode.Ldnull)
			if (newObj.Arguments[1].Code != ILCode.Ldftn)
			MethodDef anonymousMethod = ((IMethod)newObj.Arguments[1].Operand).ResolveMethodWithinSameModule(); // method is defined in current assembly
			if (!Ast.Transforms.DelegateConstruction.IsAnonymousMethod(context, anonymousMethod))
			ILNode followingNode = block.Body.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 1);
			if (followingNode != null && followingNode.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILExpression>().Count(
				e => e.Code == ILCode.Ldsfld && ((IField)e.Operand).ResolveFieldWithinSameModule() == field) == 1)
				foreach (ILExpression parent in followingNode.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILExpression>()) {
					for (int j = 0; j < parent.Arguments.Count; j++) {
						if (parent.Arguments[j].Code == ILCode.Ldsfld && ((IField)parent.Arguments[j].Operand).ResolveFieldWithinSameModule() == field) {
							parent.Arguments[j] = newObj;
							i -= new ILInlining(method).InlineInto(block.Body, i, aggressive: false);
Exemple #9
		ILInlining GetILInlining(ILBlock method)
			if (cached_ILInlining == null)
				cached_ILInlining = new ILInlining(context, method);
			return cached_ILInlining;
Exemple #10
		public static void RunStep2(DecompilerContext context, ILBlock method)
			if (context.CurrentMethodIsAsync) {
				// Repeat the inlining/copy propagation optimization because the conversion of field access
				// to local variables can open up additional inlining possibilities.
				ILInlining inlining = new ILInlining(method);
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles both object and collection initializers.
		/// </summary>
		bool TransformObjectInitializers(List<ILNode> body, ILExpression expr, int pos)
			if (!context.Settings.ObjectOrCollectionInitializers)
				return false;

			Debug.Assert(body[pos] == expr); // should be called for top-level expressions only
			ILVariable v;
			ILExpression newObjExpr;
			TypeReference newObjType;
			bool isValueType;
			MethodReference ctor;
			List<ILExpression> ctorArgs;
			if (expr.Match(ILCode.Stloc, out v, out newObjExpr)) {
				if (newObjExpr.Match(ILCode.Newobj, out ctor, out ctorArgs)) {
					// v = newObj(ctor, ctorArgs)
					newObjType = ctor.DeclaringType;
					isValueType = false;
				} else if (newObjExpr.Match(ILCode.DefaultValue, out newObjType)) {
					// v = defaultvalue(type)
					isValueType = true;
				} else {
					return false;
			} else if (expr.Match(ILCode.Call, out ctor, out ctorArgs)) {
				// call(SomeStruct::.ctor, ldloca(v), remainingArgs)
				if (ctorArgs.Count > 0 && ctorArgs[0].Match(ILCode.Ldloca, out v)) {
					isValueType = true;
					newObjType = ctor.DeclaringType;
					ctorArgs = new List<ILExpression>(ctorArgs);
					newObjExpr = new ILExpression(ILCode.Newobj, ctor, ctorArgs);
				} else {
					return false;
			} else {
				return false;
			if (newObjType.IsValueType != isValueType)
				return false;
			int originalPos = pos;

			// don't use object initializer syntax for closures
			if (Ast.Transforms.DelegateConstruction.IsPotentialClosure(context, newObjType.ResolveWithinSameModule()))
				return false;

			ILExpression initializer = ParseObjectInitializer(body, ref pos, v, newObjExpr, IsCollectionType(newObjType), isValueType);

			if (initializer.Arguments.Count == 1) // only newobj argument, no initializer elements
				return false;
			int totalElementCount = pos - originalPos - 1; // totalElementCount: includes elements from nested collections
			Debug.Assert(totalElementCount >= initializer.Arguments.Count - 1);

			// Verify that we can inline 'v' into the next instruction:

			if (pos >= body.Count)
				return false; // reached end of block, but there should be another instruction which consumes the initialized object

			ILInlining inlining = new ILInlining(method);
			if (isValueType) {
				// one ldloc for the use of the initialized object
				if (inlining.numLdloc.GetOrDefault(v) != 1)
					return false;
				// one ldloca for each initializer argument, and also for the ctor call (if it exists)
				if (inlining.numLdloca.GetOrDefault(v) != totalElementCount + (expr.Code == ILCode.Call ? 1 : 0))
					return false;
				// one stloc for the initial store (if no ctor call was used)
				if (inlining.numStloc.GetOrDefault(v) != (expr.Code == ILCode.Call ? 0 : 1))
					return false;
			} else {
				// one ldloc for each initializer argument, and another ldloc for the use of the initialized object
				if (inlining.numLdloc.GetOrDefault(v) != totalElementCount + 1)
					return false;
				if (!(inlining.numStloc.GetOrDefault(v) == 1 && inlining.numLdloca.GetOrDefault(v) == 0))
					return false;
			ILExpression nextExpr = body[pos] as ILExpression;
			if (!inlining.CanInlineInto(nextExpr, v, initializer))
				return false;

			if (expr.Code == ILCode.Stloc) {
				expr.Arguments[0] = initializer;
			} else {
				Debug.Assert(expr.Code == ILCode.Call);
				expr.Code = ILCode.Stloc;
				expr.Operand = v;
			// remove all the instructions that were pulled into the initializer
			body.RemoveRange(originalPos + 1, pos - originalPos - 1);

			// now that we know that it's an object initializer, change all the first arguments to 'InitializedObject'

			inlining = new ILInlining(method);
			inlining.InlineIfPossible(body, ref originalPos);

			return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles both object and collection initializers.
        /// </summary>
        bool TransformObjectInitializers(List <ILNode> body, ILExpression expr, int pos)
            if (!context.Settings.ObjectOrCollectionInitializers)

            Debug.Assert(body[pos] == expr);             // should be called for top-level expressions only
            ILVariable          v;
            ILExpression        newObjExpr;
            TypeReference       newObjType;
            bool                isValueType;
            MethodReference     ctor;
            List <ILExpression> ctorArgs;

            if (expr.Match(ILCode.Stloc, out v, out newObjExpr))
                if (newObjExpr.Match(ILCode.Newobj, out ctor, out ctorArgs))
                    // v = newObj(ctor, ctorArgs)
                    newObjType  = ctor.DeclaringType;
                    isValueType = false;
                else if (newObjExpr.Match(ILCode.DefaultValue, out newObjType))
                    // v = defaultvalue(type)
                    isValueType = true;
            else if (expr.Match(ILCode.Call, out ctor, out ctorArgs))
                // call(SomeStruct::.ctor, ldloca(v), remainingArgs)
                if (ctorArgs.Count > 0 && ctorArgs[0].Match(ILCode.Ldloca, out v))
                    isValueType = true;
                    newObjType  = ctor.DeclaringType;
                    ctorArgs    = new List <ILExpression>(ctorArgs);
                    newObjExpr = new ILExpression(ILCode.Newobj, ctor, ctorArgs);
            if (newObjType.IsValueType != isValueType)

            int originalPos = pos;

            // don't use object initializer syntax for closures
            if (Ast.Transforms.DelegateConstruction.IsPotentialClosure(context, newObjType.ResolveWithinSameModule()))

            ILExpression initializer = ParseObjectInitializer(body, ref pos, v, newObjExpr, IsCollectionType(newObjType), isValueType);

            if (initializer.Arguments.Count == 1)             // only newobj argument, no initializer elements
            int totalElementCount = pos - originalPos - 1;             // totalElementCount: includes elements from nested collections

            Debug.Assert(totalElementCount >= initializer.Arguments.Count - 1);

            // Verify that we can inline 'v' into the next instruction:

            if (pos >= body.Count)
                return(false);                // reached end of block, but there should be another instruction which consumes the initialized object
            ILInlining inlining = new ILInlining(method);

            if (isValueType)
                // one ldloc for the use of the initialized object
                if (inlining.numLdloc.GetOrDefault(v) != 1)
                // one ldloca for each initializer argument, and also for the ctor call (if it exists)
                if (inlining.numLdloca.GetOrDefault(v) != totalElementCount + (expr.Code == ILCode.Call ? 1 : 0))
                // one stloc for the initial store (if no ctor call was used)
                if (inlining.numStloc.GetOrDefault(v) != (expr.Code == ILCode.Call ? 0 : 1))
                // one ldloc for each initializer argument, and another ldloc for the use of the initialized object
                if (inlining.numLdloc.GetOrDefault(v) != totalElementCount + 1)
                if (!(inlining.numStloc.GetOrDefault(v) == 1 && inlining.numLdloca.GetOrDefault(v) == 0))
            ILExpression nextExpr = body[pos] as ILExpression;

            if (!inlining.CanInlineInto(nextExpr, v, initializer))

            if (expr.Code == ILCode.Stloc)
                expr.Arguments[0] = initializer;
                Debug.Assert(expr.Code == ILCode.Call);
                expr.Code    = ILCode.Stloc;
                expr.Operand = v;
            // remove all the instructions that were pulled into the initializer
            body.RemoveRange(originalPos + 1, pos - originalPos - 1);

            // now that we know that it's an object initializer, change all the first arguments to 'InitializedObject'

            inlining = new ILInlining(method);
            inlining.InlineIfPossible(body, ref originalPos);
