} // end NiceLabelVariableImportWizardWizard constructor


      #region Methods

      #region InitializeSequence

      /// <summary>
      /// Initializes the Wizard's sequence by setting the _wizSeq array with
      /// the panels in the order in which they should appear to the user.
      /// </summary>
      protected override void InitializeSequence()
         // NOTE:  If you add a new panel to the sequence, you should also
         //        add it to the _wizPnls enumerator.

         _wizSeq = new WizardCtrlPnlNmspc.WizardControlPanel[] { new IntroPanel(this),
                                                                 new DataDropFilePanel(this),
                                                                 new LabelFormatPanel(this),
                                                                 new SummaryPanel(this),
                                                                 new ProgressPanel(this),
                                                                 new FinishedPanel(this) };

      } // end InitializeSequence
      } // end ShowSummaryPanel


      #region ShowProgressPanel

      /// <summary>
      /// ShowPanel event for the ProgressPanel, which added a completed event to notify the wizard
      /// when the conversion is complete, and starts the conversion.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="sender">Progress Panel</param>
      /// <param name="e"></param>
      private void ShowProgressPanel(WizardCtrlPnlNmspc.WizardControlPanel sender, EventArgs e)
         ProgressPanel progressPanel = sender as ProgressPanel;


         Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor;

         if (progressPanel != null)
            // Adding the completed event to notify the wizard when the conversion is complete
            progressPanel.Completed += new ICS.GUI_Library.Controls.WizardControlPanels.CompletedEventHandler(VariableImportComplete);

            // Starting the data export by calling the ProgressPanel's StartExport method passing
            // the Data Access Layer for RFSmart Version 3, the selected environment from which the
            // data will be exported, and the file to which the data will be exported.
            progressPanel.StartTask(new VariableImporter(DataDropFilePnl.DataDropFilePath,
         } // end if
      } // end ShowProgressPanel
      } // end VariableImportComplete


      #region ShowFinishedPanel

      /// <summary>
      /// Show Panel event handler for the Finished panel, which should set the results of the
      /// conversion.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="sender"></param>
      /// <param name="e"></param>
      private void ShowFinishedPanel(WizardCtrlPnlNmspc.WizardControlPanel sender, EventArgs e)
         ((FinishedPanel) sender).DisplayResults();
      } // end ShowFinishedPanel
      } // end ConstructSummary


      #region Event Handlers

      #region ShowSummaryPanel

      /// <summary>
      /// Show Panel event for the Summary Panel, which sets the Summary of the SummaryPanel.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="sender"></param>
      /// <param name="e"></param>
      private void ShowSummaryPanel(WizardCtrlPnlNmspc.WizardControlPanel sender, System.EventArgs e)
         ((SummaryPanel) sender).Summary = ConstructSummary();
      } // end ShowSummaryPanel