Exemple #1
        public CrawlArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if (crawlContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("crawlContext");

            CrawlContext = crawlContext;
        public PageCrawlCompletedArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, CrawledPage crawledPage)
            : base(crawlContext)
            if (crawledPage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("crawledPage");

            CrawledPage = crawledPage;
        public PageLinksCrawlDisallowedArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, CrawledPage crawledPage, string disallowedReason)
            : base(crawlContext, crawledPage)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(disallowedReason))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("disallowedReason");

            DisallowedReason = disallowedReason;
        public PageCrawlStartingArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, PageToCrawl pageToCrawl)
            : base(crawlContext)
            if (pageToCrawl == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pageToCrawl");

            PageToCrawl = pageToCrawl;
        public PageCrawlDisallowedArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, PageToCrawl pageToCrawl, string disallowedReason)
            : base(crawlContext, pageToCrawl)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(disallowedReason))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("disallowedReason");

            DisallowedReason = disallowedReason;
        public virtual CrawlDecision ShouldCrawlPageLinks(CrawledPage crawledPage, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if (crawledPage == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawled page" };

            if (crawlContext == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawl context" };

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(crawledPage.RawContent))
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Page has no content" };

            if (!crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsExternalPageLinksCrawlingEnabled && !crawledPage.IsInternal)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Link is external" };

            if (crawledPage.CrawlDepth >= crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxCrawlDepth)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Crawl depth is above max" };

            return new CrawlDecision { Allow = true };
        public virtual CrawlDecision ShouldCrawlPage(PageToCrawl pageToCrawl, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if (pageToCrawl == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null page to crawl" };

            if (crawlContext == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawl context" };

            if (pageToCrawl.CrawlDepth > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxCrawlDepth)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Crawl depth is above max" };

            if (!pageToCrawl.Uri.Scheme.StartsWith("http"))
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Scheme does not begin with http" };

            if (!crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsUriRecrawlingEnabled &&
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Link already crawled" };

            if (crawlContext.CrawledUrls.Count + 1 > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawl)
                crawlContext.IsCrawlStopRequested = true;
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("MaxPagesToCrawl limit of [{0}] has been reached", crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawl) };

            int pagesCrawledInThisDomain = 0;
            if (crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain > 0 &&
                crawlContext.CrawlCountByDomain.TryGetValue(pageToCrawl.Uri.Authority, out pagesCrawledInThisDomain) &&
                pagesCrawledInThisDomain > 0)
                if (pagesCrawledInThisDomain >= crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain)
                    return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain limit of [{0}] has been reached for domain [{1}]", crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain, pageToCrawl.Uri.Authority) };

            if (!crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsExternalPageCrawlingEnabled && !pageToCrawl.IsInternal)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Link is external" };

            return new CrawlDecision { Allow = true };
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a crawler instance with custom settings or implementation. Passing in null for all params is the equivalent of the empty constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadManager">Distributes http requests over multiple threads</param>
        /// <param name="scheduler">Decides what link should be crawled next</param>
        /// <param name="httpRequester">Makes the raw http requests</param>
        /// <param name="hyperLinkParser">Parses a crawled page for it's hyperlinks</param>
        /// <param name="crawlDecisionMaker">Decides whether or not to crawl a page or that page's links</param>
        /// <param name="crawlConfiguration">Configurable crawl values</param>
        public WebCrawler(
            CrawlConfiguration crawlConfiguration,
            ICrawlDecisionMaker crawlDecisionMaker,
            IThreadManager threadManager,
            IScheduler scheduler,
            IPageRequester httpRequester,
            IHyperLinkParser hyperLinkParser,
            IMemoryManager memoryManager)
            _crawlContext = new CrawlContext();
            _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration = crawlConfiguration ?? GetCrawlConfigurationFromConfigFile() ?? new CrawlConfiguration();
            CrawlBag = _crawlContext.CrawlBag;

            _threadManager = threadManager ?? new ManualThreadManager(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxConcurrentThreads);
            _scheduler = scheduler ?? new FifoScheduler(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsUriRecrawlingEnabled);
            _httpRequester = httpRequester ?? new PageRequester(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration);
            _crawlDecisionMaker = crawlDecisionMaker ?? new CrawlDecisionMaker();

            if (_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxMemoryUsageInMb > 0
                || _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MinAvailableMemoryRequiredInMb > 0)
                _memoryManager = memoryManager ?? new MemoryManager(new CachedMemoryMonitor(new GcMemoryMonitor(), _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxMemoryUsageCacheTimeInSeconds));

            _hyperLinkParser = hyperLinkParser ?? new HapHyperLinkParser();

            _crawlContext.Scheduler = _scheduler;
        public virtual CrawlDecision ShouldDownloadPageContent(CrawledPage crawledPage, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if (crawledPage == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawled page" };

            if (crawlContext == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawl context" };

            if (crawledPage.HttpWebResponse == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null HttpWebResponse" };

            if (crawledPage.HttpWebResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "HttpStatusCode is not 200" };

            string pageContentType = crawledPage.HttpWebResponse.ContentType.ToLower().Trim();
            bool isDownloadable = false;
            foreach (string downloadableContentType in crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.DownloadableContentTypes.Split(','))
                if (pageContentType.Contains(downloadableContentType.ToLower().Trim()))
                    isDownloadable = true;
            if (!isDownloadable)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Content type is not any of the following: " + crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.DownloadableContentTypes };

            if (crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPageSizeInBytes > 0 && crawledPage.HttpWebResponse.ContentLength > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPageSizeInBytes)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("Page size of [{0}] bytes is above the max allowable of [{1}] bytes", crawledPage.PageSizeInBytes, crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPageSizeInBytes) };

            return new CrawlDecision { Allow = true };