Exemple #1
        ActionOutput <AddUpdateImageEditorModel> IEditorManager.GetPostCardDetailsByID(int PostCardID = 0, int userID = 0)
            var result = new ActionOutput <AddUpdateImageEditorModel>();

            if (PostCardID > 0)
                var postcard = Context.UserPostCards.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == PostCardID);
                if (postcard != null)
                    if (userID > 0 && postcard.UserID != userID)
                        return new ActionOutput <AddUpdateImageEditorModel>()
                                   Message = "No acess for this record.", Status = ActionStatus.Error
                    var model = new AddUpdateImageEditorModel();
                    model            = Mapper.Map <UserPostCard, AddUpdateImageEditorModel>(postcard, model);
                    model.Recipients = Mapper.Map <List <UserPostCardRecipient>, List <UserRecipientModel> >(postcard.UserPostCardRecipients.ToList(), model.Recipients.ToList());
                    result.Object    = model;
                    result.Message   = "Post card details";
                    result.Status    = ActionStatus.Successfull;
                    result.Message = "No Record found.";
                    result.Status  = ActionStatus.Error;

        ActionOutput <AddUpdateImageEditorModel> IEditorManager.GetDemoPostCardListing()
            var emailId = Config.DemoPostCardEmail;

            var result = new ActionOutput <AddUpdateImageEditorModel>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailId))
                var postcard = Context.UserPostCards.Where(x => x.IsDeleted != true && x.User.Email == emailId).OrderByDescending(x => x.ID).Take(8).ToList();
                if (postcard.Count > 0)
                    var model = new List <AddUpdateImageEditorModel>();
                    model = Mapper.Map <List <UserPostCard>, List <AddUpdateImageEditorModel> >(postcard.ToList(), model);

                    result.List = model.ToList();

                result.Message = string.Empty;
                result.Status  = ActionStatus.Successfull;

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.DeletePostCardByID(int PostCardID, int userID = 0)
            var postcard = Context.UserPostCards.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == PostCardID);

            if (userID > 0 && postcard.UserID != userID)
                return new ActionOutput()
                           Message = "No access for this postcard.", Status = ActionStatus.Error
            postcard.IsDeleted = true;
            postcard.DeletedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = "Post card deleted successfully", Status = ActionStatus.Successfull

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.RejectWithReason(RejectWithReasonModel model)
            var postcard = Context.UserPostCardRecipients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == model.RecipientCardID);
            var msg      = "";

            if (postcard.IsRejected == true)
                postcard.CardStatus = PreviousCardStatus(ref postcard);

                postcard.IsRejected = false;

                postcard.IsRejected     = true;
                postcard.IsApproved     = false;
                postcard.IsCompleted    = false;
                postcard.IsError        = false;
                postcard.RejectedOn     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                postcard.RejectedReason = model.Reason;
                postcard.CardStatus     = (int)CardStatusTypes.Rejected;
                msg = "Rejected successfully";
                IEmailManager _em = new EmailManager();
                if (postcard.UserPostCard.User.OrderStatusNotification != null && postcard.UserPostCard.User.OrderStatusNotification == true)
                    _em.SendRejectionEmailToUser(postcard.ID, model.Reason);
                postcard.UserHistories.Add(new UserHistory()
                    UserFK = postcard.UserPostCard.UserID, Type = "Order Rejected", TokenChange = "+1", AddedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, TokenAvailable = postcard.UserPostCard.User.CardsCount

                if (postcard.IsError == false || postcard.IsError == null)
                    postcard.UserPostCard.User.CardsCount += 1;
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = msg, Status = ActionStatus.Successfull

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.ApprovePostCardByID(int PostCardID)
            IEmailManager _emailManager = new EmailManager();
            var           status        = "";

            var message  = "";
            var postcard = Context.UserPostCards.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == PostCardID);

            if (postcard.IsApproved == true)
                postcard.IsApproved = false;
                postcard.ApprovedOn = null;

                status  = "disapproved";
                message = "Post card disapproved successfully";
                postcard.IsApproved = true;
                postcard.ApprovedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

                status  = "approved";
                message = "Post card approved successfully";
            if (postcard.User.OrderPlacedNotification == true && postcard.User.OrderPlacedNotification != null)
                _emailManager.SendOrderStatusChangeMailForUser(postcard.User, status);
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = message, Status = ActionStatus.Successfull

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.RejectPostCardByID(int PostCardID)
            IEmailManager _emailManager = new EmailManager();
            var           status        = "";
            var           message       = "";
            var           postcard      = Context.UserPostCards.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == PostCardID);

            if (postcard.IsRejected == true)
                postcard.IsRejected = false;
                postcard.RejectedOn = null;
                message             = "Rejection removed successfully";
                postcard.IsRejected = true;
                postcard.RejectedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                message             = "Post card rejected successfully";
                status = "Rejected";
            if (postcard.User.OrderPlacedNotification == true && postcard.User.OrderPlacedNotification != null)
                _emailManager.SendOrderStatusChangeMailForUser(postcard.User, status);
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = message, Status = ActionStatus.Successfull

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.UpdateOrderStatus(int orderID, short Status)
            IEmailManager _emailManager = new EmailManager();
            eOrderStatus  status        = (eOrderStatus)Status;

            var result = new ActionOutput();
            var order  = Context.UserOrders.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == orderID);

            if (order != null)
                order.OrderStatus = Status;
                result.Message = "Order status updated successfully";
                result.Status  = ActionStatus.Successfull;
                result.Message = "No record found";
                result.Status  = ActionStatus.Error;
            if (order.UserPostCard.User.OrderPlacedNotification == true && order.UserPostCard.User.OrderPlacedNotification != null)
                _emailManager.SendOrderStatusChangeMailForUser(order.UserPostCard.User, status.ToString());


        ActionOutput IEditorManager.CancelPostCardByID(int PostCardID)
            IEmailManager _emailManager = new EmailManager();

            ActionOutput result = new ActionOutput();

            result.Message = "Post card request cancelled successfully";
            var postcard = Context.UserPostCards.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == PostCardID);

            if (postcard != null)
                if (postcard.IsApproved == true)
                    result.Message = "Card already approved by the admin.";
                    result.Status  = ActionStatus.Failed;
                if (postcard.IsCancel == true)
                    result.Message = "Card already cancelled by you.";
                    result.Status  = ActionStatus.Failed;
                if (postcard.IsCompleted == true)
                    result.Message = "Card already completed by the admin.";
                    result.Status  = ActionStatus.Failed;
                if (postcard.IsDeleted == true)
                    result.Message = "You can not cancel the deleted card.";
                    result.Status  = ActionStatus.Failed;
                if (postcard.IsRejected == true)
                    result.Message = "Card already rejected by the admin.";
                    result.Status  = ActionStatus.Failed;

                if (postcard.AddedOn.Value.AddMinutes(15) >= DateTime.UtcNow)
                    postcard.IsCancel    = true;
                    postcard.CancelledOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    foreach (var item in postcard.UserPostCardRecipients)
                        item.IsCancelled = true;

                        item.CancelledOn          = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        item.CardStatus           = (int)CardStatusTypes.Cancelled;
                        postcard.User.CardsCount += 1;
                    //if (postcard.User.OrderPlacedNotification == true && postcard.User.OrderPlacedNotification != null)
                    //    _emailManager.SendOrderStatusChangeMailForUser(postcard.User, "Cancelled");

                    _emailManager.SendOrderStatusToAdmin("Cancelled", postcard.User);

                    result.Status = ActionStatus.Successfull;
                    result.Message = "Time expired and now your order is placed.";
                    result.Status  = ActionStatus.Failed;
                result.Message = "No record found.";
                result.Status  = ActionStatus.Failed;

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.ApproveReceiptent(int ReceiptentID)
            IEmailManager _emailManager = new EmailManager();

            var message  = "";
            var postcard = Context.UserPostCardRecipients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == ReceiptentID);

            if (postcard.IsApproved == false || postcard.IsApproved == null)
                postcard.IsApproved  = true;
                postcard.IsCompleted = false;
                postcard.IsError     = false;
                postcard.IsRejected  = false;
                postcard.CardStatus  = (int)CardStatusTypes.Approved;
                message = "Post card recipient approved successfully";
                //if (postcard.UserPostCard.User.OrderPlacedNotification == true && postcard.UserPostCard.User.OrderPlacedNotification != null)
                //    _emailManager.SendOrderStatusChangeMailForUser(postcard.UserPostCard.User, "recipient approved");

                postcard.UserHistories.Add(new UserHistory()
                    UserFK = postcard.UserPostCard.UserID, Type = "Order", Status = "Order Approved", TokenChange = "", AddedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, TokenAvailable = postcard.UserPostCard.User.CardsCount
                if (postcard.IsApproved == true)
                    postcard.CardStatus = PreviousCardStatus(ref postcard);
                    postcard.IsApproved = false;
                    postcard.IsError    = false;
                    postcard.IsRejected = false;
                    message             = "Post card recipients disapproved successfully";
                //if (postcard.UserPostCard.User.OrderPlacedNotification == true && postcard.UserPostCard.User.OrderPlacedNotification != null)
                //    _emailManager.SendOrderStatusChangeMailForUser(postcard.UserPostCard.User, "recipient disapproved");
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = message, Status = ActionStatus.Successfull

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.CompletePostCard(int postcardID)
            IEmailManager _emailManager = new EmailManager();

            var          message = "";
            ActionStatus status;
            var          postcard = Context.UserPostCards.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == postcardID);

            if (postcard != null)
                postcard.IsCompleted = true;
                postcard.CompletedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                message = "Post card completed successfully";
                status  = ActionStatus.Successfull;
                if (postcard.User.OrderStatusNotification == true && postcard.User.OrderStatusNotification != null)
                    _emailManager.SendOrderStatusChangeMailForUser(postcard.User, "completed");
                message = "No record found."; status = ActionStatus.Error;
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = message, Status = status

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.CompleteRecipientPostCard(int ReceiptentID)
            IEmailManager _emailManager = new EmailManager();
            var           message       = "";
            ActionStatus  status;
            var           postcard = Context.UserPostCardRecipients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == ReceiptentID);

            if (postcard != null)
                postcard.IsCompleted = true;
                postcard.IsApproved  = true;
                postcard.IsRejected  = false;
                postcard.IsError     = false;
                postcard.ApprovedOn  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                postcard.CompletedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                postcard.CardStatus  = (int)CardStatusTypes.Completed;
                message = "Post card completed successfully";
                status  = ActionStatus.Successfull;
                if (postcard.UserPostCard.User.OrderStatusNotification == true && postcard.UserPostCard.User.OrderStatusNotification != null)
                    _emailManager.SendOrderStatusChangeMailForUser(postcard.UserPostCard.User, "completed");

                postcard.UserHistories.Add(new UserHistory()
                    UserFK = postcard.UserPostCard.UserID, Type = "Order", Status = "Order Completed", TokenChange = "", AddedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, TokenAvailable = postcard.UserPostCard.User.CardsCount
                message = "No record found."; status = ActionStatus.Error;
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = message, Status = status

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.DispproveReceiptent(int ReceiptentID)
            var message  = "";
            var postcard = Context.UserPostCardRecipients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == ReceiptentID);

            if (postcard.IsApproved == true)
                postcard.CardStatus = PreviousCardStatus(ref postcard);
                postcard.IsApproved = false;
                postcard.IsRejected = false;
                postcard.IsError    = false;

                message = "Post card recipient disapproved successfully";
                message = "Post card recipients is already in disapproved state";

            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = message, Status = ActionStatus.Successfull

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.SentToError(int ReceiptentID)
            var message  = "";
            var postcard = Context.UserPostCardRecipients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == ReceiptentID);

            if (postcard.IsError == true)
                postcard.CardStatus = PreviousCardStatus(ref postcard);
                postcard.IsError    = false;
                postcard.IsRejected = false;

                message = "remove from errors successfully";

                if (postcard.IsRejected == false || postcard.IsRejected == null)
                    postcard.UserPostCard.User.CardsCount -= 1;
                postcard.IsError    = true;
                postcard.IsRejected = false;
                postcard.CardStatus = (int)CardStatusTypes.Error;
                message             = "Sent to errors successfully";

                if (postcard.IsRejected == false || postcard.IsRejected == null)
                    postcard.UserPostCard.User.CardsCount += 1;
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = message, Status = ActionStatus.Successfull

        ActionOutput IEditorManager.GetPostCardBackSideJsonResult(int ReceiptentID)
            List <string> result   = new List <string>();
            var           message  = "";
            var           postcard = Context.UserPostCardRecipients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == ReceiptentID);

            if (postcard != null)
                if (postcard.UserPostCard.CardBackJsonWithIFrame != null)
                message = "remove from errors successfully";
                postcard.IsError = true;
                message          = "Sent to errors successfully";
            return(new ActionOutput()
                Message = message, Results = result, Status = ActionStatus.Successfull
Exemple #2
        ActionOutput <PostCardResultModel> IEditorManager.AddUpdatePostCard(AddUpdateImageEditorModel model)
            IUserManager _um = new UserManager();

            var user          = Context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserID == model.UserID);
            var userCardsLeft = user.CardsCount;
            var id            = 0;
            var resultObject  = new PostCardResultModel();
            var message       = "";

            if (userCardsLeft > 0)
                    if (model.IsCopyCard)
                        model.ID = 0;

                    if (model.ID > 0)
                        var PostCard = Context.UserPostCards.Where(z => z.ID == model.ID && z.IsDeleted != true).FirstOrDefault();

                        var rootPath = AttacmentsPath.UserProfileImages + user.FirstName.Replace(" ", "") + "-" + user.UserID + "/PostCards/";

                        //delete the existed files
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostCard.CardFrontPath))
                            var file = PostCard.CardFrontPath.Split('/')[5];
                            var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath + file);
                            if (File.Exists(path))

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostCard.CardBackPath))
                            var file = PostCard.CardBackPath.Split('/')[5];
                            var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath + file);
                            if (File.Exists(path))

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostCard.CardBackPathWithIFrame))
                            var file = PostCard.CardBackPathWithIFrame.Split('/')[5];
                            var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath + file);
                            if (File.Exists(path))

                        PostCard = Mapper.Map <AddUpdateImageEditorModel, UserPostCard>(model, PostCard);
                        if (PostCard.IsOrderPlaced == true)
                            PostCard.IsOrderPlaced = true;
                            PostCard.OrderPlacedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            IEmailManager email = new EmailManager();
                            email.SendOrderStatusToAdmin("Placed", user);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CardFrontJson))
                            var frontUID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            var imageFront = Utilities.Base64ToImage(model.CardFront);

                            PostCard.ShipmentDate = model.ShipmentDate;
                            var frontImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "-front" + ".png";

                            if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath))

                            imageFront.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath) + frontImageName);

                            PostCard.CardFrontPath = rootPath + frontImageName;
                            PostCard.CardFront     = null;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CardBackJson))
                            var backUID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            var imageBack = Utilities.Base64ToImage(model.CardBack);

                            var backImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "-back" + ".png";

                            if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath))

                            imageBack.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath) + backImageName);

                            PostCard.CardBackPath = rootPath + backImageName;
                            PostCard.CardBack     = null;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CardBackJsonWithIFrame))
                            var backframeUID       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            var imageBackWithFrame = Utilities.Base64ToImage(model.CardBackWithFrame);

                            var backImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "-backWithFrame" + ".png";

                            if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath))

                            imageBackWithFrame.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath) + backImageName);

                            PostCard.CardBackPathWithIFrame = rootPath + backImageName;

                        if (PostCard.UserPostCardRecipients != null && PostCard.UserPostCardRecipients.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var item in PostCard.UserPostCardRecipients)
                        if (model.Recipients.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var item in model.Recipients)
                                if (user.CardsCount > 0)
                                    var recipient = new UserPostCardRecipient();
                                    recipient = Mapper.Map <UserRecipientModel, UserPostCardRecipient>(item, recipient);
                                    recipient.FKUserAddressBookId = item.ID;
                                    recipient.AddedOn             = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    recipient.IsCompleted         = false;
                                    recipient.IsApproved          = false;
                                    recipient.CardStatus          = (int)CardStatusTypes.InProgress;
                                    recipient.UserHistories.Add(new UserHistory()
                                        UserFK = model.UserID, Type = "Order Placed", TokenChange = "-1", AddedOn = DateTime.UtcNow

                                    if (model.IsOrderPlaced)
                                        user.CardsCount--; //27-feb-2018
                                    return(new ActionOutput <PostCardResultModel>
                                        Status = ActionStatus.Error,
                                        Message = "Your pending tokens are less than the recipient you added. Please add tokens for new orders."
                        PostCard.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        // Context.UserPostCards.Add(PostCard);
                        //       Context.UserPostCardRecipients.AddRange(PostCard.UserPostCardRecipients);
                        message = "Postcard details updated successfully.";
                        id      = PostCard.ID;
                        resultObject = new PostCardResultModel(PostCard);
                        var          rootPath = AttacmentsPath.UserProfileImages + user.FirstName.Replace(" ", "") + "-" + user.UserID + "/PostCards/";
                        var          postCard = new UserPostCard();
                        UserPostCard book     = Mapper.Map <AddUpdateImageEditorModel, UserPostCard>(model);
                        book.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        book.AddedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        if (book.IsOrderPlaced == true)
                            book.IsOrderPlaced = true;
                            book.OrderPlacedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            IEmailManager email = new EmailManager();
                            email.SendOrderStatusToAdmin("Placed", user);
                        book.ShipmentDate = model.ShipmentDate;
                        book.IsDeleted    = false;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CardFrontJson))
                            var frontUID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            var imageFront = Utilities.Base64ToImage(model.CardFront);

                            var frontImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "-front" + ".png";

                            if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath))

                            imageFront.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath) + frontImageName);

                            book.CardFrontPath = rootPath + frontImageName;
                            book.CardFront     = null;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CardBackJson))
                            var backUID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            var imageBack = Utilities.Base64ToImage(model.CardBack);

                            var backImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "-back" + ".png";

                            if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath))

                            imageBack.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath) + backImageName);

                            book.CardBackPath = rootPath + backImageName;
                            book.CardBack     = null;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CardBackJsonWithIFrame))
                            var backframeUID       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            var imageBackWithFrame = Utilities.Base64ToImage(model.CardBackWithFrame);

                            var backImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "-backWithFrame" + ".png";

                            if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath))

                            imageBackWithFrame.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(rootPath) + backImageName);

                            book.CardBackPathWithIFrame = rootPath + backImageName;

                        if (model.Recipients.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var item in model.Recipients)
                                if (user.CardsCount > 0)
                                    var recipient = new UserPostCardRecipient();
                                    recipient = Mapper.Map <UserRecipientModel, UserPostCardRecipient>(item, recipient);
                                    recipient.FKUserAddressBookId = item.ID;
                                    recipient.AddedOn             = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    recipient.IsCompleted         = false;
                                    recipient.IsApproved          = false;
                                    recipient.CardStatus          = (int)CardStatusTypes.InProgress;
                                    recipient.UserHistories.Add(new UserHistory()
                                        UserFK = model.UserID, Type = "Order Placed", TokenChange = "-1", AddedOn = DateTime.UtcNow

                                    if (model.IsOrderPlaced)
                                        user.CardsCount--; //27-feb-2018
                                    return(new ActionOutput <PostCardResultModel>
                                        Status = ActionStatus.Error,
                                        Message = "Your pending tokens are less than the recipient you added. Please add tokens for new orders."
                        if (model.SelectedImages != null)
                            if (model.SelectedImages.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var item in model.SelectedImages)
                                    var postCardImage = new UserPostCardImage();
                                    postCardImage        = Mapper.Map <PostCardSelectedImages, UserPostCardImage>(item, postCardImage);
                                    postCardImage.UsedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    postCardImage.UsedBy = model.UserID;
                        book.UserOrder             = new UserOrder();
                        book.UserOrder.OrderStatus = (short)eOrderStatus.OrderPlaced;
                        //  user.CardsCount--;

                        message      = "Postcard details added successfully.";
                        id           = book.ID;
                        resultObject = new PostCardResultModel(book);

                    if (user.OrderPlacedNotification == true && user.OrderPlacedNotification != null)
                        if (model.IsOrderPlaced == true)
                            IEmailManager _emailManager = new EmailManager();
                    return(new ActionOutput <PostCardResultModel>
                        Object = resultObject,
                        Status = ActionStatus.Successfull,
                        Message = message
                catch (Exception ex)
                    IErrorLogManager er = new ErrorLogManager();
                    return(new ActionOutput <PostCardResultModel>
                        Status = ActionStatus.Error,
                        Message = ex.Message
                return(new ActionOutput <PostCardResultModel>
                    Status = ActionStatus.Error,
                    Message = "You have used all your cards. Please purchase a new plan for more cards."