public static void ChangePuzzleUIText() { UIPuzzleStatus status = GameManager.Stage.uiPuzzle.puzzleStatus; RunTimer run =; status.affectionLabel.SetText("^C" + RunTimer.colors[(int)run.splitColor] + "FF" + run.splitText); if (run.prevColor != RunTimer.SplitColors.WHITE) { status.passionSubtitle.SetText("This Split/Gold"); string passionText = "^C" + RunTimer.colors[(int)run.prevColor] + "FF" + run.prevText + "^C" + RunTimer.colors[(int)run.goldColor] + "FF"; if (run.goldText != "") { if (run.prevText.Length <= 6) { passionText += " "; } passionText += "[" + run.goldText + "]"; } status.passionLabel.SetText(passionText); } else if (run.goldText != "") { string passionText = "^C" + RunTimer.colors[(int)run.goldColor] + "FF" + run.goldText; status.passionLabel.SetText(passionText); } }
public static void ChangeFile1Text(LoadScreenSaveFile __instance, ref int ____saveFileIndex, ref SaveFile ____saveFile) { if (____saveFile.started || !BaseHunieModPlugin.InGameTimer.Value) { return; } __instance.noDataContainer.gameObj.SetActive(false); __instance.dataContainer.gameObj.SetActive(true); __instance.titleLabel.SetText("Start New Run"); __instance.dataDateLabel.SetText(RunTimer.categories[BaseHunieModPlugin.lastChosenCategory]); __instance.dataLocationLabel.SetText(RunTimer.difficulties[BaseHunieModPlugin.lastChosenDifficulty]); __instance.dataTimeLabel.SetText(RunTimer.GetPB(BaseHunieModPlugin.lastChosenCategory, BaseHunieModPlugin.lastChosenDifficulty)); __instance.dataGirlLabel.SetText(RunTimer.GetGolds(BaseHunieModPlugin.lastChosenCategory, BaseHunieModPlugin.lastChosenDifficulty)); }
public static void Update() { if (!BaseHunieModPlugin.InGameTimer.Value || == null) { return; } RunTimer run =; //checking criterias for non-Wing categories if (run.goal == 100 && GameManager.System.SaveFile != null && GameManager.System.SaveFile.GetPercentComplete() == 100) { run.split(); string newSplit = "100%\n " + run.splitText + "\n"; run.push(newSplit);; //run.goal should no longer be 100% now, so this will only execute once } int goalMillis = 1000; //lower milliseconds before stats show in bonus rounds, because it fades away too quick if (isBonusRound) { goalMillis = 500; } if (initialTimerDelay.IsRunning && initialTimerDelay.ElapsedMilliseconds > goalMillis) { initialTimerDelay.Reset(); preventAllUpdate = true; } //there's no point to reverting our change early, because the passion level gets drained to zero by then anyway /* * if (revertDiffDelay.IsRunning && revertDiffDelay.ElapsedMilliseconds > 6000) * { * revertDiffDelay.Reset(); * preventAllUpdate = false; * UIPuzzleStatus status = GameManager.Stage.uiPuzzle.puzzleStatus; * int plevel = (int)AccessTools.Field(typeof(UIPuzzleStatus), "_passionLevel").GetValue(status); * status.passionSubtitle.SetText("Passion Level"); * status.SetPassionLevel(plevel); * } */ }
private void Update() // Another Unity method { //Logger.LogMessage("scroll wheel: " + Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel")); //InputPatches.mouseWasDown = false; InputPatches.mouseWasClicked = false; RunTimerPatches.Update(); //Test if we should send the "Venus unlocked" signal //All Panties routes would have met Momo or Celeste by now if (GameManager.System.GameState == GameState.SIM && GameManager.System.Player.GetGirlData(GameManager.Stage.uiGirl.alienGirlDef).metStatus != GirlMetStatus.MET && GameManager.System.Player.GetGirlData(GameManager.Stage.uiGirl.catGirlDef).metStatus != GirlMetStatus.MET && !BaseHunieModPlugin.cheatsEnabled && GameManager.Stage.girl.definition.firstName == "Venus" && GameManager.System.Player.GetGirlData(GameManager.Stage.girl.definition).metStatus != GirlMetStatus.MET && GameManager.Stage.girl.girlPieceContainers.localX < 520) { BasePatches.searchForMe = 500; if (run != null && run.goal == 69) { run.split(); string newSplit = "Venus Unlocked\n " + run.splitText + "\n"; run.push(newSplit);; } } if (GameManager.System.GameState == GameState.TITLE && BasePatches.titleScreenInteractive) { bool updateText = false; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { lastChosenDifficulty++; if (lastChosenDifficulty >= RunTimer.difficulties.Length) { lastChosenDifficulty = 0; } updateText = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { lastChosenDifficulty--; if (lastChosenDifficulty < 0) { lastChosenDifficulty = RunTimer.difficulties.Length - 1; } updateText = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { lastChosenCategory++; if (lastChosenCategory >= RunTimer.categories.Length) { lastChosenCategory = 0; } updateText = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { lastChosenCategory--; if (lastChosenCategory < 0) { lastChosenCategory = RunTimer.categories.Length - 1; } updateText = true; } if (updateText) { RunTimerPatches.UpdateFiles(); } if (CheatHotkeyEnabled.Value && cheatsEnabled == false && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C)) { GameManager.System.Audio.Play(AudioCategory.SOUND, GameManager.Stage.uiPuzzle.puzzleGrid.failureSound, false, 2f, false); GameManager.System.Audio.Play(AudioCategory.SOUND, GameManager.Stage.uiPuzzle.puzzleGrid.badMoveSound, false, 2f, false); PlayCheatLine(); Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(CheatPatches), null); cheatsEnabled = true; } } if (ResetKey.Value.IsDown() || ResetKey2.Value.IsDown()) { if (GameManager.System.GameState == GameState.TITLE) { //GameUtil.QuitGame(); } else { if (GameUtil.EndGameSession(false, false, false)) { hasReturned = true; BasePatches.searchForMe = -111; if (run != null) { run.reset(); run = null; } } } } //display the splits folder on Ctrl+S if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)) { //display the splits folder on Ctrl+S if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { if (GameManager.System.GameState == GameState.TITLE) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/splits"); } /* * else if (run != null) * { *; * GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "Run saved!"); * }*/ } //reset run on Ctrl+R if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && run != null) { run.reset(true); GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "Run reset!"); } //quit run on Ctrl+Q if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q) && run != null) { run.reset(false); GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "Run quit!"); } } if (cheatsEnabled) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F1)) { if (GameManager.System.GameState == GameState.PUZZLE) { if (GameManager.System.Puzzle.Game.puzzleGameState == PuzzleGameState.WAITING) { GameManager.System.Puzzle.Game.SetResourceValue(PuzzleGameResourceType.AFFECTION, 999999, false); GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "Puzzle cleared!"); } } else if (GameManager.System.GameState == GameState.SIM) { CheatPatches.AddGreatGiftsToInventory(); = 69420; GameManager.System.Player.hunie = 69420; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F2)) { if (savingDisabled) { savingDisabled = false; GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "Saving has been enabled"); } else { savingDisabled = true; GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "Saving has been disabled"); } } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) { InputPatches.mashCheat = !InputPatches.mashCheat; if (InputPatches.mashCheat) { GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "MASH POWER ACTIVATED!!!!!"); } else { GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "Mash power disabled"); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { //PUZZLE TEST /*The pieces in tokens are ordered alphabetically * Broken Heart, Flirtation, Joy, Passion, Romance, Sentiment, Sexuality, Talent */ GameUtil.ShowNotification(CellNotificationType.MESSAGE, "PUZZLE TEST"); PuzzleTokenDefinition[] tokens = GameManager.Data.PuzzleTokens.GetAll(); Dictionary <string, PuzzleGridPosition> theBoard = (Dictionary <string, PuzzleGridPosition>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(PuzzleGame), "_gridPositions").GetValue(Game.Puzzle.Game); UIPuzzleGrid ui = (UIPuzzleGrid)AccessTools.Field(typeof(PuzzleGame), "_puzzleGrid").GetValue(Game.Puzzle.Game); /* * int[] badboard = { * 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 7, * 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, * 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, * 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 7, * 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, * 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, * 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 7 * }; */ int[] badboard = { 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 7, 4, 6, 7, 1, 4, 0, 7, 1, 6, 7, 1, 4, 6, 6, 1, 4, 1, 4, 6, 7, 1, 6, 6, 7, 4, 6, 7, 6, 6, 7, 6, 1, 6, 7, 1, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 1, 4, 6, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 }; for (int m = 6; m >= 0; m--) { for (int n = 7; n >= 0; n--) { PuzzleGridPosition blank = new PuzzleGridPosition(m, n, ui); PuzzleGridPosition pgp = theBoard[blank.GetKey(0, 0)]; PuzzleToken pt = (PuzzleToken)AccessTools.Field(typeof(PuzzleGridPosition), "_token").GetValue(pgp); pt.definition = tokens[badboard[(m * 8) + n]]; pt.level = 1; pt.sprite.SetSprite(GameManager.Stage.uiPuzzle.puzzleGrid.puzzleTokenSpriteCollection, pt.definition.levels[pt.level - 1].GetSpriteName(false, false)); pgp.SetToken(pt); } } } } } }
void Start() { if (!VsyncEnabled.Value) { QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; if (CapAt144.Value) { Application.targetFrameRate = 144; } else { Application.targetFrameRate = 60; } } Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(BasePatches), null); //initiate the variable used for autosplitting BasePatches.InitSearchForMe(); //Create the splits files for the first time if they don't exist if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists("splits")) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("splits"); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("splits/data"); } RunTimer.ConvertOldSplits(); //Check for a new update WebClient client = new WebClient(); try { string reply = client.DownloadString(""); if (reply != PluginVersion) { newVersionAvailable = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogDebug("Couldn't read the update pastebin! " + e.ToString()); } //Create the item names dictionary for easier rewarding of specific items foreach (ItemDefinition item in HunieMod.Definitions.Items) { ItemNameList.Add(,; } if (CensorshipEnabled.Value) { Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(CensorshipPatches), null); } if (InputModsEnabled.Value) { Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(InputPatches), null); } if (InGameTimer.Value) { Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(RunTimerPatches), null); } string both = MouseKeys.Value + "," + ControllerKeys.Value; string[] keys = both.Split(','); string validKeycodes = "Mouse button bound to keys/buttons: "; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { keys[i] = keys[i].Trim(); KeyCode kc = KeyCode.None; try { kc = (KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), keys[i]); } catch { Logger.LogMessage(keys[i] + " is not a valid keycode name!"); } if (kc != KeyCode.None) { InputPatches.mouseKeyboardKeys.Add(kc); validKeycodes += keys[i] + ", "; } } Logger.LogMessage(validKeycodes); }
public static void AutosplitHelp(PuzzleGame __instance, ref int ____goalAffection, ref bool ____victory, ref bool ____isBonusRound) { //allow splits to happen with cheats/has returned, as long as we don't auto-start with those on it's fine //if (BaseHunieModPlugin.cheatsEnabled || BaseHunieModPlugin.hasReturned) return; if (__instance.currentDisplayAffection == 0) { startingCompletedGirls = GameManager.System.Player.GetTotalMaxRelationships(); startingRelationship = GameManager.System.Player.GetGirlData(GameManager.Stage.girl.definition).relationshipLevel; } if (__instance.currentDisplayAffection == ____goalAffection && (____victory || ____isBonusRound)) { //make the autosplitter more viable for 100%? if (startingCompletedGirls < 12) { searchForMe = 100; } //if a timer is running, split if (!splitThisDate && != null) { bool didSplit = false; RunTimer run =; //don't split for dates in postgame if (startingCompletedGirls < 12) { //check our rules if (run.goal <= 2 || BaseHunieModPlugin.SplitRules.Value <= 0) { didSplit = run.split(____isBonusRound); } else if (BaseHunieModPlugin.SplitRules.Value == 1 && !____isBonusRound) { didSplit = run.split(____isBonusRound); } else if (BaseHunieModPlugin.SplitRules.Value == 2 && ____isBonusRound) { didSplit = run.split(____isBonusRound); } //check for final split regardless of option //technically someone could just repeat sex with a girl to trigger this split. if they do that, too bad else if (____isBonusRound && (run.goal == startingCompletedGirls + 1)) { didSplit = run.split(____isBonusRound); } } if (didSplit) { RunTimerPatches.initialTimerDelay.Start(); if (!____isBonusRound) { RunTimerPatches.revertDiffDelay.Start(); } RunTimerPatches.isBonusRound = ____isBonusRound; int dateNum = startingRelationship; //if (____isBonusRound) dateNum++; I thought I need to increase this but it makes it #6 string newSplit = GameManager.Stage.girl.definition.firstName + " #" + dateNum; if (GameManager.Stage.girl.definition.firstName == "Kyu" && startingCompletedGirls == 0) { newSplit = "Tutorial"; } newSplit += "\n " + run.splitText + "\n"; run.push(newSplit); if (____isBonusRound && (run.goal == startingCompletedGirls + 1)) {; } } } splitThisDate = true; } else { searchForMe = 0; replacingText = false; splitThisDate = false; } }