internal void OnEarlyInitialize()
            // offload reading and parsing XML files to a worker thread
            var loadingTask = Task.Run(UpdateFeatureDefLoader.LoadUpdateFeatureDefNodes);

            // this should put us just before backstory loading in the DoPlayLoad cycle
            // we inject our defs early on to take advantage of the stock translation injection system

            void ResolveAndInjectNewsDefs()
                // this must be done synchronously to avoid creating potential race conditions with other mods
                try {
                    if (!loadingTask.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("XML loading did not resolve in time");
                    var(nodes, errors) = loadingTask.Result;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    HugsLibController.Logger.Error("Failed to load UpdateFeatureDefs: " + e);
 IEnumerable <UpdateFeatureDef> IUpdateFeaturesDevActions.ReloadAllUpdateFeatureDefs()
     return(DefDatabase <UpdateFeatureDef> .AllDefs);