private void timerTick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Timer tick " + UnixTimeNow()); Thread t = new Thread(() => { Api api = new Api(); // Graph if (nextMin < UnixTimeNow()) { nextMin = UnixTimeNow() + 60; this.Invoke(new Action(() => this.chart1.Series["User(s) in chat"].Points.AddXY(DateTime.Now.ToString("H:mm"), members.Count(user => user.isOnline == true)))); } // bet if (bet != null) { if (bet.nextAnnouncement < UnixTimeNow()) { bet.nextAnnouncement = UnixTimeNow() + bet.betAnnouncementWaiter; // We write an announcement this.Invoke(new Action(() => connection.Sender.PublicMessage("#" + this.channelBox.Text, "Betting is open: " + + " !bet a: " + bet.optionA + " !bet b: " + bet.optionB + ". Max. betsize is: " + bet.maxBet + ". To bet, type: !bet a <amount> or !bet b <amount>."))); bet.nextAnnouncement = UnixTimeNow() + bet.betAnnouncementWaiter; } // Is finished? if (bet.betEnd < UnixTimeNow()) { bet.acceptBets = false; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { MessageBox.Show("The bet has ended, please select a winning option", "BET ENDED", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); label34.Text = "Status: Not accepting bets."; })); } // we update the stats on the giveaway page this.Invoke(new Action(() => { currentBetLabel1.Text = "Current members in the bet: " + (bet.membersOptionA.Count() + bet.membersOptionB.Count()); currentBetLabel2.Text = "Total points in bet pool: " + (bet.membersOptionA.Sum(temp1 => temp1.Item2) + bet.membersOptionB.Sum(temp2 => temp2.Item2)); currentBetLabel3.Text = "Time left on bet: " + (bet.betEnd - UnixTimeNow()) + " seconds"; })); } // Giveaway if (giveaway != null) { if (giveaway.nextAnnouncement < UnixTimeNow()) { giveaway.nextAnnouncement = UnixTimeNow() + giveaway.timeAnnouncementWaiter; // We write an announcement this.Invoke(new Action(() => connection.Sender.PublicMessage("#" + this.channelBox.Text, "Enter the giveaway for " + + "! Type !" + giveaway.slug + " in chat. Total entries so far: " + giveaway.members.Count() + "."))); giveaway.nextAnnouncement = UnixTimeNow() + giveaway.timeAnnouncementWaiter; } // Is finished? if (giveaway.endTime < UnixTimeNow()) { User winner = giveaway.getWinner(); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { connection.Sender.PublicMessage("#" +, "The winner of the giveaway is: " + winner.nick + "!"); currentGiveawayLabel4.Text = "Winner: " + winner.nick; giveawayBox.Enabled = true; currentGiveawayBox.Enabled = false; })); giveaway = null; } // we update the stats on the giveaway page this.Invoke(new Action(() => { currentGiveawayLabel1.Text = "Current members in the giveaway: " + giveaway.members.Count(); currentGiveawayLabel2.Text = "Total points used on giveaway: " + giveaway.members.Count() * giveaway.cost; currentGiveawayLabel3.Text = "Time left on giveaway: " + (giveaway.endTime - UnixTimeNow()) + " seconds"; })); } // Sync if (nextSync < UnixTimeNow()) { nextSync = UnixTimeNow() + (60 * 5); List<User> _syncMembers = api.syncUsers(api.getUsers(channelBox.Text), channelBox.Text); // update followers this.members = api.updatedFollowers(_syncMembers, channelBox.Text, 0); nextSync = UnixTimeNow() + (60 * 5); } }); t.Start(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Api a = new Api(); a.listUsers(members); }
private void connectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check values if (!checkString(channelBox.Text, "Please enter a valid channelname.")) { } else if (!checkString(serverBox.Text, "Please enter a valid server")) { } else if (!checkString(usernameBox.Text, "Please enter a valid username.")) { } else if (!checkString(OAuthBox.Text, "Please enter a valid oAuth key.")) { } else if (!checkInt(giftMin.Text, "Please enter a number in gift min.")) { } else if (!checkInt(textBox5.Text, "Please enter a number in gift reward amount.")) { } else if (!checkInt(costOfHugBox.Text, "Please enter a number in cost of " + textBox13.Text + "(s).")) { } else if (!checkInt(followRewardBox.Text, "Please enter a number in follow reward.")) { } else if (!checkString(textBox12.Text, "Please enter a valid HugPoints name.")) { } else if (!checkString(textBox13.Text, "Please enter a valid HugPoints short name.")) { } else { try { // load users this.Invoke(new Action(() => this.chatMessage.Text += "[SYSTEM] Loading users from API...\n")); Api a = new Api(); this.members = a.getUsers(channelBox.Text); this.Invoke(new Action(() => this.chatMessage.Text += "[SYSTEM] Loaded af total of " + members.Count + " members from API.\n")); } catch (Exception e1) { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to API."); this.chatMessage.Text += "[SYSTEM] Could not connect to API.\n"; MessageBox.Show("Could not connect to API", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1 ); return; } CreateConnection(); //OnRegister tells us that we have successfully established a connection with //the server. Once this is established we can join channels, check for people //online, or whatever. connection.Listener.OnRegistered += new RegisteredEventHandler(OnRegistered); //Listen for any messages sent to the channel connection.Listener.OnPublic += new PublicMessageEventHandler(OnPublic); // If a user joins connection.Listener.OnJoin += new JoinEventHandler(OnJoin); // If a user leaves connection.Listener.OnPart += new PartEventHandler(OnPart); //Listen for bot commands sent as private messages connection.Listener.OnPrivate += new PrivateMessageEventHandler(OnPrivate); //Listen for notification that an error has ocurred connection.Listener.OnError += new ErrorMessageEventHandler(OnError); //Listen for notification that we are no longer connected. connection.Listener.OnDisconnected += new DisconnectedEventHandler(OnDisconnected); } }
private void button16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Api a = new Api(); a.updatedFollowers(members, channelBox.Text, 0); }