Exemple #1
        public static Cordinate DrawPoly(StreamWriter OutFile, double HpglPpmm, string data, bool IsRapid)
            string[]  Cordinates;
            Cordinate XY = new Cordinate(0, 0);

            if (data.Trim().Length > 0)
                Cordinates = data.Trim().Split(',');
                if (Cordinates.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Cordinates.Length; i += 2)
                        XY.X = Cordinates[i].ToDouble() / HpglPpmm;
                        XY.Y = Cordinates[i + 1].ToDouble() / HpglPpmm;
                        OutFile.WriteLine((IsRapid ? "G1" : "G0") + " X" + XY.XString + " Y" + XY.YString);
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string InFileName  = null;
            string OutFileName = null;
            string InLine;

            string[]     HpglCommands;
            string       HpglCode;
            StreamReader InFile;
            StreamWriter OutFile;

            Settings settings  = new Settings();
            ArgProc  arguments = new ArgProc(args, settings);

            // test

             * Console.WriteLine("Arguments:");
             * for (int i = 0; i < arguments.ArgCount; i++)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("[" + i.ToString() + "] " + arguments[i]);
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine("Switches:");
             * foreach (string switchKey in arguments.SwitchKeys)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("[" + switchKey + "] " + arguments[switchKey]);
             * }
            // end test

            double HpglPpmm = arguments["HpglPpmm"].ToDouble(); // Hpgl Points per mm
            //double Speed = arguments["Speed"].ToDouble();
            Cordinate CurrentXY;
            Cordinate CenterXY = new Cordinate(0, 0);;
            double    Angle;
            double    Alpha;
            Cordinate XY = new Cordinate(0, 0);
            double    R;
            Cordinate IJ;

            string[] HpglParams;
            bool     IsDrawing = false;

            Console.WriteLine("HPGL to GCODE Converter v0.1 alpha - Copyright (C) 2017 by SUF");
            Console.WriteLine("This program is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify");
            Console.WriteLine("it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by");
            Console.WriteLine("the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or");
            Console.WriteLine("any later version.");

            if (arguments.ArgCount == 2)
                InFileName  = arguments[0];
                OutFileName = arguments[1];
                InFileName  = arguments["Source"];
                OutFileName = arguments["Destination"];
            if (InFileName != null && OutFileName != null)
                InFile  = new StreamReader(InFileName);
                OutFile = new StreamWriter(OutFileName);
                // Write header
                IsDrawing = false;
                if (!ArgProc.GetBool(arguments["IgnoreSpeed"]))
                    OutFile.WriteLine("G1 F" + arguments["Speed"]);
                OutFile.WriteLine("G28 " + arguments["HomeAxes"]);
                CurrentXY = new Cordinate(0, 0);
                while (!InFile.EndOfStream)
                    InLine       = InFile.ReadLine();
                    HpglCommands = InLine.Split(';');
                    foreach (string HpglCommand in HpglCommands)
                        if (HpglCommand.Trim().Length > 1)
                            HpglCode = HpglCommand.Trim().Substring(0, 2);
                            switch (HpglCode)
                            case "PU":      // Pen Up
                                IsDrawing = false;
                                CurrentXY = DrawPoly(OutFile, HpglPpmm, HpglCommand.Substring(2).Trim(), false);

                            case "PD":     // Pen Down
                                IsDrawing = true;
                                CurrentXY = DrawPoly(OutFile, HpglPpmm, HpglCommand.Substring(2).Trim(), true);

                            case "VS":     // Velocity Set
                                if (!ArgProc.GetBool(arguments["IgnoreVelocity"]))
                                    OutFile.WriteLine("G1 F" + (HpglCommand.Substring(2).ToDouble() * arguments["VelocityScale"].ToDouble()).ToIString());

                            case "IN":     // Start

                            case "SP":

                            case "PA":     // Position Absolute
                                XY        = CurrentXY;
                                CurrentXY = DrawPoly(OutFile, HpglPpmm, HpglCommand.Substring(2).Trim(), IsDrawing);
                                CurrentXY = XY;

                            case "CI":      // Circle
                                // Parse radius
                                R = HpglCommand.Substring(2).Trim().ToDouble() / HpglPpmm;
                                // Move negative X by Radius to arrive to the arc
                                OutFile.WriteLine("G0 X" + (CurrentXY.X - R).ToIString());
                                // Pen down - there is no PD command before CI, it assume that you draw the circle
                                IsDrawing = true;
                                // Draw the circle
                                OutFile.WriteLine("G2 I" + R.ToIString());
                                CurrentXY.X -= R;

                            case "AA":     // Arc Absolute
                                // gather the parameters
                                HpglParams = HpglCommand.Substring(2).Trim().Split(',');
                                CenterXY.X = HpglParams[0].ToDouble() / HpglPpmm;
                                CenterXY.Y = HpglParams[1].ToDouble() / HpglPpmm;
                                Angle      = HpglParams[2].ToDouble();
                                // calculate the relative center point (I,J)
                                IJ = CenterXY - CurrentXY;
                                // calculate the radius (pythagorean theorem)
                                R = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(IJ.X, 2) + Math.Pow(IJ.Y, 2));
                                // calculate the angle between start point and the X axis
                                Alpha = DegMath.Asin((CurrentXY.Y - CenterXY.Y) / R);
                                // extend the -90 to 90 degree angle to -270 to 90
                                if (CurrentXY.X < CenterXY.X)
                                    Alpha = -180 - Alpha;
                                // calculate the arc end absolute cordinates
                                XY.X = CenterXY.X + R * DegMath.Cos(Angle + Alpha);
                                XY.Y = CenterXY.Y + R * DegMath.Sin(Angle + Alpha);
                                // generate the gcode
                                // the positive angles moves CCV, the negative angles move CV
                                OutFile.WriteLine((Angle > 0 ? "G3 X" : "G2 X") + XY.XString + " Y" + XY.YString + " I" + IJ.XString + " J" + IJ.YString);
                                // Save the cordinates
                                CurrentXY = XY;

                                // Unknown or unimplemented command arrived
                                Console.WriteLine("Warrning: Unknown Command: " + HpglCommand);
                if (InFileName == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Command line error: Source file missing");
                if (OutFileName == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Command line error: Destination file missing");