public int VerifyInDepot(int MainID, bool t, int TableTypeID) { Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo bllAI = new AmountInfo(); Hownet.BLL.Materiel bllMat = new Materiel(); Hownet.Model.ProductTaskMain modPTM = GetModel(MainID); List <Hownet.Model.AmountInfo> liAI = bllAI.DataTableToList(bllAI.GetList("(MainID=" + MainID + ") And (TableTypeID=" + TableTypeID + ")").Tables[0]); Hownet.BLL.Repertory bllRe = new Repertory(); Hownet.Model.Repertory modRe; Hownet.Model.Materiel modMat = bllMat.GetModel(modPTM.MaterielID); int a = 0; if (liAI.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < liAI.Count; i++) { modRe = new Model.Repertory(); modRe.Amount = liAI[i].Amount; modRe.BrandID = modPTM.BrandID; modRe.ColorID = liAI[i].ColorID; modRe.ColorOneID = liAI[i].ColorOneID; modRe.ColorTwoID = liAI[i].ColorTwoID; modRe.DepartmentID = modPTM.DeparmentID; modRe.MaterielID = modPTM.MaterielID; modRe.MeasureID = modMat.MeasureID; modRe.MListID = liAI[i].MListID; modRe.SizeID = liAI[i].SizeID; bllRe.InOrOut(modRe, t); } } return(a); }
/// <summary> /// 将生产计划进行生产 /// </summary> /// <param name="PlanID">计划单ID</param> /// <param name="TaskID">生产单ID</param> /// <param name="PlanTypeID">计划单类型</param> /// <param name="TaskTypeID">生产单类型</param> /// <param name="t">真为生产,假为取消生产单</param> public void UpPlanAmount(int PlanID, int TaskID, int PlanTypeID, int TaskTypeID, bool t) { Hownet.BLL.AmountInfo bllAI = new AmountInfo(); List <Hownet.Model.AmountInfo> liPP = bllAI.DataTableToList(bllAI.GetList("(MainID=" + PlanID + ") And (TableTypeID=" + PlanTypeID + ")").Tables[0]); if (liPP.Count > 0) { List <Hownet.Model.AmountInfo> liTask = bllAI.DataTableToList(bllAI.GetList("(MainID=" + TaskID + ") And (TableTypeID=" + TaskTypeID + ")").Tables[0]); if (liTask.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < liPP.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < liTask.Count; j++) { if (liPP[i].MListID == liTask[j].MListID) { if (t) { liPP[i].NotAmount -= liTask[j].Amount; } else { liPP[i].NotAmount += liTask[j].Amount; } bllAI.Update(liPP[i]); break; } } } } } Hownet.Model.ProductionPlan modPP = GetModel(PlanID); if (modPP.IsVerify < 4) { modPP.IsVerify = 4; Update(modPP); } }