Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Gossips with the specified wow object. Hearthstone bind popups are automatically accepted</summary>
        /// <param name="wowObject">The wow object. Navigates to <paramref name="searchLocation" /> null </param>
        /// <param name="searchLocation">The search location of <paramref name="wowObject" />.</param>
        /// <param name="movementBy">The movement type to use.</param>
        /// <param name="navigationFailedAction">
        ///     The action to take if <paramref name="wowObject" /> or <paramref name="searchLocation"/> cant be navigated to
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="notFoundAction">
        ///     The action to take if <paramref name="wowObject" /> is not found at
        ///     <paramref name="searchLocation" />.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="noGossipFrameAction">
        ///     The action to take if interaction with <paramref name="wowObject" /> didn't open a
        ///     gossip frame.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="noMatchingGossipOptionAction">
        ///     <para>The action to take if the passed in gossip type and/or gossip indices </para>
        ///     <para>doesn't match what was offered by <paramref name="wowObject" />.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="gossipEntryType">
        ///     <para>Type gossip entry type to select. Ignored if set to Unknown.</para>
        ///		<para>If none of this type are found on current page then</para>
        ///     <para> normal gossip types are clicked through in hopes of ending on a page with this gossip type</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="gossipIndexes">
        ///     The gossip indexes to follow through. Has precedence over
        ///     <paramref name="gossipEntryType" />.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">A delegate callback throws an exception.</exception>
        public static async Task <bool> Gossip(
            WoWObject wowObject,
            Vector3 searchLocation,
            MovementByType movementBy                   = MovementByType.FlightorPreferred,
            Action navigationFailedAction               = null,
            Action notFoundAction                       = null,
            Action noGossipFrameAction                  = null,
            Action noMatchingGossipOptionAction         = null,
            GossipEntry.GossipEntryType gossipEntryType = GossipEntry.GossipEntryType.Unknown,
            params int[] gossipIndexes)
            if (wowObject == null)
                if (!Navigator.AtLocation(searchLocation))
                    if (await MoveTo(searchLocation, "Gossip object search area", movementBy))


                if (notFoundAction != null)
                    TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for the WoW object selected for gossip to spawn";

            if (!wowObject.WithinInteractRange)
                if (await MoveTo(wowObject.Location, wowObject.SafeName, movementBy, wowObject.InteractRange))


            if (await CommonCoroutines.Dismount("Gossiping with " + wowObject.SafeName))
                await Coroutine.Sleep(Delay.BeforeButtonClick);

            // If gossip frame is open then we must assume that it doesn't belong to the selected gossip object at this point
            if (GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible)

            Func <bool> isFrameReadyForInput =
                () =>
                GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible &&
                (GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries != null ||
                 (!gossipIndexes.Any() && gossipEntryType == GossipEntry.GossipEntryType.Unknown));

            var openedGossipFrame = await Coroutine.Wait(3000, isFrameReadyForInput);

            if (!openedGossipFrame)
                QBCLog.Warning("No gossip frame was opened after interacting with {0}", wowObject.SafeName);


            int gossipPage = 1;

            // Click through all the gossip indices
            for (var i = 0; i < gossipIndexes.Length; i++)
                var index = gossipIndexes[i] - 1;

                var gossipEntry =
                    GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries.Where(g => g.Index == index)
                    .Select(g => (GossipEntry?)g)

                if (!gossipEntry.HasValue || gossipEntry.Value.Type == GossipEntry.GossipEntryType.Unknown)
                    QBCLog.Warning("{0} does not provide a gossip at index {1} on page {2}", wowObject.SafeName, index + 1, gossipPage);

                await ClickGossipOption(gossipEntry.Value, gossipPage);

                // make sure frame didn't close before we're done.
                if (!isFrameReadyForInput() && (i < gossipIndexes.Length - 1 || gossipEntryType != GossipEntry.GossipEntryType.Unknown))
                    // This can happen if some external event causes object to stop offering gossip frame, such as NPC getting into combat.
                    // Usually this can be fixed by interacting with object again at a later time. We let the caller handle this.
                    QBCLog.Warning("Gossip frame for {0} closed unexpectedly.", wowObject.SafeName);

            if (gossipEntryType != GossipEntry.GossipEntryType.Unknown)
                if (!gossipIndexes.Any())
                    while (true)
                        var gossipEntry = GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Type == gossipEntryType);
                        // If no gossip indices were specified then we just click through more gossip,
                        // hopefully it leads to the final gossip type
                        if (gossipEntry.Type != gossipEntryType)
                            gossipEntry =
                                GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Type == GossipEntry.GossipEntryType.Gossip);

                        if (gossipEntry.Type == GossipEntry.GossipEntryType.Unknown)
                            QBCLog.Warning("{0} does not provide a {0} gossip type", wowObject.SafeName, gossipEntryType);

                        await ClickGossipOption(gossipEntry, gossipPage);

                        if (!isFrameReadyForInput() && gossipEntry.Type != gossipEntryType)
                            // This can happen if some external event causes object to stop offering gossip frame, such as NPC getting into combat.
                            // Usually this can be fixed by interacting with object again at a later time. We let the caller handle this.
                            QBCLog.Warning("Gossip frame for {0} closed unexpectedly.", wowObject.SafeName);

                        if (gossipEntry.Type == gossipEntryType)


            // Set hearthstone automatically
            const string setHsPopupName = "CONFIRM_BINDER";

            if (Lua.GetReturnVal <bool>($"return StaticPopup_Visible('{setHsPopupName}')", 0))
                uint hsId = StyxWoW.Me.HearthstoneAreaId;
                    $"local _,frame = StaticPopup_Visible('{setHsPopupName}') if frame then StaticPopup_OnClick(frame, 1) end");

                if (await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => StyxWoW.Me.HearthstoneAreaId != hsId))
                    await CommonCoroutines.SleepForRandomReactionTime();

                    var boundLocation = Lua.GetReturnVal <string>("return GetBindLocation()", 0);

                        "You are now bound at {0} Inn in {1}({2})",
                        (Query.IsViable(wowObject) ? wowObject.SafeName : "the"),
Exemple #2
        public static async Task <SpellCastResult> CastSpell(
            int spellId,
            WoWObject target = null,
            System.Action actionOnSuccessfulSpellCastDelegate = null)
            // Viable target?
            // If target is null, then assume 'self'.
            // NB: Since target may go invalid immediately upon casting the spell,
            // we cache its name for use in subsequent log entries.
            var selectedObject = target ?? Me;

            if (!Query.IsViable(selectedObject))
                QBCLog.Warning("Target is not viable!");

            var targetName = selectedObject.SafeName;

            // Target must be a WoWUnit for us to be able to cast a spell on it...
            var selectedTarget = selectedObject as WoWUnit;

            if (!Query.IsViable(selectedTarget))
                QBCLog.Warning("Target {0} is not a WoWUnit--cannot cast spell on it.", targetName);

            // Spell known?
            WoWSpell selectedSpell = WoWSpell.FromId(spellId);

            if (selectedSpell == null)
                QBCLog.Warning("{0} is not known.", Utility.GetSpellNameFromId(spellId));
            var spellName = selectedSpell.Name;

            // Need to be facing target...
            // NB: Not all spells require this, but many do.
            Utility.Target(selectedTarget, true);

            // Wait for spell to become ready...
            if (!SpellManager.CanCast(selectedSpell))
                    "{0} is not usable, yet.  (cooldown remaining: {1})",

            // Notify user of intent...
            var message = string.Format("Attempting cast of '{0}' on '{1}'", spellName, targetName);

            message +=
                    ? " (dead)"
                    : string.Format(" (health: {0:F1})", selectedTarget.HealthPercent);

            // Set up 'interrupted use' detection, and cast spell...
            using (var castMonitor = SpellCastMonitor.Start(spellId))
                SpellManager.Cast(selectedSpell, selectedTarget);

                // NB: The target or the spell may not be valid after this point...
                // Some targets will go 'invalid' immediately afer interacting with them.
                // Most of the time this happens, the target is immediately and invisibly replaced with
                // an identical looking target with a different script.
                // We must assume our target and spell is no longer available for use after this point.

                await Coroutine.Sleep((int)Delay.AfterItemUse.TotalMilliseconds);

                // If item use requires a second click on the target (e.g., item has a 'ground target' mechanic)...
                await CastPendingSpell(selectedTarget);

                // Wait for any casting to complete...
                // NB: Some interactions or item usages take time, and the WoWclient models this as spellcasting.

                var castResult = await castMonitor.GetResult();

                if (castResult != SpellCastResult.Succeeded)
                    string reason = castResult == SpellCastResult.UnknownFail
                        ? castMonitor.FailReason
                        : castResult.ToString();

                    QBCLog.Warning("Cast of {0} failed. Reason: {1}", spellName, reason);
                    // Give whatever issue encountered a chance to settle...
                    // NB: --we want the Sequence to fail when delay completes.
                    if (castResult != SpellCastResult.LineOfSight &&
                        castResult != SpellCastResult.OutOfRange &&
                        castResult != SpellCastResult.TooClose)
                        await Coroutine.Sleep(1500);

                QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Cast of '{0}' on '{1}' succeeded.", spellName, targetName);

                if (actionOnSuccessfulSpellCastDelegate != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// <para>This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
        /// We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
        /// constructor call.</para>
        /// <para>It also captures the user's configuration, and installs Behavior Tree hooks.  The items will
        /// be restored when the behavior terminates, or Honorbuddy is stopped.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <return>true, if the behavior should run; false, if it should not.</return>
        /// <param name="extraGoalTextDescription"></param>
        protected bool OnStart_QuestBehaviorCore(string extraGoalTextDescription = null)
            // Semantic coherency / covariant dependency checks...
                                         ((QuestObjectiveIndex > 0) && (QuestId <= 0)),
                                         context => string.Format("QuestObjectiveIndex of '{0}' specified, but no corresponding QuestId provided",

            // Deprecated attributes...

            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            // NB: Since the IsDone property may skip checking the 'progress conditions', we need to explicltly
            // check them here to see if we even need to start the behavior.
            if (!(IsDone || !UtilIsProgressRequirementsMet(QuestId, QuestRequirementInLog, QuestRequirementComplete)))
                this.UpdateGoalText(QuestId, extraGoalTextDescription);

                // Start the timer to measure the behavior run time...

                // Monitored Behaviors...
                if (QuestBehaviorCoreSettings.Instance.MonitoredBehaviors.Contains(GetType().Name))
                    QBCLog.Debug("MONITORED BEHAVIOR: {0}", GetType().Name);

                _configMemento = CreateConfigMemento();

                if (Targeting.Instance != null)
                    Targeting.Instance.IncludeTargetsFilter += TargetFilter_IncludeTargets;
                    Targeting.Instance.RemoveTargetsFilter  += TargetFilter_RemoveTargets;
                    Targeting.Instance.WeighTargetsFilter   += TargetFilter_WeighTargets;


                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain   = BehaviorHookInstall("Combat_Main", CreateBehavior_CombatMain());
                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly   = BehaviorHookInstall("Combat_Only", CreateBehavior_CombatOnly());
                _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain    = BehaviorHookInstall("Death_Main", CreateBehavior_DeathMain());
                _behaviorTreeHook_QuestbotMain = BehaviorHookInstall("Questbot_Main", CreateBehavior_QuestbotMain());


                if (_temporaryAvoidMobs != null)
                    foreach (var avoidMobId in _temporaryAvoidMobs.GetAvoidMobIds())
                        // NB: ProfileManager.CurrentProfile.AvoidMobs will never be null
                        if (!ProfileManager.CurrentProfile.AvoidMobs.Contains(avoidMobId))

                return(true);    // behavior should run

            return(false);   // behavior should NOT run
        protected QuestBehaviorBase(Dictionary <string, string> args)
            : base(args)
            QBCLog.BehaviorLoggingContext = this;

                // Quest handling...
                // QuestRequirement* attributes are explained here...
                //    http://www.thebuddyforum.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Honorbuddy_Programming_Cookbook:_QuestId_for_Custom_Behaviors
                // ...and also used for IsDone processing.
                QuestId = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("QuestId", false, ConstrainAs.QuestId(this), null) ?? 0;
                QuestRequirementComplete = GetAttributeAsNullable <QuestCompleteRequirement>("QuestCompleteRequirement", false, null, null) ?? QuestCompleteRequirement.NotComplete;
                QuestRequirementInLog    = GetAttributeAsNullable <QuestInLogRequirement>("QuestInLogRequirement", false, null, null) ?? QuestInLogRequirement.InLog;
                QuestObjectiveIndex      = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("QuestObjectiveIndex", false, new ConstrainTo.Domain <int>(1, 10), null) ?? 0;

                // Tunables...
                IgnoreMobsInBlackspots = GetAttributeAsNullable <bool>("IgnoreMobsInBlackspots", false, null, null) ?? true;
                MovementBy             = GetAttributeAsNullable <MovementByType>("MovementBy", false, null, null) ?? MovementByType.FlightorPreferred;
                NonCompeteDistance     = GetAttributeAsNullable <double>("NonCompeteDistance", false, new ConstrainTo.Domain <double>(0.0, 50.0), null) ?? 20.0;

                TerminateAtMaxRunTimeSecs = GetAttributeAsNullable <int>("TerminateAtMaxRunTimeSecs", false, new ConstrainTo.Domain <int>(0, int.MaxValue), null) ?? int.MaxValue;

                // Go ahead and compile the "TerminateWhen" expression to look for problems...
                // Doing this in the constructor allows us to catch 'blind change'problems when ProfileDebuggingMode is turned on.
                // If there is a problem, an exception will be thrown (and handled here).
                var terminateWhenExpression = GetAttributeAs <string>("TerminateWhen", false, ConstrainAs.StringNonEmpty, null);
                TerminateWhenCompiledExpression = Utility.ProduceParameterlessCompiledExpression <bool>(terminateWhenExpression);
                TerminateWhen = Utility.ProduceCachedValueFromCompiledExpression(TerminateWhenCompiledExpression, false);

                TerminationChecksQuestProgress = GetAttributeAsNullable <bool>("TerminationChecksQuestProgress", false, null, null) ?? true;

                // Dummy attributes...
                // These attributes are accepted, but not used.  They are here to help the profile writer document without
                // causing "unknown attribute" warnings to be emitted.
                GetAttributeAs <string>("QuestName", false, ConstrainAs.StringNonEmpty, null);

                // XML types

                // Add temporary avoid mobs, if any were specified...
                // NB: ConfigMemento will restore the orginal list in OnFinished
                _temporaryAvoidMobs = AvoidMobsType.GetOrCreate(Element, "AvoidMobs");

                // Add temporary blackspots, if any were specified...
                // NB: Ideally, we'd save and restore the original blackspot list.  However,
                // BlackspotManager does not currently give us a way to "see" what is currently
                // on the list.
                _temporaryBlackspots = BlackspotsType.GetOrCreate(Element, "Blackspots");

                PursuitList = PursuitListType.GetOrCreate(Element, "PursuitList");

            catch (Exception except)
                if (Query.IsExceptionReportingNeeded(except))
                    // Maintenance problems occur for a number of reasons.  The primary two are...
                    // * Changes were made to the behavior, and boundary conditions weren't properly tested.
                    // * The Honorbuddy core was changed, and the behavior wasn't adjusted for the new changes.
                    // In any case, we pinpoint the source of the problem area here, and hopefully it can be quickly
                    // resolved.
                IsAttributeProblem = true;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Uses the hearthstone.</para>
        /// <para>Dismounts if mounted and stops moving before attempting to cast hearthstone. </para>
        /// <para>Does not yield until hearthstone is casted unless it can't be casted, already in hearthstone area or cast failed. </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useGarrisonHearthstone">Use garrison hearthstone if set to <c>true</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="inHearthAreaAction">The action to take if already in hearthstone area.</param>
        /// <param name="noHearthStoneInBagsAction">The action to take if no hearthstone is in bags.</param>
        /// <param name="hearthNotSetAction">The action to take if hearth is not set.</param>
        /// <param name="hearthOnCooldownAction">The action to take if hearth is on cooldown.</param>
        /// <param name="hearthCastedAction">The action to take if hearth is successfully casted.</param>
        /// <param name="hearthCastFailedAction">The action to take if hearth failed to cast. The reason string is passed in argument.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns <c>true</c> if hearth was casted</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">A delegate callback throws an exception.</exception>
        public static async Task <bool> UseHearthStone(
            bool useGarrisonHearthstone            = false,
            Action inHearthAreaAction              = null,
            Action noHearthStoneInBagsAction       = null,
            Action hearthNotSetAction              = null,
            Action hearthOnCooldownAction          = null,
            Action hearthCastedAction              = null,
            Action <string> hearthCastFailedAction = null)
            if (IsInHearthStoneArea(useGarrisonHearthstone))
                if (inHearthAreaAction != null)
                    QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Already at hearthstone area");


            var hearthStones = useGarrisonHearthstone
                ? GetHearthStonesByIds(ItemId_GarrisonHearthStoneId)
                : GetHearthStonesByIds(ItemId_HearthStoneId, ItemId_TheInnkeepersDaughter);

            if (!hearthStones.Any())
                if (noHearthStoneInBagsAction != null)
                    QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("No hearthstone found in bag");

            if (!useGarrisonHearthstone && Me.HearthstoneAreaId == 0)
                // I can only see this occurring if using the Innkeeper's Daughter hearthtone since the normal hearthstone
                // only shows up in bags if hearth has been set.
                if (hearthNotSetAction != null)
                    QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Hearth has not been set");

            var usableHearthstone = hearthStones.FirstOrDefault(i => !i.Effects.First().Spell.Cooldown);

            if (usableHearthstone == null)
                if (hearthOnCooldownAction != null)
                    QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Hearth is on cooldown");


            // the following coroutines execute sequentially, they do not return until dismounted or movement has stopped.
            await CommonCoroutines.LandAndDismount();

            await CommonCoroutines.StopMoving();

            // Close any frame that can prevent hearthstone use...
            // For example WoW will try to sell to hearthstone if merchant frame is open when hearthstone is used
            await CloseFrames();

            var hearthstoneSpell = usableHearthstone.Effects.First().Spell;

            using (var castMonitor = SpellCastMonitor.Start(hearthstoneSpell.Id))
                QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Using hearthstone: {0}", hearthstoneSpell.Name);

                var castResult = await castMonitor.GetResult(12000);

                if (castResult == SpellCastResult.Succeeded)
                    await Coroutine.Wait(2000, () => IsInHearthStoneArea(useGarrisonHearthstone));

                    if (hearthCastedAction != null)
                        QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Successfully used hearthstone");

                string reason = castResult == SpellCastResult.UnknownFail ? castMonitor.FailReason : castResult.ToString();

                if (hearthCastFailedAction != null)
                    QBCLog.Warning("Cast of {0} failed. Reason: {1}", hearthstoneSpell.Name, reason);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     <para>Uses item defined by ITEMID.</para>
        ///     <para>
        ///         Notes:
        ///         <list type="bullet">
        ///             <item>
        ///                 <description>
        ///                     <para>
        ///                         * It is up to the caller to assure that all preconditions have been met for
        ///                         using the item (i.e., the item is off cooldown, etc).
        ///                     </para>
        ///                 </description>
        ///             </item>
        ///             <item>
        ///                 <description>
        ///                     <para>
        ///                         * If item use was successful, coroutine returns 'true';
        ///                         otherwise, 'false' is returned (e.g., item is not ready for use,
        ///                         item use was interrupted by combat, etc).
        ///                     </para>
        ///                 </description>
        ///             </item>
        ///         </list>
        ///     </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemId">The item provided should be viable, and ready for use.</param>
        /// <param name="actionOnMissingItemDelegate">This delegate will be called if the item
        /// is missing from our backpack.  This delegate may not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="actionOnFailedItemUseDelegate">If non-null, this delegate will be called
        /// if we attempted to use the item, and it was unsuccessful.  Examples include attemtping
        /// to use the item on an invalid target, or being interrupted or generally unable to use
        /// the item at this time.</param>
        /// <param name="actionOnSuccessfulItemUseDelegate">If non-null, this delegate will be called
        /// once the item has been used successfully.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>20140305-19:01UTC, Highvoltz/chinajade</remarks>
        public static async Task <bool> UseItem(
            int itemId,
            System.Action actionOnMissingItemDelegate,
            System.Action actionOnFailedItemUseDelegate     = null,
            System.Action actionOnSuccessfulItemUseDelegate = null)
            // Waits for global cooldown to end to successfully use the item
            await Coroutine.Wait(500, () => !SpellManager.GlobalCooldown);

            // Is item in our bags?
            var itemToUse = Me.CarriedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => (i.Entry == itemId));

            if (!Query.IsViable(itemToUse))
                QBCLog.Error("{0} is not in our bags.", Utility.GetItemNameFromId(itemId));
                if (actionOnMissingItemDelegate != null)
            var itemName = itemToUse.SafeName;

            // Wait for Item to be usable...
            // NB: WoWItem.Usable does not account for cooldowns.
            if (!itemToUse.Usable || (itemToUse.Cooldown > 0))
                TreeRoot.StatusText =
                        "{0} is not usable, yet. (cooldown remaining: {1})",

            // Notify user of intent...
            QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Attempting use of '{0}'", itemName);

            // Set up 'interrupted use' detection, and use item...
            using (var castMonitor = SpellCastMonitor.Start(null))
                // NB: The target or the item may not be valid after this point...
                // Some targets will go 'invalid' immediately afer interacting with them.
                // Most of the time this happens, the target is immediately and invisibly replaced with
                // an identical looking target with a different script.
                // Some items are consumed when used.
                // We must assume our target and item is no longer available for use after this point.
                await Coroutine.Sleep((int)Delay.AfterItemUse.TotalMilliseconds);

                // Wait for any casting to complete...
                // NB: Some interactions or item usages take time, and the WoWclient models this as spellcasting.
                // NB: We can't test for IsCasting or IsChanneling--we must instead look for a valid spell being cast.
                //      There are some quests that require actions where the WoWclient returns 'true' for IsCasting,
                //      but there is no valid spell being cast.  We want the behavior to move on immediately in these
                //      conditions.  An example of such an interaction is removing 'tangler' vines in the Tillers
                //      daily quest area.
                var castResult = await castMonitor.GetResult();

                if (castResult != SpellCastResult.Succeeded && castResult != SpellCastResult.NoCastStarted)
                    string reason = castResult == SpellCastResult.UnknownFail ? castMonitor.FailReason : castResult.ToString();

                    QBCLog.Warning("Use of {0} interrupted. Reason: {1}", itemName, reason);
                    // Give whatever issue encountered a chance to settle...
                    // NB: --we want the Sequence to fail when delay completes.
                    if (castResult != SpellCastResult.LineOfSight &&
                        castResult != SpellCastResult.OutOfRange &&
                        castResult != SpellCastResult.TooClose)
                        await Coroutine.Sleep(1500);

                    if (actionOnFailedItemUseDelegate != null)

            QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Use of '{0}' succeeded.", itemName);

            if (actionOnSuccessfulItemUseDelegate != null)
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     <para>Uses item defined by ITEMID on target defined by SELECTEDTARGET.</para>
        ///     <para>
        ///         Notes:
        ///         <list type="bullet">
        ///             <item>
        ///                 <description>
        ///                     <para>
        ///                         * It is up to the caller to assure that all preconditions have been met for
        ///                         using the item (i.e., the target is in range, the item is off cooldown, etc).
        ///                     </para>
        ///                 </description>
        ///             </item>
        ///             <item>
        ///                 <description>
        ///                     <para>
        ///                         * If item use was successful, coroutine returns 'true';
        ///                         otherwise, 'false' is returned (e.g., item is not ready for use,
        ///                         item use was interrupted by combat, etc).
        ///                     </para>
        ///                 </description>
        ///             </item>
        ///             <item>
        ///                 <description>
        ///                     <para>
        ///                         * It is up to the caller to blacklist the target, or select a new target
        ///                         after successful item use.  The actionOnFailedItemUseDelegate argument
        ///                         can facilitate these activities.
        ///                     </para>
        ///                 </description>
        ///             </item>
        ///         </list>
        ///     </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedTarget">The target provided should be viable.</param>
        /// <param name="itemId">The item provided should be viable, and ready for use.</param>
        /// <param name="actionOnMissingItemDelegate">This delegate will be called if the item
        /// is missing from our backpack.  This delegate may not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="actionOnFailedItemUseDelegate">If non-null, this delegate will be called
        /// if we attempted to use the item, and it was unsuccessful.  Examples include attemtping
        /// to use the item on an invalid target, or being interrupted or generally unable to use
        /// the item at this time.</param>
        /// <param name="actionOnSuccessfulItemUseDelegate">If non-null, this delegate will be called
        /// once the item has been used successfully.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>20140305-19:01UTC, Highvoltz/chinajade</remarks>
        public static async Task <bool> UseItemOnTarget(
            int itemId,
            WoWObject selectedTarget,
            System.Action actionOnMissingItemDelegate,
            System.Action actionOnFailedItemUseDelegate     = null,
            System.Action actionOnSuccessfulItemUseDelegate = null)
            // Waits for global cooldown to end to successfully use the item
            await Coroutine.Wait(500, () => !SpellManager.GlobalCooldown);

            // qualify...
            // Viable target?
            // NB: Since target may go invalid immediately upon using the item,
            // we cache its name for use in subsequent log entries.;
            if (!Query.IsViable(selectedTarget))
                QBCLog.Warning("Target is not viable!");
                if (actionOnFailedItemUseDelegate != null)
            var targetName = selectedTarget.SafeName;

            // Is item in our bags?
            var itemToUse = Me.CarriedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => (i.Entry == itemId));

            if (!Query.IsViable(itemToUse))
                QBCLog.Error("{0} is not in our bags.", Utility.GetItemNameFromId(itemId));
                if (actionOnMissingItemDelegate != null)
            var itemName = itemToUse.SafeName;

            // Need to be facing target...
            // NB: Not all items require this, but many do.
            Utility.Target(selectedTarget, true);

            // Wait for Item to be usable...
            // NB: WoWItem.Usable does not account for cooldowns.
            if (!itemToUse.Usable || (itemToUse.Cooldown > 0))
                TreeRoot.StatusText =
                        "{0} is not usable, yet. (cooldown remaining: {1})",

            // Notify user of intent...
            var message = string.Format("Attempting use of '{0}' on '{1}'", itemName, targetName);

            var selectedTargetAsWoWUnit = selectedTarget as WoWUnit;

            if (selectedTargetAsWoWUnit != null)
                if (selectedTargetAsWoWUnit.IsDead)
                    message += " (dead)";
                    message += string.Format(" (health: {0:F1})", selectedTargetAsWoWUnit.HealthPercent);

            // Set up 'interrupted use' detection, and use item...
            // MAINTAINER'S NOTE: Once these handlers are installed, make sure all possible exit paths from the outer
            // Sequence unhook these handlers.  I.e., if you plan on returning RunStatus.Failure, be sure to call
            // UtilityBehaviorSeq_UseItemOn_HandlersUnhook() first.

            // Set up 'interrupted use' detection, and use item...
            using (var castMonitor = SpellCastMonitor.Start(null))

                // NB: The target or the item may not be valid after this point...
                // Some targets will go 'invalid' immediately afer interacting with them.
                // Most of the time this happens, the target is immediately and invisibly replaced with
                // an identical looking target with a different script.
                // Some items are consumed when used.
                // We must assume our target and item is no longer available for use after this point.
                await Coroutine.Sleep((int)Delay.AfterItemUse.TotalMilliseconds);

                await CastPendingSpell(selectedTarget);

                // Wait for any casting to complete...
                // NB: Some interactions or item usages take time, and the WoWclient models this as spellcasting.
                // NB: We can't test for IsCasting or IsChanneling--we must instead look for a valid spell being cast.
                //      There are some quests that require actions where the WoWclient returns 'true' for IsCasting,
                //      but there is no valid spell being cast.  We want the behavior to move on immediately in these
                //      conditions.  An example of such an interaction is removing 'tangler' vines in the Tillers
                //      daily quest area.
                var castResult = await castMonitor.GetResult();

                if (castResult != SpellCastResult.Succeeded && castResult != SpellCastResult.NoCastStarted)
                    string reason = castResult == SpellCastResult.UnknownFail ? castMonitor.FailReason : castResult.ToString();

                    QBCLog.Warning("Use of {0} interrupted. Reason: {1}", itemName, reason);
                    // Give whatever issue encountered a chance to settle...
                    // NB: --we want the Sequence to fail when delay completes.
                    if (castResult != SpellCastResult.LineOfSight &&
                        castResult != SpellCastResult.OutOfRange &&
                        castResult != SpellCastResult.TooClose)
                        await Coroutine.Sleep(1500);

                    if (actionOnFailedItemUseDelegate != null)

            QBCLog.DeveloperInfo("Use of '{0}' on '{1}' succeeded.", itemName, targetName);
            if (actionOnSuccessfulItemUseDelegate != null)