Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Write code to reverse a linked list, if you able to do it using loops, try to solve with recursion?
        /// </summary>
        static void Ex15()
            SLinkedList list = new SLinkedList();

            list.AddBeginning(list, 10);
            list.AddBeginning(list, 9);
            list.AddBeginning(list, 1);
            list.AddBeginning(list, 12);
            list.AddBeginning(list, 13);

            Node current = list.start;
            Node temp    = current;
            Node next    = current.next;

            while (current != null)
                current      = next;
                next         = current.next;
                current.next = temp;
                temp         = current;
            list.start = temp;

            for (Node node = list.start; node != null; node = node.next)
        public void AddBeginning(SLinkedList list, int data)
            Node newNode = new Node(data);

            newNode.next = list.start;
            list.start   = newNode;
        public Node LastNode(SLinkedList list)
            Node current = list.start;

            while (current.next != null)
                current = current.next;

        public void AddEnd(SLinkedList list, int data)
            Node newNode = new Node(data);

            if (list.start == null)
                list.start = newNode;
            Node lastNode = LastNode(list);

            lastNode.next = newNode;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// How to find the 3rd element from the end, in a singly linked, in a single pass?
        /// </summary>
        static void Ex11()
            SLinkedList list = new SLinkedList();

            list.AddEnd(list, 10);
            list.AddEnd(list, 9);
            list.AddEnd(list, 1);
            list.AddEnd(list, 12);
            list.AddEnd(list, 13);

            Node current = list.start;

            while (current.next.next.next != null)
                current = current.next;

            Console.WriteLine($"The 3rd element from the end is: {current.data}");