Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a Bundle to a path on the server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bundle">The contents of the Bundle to be sent</param>
        /// <param name="path">A path on the server to send the Bundle to</param>
        /// <returns>True if the bundle was successfully delivered, false otherwise</returns>
        /// <remarks>This method differs from Batch, in that it can be used to deliver a Bundle
        /// at the endpoint for messages, documents or binaries, instead of the batched update
        /// REST endpoint.</remarks>
        public Bundle DeliverToMailbox(Bundle bundle)
            if (bundle == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("bundle");

            var url = new RestUrl(_endpoint).AddPath("Mailbox");

            if (bundle.GetBundleType() == BundleType.Document)
                // Documents are merely "accepted"
                var req = prepareRequest("POST", url.Uri, bundle, null, expectBundleResponse: false);
                //return doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.NoContent, () => (Bundle)null);
                return(doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.OK, () => bundleFromResponse()));
            else if (bundle.GetBundleType() == BundleType.Message)
                // Messages, including Queries, expect a return message
                var req = prepareRequest("POST", url.Uri, bundle, null, expectBundleResponse: true);
                return(doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.OK, () => bundleFromResponse()));
                throw Error.Argument("bundle", "The bundle passed to the Mailbox endpoint needs to be a document or message (use SetBundleType to do so)");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements comparison of two RestUrls based on the FHIR rules set out in http.html#
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsSameUrl(RestUrl other)
            var meUri    = new RestUrl(this).ClearParams().ToString().RemovePrefix("http://").RemovePrefix("https://");
            var otherUri = new RestUrl(other).ClearParams().ToString().RemovePrefix("http://").RemovePrefix("https://");

            return(meUri == otherUri);
Exemple #3
        public IEnumerable <Tag> GetTags <TResource>(string id = null, string version = null) where TResource : Resource, new()
            if (version != null && id == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must specify an id if you specify a version");

            RestUrl api;
            string  collection = typeof(TResource).GetCollectionName();

            if (id == null)
                api = new RestUrl(_endpoint).CollectionTags(collection);
                api = new RestUrl(_endpoint).ResourceTags(collection, id, version);

            var req    = prepareRequest("GET", api.Uri, null, null, expectBundleResponse: false);
            var result = doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.OK, () => tagListFromResponse());

        public FhirResponse GetResponse(ResourceFormat? acceptFormat)
            bool needsFormatParam = UseFormatParameter && acceptFormat.HasValue;

            var location = new RestUrl(_location);

                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(acceptFormat.Value));

            var request = createRequest(location.ToString(), _method);

            if(acceptFormat != null && !UseFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(acceptFormat.Value, forBundle: false);

            if (_body != null)
                request.ContentType = _contentType;
                if(_contentLocation != null) request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation] = _contentLocation;

            if(_categoryHeader != null) request.Headers[HttpUtil.CATEGORY] = _categoryHeader;

            FhirResponse result = null;

            // Make sure the HttpResponse gets disposed!
            using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponseNoEx())
                result = FhirResponse.FromHttpWebResponse(response);

            return result;
Exemple #5
        public void TestEscaping()
            var url = new RestUrl("http://www.server.org/fhir");
            url.AddParam("_since", FhirDateTime.Now().Value);

            var output = url.Uri;
            Assert.IsFalse(output.ToString().Contains("+"));    // don't use un-escaped +
Exemple #6
        public void TestBase()
            var u = new RestUrl("http://www.hl7.org/svc");

        public FhirResponse GetResponse(ResourceFormat?acceptFormat)
            bool needsFormatParam = UseFormatParameter && acceptFormat.HasValue;

            var location = new RestUrl(_location);

            if (needsFormatParam)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(acceptFormat.Value));

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", _method, location.Uri.OriginalString);

            var request = createRequest(location.Uri, _method);

            if (acceptFormat != null && !UseFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(acceptFormat.Value, forBundle: false);

            if (_body != null)
                request.ContentType = _contentType;
                if (_contentLocation != null)
                    request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation] = _contentLocation;

            if (_categoryHeader != null)
                request.Headers[HttpUtil.CATEGORY] = _categoryHeader;

            FhirResponse result = null;

            request.Timeout = Timeout;

            // Make sure the HttpResponse gets disposed!
            if (_beforeRequest != null)
            using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponseNoEx())
                result = FhirResponse.FromHttpWebResponse(response);
                if (_afterRequest != null)

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a conformance statement for the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useOptionsVerb">If true, uses the Http OPTIONS verb to get the conformance, otherwise uses the /metadata endpoint</param>
        /// <returns>A Conformance resource. Throws an exception if the operation failed.</returns>
        public ResourceEntry <Conformance> Conformance(bool useOptionsVerb = false)

            RestUrl url = useOptionsVerb ? new RestUrl(_endpoint) : new RestUrl(_endpoint).WithMetadata();

            var req = prepareRequest(useOptionsVerb ? "OPTIONS" : "GET", url.Uri, null, null, expectBundleResponse: false);

            return(doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.OK, () => resourceEntryFromResponse <Conformance>()));
Exemple #9
        public IEnumerable <Tag> GetTags()

            var rl = new RestUrl(_endpoint).Tags();

            var req    = prepareRequest("GET", rl.Uri, null, null, expectBundleResponse: false);
            var result = doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.OK, () => tagListFromResponse());

Exemple #10
 public static RestUrl DeleteResourceTags(this RestUrl url, string collection, string id, string vid = null)
     if (vid == null)
         return(new RestUrl(url).AddPath(collection, id, RestOperation.TAGS, RestOperation.DELETE));
         return(new RestUrl(url).AddPath(collection, id, RestOperation.HISTORY, vid, RestOperation.TAGS, RestOperation.DELETE));
Exemple #11
 public static RestUrl Validate(this RestUrl url, string collection, string id = null)
     if (id != null)
         return(new RestUrl(url).AddPath(collection, RestOperation.VALIDATE));
         return(new RestUrl(url).AddPath(collection, RestOperation.VALIDATE, id));
Exemple #12
 public static RestUrl Search(this RestUrl url, string collection = null)
     if (collection != null)
         return(new RestUrl(url).AddPath(collection, RestOperation.SEARCH));
         return(new RestUrl(url).AddPath(RestOperation.SEARCH));
        public TransactionBuilder EndpointOperation(RestUrl endpoint, Parameters parameters, bool useGet = false)
            var entry = newEntry(useGet ? Bundle.HTTPVerb.GET : Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST);

            entry.Resource = parameters;
            var path = new RestUrl(endpoint);

            addEntry(entry, path);

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether the contents of the resource would be acceptable as a create
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TResource"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="resource">The entry containing the Resource data to use for the validation</param>
        /// <param name="result">Contains the OperationOutcome detailing why validation failed, or null if validation succeeded</param>
        /// <param name="tags">Optional list of tags to attach to the resource</param>
        /// <returns>True when validation was successful, false otherwise. Note that this function may still throw exceptions if non-validation related
        /// failures occur.</returns>
        public bool TryValidateCreate <TResource>(TResource resource, out OperationOutcome result, IEnumerable <Tag> tags = null) where TResource : Resource, new()
            if (resource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resource");

            var collection = typeof(Resource).GetCollectionName();
            var url        = new RestUrl(_endpoint).Validate(collection);

            result = doValidate(url, resource, tags);
            return(result == null || !result.Success());
Exemple #15
        public void Query()
            RestUrl endpoint = new RestUrl("http://localhost/fhir");
            RestUrl resturi;
            resturi = endpoint.Search("organization").AddParam("family", "Johnson").AddParam("given", "William");
            Assert.AreEqual("http://localhost/fhir/organization/_search?family=Johnson&given=William", resturi.AsString);

            var rl2 = new RestUrl(resturi.Uri);

            Assert.AreEqual("http://localhost/fhir/organization/_search?family=Johnson&given=William&given=Piet", rl2.AsString);
Exemple #16
        public async Task <WebResponse> GetResponseAsync(ResourceFormat?acceptFormat)
            bool needsFormatParam = UseFormatParameter && acceptFormat.HasValue;

            var location = new RestUrl(_location);

            if (needsFormatParam)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(acceptFormat.Value));

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("(async) {0}: {1}", _method, location.ToString());

            HttpWebRequest request = createRequest(location.Uri, _method);

            if (acceptFormat != null && !UseFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(acceptFormat.Value, forBundle: false);

            if (_categoryHeader != null)
                request.Headers[HttpUtil.CATEGORY] = _categoryHeader;

            if (_body != null)
                request.ContentType = _contentType;
                if (_contentLocation != null)
                    request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation] = _contentLocation;
                await request.WriteBodyAsync(_body);

            // Make sure the caller disposes the HttpResponse gets disposed...
            if (_beforeRequest != null)
            var response = await request.GetResponseAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Timeout));

            if (_afterRequest != null)

Exemple #17
        public void CreateFromEndPoint()
            RestUrl endpoint = new RestUrl("http://localhost/fhir");
            RestUrl resturi;

            resturi = endpoint.ForCollection("patient");
            Assert.AreEqual("http://localhost/fhir/patient", resturi.AsString);

            resturi = endpoint.Resource("patient", "1");
            Assert.AreEqual("http://localhost/fhir/patient/1", resturi.AsString);

            resturi = endpoint.Resource("patient", "1");
            Assert.AreEqual("http://localhost/fhir/patient/1", resturi.AsString);
Exemple #18
        public void TryNavigation()
            var old = new RestUrl("http://www.hl7.org/svc/Organization/");
            var rl = old.NavigateTo("../Patient/1/_history");

            Assert.AreEqual("http://www.hl7.org/svc/Patient/1/_history", rl.ToString());

            old = new RestUrl("http://hl7.org/fhir/Patient/1");
            rl = old.NavigateTo("2");

            rl = old.NavigateTo("../Observation/3");
Exemple #19
        public static Uri AddParam(this Uri uri, string name, params string[] values)
            UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(uri);
            ICollection <Tuple <string, string> > paramlist = RestUrl.SplitParams(builder.Query).ToList();

            foreach (string value in values)
                paramlist.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(name, value));

            builder.Query = RestUrl.JoinParams(paramlist);

        public TransactionBuilder Create(Resource body, SearchParams condition)
            var entry = newEntry(Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST);

            entry.Resource = body;
            var path = newRestUrl().AddPath(body.TypeName);

            var nonExist = new RestUrl(path);

            entry.Request.IfNoneExist = nonExist.ToString();
            addEntry(entry, path);

        public TransactionBuilder EndpointOperation(RestUrl endpoint, Parameters parameters, bool useGet = false)
            var entry = newEntry(useGet ? Bundle.HTTPVerb.GET : Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST);

            // Brian: Not sure why we would create this parameters object as empty.
            //        I would imagine that a null parameters object is different to an empty one?
            // if (parameters == null)
            //    parameters = new Parameters();
            entry.Resource = parameters;

            var path = new RestUrl(endpoint);

            addEntry(entry, path);

Exemple #22
        private Bundle doSearch(string collection = null, SearchParam[] criteria = null, string sort = null, string[] includes = null, int?count = null)

            RestUrl url = null;

            if (collection != null)
                // Since there is confusion between using /resource/?param, /resource?param, use
                // the /resource/search?param instead
                url = new RestUrl(_endpoint).Search(collection);
                url = new RestUrl(_endpoint);

            if (count.HasValue)
                url.AddParam(HttpUtil.SEARCH_PARAM_COUNT, count.Value.ToString());

            if (sort != null)
                url.AddParam(HttpUtil.SEARCH_PARAM_SORT, sort);

            if (criteria != null)
                foreach (var criterium in criteria)
                    url.AddParam(criterium.QueryKey, criterium.QueryValue);

            if (includes != null)
                foreach (string includeParam in includes)
                    url.AddParam(HttpUtil.SEARCH_PARAM_INCLUDE, includeParam);

Exemple #23
        public static RestUrl Search(this RestUrl url, Query q)
            // The ResourceType is the only parameter that needs special handling,
            // since the others are all "normal" parameters. Just make sure we don't
            // include the special _type parameter on the REST url
            var result = url.Search(q.ResourceType);

            foreach (var par in q.Parameter)
                var paramKey = Query.ExtractParamKey(par);
                if (paramKey != Query.SEARCH_PARAM_TYPE)

Exemple #24
        private void addHistoryEntry(RestUrl path, SummaryType?summaryOnly = null, int?pageSize = null, DateTimeOffset?since = null)
            var entry = newEntry(Bundle.HTTPVerb.GET, InteractionType.History);

            if (summaryOnly.HasValue)
                path.AddParam(SearchParams.SEARCH_PARAM_SUMMARY, summaryOnly.Value.ToString().ToLower());
            if (pageSize.HasValue)
                path.AddParam(HttpUtil.HISTORY_PARAM_COUNT, pageSize.Value.ToString());
            if (since.HasValue)
                path.AddParam(HttpUtil.HISTORY_PARAM_SINCE, PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo <string>(since.Value));

            addEntry(entry, path);
Exemple #25
        public void DeleteTags <TResource>(IEnumerable <Tag> tags, string id, string version = null) where TResource : Resource, new()
            if (id == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            if (tags == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tags");

            var collection = typeof(TResource).GetCollectionName();
            var rl         = new RestUrl(_endpoint).ResourceTags(collection, id, version);

            var req = prepareRequest("DELETE", rl.Uri, new TagList(tags), null, expectBundleResponse: false);

            doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.NoContent, () => true);
        public static HttpWebRequest ToHttpRequest(this Bundle.BundleEntryComponent entry, 
            Prefer bodyPreference, ResourceFormat format, bool useFormatParameter, out byte[] body)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", entry.Request.Method, entry.Request.Url);

            var interaction = entry.Request;
            body = null;

            if (entry.Resource != null && !(interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT))
                throw Error.InvalidOperation("Cannot have a body on an Http " + interaction.Method.ToString());

            var location = new RestUrl(interaction.Url);

            if (useFormatParameter)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildFormatParam(format));

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(location.Uri);
            request.Method = interaction.Method.ToString();
            setAgent(request, ".NET FhirClient for FHIR " + Model.ModelInfo.Version);

            if (!useFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);

            if (interaction.IfMatch != null) request.Headers["If-Match"] = interaction.IfMatch;
            if (interaction.IfNoneMatch != null) request.Headers["If-None-Match"] = interaction.IfNoneMatch;
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null) request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"] = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString();
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null) request.IfModifiedSince = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime;
            if (interaction.IfNoneExist != null) request.Headers["If-None-Exist"] = interaction.IfNoneExist;

            if (interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT)
                if (bodyPreference == Prefer.ReturnMinimal)
                    request.Headers["Prefer"] = bodyPreference == Prefer.ReturnMinimal ? "return=minimal" : "return=representation";

            if (entry.Resource != null) setBodyAndContentType(request, entry.Resource, format, out body);

            return request;
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the version history of any resource on the server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="since">Optional. Returns only changes after the given date</param>
        /// <param name="count">Optional. Asks server to limit the number of entries returned</param>
        /// <returns>A bundle with the history for the indicated instance, may contain both
        /// ResourceEntries and DeletedEntries.</returns>
        public Bundle WholeSystemHistory(DateTimeOffset?since = null, int?count = null)
            if (_endpoint == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Endpoint must be provided using either the Endpoint property or the FhirClient constructor");

            var rl = new RestUrl(_endpoint).ServerHistory();

            if (since != null)
                rl.AddParam(HttpUtil.HISTORY_PARAM_SINCE, PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo <string>(since.Value));
            if (count != null)
                rl.AddParam(HttpUtil.HISTORY_PARAM_COUNT, count.ToString());

Exemple #28
        public void DeliverToDocument(Bundle bundle)
            if (bundle == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("bundle");

            var url = new RestUrl(_endpoint).AddPath("Document");

            if (bundle.GetBundleType() == BundleType.Document)
                // Documents are merely "accepted"
                var req = prepareRequest("POST", url.Uri, bundle, null, expectBundleResponse: false);
                doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.NoContent, () => true);
                throw Error.Argument("bundle", "The bundle passed to the Document endpoint needs to be a document (use SetBundleType to do so)");
Exemple #29
        private OperationOutcome doValidate(RestUrl url, object data, IEnumerable <Tag> tags)
            var req = prepareRequest("POST", url.Uri, data, tags, expectBundleResponse: false);

                doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.OK, () => true);
            catch (FhirOperationException foe)
                if (foe.Outcome != null)
                    throw foe;
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether the contents of the resource would be acceptable as an update
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">The entry containing the updated Resource to validate</param>
        /// <param name="result">Contains the OperationOutcome detailing why validation failed, or null if validation succeeded</param>
        /// <returns>True when validation was successful, false otherwise. Note that this function may still throw exceptions if non-validation related
        /// failures occur.</returns>
        public bool TryValidateUpdate <TResource>(ResourceEntry <TResource> entry, out OperationOutcome result) where TResource : Resource, new()
            if (entry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entry");
            if (entry.Resource == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Entry does not contain a Resource to validate", "entry");
            if (entry.Id == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Entry needs a non-null entry.id to use for validation", "entry");

            var id  = new ResourceIdentity(entry.Id);
            var url = new RestUrl(_endpoint).Validate(id.Collection, id.Id);

            result = doValidate(url, entry.Resource, entry.Tags);

            return(result == null || !result.Success());
Exemple #31
        public TransactionBuilder EndpointOperation(RestUrl endpoint, Parameters parameters, bool useGet = false)
            var entry = newEntry(useGet ? Bundle.HTTPVerb.GET : Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST, InteractionType.Operation);
            var path  = new RestUrl(endpoint);

            if (useGet)
                if (parameters != null)
                    foreach (var parameter in parameters.Parameter)
                        path.AddParam(parameter.Name, paramValueToString(parameter));
                entry.Resource = parameters;
            addEntry(entry, path);
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a resource
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collectionEndpoint">Endpoint where the resource is sent to be created</param>
        /// <param name="resource">The resource instance to create</param>
        /// <param name="tags">Optional. List of Tags to add to the created instance.</param>
        /// <returns>The resource as created on the server, or an exception if the create failed.</returns>
        /// <typeparam name="TResource">The type of resource to create</typeparam>
        /// <remarks><para>The returned resource need not be the same as the resources passed as a parameter,
        /// since the server may have updated or changed part of the data because of business rules.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public ResourceEntry <TResource> Create <TResource>(TResource resource, string id = null, IEnumerable <Tag> tags = null) where TResource : Resource, new()
            if (resource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resource");

            var collection = typeof(TResource).GetCollectionName();

            if (id == null)
                // A normal create
                var rl  = new RestUrl(_endpoint).ForCollection(collection);
                var req = prepareRequest("POST", rl.Uri, resource, tags, expectBundleResponse: false);
                return(doRequest(req, HttpStatusCode.Created, () => makeEntryFromHeaders(resource)));
                // Given an id, this create turns into an update at a specific resource location
                return(Update <TResource>(resource, id, tags));
Exemple #33
        public void ParamManipulation()
            var rl = new RestUrl("http://someserver.org/fhir/Patient/search?name=Kramer&name=Moreau&oauth=XXX");

            rl.AddParam("newParamA", "1");
            rl.SetParam("newParamB", "2");

            rl.SetParam("newParamA", "3");

            rl.AddParam("newParamA", "4");

            rl.AddParam("newParamB", "5");

            rl.SetParam("newParamA", "6");

Exemple #34
        public void AreSame()
            var rl = new RestUrl("http://someserver.org/Patient/4?oauth=xxxx");
            var rl2 = new RestUrl("https://someserver.org/Patient/4");

            rl2 = new RestUrl("http://someserver.org/Patient/4");

            rl2 = new RestUrl("https://someserver.org:81/Patient/4");
Exemple #35
        public Bundle History(string collection, string id, DateTimeOffset? since)

            if (since == null) since = DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            string title = String.Format("History for updates on '{0}' resource '{1}' since {2}", collection, id, since);
            RestUrl self = new RestUrl(this.Endpoint).AddPath(collection, id, RestOperation.HISTORY);

            if (!entryExists(collection, id))
                throw new SparkException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "There is no history because there is no {0} resource with id {1}.", collection, id);

            var identity = ResourceIdentity.Build(collection, id).OperationPath;
            IEnumerable<BundleEntry> entries = store.ListVersionsById(identity, since, Const.MAX_HISTORY_RESULT_SIZE);
            //Bundle bundle = BundleEntryFactory.CreateBundleWithEntries(title, self.Uri, Const.AUTHOR, Settings.AuthorUri, entries);

            var snapshot = Snapshot.Create(title, self.Uri, null, entries, Snapshot.NOCOUNT);
            return exportPagedSnapshot(snapshot);
        public static HttpWebRequest ToHttpWebRequest(this EntryRequest entry, Uri baseUrl, FhirClientSettings settings)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", (object)entry.Method, (object)entry.Url);

            if (entry.RequestBodyContent != null && !(entry.Method == HTTPVerb.POST || entry.Method == HTTPVerb.PUT))
                throw Error.InvalidOperation((string)("Cannot have a body on an Http " + entry.Method.ToString()));

            // Create an absolute uri when the interaction.Url is relative.
            var uri = new Uri(entry.Url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

            if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                uri = HttpUtil.MakeAbsoluteToBase(uri, baseUrl);

            var location = new RestUrl(uri);

            if (settings.UseFormatParameter)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(settings.PreferredFormat));

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(location.Uri);

            request.Method = entry.Method.ToString();
            setAgent(request, ".NET FhirClient for FHIR " + entry.Agent);

            if (!settings.UseFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(settings.PreferredFormat, forBundle: false);

            request.ContentType = entry.ContentType ?? ContentType.BuildContentType(settings.PreferredFormat, forBundle: false);

            if (entry.Headers.IfMatch != null)
                request.Headers["If-Match"] = entry.Headers.IfMatch;
            if (entry.Headers.IfNoneMatch != null)
                request.Headers["If-None-Match"] = entry.Headers.IfNoneMatch;
            if (entry.Headers.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"] = entry.Headers.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString();
            if (entry.Headers.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.IfModifiedSince = entry.Headers.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime;
            if (entry.Headers.IfNoneExist != null)
                request.Headers["If-None-Exist"] = entry.Headers.IfNoneExist;

            if (canHaveReturnPreference() && settings.PreferredReturn.HasValue)
                if (settings.PreferredReturn == Prefer.RespondAsync)
                    request.Headers["Prefer"] = PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo <string>(settings.PreferredReturn);
                    request.Headers["Prefer"] = "return=" + PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo <string>(settings.PreferredReturn);
            else if (entry.Type == InteractionType.Search)
                List <string> preferHeader = new List <string>();
                if (settings.PreferredParameterHandling.HasValue)
                    preferHeader.Add("handling=" + settings.PreferredParameterHandling.GetLiteral());
                if (settings.PreferredReturn.HasValue && settings.PreferredReturn == Prefer.RespondAsync)
                if (preferHeader.Count > 0)
                    request.Headers["Prefer"] = string.Join(", ", preferHeader);

            bool canHaveReturnPreference() => entry.Type == InteractionType.Create ||
            entry.Type == InteractionType.Update ||
            entry.Type == InteractionType.Patch;

            // PCL doesn't support setting the length (and in this case will be empty anyway)
            if (entry.RequestBodyContent == null)
                request.ContentLength = 0;
 private void addEntry(Bundle.BundleEntryComponent newEntry, RestUrl path)
     newEntry.Transaction.Url = path.Uri.ToString();
Exemple #38
 public RestUrl(RestUrl url) : this(url.Uri)
Exemple #39
        public FhirResponse GetResponse(ResourceFormat? acceptFormat)
			bool needsFormatParam = UseFormatParameter && acceptFormat.HasValue;

            var location = new RestUrl(_location);

                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(acceptFormat.Value));

			System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", _method, location.Uri.OriginalString);

            var request = createRequest(location.Uri, _method);

            if(acceptFormat != null && !UseFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(acceptFormat.Value, forBundle: false);

            if (_body != null)
                request.ContentType = _contentType;
                if(_contentLocation != null) request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation] = _contentLocation;

            if(_categoryHeader != null) request.Headers[HttpUtil.CATEGORY] = _categoryHeader;

            FhirResponse fhirResponse = null;

            request.Timeout = Timeout;

            // Make sure the HttpResponse gets disposed!
            if (_beforeRequest != null) _beforeRequest(request, _body);
            using (HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponseNoEx())
                fhirResponse = FhirResponse.FromHttpWebResponse(webResponse);
                if (_afterRequest != null) _afterRequest(webResponse, fhirResponse);

            return fhirResponse;
        private void addHistoryEntry(RestUrl path, bool? summaryOnly = null, int? pageSize=null, DateTimeOffset? since = null)
            var entry = newEntry(Bundle.HTTPVerb.GET);

            if(summaryOnly.HasValue) path.AddParam(SearchParams.SEARCH_PARAM_SUMMARY, PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo<string>(summaryOnly.Value));
            if(pageSize.HasValue) path.AddParam(HttpUtil.HISTORY_PARAM_COUNT, pageSize.Value.ToString());
            if(since.HasValue) path.AddParam(HttpUtil.HISTORY_PARAM_SINCE, PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo<string>(since.Value));

            addEntry(entry, path);
 private void addEntry(Bundle.EntryComponent newEntry, RestUrl path)
     newEntry.Request.Url = path.Uri.ToString();
        private Uri tryCreatePatient(FhirClient client, ResourceFormat formatIn, string id = null)
            client.PreferredFormat = formatIn;
            ResourceEntry<Patient> created = null;

            Patient demopat = DemoData.GetDemoPatient();

            if (id == null)
                HttpTests.AssertSuccess(client, () => created = client.Create<Patient>(demopat));
                HttpTests.AssertSuccess(client, () => created = client.Create<Patient>(demopat, id));

                var ep = new RestUrl(client.Endpoint);
                if (!ep.IsEndpointFor(created.Id))
                    TestResult.Fail("Location of created resource is not located within server endpoint");

                var rl = new ResourceIdentity(created.Id);
                if (rl.Id != id)
                    TestResult.Fail("Server refused to honor client-assigned id");
            // Create bevat geen response content meer. Terecht verwijderd?:
            // EK: Niet helemaal, er is weliswaar geen data meer gereturned, maar de headers (id, versie, modified) worden
            // nog wel geupdate

            return created.SelfLink;
Exemple #43
        public FhirResponse Search(string type, SearchParams searchCommand)
            SearchResults results = index.Search(type, searchCommand);

            if (results.HasErrors)
                throw new SparkException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, results.Outcome);

            Uri link = new RestUrl(localhost.Uri(type)).AddPath(results.UsedParameters).Uri;

            string firstSort = null;
            if (searchCommand.Sort != null && searchCommand.Sort.Count() > 0)
                firstSort = searchCommand.Sort[0].Item1; //TODO: Support sortorder and multiple sort arguments.

            var snapshot = pager.CreateSnapshot(Bundle.BundleType.Searchset, link, results, firstSort);
            Bundle bundle = pager.GetFirstPage(snapshot);

            return Respond.WithBundle(bundle, localhost.Base);
Exemple #44
        public Bundle Search(string collection, IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> parameters, int pageSize)

            string title = String.Format("Search on resources in collection '{0}'", collection);

            Query query = FhirParser.ParseQueryFromUriParameters(collection, parameters);
            ICollection<string> includes = query.Includes;
            SearchResults results = _index.Search(query);

            if (results.HasErrors)
                throw new SparkException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, results.Outcome);
            RestUrl selfLink = new RestUrl(Endpoint).AddPath(collection).AddPath(results.UsedParameters);
            Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot.Create(title, selfLink.Uri, includes, results, results.MatchCount);

            Bundle bundle = pager.FirstPage(snapshot, pageSize); //TODO: This replaces the selflink with a link to the snapshot...
            store.Include(bundle, includes);

            if (results.HasIssues)
                var outcomeEntry = BundleEntryFactory.CreateFromResource(results.Outcome, new Uri("outcome/1", UriKind.Relative), DateTimeOffset.Now);
                outcomeEntry.SelfLink = outcomeEntry.Id;

            return bundle;
Exemple #45
        public Bundle History(DateTimeOffset? since)
            if (since == null) since = DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            string title = String.Format("Full server-wide history for updates since {0}", since);
            RestUrl self = new RestUrl(this.Endpoint).AddPath(RestOperation.HISTORY);

            /*IEnumerable<BundleEntry> entries = store.ListVersions(since, Const.MAX_HISTORY_RESULT_SIZE);
            Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot.Create(title, self.Uri, null, entries, entries.Count());
            ICollection<Uri> keys = store.HistoryKeys(since);
            Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot.Create(title, self.Uri, null, keys, keys.Count());

            Bundle bundle = pager.FirstPage(snapshot, Const.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
            return bundle;
        public TransactionBuilder EndpointOperation(RestUrl endpoint, Parameters parameters, bool useGet = false)
            var entry = newEntry(useGet ? Bundle.HTTPVerb.GET : Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST);
            entry.Resource = parameters;
            var path = new RestUrl(endpoint);
            addEntry(entry, path);

            return this;
Exemple #47
        public TransactionBuilder EndpointOperation(RestUrl endpoint, string name, Parameters parameters, bool useGet = false)
            var path = new RestUrl(endpoint).AddPath(OPERATIONPREFIX + name);

            return(EndpointOperation(path, parameters, useGet));
        public TransactionBuilder Create(Resource body, SearchParams condition)
            var entry = newEntry(Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST);
            entry.Resource = body;
            var path = newRestUrl().AddPath(body.TypeName);

            var nonExist = new RestUrl(path);
            entry.Request.IfNoneExist = nonExist.ToString();
            addEntry(entry, path);

            return this;
Exemple #49
 private void addEntry(Bundle.EntryComponent newEntry, RestUrl path)
     newEntry.Request.Url = HttpUtil.MakeRelativeFromBase(path.Uri, _baseUrl).ToString();
Exemple #50
        public Bundle History(string collection, string id, DateTimeOffset? since, string sortby)
            Uri key = BuildKey(collection, id);

            if (!store.Exists(key))
                throw new SparkException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "There is no history because there is no {0} resource with id {1}.", collection, id);

            string title = String.Format("History for updates on '{0}' resource '{1}' since {2}", collection, id, since);
            RestUrl self = new RestUrl(this.Endpoint).AddPath(collection, id, RestOperation.HISTORY);

            IEnumerable<Uri> keys = store.History(key, since);
            Bundle bundle = pager.CreateSnapshotAndGetFirstPage(title, self.Uri, keys, sortby);

            return bundle;
        public static HttpWebRequest ToHttpRequest(this Bundle.EntryComponent entry,
                                                   Prefer bodyPreference, ResourceFormat format, bool useFormatParameter, bool CompressRequestBody, out byte[] body)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", entry.Request.Method, entry.Request.Url);

            var interaction = entry.Request;

            body = null;

            if (entry.Resource != null && !(interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT))
                throw Error.InvalidOperation("Cannot have a body on an Http " + interaction.Method.ToString());

            var location = new RestUrl(interaction.Url);

            if (useFormatParameter)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildFormatParam(format));

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(location.Uri);

            request.Method = interaction.Method.ToString();
            setAgent(request, ".NET FhirClient for FHIR " + Model.ModelInfo.Version);

            if (!useFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);

            if (interaction.IfMatch != null)
                request.Headers["If-Match"] = interaction.IfMatch;
            if (interaction.IfNoneMatch != null)
                request.Headers["If-None-Match"] = interaction.IfNoneMatch;
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.IfModifiedSince = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime;
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"] = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString();
            if (interaction.IfNoneExist != null)
                request.Headers["If-None-Exist"] = interaction.IfNoneExist;

            if (interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT)
                request.Headers["Prefer"] = bodyPreference == Prefer.ReturnMinimal ? "return=minimal" : "return=representation";

            if (entry.Resource != null)
                setBodyAndContentType(request, entry.Resource, format, CompressRequestBody, out body);
            // PCL doesn't support setting the length (and in this case will be empty anyway)
                request.ContentLength = 0;
Exemple #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements comparison of two RestUrls based on the FHIR rules set out in http.html#
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsSameUrl(RestUrl other)
            var meUri = new RestUrl(this).ClearParams().ToString().RemovePrefix("http://").RemovePrefix("https://");
            var otherUri = new RestUrl(other).ClearParams().ToString().RemovePrefix("http://").RemovePrefix("https://");

            return meUri == otherUri;
Exemple #53
		public async Task<WebResponse> GetResponseAsync(ResourceFormat? acceptFormat)
			bool needsFormatParam = UseFormatParameter && acceptFormat.HasValue;

			var location = new RestUrl(_location);

			if (needsFormatParam)
				location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(acceptFormat.Value));

			System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("(async) {0}: {1}", _method, location.ToString());

			HttpWebRequest request = createRequest(location.Uri, _method);

			if (acceptFormat != null && !UseFormatParameter)
				request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(acceptFormat.Value, forBundle: false);

			if (_categoryHeader != null) 
				request.Headers[HttpUtil.CATEGORY] = _categoryHeader;

			if (_body != null)
				request.ContentType = _contentType;
				if (_contentLocation != null) 
					request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation] = _contentLocation;
				await request.WriteBodyAsync(_body);

			// Make sure the caller disposes the HttpResponse gets disposed...
            if (_beforeRequest != null) _beforeRequest(request);
            var webResponse = await request.GetResponseAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Timeout));
            if (_afterRequest != null) _afterRequest(webResponse, null);

            return response;
Exemple #54
        public Bundle History(string collection, DateTimeOffset? since, string sortby)
            string title = String.Format("Full server-wide history for updates since {0}", since);
            RestUrl self = new RestUrl(this.Endpoint).AddPath(collection, RestOperation.HISTORY);

            IEnumerable<Uri> keys = store.History(collection, since);
            Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot.Create(title, self.Uri, keys, sortby);

            Bundle bundle = pager.GetPage(snapshot);
            return bundle;
        public static HttpRequestMessage ToHttpRequestMessage(this EntryRequest entry, Uri baseUrl, FhirClientSettings settings)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", entry.Method, entry.Url);

            if (entry.RequestBodyContent != null && !(entry.Method == HTTPVerb.POST || entry.Method == HTTPVerb.PUT))
                throw Error.InvalidOperation("Cannot have a body on an Http " + entry.Method.ToString());

            // Create an absolute uri when the interaction.Url is relative.
            var uri = new Uri(entry.Url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

            if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                uri = HttpUtil.MakeAbsoluteToBase(uri, baseUrl);

            var location = new RestUrl(uri);

            if (settings.UseFormatParameter)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(settings.PreferredFormat));

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(getMethod(entry.Method), location.Uri);

            request.Headers.Add("User-Agent", ".NET FhirClient for FHIR " + entry.Agent);

            if (!settings.UseFormatParameter)
                request.Headers.Accept.Add(MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue.Parse(ContentType.BuildContentType(settings.PreferredFormat, forBundle: false)));

            if (entry.Headers.IfMatch != null)
                request.Headers.Add("If-Match", entry.Headers.IfMatch);
            if (entry.Headers.IfNoneMatch != null)
                request.Headers.Add("If-None-Match", entry.Headers.IfNoneMatch);
            if (entry.Headers.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.Headers.IfModifiedSince = entry.Headers.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime;
            if (entry.Headers.IfNoneExist != null)
                request.Headers.Add("If-None-Exist", entry.Headers.IfNoneExist);

            var interactionType = entry.Type;

            bool canHaveReturnPreference() => entry.Type == InteractionType.Create ||
            entry.Type == InteractionType.Update ||
            entry.Type == InteractionType.Patch;

            if (canHaveReturnPreference() && settings.PreferredReturn != null)
                if (settings.PreferredReturn == Prefer.RespondAsync)
                    request.Headers.Add("Prefer", PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo <string>(settings.PreferredReturn));
                    request.Headers.Add("Prefer", "return=" + PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo <string>(settings.PreferredReturn));

            else if (interactionType == InteractionType.Search && settings.PreferredParameterHandling != null)
                List <string> preferHeader = new List <string>();
                if (settings.PreferredParameterHandling.HasValue)
                    preferHeader.Add("handling=" + settings.PreferredParameterHandling.GetLiteral());
                if (settings.PreferredReturn.HasValue && settings.PreferredReturn == Prefer.RespondAsync)
                if (preferHeader.Count > 0)
                    request.Headers.Add("Prefer", string.Join(", ", preferHeader));

            if (entry.RequestBodyContent != null)
                setContentAndContentType(request, entry.RequestBodyContent, entry.ContentType, settings.PreferredFormat);

Exemple #56
        public Bundle History(DateTimeOffset? since, string sortby)
            if (since == null) since = DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            string title = String.Format("Full server-wide history for updates since {0}", since);
            RestUrl self = new RestUrl(this.Endpoint).AddPath(RestOperation.HISTORY);

            IEnumerable<Uri> keys = store.History(since);
            Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot.Create(title, self.Uri, keys, sortby);

            Bundle bundle = pager.GetPage(snapshot, 0, Const.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
            return bundle;
        public TransactionBuilder EndpointOperation(RestUrl endpoint, string name, Parameters parameters, bool useGet = false)
            var path = new RestUrl(endpoint).AddPath(OPERATIONPREFIX + name);

            return EndpointOperation(path, parameters, useGet);
Exemple #58
        public Bundle History(string collection, DateTimeOffset? since)
            if (since == null) since = DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            string title = String.Format("Full server-wide history for updates since {0}", since);
            RestUrl self = new RestUrl(this.Endpoint).AddPath(collection, RestOperation.HISTORY);

            IEnumerable<BundleEntry> entries = store.ListVersionsInCollection(collection, since, Const.MAX_HISTORY_RESULT_SIZE);
           // Bundle bundle = BundleEntryFactory.CreateBundleWithEntries(title, self.Uri, Const.AUTHOR, Settings.AuthorUri, entries);
            var snapshot = Snapshot.Create(title, self.Uri, null, entries, Snapshot.NOCOUNT);
            return exportPagedSnapshot(snapshot);