private static void PutPatient() { Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient clientFhir = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient(StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint(), false); //Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient clientFhir = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient("", false); clientFhir.Timeout = 1000 * 720; // give the call a while to execute (particularly while debugging). //clientFhir.Timeout = 30000; // give the call a while to execute (particularly while debugging). Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient Pat = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient(); //Pat.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Pat.Name = new List<Hl7.Fhir.Model.HumanName>() { new Hl7.Fhir.Model.HumanName() { Family = "millar104" } }; var response = clientFhir.Create<Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient>(Pat); string PatientResourceId = response.Id; Assert.AreEqual("1", response.VersionId); Pat.Id = PatientResourceId; Pat.Name[0].Family = "millar105"; response = clientFhir.Update<Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient>(Pat); Assert.AreEqual("2", response.VersionId); var PatientResult = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient)clientFhir.Get($"{StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint()}/{PatientResourceId}"); Assert.AreEqual(Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceType.Patient, PatientResult.ResourceType); }
public void Test_CRUD() { Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient clientFhir = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient(StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint(), false); clientFhir.Timeout = 1000 * 720; // give the call a while to execute (particularly while debugging). string PatientResourceId = string.Empty; //Add a Patient resource by Update Patient PatientOne = new Patient(); PatientOne.Name.Add(HumanName.ForFamily("TestPatient").WithGiven("Test")); PatientOne.BirthDateElement = new Date("1979-09-30"); string PatientOneMRNIdentifer = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); PatientOne.Identifier.Add(new Identifier(StaticTestData.TestIdentiferSystem, PatientOneMRNIdentifer)); PatientOne.Gender = AdministrativeGender.Unknown; Patient PatientResult = null; try { PatientResult = clientFhir.Create(PatientOne); } catch (Exception Exec) { Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on resource Create: " + Exec.Message); } Assert.NotNull(PatientResult, "Resource create by Updated returned resource of null"); PatientResourceId = PatientResult.Id; PatientResult = null; //Get the Added resource by Id try { //PatientOneResourceId PatientResult = (Patient)clientFhir.Get($"{StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint()}/Patient/{PatientResourceId}"); } catch (Exception Exec) { Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on resource Get: " + Exec.Message); } Assert.NotNull(PatientResult, "Resource Get returned resource of null"); Assert.AreEqual(PatientResourceId, PatientResult.Id, "Resource created by Updated has incorrect Resource Id"); Assert.AreEqual(AdministrativeGender.Unknown, PatientResult.Gender, "Patient gender does not match."); //Update PatientResult.Gender = AdministrativeGender.Male; try { clientFhir.Update(PatientResult); } catch (Exception Exec) { Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on resource Get: " + Exec.Message); } PatientResult = null; //Get the Added resource by Id try { PatientResult = (Patient)clientFhir.Get($"{StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint()}/Patient/{PatientResourceId}"); } catch (Exception Exec) { Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on resource Get: " + Exec.Message); } Assert.NotNull(PatientResult, "Resource Get returned resource of null"); Assert.AreEqual(AdministrativeGender.Male, PatientResult.Gender, "Patient gender does not match."); //Delete Resource try { clientFhir.Delete($"Patient/{PatientResourceId}"); } catch (Exception Exec) { Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on resource Get: " + Exec.Message); } //Get the Added resource by Id try { var Result = clientFhir.Get($"{StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint()}/Patient/{PatientResourceId}"); } catch (Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirOperationException OpExec) { Assert.AreEqual(OpExec.Status, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Gone, "Final Get did not return Http Status of Gone."); } }
public void Test_ConditionalCreate() { Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient clientFhir = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient(StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint(), false); clientFhir.Timeout = 1000 * 600; // give the call a while to execute (particularly while debugging). string TempResourceVersion = string.Empty; string TempResourceId = string.Empty; //Best to have this clean up here as things can get out of //synch with the database when debugging. //We always need a clean db to start run. var sp = new SearchParams().Where("identifier=|"); try { clientFhir.Delete("Patient", sp); } catch (Exception Exec) { Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on conditional delete of resource G: " + Exec.Message); } // Prepare test patient Patient PatientOne = new Patient(); PatientOne.Name.Add(HumanName.ForFamily("FhirMan").WithGiven("Sam")); PatientOne.BirthDateElement = new Date("1970-01"); PatientOne.Identifier.Add(new Identifier(StaticTestData.TestIdentiferSystem, "5")); SearchParams SearchParams = new SearchParams().Where("identifier=5"); try { var ResultOne = clientFhir.Create(PatientOne, SearchParams); TempResourceId = ResultOne.Id; TempResourceVersion = ResultOne.VersionId; } catch (FhirOperationException execOper) { Assert.Fail("Exception was thrown on Condition Create, message was: " + execOper.Message); } try { //This will return status OK but does not commit the resource and therefore //does not increment the resource version number clientFhir.Create(PatientOne, SearchParams); } catch (FhirOperationException execOper) { Assert.Fail("Exception was thrown on Condition Create, message was: " + execOper.Message); } try { //This will return status OK but does not commit the resource and therefore //does not increment the resource version number var PatientResult = (Patient)clientFhir.Get($"{StaticTestData.FhirEndpoint()}/Patient/{TempResourceId}"); Assert.AreEqual(TempResourceVersion, PatientResult.VersionId, "The Version Id was not correct post Conditional Create when Resource was found."); } catch (FhirOperationException execOper) { Assert.Fail("Exception was thrown on Condition Create get operation, message was: " + execOper.Message); } // Create another Patient with the same name Patient PatientTwo = new Patient(); PatientTwo.Name.Add(HumanName.ForFamily("FhirMan").WithGiven("Sam")); PatientTwo.BirthDateElement = new Date("1970-01"); PatientTwo.Identifier.Add(new Identifier(StaticTestData.TestIdentiferSystem, "6")); try { var ResultTwo = clientFhir.Create(PatientTwo); } catch (FhirOperationException execOper) { Assert.Fail("Exception was thrown on Condition Create, message was: " + execOper.Message); } //Now try an Create another again with a search on the Name //This should fail as it will resolve to many resource Patient PatientThree = new Patient(); PatientThree.Name.Add(HumanName.ForFamily("FhirMan").WithGiven("Sam")); PatientThree.BirthDateElement = new Date("1970-01"); PatientThree.Identifier.Add(new Identifier(StaticTestData.TestIdentiferSystem, "7")); SearchParams = new SearchParams().Where("family=FhirMan").Where("given=Sam"); try { var ResultThree = clientFhir.Create(PatientTwo, SearchParams); Assert.IsNull(ResultThree, "ResultThree should be null as the ConditionaCreate search parameters should find many resource"); } catch (FhirOperationException execOper) { Assert.AreEqual(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, execOper.Status, "Did not get Http status 412 when resolving against many resources on ConditionalCreate"); } //Clean up by deleting all resources created while also testing Conditional Delete many sp = new SearchParams().Where("identifier=|"); try { clientFhir.Delete("Patient", sp); } catch (Exception Exec) { Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on conditional delete of resource G: " + Exec.Message); } }