public static List <EarthquakeObj> EarthquakeTrans(object earthquakeEvent, EarthquakeDataSource dataSource,
                                                           string startTime, string endTime)
            EarthquakeObjConverter.startTime = startTime;
            EarthquakeObjConverter.endTime   = endTime;

            if (earthquakeEvent == null)

            switch (dataSource)
            case EarthquakeDataSource.PALERT:
                List <Palert> palertEventList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Palert> >((string)earthquakeEvent);
                foreach (Palert palertEvent in palertEventList)
                    EarthquakeObj eq = palertTrans(palertEvent);

            case EarthquakeDataSource.CWB:

            case EarthquakeDataSource.CKAN:
                JObject ckanList = JObject.Parse((string)earthquakeEvent);

            case EarthquakeDataSource.TESIS:


            // DEBUG
        // Transform palert object to earthquake object
        private static EarthquakeObj palertTrans(Palert palertEvent)
            // The time string format of palert : YYYYMMDDhhmmss
            // We only need YYYYMMDDhhmm
            // The time format in P-alert is UTC, we need to convert it into GMT+8
            string   timeString_   = palertEvent.Timestring;
            DateTime timeString_dt = new DateTime(int.Parse(timeString_.Substring(0, 4)), int.Parse(timeString_.Substring(4, 2)),
                                                  int.Parse(timeString_.Substring(6, 2)), int.Parse(timeString_.Substring(8, 2)),
                                                  int.Parse(timeString_.Substring(10, 2)), int.Parse(timeString_.Substring(12, 2)));

            // UTC time + 8 hours = GMT+8 (Time zone of Taiwan)
            timeString_dt = timeString_dt.AddHours(8);

            string timeString = timeString_dt.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm");

            string lat = palertEvent.Lat;
            string lng = palertEvent.Lng;

            // The unit of depth of palert event is KM too.
            string depth     = palertEvent.Depth;
            string magnitude = palertEvent.Magnitude;
            EarthquakeDataSource dataSource = EarthquakeDataSource.PALERT;

            // The format of the link of the p-alert data : Domain + Key
            //      Domain  :
            //      Key     :   YYYYMMDDhhmmss
            //      And the Key is equal to palertEvent.Timestring

            string Domain = "";
            string Key    = palertEvent.Timestring;

            string dataLink = Domain + Key;

            EarthquakeObj eq = new EarthquakeObj(timeString, lat, lng, depth, magnitude, dataSource, dataLink);

        private static void tesisTrans(string tesisList)
            // The response of TESIS stores in tesisList.
            // Example : ["992","993","994","995","996","997"];
            // This means we need to call another API to get these events
            // Example :
            // And then we will got a JSON list of earthquakes.

            // Get rid of symbols like '\', '"', '[', ']'
            string pattern = "[\\\"\\[\\]]";
            Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);

            // tesisList_ will contain all the earthquake event ID
            string[] tesisList_ = regex.Replace(tesisList, "").Split(',');

            // Go to the dataset and take out the earthquake data
            // string api_url = "" + firstid + '&' +  secondid;
            // firstid = firstid=992
            // secondid = secondid=997
            // This API will output all the earthquake data between id 992 and 997

            string firstid  = "firstid=" + tesisList_[0];
            string secondid = "secondid=" + tesisList_[tesisList_.Length - 1];
            string api_url  = "" + firstid + '&' + secondid;

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(api_url);

            request.Method      = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
            request.ContentType = "application/json";

            using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                            string data = reader.ReadToEnd();

                            JObject        datalist      = JObject.Parse(data);
                            IList <JToken> datalist_JSON = datalist["earthquakes"].Children().ToList();

                            foreach (JToken dataResult in datalist_JSON)
                                string eqData = dataResult["cwb"].ToString();

                                Tesis tesis = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Tesis>(eqData.ToString());

                                // The time zone of tesis.timestring is GMT + 0
                                // We need to add 8 hours to match the time zone of Taiwan (GMT + 8)

                                DateTime tesisDt = new DateTime(int.Parse(tesis.timestring.Substring(0, 4)), int.Parse(tesis.timestring.Substring(4, 2)), int.Parse(tesis.timestring.Substring(6, 2)),
                                                                int.Parse(tesis.timestring.Substring(8, 2)), int.Parse(tesis.timestring.Substring(10, 2)), int.Parse(tesis.timestring.Substring(12, 2)));
                                tesisDt = tesisDt.AddHours(8);
                                string timeString = tesisDt.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm");

                                EarthquakeObj eq = new EarthquakeObj(timeString, tesis.Latitude, tesis.Longitude, tesis.Depth, tesis.ML, EarthquakeDataSource.TESIS,
                                                                     "" + tesis.Date + "%22&time=%22" + tesis.Time + "%22");
        // Transform CKAN object to earthquake object
        private static void ckanTrans(JObject ckanlist)
            IList <JToken> results  = ckanlist["result"]["packages"].Children().ToList();
            IList <Ckan>   ckanList = new List <Ckan>();

            foreach (JToken result in results)
                bool HasDetailFile = false;
                // The JSON file name format is equal to timestring
                string   name      = result["name"].ToString();
                string[] dateParse = (startTime + '&' + endTime).Split('&', '-');

                // Find the Dataset
                if (int.Parse(name.Substring(0, 8)) >= int.Parse(dateParse[0] + dateParse[1] + dateParse[2]) &&
                    int.Parse(name.Substring(0, 8)) <= int.Parse(dateParse[3] + dateParse[4] + dateParse[5]))
                    // Go to the dataset and take out the earthquake data
                    //string dataset_url = "" + name;
                    string dataset_url = ConstCkan.CkanAPIPrefix + "/package_show?id=" + name;

                    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(dataset_url);
                    request.Method      = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
                    request.ContentType = "application/json";

                    using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                        if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                            using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                                    string data = reader.ReadToEnd();

                                    JObject        datalist      = JObject.Parse(data);
                                    IList <JToken> datalist_JSON = datalist["result"]["resources"].Children().ToList();

                                    foreach (JToken dataResult in datalist_JSON)
                                        string dataName = dataResult["name"].ToString();

                                        if (dataName == name)
                                            HttpWebRequest request2 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(dataResult["url"].ToString());
                                            request2.Method      = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
                                            request2.ContentType = "application/json";
                                            using (var response2 = (HttpWebResponse)request2.GetResponse())
                                                if (response2.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                                                    using (var stream2 = response2.GetResponseStream())
                                                        using (var reader2 = new StreamReader(stream2))
                                                            string data2 = reader2.ReadToEnd();

                                                            Ckan          ckan = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Ckan>(data2.ToString());
                                                            EarthquakeObj eq   = new EarthquakeObj(ckan.Timestring, ckan.Lat, ckan.Lng, ckan.Depth, ckan.Magnitude, EarthquakeDataSource.CKAN, "http://" + ConstCkan.CkanIP + "/dataset/" + name);
                                                            HasDetailFile = true;
                                    if (!HasDetailFile)
                                        EarthquakeObj eq = new EarthquakeObj(name, "-1", "-1", "-1", "-1", EarthquakeDataSource.CKAN, "http://" + ConstCkan.CkanIP + "/dataset/" + name);

        // Transform CWB typhoon data to earthquake object
        private static void cwbTrans(string htmlData)
            bool datalistFound = false;
            bool firstRowSkip  = false;

            string[] data = htmlData.Split('\n');

            string timeString;
            string lat;
            string lng;
            string depth;
            string magnitude;
            string dataLink;

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                // First, find the table datalist4
                if (data[i].Contains("datalist4"))
                    datalistFound = true;

                // Skip the first row of datalist4
                if (datalistFound && !firstRowSkip)
                    if (data[i].Contains("<tr>"))
                        firstRowSkip = true;

                // Every other rows are the data we need
                if (datalistFound && firstRowSkip)
                    // The data in the row is like :
                    // ID, Time, Lat, Lng, Magnitude, Depth, Central
                    // And the HTML of the table row is like :
                    // <td>
                    // <a href="....."> THE DATA WE NEED </a>
                    // </td><td>
                    // <a href="....."> THE DATA WE NEED 2</a>
                    // ...
                    // </tr><tr>
                    if (data[i].Contains("<tr>"))
                        i++; // go to next line

                        // This line is <td>
                        // Skip.

                        // <a href="?ItemId=49&fileString=2016030119411338">EARTHQUAKE ID</a>
                        // We can get timestring here.
                        // We can also get data link here.
                        string[] timeStringtmp = data[i].Split(new char[] { '=', '\'' });
                        timeString = timeStringtmp[4].Substring(0, 12);
                        dataLink   = "" + timeStringtmp[4];

                        // </td><td>

                        // Time, but we already got time string.
                        // Skip them.

                        //<a href="xxx">X月X日X時X分</a>
                        i = i + 2;

                        // Longitude

                        // <a href="xxx">123.4</a>
                        string[] tmp = data[i].Split(new char[] { '>', '<' });
                        lng = tmp[2];


                        // Latitude
                        // Same as above.
                        tmp = data[i].Split(new char[] { '>', '<' });
                        lat = tmp[2];
                        i   = i + 2;

                        // Magnitude
                        tmp       = data[i].Split(new char[] { '>', '<' });
                        magnitude = tmp[2];
                        i         = i + 2;

                        // Depth
                        tmp   = data[i].Split(new char[] { '>', '<' });
                        depth = tmp[2];

                        EarthquakeObj eq = new EarthquakeObj(timeString, lat, lng, depth, magnitude, EarthquakeDataSource.CWB, dataLink);

                    else if (data[i].Contains("</table>"))